Sunday, November 9, 2014

Big Foot!!! (The Reality Show)

Big Foot the reality show is returning and all I have to say to this is, really. Are we for real about having a show about big foot that is coming season after season after season without even a glimpse of a big foot. Well guess what, this season promises to bring a glimpse of the infamous creature, yeah right. I wrote this blog saying 1800SmackMe for a reason and that is exactly what I want to do to all those who watch this reality show to a point that the network believes in bringing the show back. We have people in America who choose not to believe in God but they will run around in the woods looking for a nine foot creature. If you have every read the entry to my blog than you will understand why I am saying are we as Americans becoming stupid or are we just refusing to open our eyes to what is happening around us. I want to reiterate that in my opinion we as Americans are becoming stupid. We would rather give ratings to shows like that of Big Foot, Teen Mom, Ghost in my Attics or Long Island Medium with that chick Theresa, and yes I choose not to believe that Theresa can talk to my dead kin folks because if she did she could give us more information of the concept of death, something no one is able to do. I would call Theresa out if I every met her like I would call out those so called Big Foot hunters who seems to have the highest tech cameras but fail to catch even a glimpse of this so called creature. To me it is all fake and all they are doing is making money for the network while making fools of the idiots who choose to watch this show and actually believe in such a creature. I would rather the show I watch be like that of the walking dead, which I know is made up and can get more enjoyment out the fact that the writers are great and have some awesome story-lines. What are we doing people why are we choosing to watch these programs with no proof of a ghost, dead person or creature. I want them to catch bigfoot on camera, I want to see the ghost that walk through people houses and I want Theresa to talk to my relatives and say things only they and I would know about them, then maybe and only maybe then I will believe. I know what those of you who choose to believe is saying, you are saying I can not see God and I choose to believe he exist. Yes I choose to believe God exist because it is a feeling in me an a voice that speaks to me on what I should or should not do as a guide in my life. God does not go around trying to scare me in my house, or walking in woods looking like an oversize creature, nor does he claim to talk to my dead one and tell me what they are thinking. This is why I choose to believe he can exist because he is within me and not someone else idea or what they can only see.

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