Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Love & Hip Hop NY (#LHHNY, @LoveHipHopVH1)

Yes Love & Hip Hop I watched you on Monday night, what can I say. I watched Peter Gunz still try to get Amina back and then this man who wants it old had the nerve to get jealous of Amina bringing someone back into her life that she use to date, can you believe Peter had the nerve to call the man a snake and said he did not trust him. This is a man that was skipping from Amina bed to Tara bed the entire last season and acted as if he did nothing wrong, pot calling kettle black. Rich has done it again, he has managed to screw up businesses relationships as well as old relationships, Rich is suppose to be all about his money and although he has made a liquor that is doing great, he somehow has managed to run any women he knows out of his life. I think Rich should really focus on his business and business only and leave the cray, cray women alone, enough is enough of the drama. If Rich wants to manage someone he needs to manage people that was not part of his past, and by the way pay your child support man. I was glad to see Tara get her business off the ground and she has seem to finally realize that being friends with Peter is all that she needs for her boys, all that dipping in the bed with him was just making her look desperate, so now Tara has learn to do just her and to move or with what is important. Yandy my girl has had her baby girl and I am so proud of her and Mendeecees, these two show us what a strong black couple is and that makes me proud, now bring on the wedding please, it has been long enough. This girl Jhonni I have to say is plenty cray, cray but she has a voice on her, the girl can sing, she needs to learn how to turned it down instead of turning it up and maybe her career will get off to a banging start. As for poor Diamond who went to Cisco to see why he dipped out on her and Cisco actually manned up and admitted it was not her it was him, Cisco seem like he trying to take a step in the right direction, beautiful children by the way. Cyn did great her song is a hit and she is making plenty of money for her charity, a great cause Cyn, wonderful idea you came up with, I never know why Erika did you the way that she did because you have a beautiful soul. Erika Meana we did not get to see much of you this season girl because you in your la la world with the preparation of your marriage to bow wow, all I can say is wow. Now we come to Chrissy and Chink sitting in a tree trying to force a guy to marry me. That is what I felt like, Chrissy tried to force Chink into something the man was not ready for, she tried to trick the man and get pregnant without his knowledge, she pressured the man into introducing her to his father he did, she tried by an apartment and move the man in. I mean no harm or disrespect but I heard of woman making a man or pushing him into a relationship before he was ready and they had the nerve to say that this is how they got their man, did they really get their man or they got a man who resents being there? Now from my own experience I have notice that it is women of a particular race that believes this is how you get your man. For me forcing any man before he makes the choice only gets you a man in your bed not in his hear, because when he is ready and he makes that move than you are in his heart and on his mind, just think about it. Personally I am glad Chink backed off because it was not right of Chrissy to try and force a man to do something she wanted, why would you. The scary part was between Cisco and his babies mama, the tension that I felt through the television was real. The deep rooted issues between these two is something that needs some serious counseling for their children sake. I enjoy the show, waiting for the next season but now bring on Love & Hip Hop Atlanta.

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