Wednesday, October 1, 2014

If Loving you is Wrong (#IflovingyouisWrong)

Okay I have to admit it took me a little to warm up to Tyler Perry's new show, If Loving You is Wrong. Most of the actors were not recognizable to me and I thought it was a cast member of new and younger actors whom Tyler Perry was trying to break in. But after watching this show for a while now, things are starting to heat up on the show itself and the actors are really doing a great job with their characters. Now most of the cast seems like that are off the chain, a bit cray cray, if you know what I mean. In fact the only sane couples seems to be the Natalie and Lushion and they are not actually a couple, because at one time they were together had a son and are no longer together but for the sake of his son Lushion has moved to the state Natalie is in so that he would be around for his son and to help out Natalie, what a good man and ex military. Now the real cray cray of the cast members to me is Eddie or Edward, he is a cop who is down low and dirty and use his status as a cop to shake down criminals and take money and drugs from them, not to mention how he uses that power to exploit women as well. The next cray cray person for me in the cast that runs a close second to Eddie is Randal, you talking about a man off the cliff. Randal was or shall I say maybe continuing to have sex with his friend Brad's wife. Alex is her name and Randal, who is at a point of stalking this woman because she cut off the relationship with him but the cut off time maybe a little to late as Alex is pregnant and you know what this mean. Brad himself is married to a wonderful woman name Marcie who is trying to get pregnant by her husband but is having difficulty. You wonder where does Marcie, Randal's wife and Brad, Alex wife fits into this entire situation, well I can tell you that the both of these spouses are clueless. Yes they are clueless to what is happening under their noises and what makes it even more interesting is they live next door to one another. Then there is poor little Kelly, the woman who has a man that is always doing relief work overseas but has returned to only tell poor Kelly who has now brought a house for the two of them thinking that they would be a family and him a daddy to her son. Has now told her that he is love her but don't really love her because he fell in love with someone else as he has decided that he would love to be a great friend with Kelly. Yeah I know you are thinking as I did, what the hell, this man wants his cake and eat it too it sounds like. Personally for me I thought he was about to tell Kelly that he has married the other woman and wanted her as his mistress and I still not sure this will not happened because in up coming episodes he is still trying to talk with Kelly after she has told him to get the hell out her house. If I was Kelly in this situation with this man and I brought a house hoping that his income will be added, I would be that mistress and as that mistress that dam* man will pay. He will pay the electric bill, the water bill, the half of the mortgage bill and anything else I needed, because we know it pays to get laid on the side. Of course I know you already know this Mr. Perry, but it does not hurt to hear it again, you have another fantastic show on your hands. Look I like to write and come up with ideas, how about help a fellow sister out and giving her a chance to write on some of this great strips.

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