Sunday, January 14, 2018

CHI (The Television Show series)

I forgot to talk about a show I watched last week called Chi. I heard about the show and saw the advertisement but did not know exactly when the show was appearing but happen to catch the show on my phone and watched it. Now I am so glad that I watched this show because I am telling you it was great, I really enjoyed the show and it had so many twist and turns and making you grip your seat to see which was it was going. I just loved all the acting that I saw, especially of the young people, they were great and the story lines, ohh the story lines were great. Although I was not in agreement with a lot of the ways they did the story lines I understood why and it was very gripping, had me puzzled, angry and sad all at the same time. This show will make you have so many emotions and have you thinking about the world today and what you want for your family, all from watching this show and this one episode is what I got out of it. The writing was done very well but it also had me a little upset at what was happening, but not to upset to see how they will continue on with the story lines in this show. So I will keep on watching to see what direction this show goes and how the writing will continue. Yes I will continue watching and I suggest that you watch it, even if it is one time because just watching it one time will draw you in like it did me. I did not know what to expect and was surprisling delighted in every actor, and every scene.

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