Thursday, January 2, 2014

Couples Thearpy 1-2-14 (@CouplesThearpyV)

I just watched couples therapy season premier and I like all the couples that came but one is this is that Farrah from teen mom who constantly stay in headlines, I guess to keep herself in the spotlight. Farrah was one of the worst teen mom's that I have ever watched on television, she treated her parents like they were trashed, as she called them by their first name and cursed them into the ground when they tried to help her. Farrah mom was always trying to help her because she wanted to make sure her grandchild was doing alright but Farrah made it more than hard for her mom to help her and lot of this was because she thought she could be independent because she was making money fro the show. That is one reason I disagree with these teen age mom reality shows because a lot of the young girls go on the show with the focus of getting money. They want easy money and they have found out that they can do this by becoming pregnant as teen moms and getting on television and this is exactly what happen to Farrah. This girl was all about the money and when she started making it she decided she could move on her own and live life from her popularity on this television. This girl moved to another state so she could get far away from her mother, in what she said was to go to culinary school and she said this was her all time dream and this is what she was doing with her life, but what is she doing, she is constantly in the headlines and now she according to this show selling sex toys. Now I am not saying that anything is wrong with that, as a matter of fact I would go in this business if I could myself, but what happen to that culinary career and the reason she was going to school and what about her young daughter Sophia. Now Farrah is on couples therapy and guess what, she does not have a partner, you heard it right this young lady came to couples therapy alone and said that she could not get a hold of her boyfriend of five months. Yes, she has this boyfriend of five months and wanted him to come to couple therapy with her, can you say television opportunity. To me this is just another television opportunity for this young lady but for some reason it went haywire, because for some strange reason the boyfriend decided to run. This girl was talking in a session in the couple therapy room and she said this always seem to happen to her so she is starting to think she is the common factor, you think. Yes Farrah you are the common factor, I watched this girl date a couple of guys why she was on teen mom and the first thing she would do is starting talking about being married and having a family, to these guys she barely knew, she went of a second date with one of the guys and said when did he think they would get married. Can you believe this, on a second date and the girl talked about marrying the guy. The doctor asked the other couples what did they think about her staying there being along and they said they were okay with it, but her not having a partner I do not think she deserve to be there because all she is trying to do is get television time to get paid or get another opportunity to do something that will get her a show. I saw future episode they will be having and they showed that the boyfriend will eventually come but from the clips they were showing he is not staying, so I think she should go. I am glad to she that John Gosselin will be coming on the show. This is one man that I think was given a hard time and was not really understood while his wife stole the spotlight for parading around. Personally I want John Gosselin and his new girlfriend get their own show, they are bringing a lot to this years couple therapy which is a plus in itself. This new woman John has is a tough cookie, she definitely is not that wimpy, phony acting Kate Gosselin who puts on those crocodile tears so that everyone can feel sorry for her. I will be watching this season of couples therapy because I want to see how all the couples relationship pan out and try to learn why they decided to keep Farrah without a partner, who am I fooling, this show is like any reality show, they want to get ratings and if they figure Farrah can bring them ratings then they include her in their program alone. If you ask me they would do us all a favor if they just kick her out the house and let her go take care of her child, she has the sex toys line why not forget trying to get your own television show Farrah, we do not need it.

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