Monday, September 15, 2014

Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Reunions

I saw all three love and hip hop Atlanta reunions and I have to say that the first part was the most exciting for me. I know, I know everyone is probably saying why do you watch this show and all this drama with the fighting of grown people and my reasoning. It is just so real life. I watch Stevie and Joseline talking to the host and I heard Benzino, who in my opinion should have kept his mouth shut, talk about the two doing cocaine. Now Stevie had a natural reaction which was do you want to go at it and Joseline did as anyone with a hot temper would have, saw the opportunity to get up and punch someone like Athea in the face, but I could not believe Benzino took the opportunity to hit Joseline, what a whimp. Now you may say why am I defending Joseline and Stevie J with all the things they have done to people. Well I listen to Joseline and Stevie J do their separate interviews, after all the fighting was over and Benzino and Athea do there's, who was the most believable for me, it was Joseline and Stevie J. Joseline and Stevie J admitted they were wrong about certain things, Joseline admitted she was a hot headed woman who blood gets fired up when someone talks about her and she tends to never forget and when she promises to get someone, she does. I understand Joseline and I have been there when I was younger. When someone made me mad, I did not beleive that forgive and forget, if I saw you, believe me you were mind. I was going after that person rather it was in public or not, I was hard headed and hot tempered, just like Joseline. So when Joseline said if someone did something to her and she promoise she was going to get back at them, I believe her, it may had nothing to do with being high on drugs. I never did any drugs but my adreline was almost pumping when I was mad about a person and them pissing me off. I droped fist instead of trying to talk it out with a person because I wanted to show those people I meant business and to keep me out of their mouth, I felt like Joseline felt that I was misunderstood. Now I have to admit I admire Stevie J for actually saying that he believes that Joseline should seek some kind of counseling and I have to say I agree with him. Joseline has been through a lot in her lifetime living the life she had to live to make it. She has probably been judge by a lot of people, just because she was judged first and she always felt on the defense. Like I have grown to understand, Joseline needs help to understand how to let what others think and say about her, role off her back and keep on moving. She needs to get God in her life and listen to him and him only because what everyone else say just don't matter. So I believe that Joseline and Stevie was very open about what they felt, now the marriage is another story. Everything Benzino and Athea talked about, which was very little, seem to be a made up story or some kind of illusion, did not know what they were saying most of the time. I do not believe in Benzino's and Athea's relationship, if there is really one. So the story continues and no I do not think they will get rid of Joseline because her and Stevie J do bring on the drama, now the show may have to focus on getting Joseline some real help. Maybe they have to make the counseling a part of Joseline's contract. Joseline to you as a former hot head, take the counseling, it will not hurt you, it will only help you and may even help your career, if you not sure ask your girl K Michelle.

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