Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Black Ink Crew (New York)

Okay Black Ink Crew you guys knew at one time you were my show but over time after time you guys have started to lose me a little and one big factor is that Dutchess is gone and Sky is down right just not doing it for me as being a manager, or anything else for that fact. Now the show is really losing me because Sky is just right become bipolar and she needs help. Sky is bringing the show down with her overly open mouth and trying to bring everyone down to her level. The reason Sky is trying to make everyone unhappy is because she is because she is unhappy with her life. Sky talking about someone being knocked up and she was knocked up as a teenager, and gave her kids away then had the opportunity to visit them, but waited until it was more news and gave her a real storyline on the show. Now Sky goes to Korea, so why did Ceasar bring Sky along, ohh I get it to make the show have more drama. What the show is doing for me and the rest of the audience is that Sky is the most fake, schizophrenic, overly acting woman I every seen on a show and she no longer should be a front runner as making the show entertaining, she should be a front runner as making the show ugly, trashy, unwatchable in my opinion because I have gotten so that when they began showing so much of Sky, I turn the channel. No person should have much mouth as Sky does and put anyone else down when she can't even get her own life in order, living a fake life, with a house that she really can't afford, with enhancements that has made no enhancing to her body that I can see of that really made any difference. Sky is a really sad person right now and she does not know how to take that other people are in a good place so she has to screw it all up. Sky is becoming like Puma, yes Sky is another Puma, she is getting to big for her own good and she will end up just like Puma did, off the show. Bae is pregnant and their is a chance that Sky could make her lose the baby. Sky, that is it you are jealous, you are jealous of everyone else's relationship and you can not get one of your own that makes any sense. What the crap Sky, you said you are going through something so your answer is to make everyone else hurt, please, grow up and become a real woman. Real woman, do what that have to do to get their life in order and do not pull other women down with them in the process. Maybe Sky should go and get some help, just leave the show for awhile and give everyone a break, because she is giving me a headache listening to her act and talk a fool.

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