Monday, November 3, 2014

Hollywood Divas

I was watching Hollywood divas last week and they came up with this idea to do a show about five black witch sisters, now I listen to them talk and describe what they could do in the movie and it all sound great to me. But this week it was said that because the black people are so religious that they would not be very open to the ideas of five black witches because it is like demonic. Now as a black person who is religious I have to say because of these days and times I have to disagree. I know we do not like the idea of things like evil spirits, but we know the difference between reality and fake and how many of us really believe in witches without knowing it is made up. There are lots of movies with demonic attributes in it and a lot of young people are watching them. If anyone would not be accepting of this movie I think it is most likely the older generation and that is maybe sixties and on, the ages before that maybe very receptive of this movie and it quirkiness. I do not know who this producer Paula was talking to but I have to disagree with him although he have a lot of movies under his belt, his ideas may be outdated. He has to look at this idea from a younger generation view that actually is an influence on their parents. Most younger kids coming up these days are a bigger influence on their parent than their parents are on them. Most parents are open to what their children suggest to watch and try, they let their parents know that times have change and that they should try things out before judging it. So I for one want to say that I think the five black witch sisters movie would be a great idea. I think it has not been done in a while, especially with female black actors and it can be fun and lively, instead of some said storyline that has been done to death about a group of black sisters that all have their personally issues, including crack addiction. Now tell me that has not been done to death and is rather old in my opinion. Can we put the five black witch sisters back on the table please and may it happen.

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