Thursday, June 27, 2013

Paula Dean

Paula Paula Paula, what can I not say about Paula Dean. She said what she said and she does not have any empathy for what was said. I saw the interviews she have done and have not a tear have ran down those juicy cheeks. I am a what you call a person of color as I like to say because I am far from black, but what Paula said and how she calls herself apologizing was a joke too me and others of color. What I notice is most news persons who talk about Paula's heart felt apology, shall I dare say are whites, and they talk about how very heart warming and tear felt was Paula's apology. Well from a person of color let me give my opinion. I felt her apology was a very bad acting job and whomever her coach was she should fire them, because we of people of color had to put up with all kinds of racism and we have had people apologize for it after the fact, some are apologies that we will usually say okay we accept that as a sorry will not do it again and some we just say, I really could understand it was a slip up and this person was not thinking at the time. But Paula had plenty of time to think before she did her interviews and if she really was as sorry as she claims, why not give an interview right away and don't blame the people you made the comments about the ones at fault for you using the n-word. If you used the n-word than it was you who used the n-word, you are the owner of your own actions and words. No real women who is in their sixties should blame someone else for their actions or get their children and grandchildren to pled their case. A women in her sixties should stand on her own two feets, admit when she has really made a mistake, tell what she done was wrong and move on with her life. People talked about Martha Stewart when she went to jail for not telling on her sources, well I as a person of color and a women can say Martha Stewart stood on her own two feet, admitted when she was wrong and did her time instead of taking down others with her. Martha Stewart, in case you are not aware of her Paula Dean is a real women and you could take some notes from her. I personally think you Paula Dean should admit what you said and not dance around it and explain to America, especially people of color who have brought your products over the year, as to why what you said was wrong and why you will not accept this in your life anymore, because God is more powerful than any millions you may have and you will have to face him if you do not face us and explain why those pearly gates should open for you. As for the people who are defending Paula Dean, I am praying for you all because I do know it is better to forgive and believe me I have already forgiven her but you have to remember that defending ignorance is why it continues on.

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