Monday, April 27, 2015

Lizzie Borden Chronicles (A Show To Watch)

I have not found much to look at on Sunday nights, you know since the walking dead. I try and watch the Real housewives of Atlanta but of course that show has just gone side ways, although they are on their reunion. I tried watching the Sweat and Heels reality show, but for me that show is just not doing it, yes it has it drama and it cat fight moments but it is another in a thousand right now. So as I searched on I remember that I caught a few episodes of the Lizzie Borden Chronicles and liked it, so I found it again and I began watching it and just remembered exactly how much I like the show. Yes it is not reality but I tell you this show is off the chain and the actress Christina Ricci is playing the hell out of Lizzie. She is bringing this character to such a level you can almost imagine that this is what Lizzie Borden did after she was acquitted of her parents death, although there was nothing really written on her after life, we all who are interested could only imagine. The imagination of the writer is as I could not begin to dream up, this series is thrilling and I do not mean on just one episode, it is every episode. Each week you try and imagine who will Lizzie kill next and how will she go by it, as well as how she will cover it up. Last Sunday night Lizzie's secret was discovered by one person, another woman who I believe could have almost been Lizzie's equal. Lizzie and this woman went toe to toe in a battle over a gun and before it was over the woman had stab Lizzie only to get interrupted by someone else and the woman fell down to her death. Wow it was the best woman's catfight than any of the reality shows could have made up. Quick on her feet, typical Lizzie began thinking about what to say and she repeated that the woman tried to kill her and how the woman had a gun, yes Lizzie got away with the spotlight on her as this woman was now dead and the only other witness was a man who came upon the scene right at the woman was stabbing Lizzie, how epic right. Lizzie Borden can do no wrong, this woman is as tough as she is strong, mess with her and you will see that your final days are soon to be. My very own take on how Lizzie Borden handles things she see as obstacles in her way. Give the show a peek and catch up on past episodes, you will be surprised at how taken you are with this show. Great entertainment for a Sunday night, instead of women who think talking behind everyone back every show and how bad someone hair looks make them a bad a**, get a life it is getting old.

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