Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Walking Dead Season Finale

I usually do not talk about the Walking Dead that much because its not need to talk about a show that is so great and off the chain as this one that there is no need to talk about something that most already know and have their own opinion about. Now I have to say the season finale was of course good, I would say it kept a fan like me at a point that I am sure that I will keep watching. Now don't get mad at me people, I am a fanatic fan of the show as well but I have to say that some of the parts disappointed me and I know that the walking dead is a show that is not to please everyone as much as it is to shock everyone and get to thinking and talking about it. I have always believe that the writers believe that if you get people talking and debating about a show then you have your audience, because what gets more people drawn in then everyone talking about a show so deeply that they began feeling they are a part of it and know what the writers are trying to get across.  I was really disappointed with the so called priest (Gabriel) who decided that he would go ahead and sacrifice himself once and for all but at the last minute decided that he would back out, then he went back to the safe housing unit and left the great unlock to allow for walkers to get inside, not in turn making that ultimate sacrifice but more like sacrificing others as he had did of his church members. How can someone who calls himself a priest be so selfish. I heard someone say that he finally broke down and admitted to what he had done and they began feeling sorry for him, how do you feel sorry for someone who could have killed others because of his selfishness. The priest told Sasha to go ahead and kill him because he deserved it, da** right he deserved it, my question is why should he be spared and prayed over by Sasha and Maggie. Why did Maggie hold back the information she knew about Gabriel lying on the group, was it because she knew that Rick would possibly whip him or kick him out, maybe so and why not. Why not let a cowardly lion like Gabriel be thrown to the wolves like he throws everyone else and put everyone else in the danger of being killed. Gabriel has shown over and over again that he cares nothing about people and he puts others lives in danger, so why is forgiveness so important for this particular person, is that just so we have something to talk about and possibly get on a deeper level of issues such as forgiveness. Now we have Glenn fighting for his life, Rick whipping up on walkers as usual, Carol, Michonne and some of the extras fighting in a counsel meeting on Ricks faith, Darryl being rescued by Ricks rescuer, Sasha, Maggie and Gabriel sitting in a circle praying. Now in my personal opinion the best part of the finale was when Deanna gave Rick the okay to make the kill, now that is what I am talking about, too bad Morgan who is now in the Zen Zone had to Rick in such an Unzen way, but he will get over it. As much as Morgan who we all I am sure glad to see return has decided that he now is in a peaceful way, will in no way be able to be peaceful in a world like this. I went to see Morgan return but still have the fight that we saw him have in earlier episodes, remember how he had all those booby traps set up for the walkers? That's the Morgan I want to see. I don't want to see Gabriel crying every episode and doing absolutely nothing to help people, some priest, or sappiness from Maggie like she is in some Zen place of her own, or that PTSD from Sasha, although anyone going through what see went through in such a short period of time may develop a condition of this sort. I want to see this entire group man up because as we all know they will need it to fight these Wolves group that has come along and they seem like nothing to be played with. Another disappointing point for me was that Morgan had to of the idiots and let them go, do these people not get it that if you let people like this go they are more likely to hunt you down and try and kill you, what the hell is wrong with people letting groups of this sort loose to either terrorize them or others who may not be as strong. Okay Okay now after you all have read this and curse me out, I am here to say that The Walking Dead is still the number one show on to date and I do not know what I will be doing with my Sunday nights now that the show is gone for the season, please come back soon we need you to help rescue us from these Teen Mom reality shows that they keep trying to force on us.

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