Monday, April 13, 2015

Black Ink Crew (@VH1, @BlackInkCrew, #BlackInkCrew)

I know I am not the only one who sees the craziness of Puma and Quani and how they try and turn everything they do around and put it on someone else. Everything Puma and Quani claim has a twist put on it, so why are they doing this, is it because maybe they are trying to get their own show so that they can factor in. Quani has no real job, Puma works for somebody else and tries to act like he is running things, I despise these kind of guys because they are all talk and no glory. Now I do not see Quani and Puma and Quani having their own show but they are talking about moving to Atlanta, one of the areas that black reality shows are flourishing. So what would Puma and Quni call their reality show, the Jackass and the Ugly Knight. Since Quani's mother claim that Puma saved the night when he attempted to fight Ceaser after the show he walked in. This so called brave man Puma, first of all had to get back up to try and take on Ceaser and Dutchess, how lame, while he ran like a bit**. Now I heard that Quani kicked Dutchess while she was down, how cowardly Quani, why not take Dutchess on your own since you are such as bad a**,  just like a New Yorker woman, all talk no bite, us women from the South do the one on one when we have a problem with a person, not a double team, that is a scared a** move. Now Ceaser punch the hell out of Puma friend and Puma, the bit** a** again tried to take a bottle to Ceaser's head and someone had to take the bottle out this dumb a** hand, do he not know he would have gotten an assault charge on him, but of course we know Puma somehow would have blamed it on Ceaser as he always does. Now I am trying to see where did Quani see that Puma actually showed where he could protect his family, unless it was so much going on and out of control that she actually thought that Puma was doing something. But I saw Puma like they say in that book, run spot run, see spot run, only it was see Puma run, run Puma run, how hilarious. Okay I have to ask O*sh** does he actually believe a test that his ex actually handle, Kathy can not be trusted and I would actually get the show to do a DNA and announce it on the reunion show to make sure this cray, cray did not tamper with the test. For all we know should could have just used O*sh** Dna and not even took her sons. Now for some great news my girl Sky is back and I was so proud of Teddy for admitting to his feelings and letting Sky know how she really felt. This guy Sky hooked up with from prison was a straight up dog and it is like Sky said, it is just a lesson learn and sometimes it takes a hard lesson before we actually really learn something. I love Sky's attitude toward how this guy took her money, she said it is gone no need to cry over spilled milk, lesson for the books and after the time I did in jail, why the hail will I complain after getting out. That is why I love you Sky because you are a real woman, you speak what you feel and you do what you mean, you always have words of wisdom for us viewers and if I did not know any better I would have to say you had a strong woman some where in your life that taught you this wisdom, for me it was my grandma. Now as for Sassy and her new girl Didi, although I am still not a fan of Sassy because she is a Puma supporter, I do like Sassy and Didi's relationship, now these two I think should go to Atlanta and start their own show. Sassy and Didi really do have a reality show in the making and their relationship is something the world is waiting for. So hopeful the producers will make the Sassy and Didi's reality and reality. Now the excitment on Black Ink has been the best this year and I am so hating to see the show go off for the season, what will replace it? I am also hoping that their will be a reunion show for Black Ink, I can not say that I every remember them having one, but they definately need to have one for this season and they need to rewind the tapes back so that Puma and Quani can explain what they claim they show in the incidents with Ceaser, because this was so twisted. Like I said before some people will do anything for a show and I am thinking this is Puma's and Quani's attention, to try and get their own so, I for one don't want to see it.

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