Sunday, December 20, 2015

Real Housewives of Atlanta (#RHOA)

Okay I have been watching the show, only because The Walking Dead is off for the season. What can I say about the show, well I am trying to find the words. If I had to sum it up in one word, I would say BORING, yes that is what I said. Why do I say this because although the women are having disagreements, mostly Porsha and Cynthia. The show is trying to turn into a cumbya moment, Kenya of all people is trying to so call bring women together in harmony, yes the same woman that causes most of the rift between the women by talking plain old sh** and these women take it. Now Sheree, umm hmm, the so called bad a** literally bow down to Kenya in defeat after the women talked about her spa/house and how the neighbors have been coming to her about when will Sheree get this place finished, shade. Now Kenya seems to be hating on Porsha's friend, for all kinds of ways. Kim Fields is staying, what she says is true to herself and that is loving on her family, yep you guessed it no where on this show for someone like that. Can we say to the left to the left with Kim and how about that Marlo that is making appearances here and there, what the "f". Now how about, okay I lost train of thought for a minute, this show is really slow. Lets talk about pregnant Kandi, she sleeps and she eats, everything she was doing before only ten times more. Kandi was always a big eater now she does not have to make excuses as to why, can't wait to see that outcome. Now to yawning Cynthia, the one who is trying to stay relevant so she is calling herself popping it off. Why don't she pop it off on that cheating husband of hers. We all know Cynthia would not know how to be a bad a** if she tried, her and Kenya both know how to start trouble but holler wolf when someone ready to pop it off on their a**. Yeah the show needs help, if they did not bring Porsha back it would completely be dead, so say what you want, talk what you like but NeNe made the show and without her I don't know what the hell we are looking at.

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