Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Thank you Wendy Williams

I wanted to send a shout out to Wendy Williams, I look at your show everyday because I enjoy watching it. I was a little upset because at first I felt Wendy was always judging Chris Brown, it seemed like everything out her mouth about the young man was negative. I am from Virginia and of course I am going to defend Chris, besides in the South we are taught forgiveness and for me Chris did his time. Besides look at all the celebrities like Justin Bieber and grown man Charlie Sheen who has been known to hit a woman or two but mysteriously gets out of any charges and people go on to root for them. Now Chris Brown was said to not have done his full time and gotten into other troubles, but of course people will push, because they are looking for an easy payday. So now as Wendy said Chris is doing his other time, getting more treatment and will come back out with a song for the world to hear, and I have to agree with Wendy, Chris will come out drop this song which will be a hit and he will do well.  I am believing in this young man because I know he has the potential to do it and I am happy that Wendy actually gave this shout out to Chris that she believes in him and his talent. Now when Chris does get back on his feet he should call the Wendy Williams show and ask to be on it, she may ask some taught questions and there is no need to blow up, answer them as honestly as possible and believe you me Wendy will guide you to how to keep the conversation moving when she see you are uncomfortable, that is something I admire about you Wendy. Wendy I will give a shout out to you for getting the questions you viewers want without making these celebrities overly uncomfortable, you have a flare for doing this and that is why you show is a hit. Keep up the good work and one day I hope I can get the time to come and visit your show in person.

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