Saturday, December 23, 2017

Welcome to Sweetie Pie's

I have not written about this show in a while, but of course I love the show, I like what I see these guys are doing in regards to their business. With regards to the family aspect of it, there is a lot and I mean a lot of work to be done. Right now I see focus being all on money, making of that money seems to be above all and not matter how hard Robbie tries at keeping and putting the family back together, it is all at a lost at the moment. But with God's grace and mercy I am sure they will work something out. Now Tim,  you need a lot of work on your attitude lately, you have been thinking about you and you only, now I know you said you are opening all these restaurants for the sake of the family, but at what cost. Tim do you not know, God forbid, that something can happen to you or little Timmy tomorrow and what have all your work been for, if say one of you die, what was the work for if you did not spend the time when it was needed. Restaurants require constant attention also and with you opening restaurants back to back, when will you ever be able to take a brake. Tim does not have time for anyone so when he claimed to have had a girlfriend, Jennifer from basketball wives, I thought this was all a joke, this man don't have time for his child, what would make him or any woman think he would have time for her. Now I am hearing that he has a order of protection against Jennifer because she is suppose to be harassing him, come on Tim get real. I don't a bit believe that Jennifer is harassing Tim, as much as I believe Tim really wants or have time for a woman. I have heard other rumors about Tim, but those I will keep to myself for now. Now watching tonight episode Tim was talking about singing groups and booking them at the Texas restaurant, which yes it is a great idea, and he mentioned some deceased musicians and what they would say, but in that line up of singers who has passed, he said Al Greene and now I am confused, I am a big Al Greene fan but I had no idea Al Greene had passed or anything of his passing, if it is true. When Time when was Al Greene suppose to have died and why are you claiming this on this man. I had to go to a web site to see 1946 to present, so no, not as of today I don't see anything about Al Greene passing, so can Tim please retract what he said about Al Greene so that others who are fans of Al Greene as I have been does not feel slighted about not knowing anything of his passing, which has not happen as of yet, Tim. Where the crap are you getting your information. Tim is so focused on opening all these restaurants he has lost all contact with reality. Knowing Tim he probably thinks Whitney Houston is still alive and try to book her at the restaurant, now I know that was a sorry joke, but the way Tim thinks, it is probably true. I just would like to know when did Tim think Al Greene pass away, and if this is the case he needs to get back in touch with his mother and let some of her knowledge rub off on him. From what I seen how Tim is acting, he is a son who has really disrespect his mother, wow, talking about getting away from the bible. People today are getting away from the bible, they are actually turning what has been taught by the bible upside down. People we need to get back to church, prayer, believing and faith. This world of man's is leading us astray and we must not follow man, remember man is not who we are to follow, it is God. People who do stuff in the church saying they are doing it because the Apostle told them to, the Apostle is man, not God. You do what God teaches in the bible and if the Apostle word goes against God word, watch out. With all this said, I love Sweetie Pie's concept, Miss Robbie and I disagree with Tim's ways, greed is leading him. Something else I must disagree with is Miss Robbie getting back on stage, Miss Robbie, your voice is gone, it is not there anymore, so please give it a rest and stop singing. You gave it a good run when you could but after while we all must let it go when it is gone, there is a time for everything and after it is done we must put it up. I am saying this as nicely as I can say Miss Robbie and that is everyone is being kind by applauding and cheering you on, but your voice is just not pulling off your singing any more. Miss Robbie you sound like me trying to sing and I can tell you that I can not sing a lick, even if I tried. Love you Guys, prayers to all.

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