Monday, January 27, 2014

Sister Wives 1-26-14 (#SisterWives)

Sunday Sister Wives show was gripping. It started out with the continuation of Mariah going off to college and her mother and father surprising her with a car for her journey, but Christina notice her daughter Truley was getting worse. Truley, by the was I love this name, was sick when the wives went on a short vacation last week and her mother came home and thought maybe she had the touch of the flu, but Truley became crossed eyes and her mother knew something was wrong and rushed her to the pediatrician. The pediatrician, let Christina know that Truley was very sick and that she needed to take her to the children's hospital emergency room ASAP. Yes it turned out that Truley was sicker than they thought and she was in acute kidney failure. This little three year old was very dehydrated, it was found that she did have the touch of the flu and was not really drinking any liquids which lead to her becoming very dehydrated and in serious condition. Truley could not use the bathroom, the hospital tried giving her all kinds of things to make her use the bathroom and the doctors wanted to try everything they could before putting a three year old on dialysis. By this point I was really getting scared and I having a mother on dialysis I could not imagine a three year old on it. After many tries all the conventional ways of helping Truley go was not working and the doctors told the family that they had to put her on dialysis, my heart just fail, I could not believe that Truley would be on dialysis I started to really become scared for this baby as if she was mind. After they started her on dialysis Christina and Kody explained that the dialysis was not working, Truley was still not using the bathroom and the tears ran down my face, I was not sure if I should watch the show anyone more in fear of finding out Truley had died. The family prayed and I prayed with them, this family have real faith but it was really hard on the children because they did not know if they would see their little sister again. The tears continue down my face and Christina finally came back with the news she did it, she used the bathroom and Truley was doing much better, this little girl made a remarkable come back and she came out the hospital as though nothing happen, she jump out her daddy's arm and walked into the house after getting out the hospital. Truley even graced us with her presence by talking on camera and telling us her story, very well spoken little girl and she definitely stole my heart. What a very brave and strong girl, and her name is Truley. I want to say I love you truly and you and your family are always in my prayers. This was a real life heartfelt episode and if you have never prayed in your life you would have prayed watching this.

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