Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Walking Dead Is Back (#TheWalkingDead)

The walking dead is returning tonight on AMC, although I thought it was at a later date I am by no mean complaining because I for one is one of those advocate watchers that could not wait for the new chapter of this show, especially after the Governor had died, ohh so good. Now I for one have may own opinion of how this show will return or some what end up for most of the part. We have to know that the Governor being gone is not the end of this deadly fight that men will continue to have with each other, we should remember the camp that the Governor and his group found of innocent people that were living the best way they could, camp was infiltrated when the Governor returned had to be the work of someone almost as worst if not even worse than the Governor himself. So who is it and what are their attentions, we can only guess but in my very own opinion I am thinking it is Carroll, yes Carol. For someone reason I Carroll had crossed that line and she is looking at everyone as a villain, she is beyond that friendship and helping people status so she is choosing to kill people for the sake of her own life living. Now I know this sounds sick but we have to remember the things Carroll did before she left, it was pretty sick and some of those people she killed might have lived. Now as for the baby missing in the crib, I had already predicted the baby is well and alive, someone grab the baby and put her on the bus. As for the rest of the camp, I think everyone will meet up and find another place to continue on their lives, although if you ask me they should go back to the prison and revamp. This group needs a real carpenter, you know someone who really has the knowledge on building things and just need a few good men to teach how to build a solid structure. I am still looking for Rick friend in the very first season who had lost his entire family to show back up and rather he be a help or hinder, it will be great to see him as part of the show, especially since this man seems to have some great combat skills that the group could use. What every the way the season goes I along with millions of others will be watching tonight and believe you me I will be writing my thoughts on the return, so tune back in. What makes The Walking Dead so great for me is that it always keeps you guessing, the anticipation of what may happen is so overwhelming, especially if you have one idea in your head but it goes so totally different. I have to give the writers of The Walking Dead so many thumbs up and one great dream of mines would be to be as great of a writer as they are or to just get the opportunity to write on the show, a script a line or an idea. I can only wish.

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