Saturday, April 26, 2014

Basketball Wives LA (2014) Return

Is anyone watching the new Basketball Wives LA. I was unsure how this show would return but after watching it and seeing the decision that was made, I personally do not like this return. It return with Jackie Christie acting as if she is running everything. Jackie brought in all these so called girls that are suppose to be her friends that she wants to introduce in the group and Jackie is making all the drama with the old girls in the group between the new girls in the group. This is a big old mess and who ever thought that coming back with the show and having Jackie be the queen bee, was a bad idea. Jackie is not liked because she has a very ugly disposition and the way she twist things to put other people at fault for things she is doing is unsettling. I miss Gloria and Laura, they brought the drama with fresher faces, Jackie is just old face looking trying to stare up drama between younger people. Why is Jackie trying to play a young person game at her old a** age, she should be someone where rocking some grand kids. Jackie has pissed Draya off to a point I think she is done with the show and after watching this past week I am not sure if Malaysia, who was trying to give Jackie the benefit of the doubt will return, because she has not upset her as well. Jackie did one of the nastiest things I have seen to Draya and that is drag this woman's personally business in front of some strangers. She started a riff between her daughter and Draya over a man Draya is now with and she found some information out from her daughter about this man and instead of going to Draya first what does she do, Jackie tells these new girls in the group first and then invites Draya to confront her in front of these strangers, she is a nasty bit**. Jackie is a woman I would just have to hit one time and put her rear end on the ground, then maybe she would think twice about pulling a stupid stunt like she has. I am not liking the return of this show, although I do like the new ladies, Sundy, Brandi and Brittish. I think these girls could have been added and Jackie dropped from the show because she adds not benefits, besides she is too old to be hanging around these young girls, does she not have friends her own age? I think if this show wants to continue another season they will have to do some rearrangements, play some musical chairs or something. Drop Jackie, bring Laura or Gloria back, do something just drop this Jackie Christie has been.

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