Friday, December 23, 2016

Woman to Women (It Is That Time To Stop Our Madness)

I sit up late for I can not sleep, knowing that the cup of coffee I had before bed time will not show any mercy. But this is not about my sleeping habits it is about what I have on my mind with regards to women in general. Women, I am all about empowering each other but I am also about us passing on knowledge that is not on the everyday agenda. We need to let each other know when we know something just is not right. This world has gone to the dogs, as one way to put it, we all know that the new laws and people understanding and turning of understandings around has cause what was once a moral code now a sin. We grow further and further apart on Gods teaching with each day it seems almost and most humans don't blink an eye at the changes of his words or following. Now to be moral is almost unethical in our society, what is a person to do. For one I do not know but I do know that I don't like a lot of what I am seeing and one thing I am seeing is a lot of men praying on women. It is not just younger men but older men to. We have men who don't want to be men anymore they want to live off women and their answer to this when they are confronted is, well women did it for a long time, yeah that is what I say, what the crap. Like it is an excuse for a man to not want to stand on his own two feet and make his own money and buy his own items, or pay his own bills. No what these men want is to have sex with the women and make them basically pay for the sex, they want to pick out a woman they think is vulnerable and hope she will look at his sex and his building up of her as a marketable product. Well I am here to say hell no, we are women and no matter what of life we come from, the color of our skin, or how we look, we are more then just a cheap thrill and a pocketbook. Lets as women hold our heads up higher and let the pride and the fear of being alone no lets us loose our dignity because that is what we are doing when we pay these may to lay down with us. We should not fall for the lies they throw at us, or believe the hype and fake promises. I know some of you are asking how are we suppose to know when it is real or not. We again I say we are women and we have more, power and strength then some of us know. As women we are moms, we are sisters, we are children. We have children, brothers and parents who can help us with questions or give some advice. You sons can tell you how a man thinks as well as your brother and your parents can tell you what they experience with men, especially your father who no matter how old he is will tell his daughter how to handle a low down dirty ass man. We have to use this knowledge to overcome our downfall of creating a society of weak ass men. Now I know some men are just on the down low and are using women to help them until they are with that men they want to be with or until they admit to themselves that they just want to be with another of their sex, I know just the thought is scary to be with someone like that but I am here to tell you this is happening. The younger generation with some of the older generation who will not grow up and are learning from the younger generation the new schemes in today society, have learn to plot on women no matter what it takes. These people don't believe that there is any consequences to their actions, so with this being said they believe in getting what they want by any means possible, oh this is so sad. They don't care who heart this crush and have no shame, they will tell you all the lies they think you want to hear, they will do what it takes to get your trust and they will screw that knife in your back as far as you will allow them. That is why I am saying take the knife out, better yet block that knife from going in and save yourself the heartache, the minus money and they demons on your ass. I would love to write a book in hopes that women would read it and maybe if I can save one women from crossing that line or one girl from feeling she has to do the same, I would have made a difference. I want to make a difference to all women, it is not about power and money but it is about self. Your self worth is power and money to God, you would be one of the richest women in the land if you can walk with your head as to say I walk the way of God, I will not hold up a weak ass man, I will see what is before me and if it is a joker in site, I will walk through him as if he was made of paper. I am so passionate about saving women because women just are getting so used by these so called men who have not conscious in what they are doing to these women. I have been used over and over again, I accept it and walked away but what I learn should help other women and I should share my knowledge not ignore what happen and keep myself moving when I know I can be a benefit to others. I know what it is like to be cheated out of money in different ways and these same men think I am suppose to accept it and year later they try to come back, what the f, it is like they see women as dumb ass creatures that God created and we all know that is not true. I believe God put women on earth because Adam was not smart enough to figure out that he could not be in a world alone with creatures like himself and continue to make the world grow. Women breath life into men like Adam, so who is the weaker sex, for not for women there is not life, think about it.

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