Thursday, November 27, 2014

D L Hugley (Judgement on Bill Cosby)

I listen to the D.L. Hugley radio show and heard his comment about Bill Cosby and these allegations that has come out about him as of lately and I have to say that I was a little surprise. Now I know there was not love lost between Bill and D.L. but to put this man down as he did on the show all because he did not like what he did on his stand up jokes. I will tell you now D.L. Hugley I was not a fan of you stand up comedy and stop watching after I heard you talked about certain people out of their name but I did watch your television show and liked it and I also was enjoying your radio show until I heard the antic you put on about Bill Cosby. I am no way gratifying what Bill Cosby may or may not have done, but I listen to some women who talk of something that happen many years ago and want to know why now are they so call coming out with these allegations. It is sad to think about but we know in this country when it comes to being a person of color you will always be judged and put in second class when it comes to people making decision about your life. We know that if we wanted to go back we can look at the early twenties, thirties, forties, fifties and so on their were women who in the movie industry that were taken advantage of by men of power in that industry, if they wanted to grow in their careers. I am sure their are a lot of women who can talk of men who took advantage of them at young ages in that industries. I heard of security guards talking of what Bill Cosby having women sent to his room, now talk of the other celebrities who did it as well because we know it was not just Bill. We know that men were being men as they always are and doing at time when women rights were not look at much, men basically got their opportunity to take advantage of these women. Now doing a time when Bill Cosby was suppose to have done what he did, how many of these women and men were running around talking about make love, not war and smoking all kinds of drugs as the orgies were the rage of that time. Most parties back then were orgies and a lot of these young girls were not willing it was just they were high off the things they smoked and snorted and so on. So come on D. L. Hugley if you are going to make Judgement of Bill then you will have to dig and go make judgement on a lot of things that happen during those times. Janice Dickerson is speaking out and this is the first time this woman has been sober since she started modeling in the sixties and she ask as if Bill is the only man who may have taken advantage of her, he maybe the only black man that has taken advantage of her but I definitely doubt he is the first.

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