Wednesday, October 1, 2014


I had a truck driver who often come into our establishment and he found himself compelled to let me know that he cheated on his wife. As I was talking to him I make light of the situation and told him that it is because men do not know how to cheat, not realizing that he really did cheat on his wife. After knowing that he was serious he felt it was okay to tell where he did go wrong in getting caught and what he did to rectify the situation. He let me know his wife is getting herself back into shape, and grooming herself more and that when she is done with the outside she will then make him pay for some new boobs after already making him by her a seven thousand dollar ring. Now I myself as a woman believe in making a man pay if he cheats but will that will this really fix the problem. I listen to this man talk about how his wife gained about forty pounds and really began letting herself go. He said she did not dress like she use to and that sex was limited. For all you men who do not know who who have yet to get married I am going to tell you that, she probably gained the forty pounds barring his two children, she let herself go because she as a real mom put her children first and the lack of sex is the tiredness from running around taking the children to their games, making sure the house is clean, making sure the bills are paid and making sure that dinner is on the table and this is a everyday thing when you have children. You can not get sick, but if you do you push through it, you can't take a day off because if you do your children will go hungry or not make it too an event. You have sex with your husband even when your tired, your body aches and it is just another responsibility because your husband does not really hold you anymore, take you out for a romantic dinner or even remind you what a wonderful wife and mother you are. What the man chooses to see is how much weight she has gained, how she has let herself go and how much sex he is not getting. So he goes to this woman he does not know, who possibly works with him and he notices that she is younger then his wife, she is is thinner then his wife and she smiles as he walks by. Without knowing this woman, he decides it is okay to flirt a little, which later on leads to other things. What is this woman who either knows or don't know this man is married, she feels he is ready to move on to something new and she is possibly that something new, for the woman that does not know he is married she believes that she has found true love and that he promised to her and her only. So he is caught up in a web of lies and for some crazy man thinking reason, he is okay with it. He wants to believe he can have this quick affair and continue to be with his wife like nothing is happening, when the wife already knows what you are doing. The wife notice that you are staying out later, or so called working more often. The wife knows that there is no extra money coming in but your hours are longer, she finds the receipt in your pocket, or bank statement of dinner for two. She finds female women things in the car and condoms, which he tries to explain as either his child or a sibling. Yes we women know man do not know how to cheat and I have decided that they should print up a t-shirt that says I AM A MAN, PLEASE FORGIVE ME. On the back it should say, I think with two heads so I am told, Walking on water I can not do, My children are my life but my wife is too, Cheating in this world has become acceptable today, but for me if I cheat or choose to cheat I know my woman is not to blame. Please Forgive me I Am a Man!!!!! Your national anthem, gentlemen.

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