Friday, December 30, 2016

Happy Holidays!! ( I Am Here For You)

I forgot as a blogger to say Happy Holidays to all and thank you to all that take the time to read my posts. You have made it through 2016 and will continue to make it through 2017. I know things may get tough and there maybe days when you don't know what you will do, but remember you have a person that is all powerful that I go to in times of hard and that is God. You can go to him anywhere, at anytime, at any place. Talk to him when you feel the need, don't care what the others think of you if they think you are talking to yourself. Now I as a person who know how it is to be lonely during this holidays know it can be rough and that is why I am here if you need a physical person to talk to, I talk to you all the time when I post my thoughts and you read it, why should I not take the time to let you write me and I read it and I will reply to it if you require me to. My email address is I will read what is on your mind, rather it be how you will spend your holiday, rather you how you are feeling this holiday or if you just need to talk this holiday. Now I will be in church on New Years eve to bring it in, but will be home a little after midnight and if you need to talk after that time about something or before I will be reading your postings. I want to be there for other as God and family have been there for me through my tough time. Life is not easy, we all know this and people who seem to have it all have their problems as well. People seems to think that money equals happiness but that is so not true, you can have happiness without money. I have learn that happiness is God and family in my life, yes I am fortunate to be able to pay my bills and not live on the streets but you know that at any moment I could be on the streets, but as long as I got God and family I believe I will never go homeless or hungry. Think about, money can be you shelter, it can buy you material things, but can it really buy you happiness. If you are lonely can money by you feel that void. Why would you want to pay for something that should come naturally, you are only fooling yourself and some people, not God and not your heart. Start a new you and be you, I will listen and keep in confidence. I know you say you are a blog writer, that don't mean I can't keep secrets, as I  have plenty to keep from others, I am not your judge or your jury, I am just the person who will listen, on occasion give my opinion and maybe some little advice as to what you could possibly do, that is it. Give God a try and if you need a physical ear give me a try.

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