Sunday, October 15, 2017

Housewives of Atlanta Return

Yes it is returning, with some returning cast members and some I ask why do they need to return. I am not a Kandi Burruss fan, I guess some people know that by now. I am not understanding why she always bragging about how much money she has but she keeps doing this reality show. I know, Kandi makes money and she wants to continue making money, so it is all about money for her and apparently she does not care what she has to do to keep this money going. Now I am one for a person making their money but I am not for someone bragging about how much money they have and throwing it in other people faces to make them feel less then, and I do not care what any of you think this is exactly what Kandi does. When you watch the housewives of Atlanta take notice how much she tends to tell the other women how she is making her money and don't need all the drama, so why is she up in it, and you talk about angry issues, well the way Kandi is always popping off she really scares me, she has some anger that she needs to address. Kandi is always going at someone and it ends it with her money and wealth and what she says is her happy home because she said her and Todd are the only two married, what the hell. If I was Todd and you were doing all the work to bring home the bacon while I sit back and enjoy it, I would stay with an easy ride like you too. I still don't understand this bringing another woman into your relationship, I know you both are grown but what about having God in your lives. Why does Kandi and Todd talk about everything else but God in their lives, is there no place for God in any of your women lives on the housewives of Atlanta. I know what it takes to make it in this world, because it is crazy and a lot of people in this country think you need a lot of money to continue on, but I say you don't need a lot of money, you need a lot of Jesus and prayer. Yeah, Yeah I can hear the people carrying on about Jesus not paying my bill, well he pays mines, because without him I am nothing. I am nothing with God and I walk in my faith, not on the fact that I have to walk over other people to make it in this world and throw them under a bus so I can get ahead. So am I anticipating the return of the Real housewives of Atlanta, not really, I see the commercials they have been doing, but anticipation is not in my agenda for this show. Yes I will watch it because I like writing and writing on this blog is part of my blogging to write on reality television. What I am not understanding is, how they took Phadera off because they said what she did was horrible, like you had others who did not do this. Also this marriage of Kenya,  how long did she really know this guy, why are we not given all the information about Kenya relationship and how far was it in-between when she left the other guy and ended up with this guy to have ended up marrying him, I am confused, can you please fill in the blanks. Kenya does not get to dig in everyone else's business and then hide hers. What about Sheree, is she coming back and if so why, why is she part of the show. Well let us see what happen, I hope Kandi mother, mama Joyce stay out of these grown women's business, how come she gets to have her mother butting in on everything, but she suppose to be a bad a**, make up your mind Kandi, you either a bad a**, or you need  your mommy to fight your battles. By the way why is mama Joyce on the Kanid tour, she really need her mama to defend her battles, wow, how cheesy is that.

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