Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Real Housewives of Atlanta (#RHOA)12-21-14 (Kendra what a Piece of Work)

Did anyone watch Real Housewives of Atlanta on Sunday night, well I did and all I have to say is that Kendra is proving me right more and more everyday. This woman is one of the nasty person I have everyseen, in my personal opinion she takes joy out of other people displeasure. How does the old saying goes, misery loves company and because Kendra is alone and has no man in her life, she loves seeing other people relationship fall apart. I know that Phadera and Apollo are going through their troubles and for Phadera this is a serious matter because she has two little boys she has to think about and for me I am with Phadera, something this serious is personal and should remain between her and her household. If Phadera wants the thing that she is going through with her husband to remain private then so be it and who is Kendra, Cynthia or the world to judge how she handles it. Yes, I did say Cynthia because I do not know if anyone notice how Cynthia threw out that little comment about something was showing on Phadera, whatever the hell she meant by that. Kendra sitting in the corner laughing and commenting on the entire situation was also very inappropriate, not matter how much she dislike Phadera, the woman is a snake in my opinion, sneaky and attacks quickly. I watched Donald Trump talk of the upcoming celebrity apprentice show he has coming and two of the celebrities is Kendra Moore and Vivca Fox, well I do not know if you heard but Donald Trump said that Kendra Moore stole Vivca's phone and got on her twitter account and said some very nasty things pretending to be Vivca, wow. Donald said he did not want to tell details but he said he had to talk of this because what expired from this was off the chain and we have to see the boardroom face to face action between these women. I can only imagine what Kendra said, she will put on that innocent act as she always do and say that she was only doing it as a joke, not harm. But how goes into someone else account and do things like this but a rat, it does not matter if you did not mean any harm, the thing is you did do harm and someone was hurt in the process. Now Kendra claimed that what Apollo said about her really hurt her feelings and ruined her reputation, so her getting on Vivca''s twitter account and saying nasty things to people pretending to be Vivca did not? Wow what a real hypocrite. I do not think anything Kendra does will make me like her because she is a real skizzer of a women, she talked about this man Bill Bob and his girlfriend who she pretended not to know. Now this Billy Bob is a producer who dates Demetria McKinney, who planned Janine Payne on the House of Payne, a Tyler Perry Production. What black person has not watched or know of Tyler Perry's work? Kendra know she knows of the woman but played totally dumb about it and said she never seen her work, yeah right, but she is the actress and all we seen Kendra do is little parts like the beauty on a man's arm. Kendra life is missing a lot and she is apparently unfulfilled and because of this she wants to poke holes in other people lives, how sad. Please take her off the housewives show and let her find a husband because she will definitely not find a husband showing her true colors on this show.

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