Friday, July 22, 2016

Love and Hip Hop Atlanta (7-18-16)

As usual what a mess what a mess. This show is rachet as ever. We know Joseline and all her enemies are at her heal. We have Miss Dime and believe you me if that lady could get her hands on Joseline, she be chopped up beef. But Tommie need too just sit down with her cray cray self, she is no competition for Joseline, Tommie just stays so drunk and high all the time she thinks she can beat anyone, wrong. That is one young lady that needs to get her life together and fast. Now what about Ms. Karlie Redd, this woman sleeps with two men claim to love one, goes back to the other and gets mad when she hears the other one is married. Wow Karlie I was beginning to think you were bigger than this but you are not. Karlie what do you wanticipate in your life girl, a real relationship or drama. I thought you wanted real love but now from a different angle it looks like drama. What hurt me too my heart was watching Tammy say her and Waka, I guess that's his name was separating. When people say they are separating for their relationship, it usually means divorce, because no situation or issue should drive a married couple apart, it should actually bring you closer together. If a married couple spend time away from each other how can they work the issue out, you can't. You end up getting use to being apart, not speaking and eventually going your separate ways. Tammy if you don't want to divorce your husband then girl fight for him, go after him and pour your heart to him. You have to putilize your faith in God and believe in yourichmond marriage and watch what happens. Now do I think Scrappy and Bambi should get back together, hell no. These two people are walking in their own world's and neither of them is showing me what marriage requires in a man and woman, they are just not ready. Scrappy should have given Tammy the roses for her show, would have made an excellent gesture. Moving on to Miss MiMi, the most confused lady I have ever seen, she apparently hates being alone. I still feel sorry for MiMi because she don't know what she wants, what she is doing or how to go about doing it. She dated this woman, who the whole world heard her tell MiMi that she wanted to spend some time apart until Mimi get her stuff together. Well what does Miss Mimi do, yep she jumps into another relationship, all I can say is wow. And what I want to discuss is that she said this new woman has been a friend she has known for a long time, could it be Ms. Ariane baby, yes. Ms. Ariane we know is gay and her and Mimi are friends and I always thought Ariane had a crush on Mimi from the first time she became a part of the show. Now I am curious to know if this is so. I hope the new love Tiarra has found is real, I like the two together they seem to be starting off to a goid start, but Miss Tiarra you to learn to let it go when someone has said they slept with your ex, what the crap, you are not with him anymore. What Stevie J and his new attitude since Mimi ask for child support, a horse of a different color ad they say, he is red and blue all over cause he has to pay for his own child, again wow, what a man. He was all good if the child came free, now it cost he trying to be nasty to MiMi, sad but so. This show has never disappointed me and I believe will never disappoint me. I look forward to it coming on Monday nights and will miss it when it's gone. I heard a rumor there will not be another season but I am hoping this is a lie and only a lie as I see a few more season in this shows future. Keep it coming cast, you guys make for great television.

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