Saturday, April 26, 2014

Black Ink Crew

I know I have been away and have not had the opportunity to write about any shows, but I am back and ready to get on a role. Now we will start with the return of the Blank Ink Crew. Wow we return to Cesar and Dutchess getting back together, now who besides me think this is a bunch of bull. I was wondering how would they come back with the show with no more Dutchess, and I guess it was better to say they got back together only to split again and this is how the show will explain that Dutchess is still on the show, yet her and Cesar are no longer a couple but she remains at the shop. The good thing out of this was that Dutchess did manage to get to apologize to her old friends and make a mends. I was hoping that after Dutchess supposedly caught Cesar in bed with another woman than she would go and work at Puma's shop. Oh and what about Puma's shop, we have yet had the pleasure to see what Puma shop is made of. When they were talking about the shop and the ideas they had it sounded great but suspiously enough we have yet to see this great idea. Puma is this big talker who goes on about how he knows business and what he can make happen, why is the shop not being featured. Puma is one guy that I personally would not have married, because as much as he seems like this upstanding man, he does not respect women in my eye. This man dogs his wife's mother, who in the world talks to a woman like that, just walk away man. Puma talks of how nasty his wife mother is but he is no angel and he is a very disrespectful person. As for one of my favorites on the show, you know O*sh**, he is still in a big pile of dog poop. As much as I like O*sh** this man does not know what it means to have a relationship. Now as for him actually deciding to marry the girl he currently have pregnant, I admire him for this. It means he took a step back and looked at his life and wanted to make it different. I also admire him for getting his babies mother together, although some people thought this was a stupid idea I did not think so, this man want them to get along so that his kids can get along and know one another. As much mess O*sh** gets into he has a good heart and the man loves his kid, I thought his fiancĂ©e Unyee, I know I misspelled her name was totally wrong for getting upset, she will have to deal with these women rather she like it or not. This show will have more twist and turns with future episodes but it is so true to life when you have a bunch of young people who are trying to make it in the world and choose to follow a path of getting rich fast and not caring who feelings get hurt along the way. I know one thing, I still like the show and I love it when they do actually get someone in there who is getting a tattoo, some of these people are very talented and have a great skill. I would like to see more tattoos perform and I like seeing some of the celebrities from other reality shows supporting the Black Ink shop, way to go.

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