Friday, June 5, 2015

Bruce aka Caitlyn the Jeffersons did it first

I did not take the time to speak on Bruce Jenner appearing as Caitlyn. So as I began to think on it it began writing my opinion I happen to have the television turned to the Jeffersons and happen to see the episode in which George was being visited by an old but from the Navy by the name of Eddie. Now the thing is Eddie was no longer that old Navy buddy that George once knew, he had a complete sex change and was now considered a female. He wanted to let George as well as some of his other buddies know what he had done and why. Eddie explain to George that he always knew but tried to fight the urge because of society.  Eddie she he was never happy in his own body until he had the sex change operation which had made him complete and comfortable with his new identity as a female name Edith. With this all being said we can relate this to Bruce or shall we say Caitlyn's own situation and how happy he looks on the cover of the magazine in his new body as well as in some of the clippings of a new show he has coming out when he goes out in the world as Caitlyn. How ironic that this show in the seventies is so closely related to what we are now learning what Bruce is goimg through.  It makes me wonder if Bruce actually watch this episode of the Jeffersons in envy of Eddie coming out as his true self with hopes that one day he would be able to do so as well. I can only imagine how it must have been, especially since in this episode George could not accept his friend transition at first and choose to run away at first sight. Eddie told George thst he had lost all of his friend because of it and had to get new ones. Now fortunately the time Bruce is coming out is very different and people are more accepting so Bruce don't have to worry about losing all his friends or being judge by so many. What I do know for sure is Caitlyn is absolutely gorgeous and if you ask me she should have come out when she was younger because I am sure she would have been fierce from looking at the older version.  Good luck Miss Caitlyn Jenner.

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