Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Organ Donation (What Life Could Be)

I am writing this particular post because my daughter came home and told me that a fellow classmate of her's had past away. I was shocked and wanted to know what had happen, and then she asked if I remember her telling me of a guy who did not have any kidneys and he had to be on dialysis and I told her yes, I do remember her mentioning it but thought nothing else of it because I figured he was young and someone in his family would donate him a kidney or he would get one. My daughter said mother he never got a kidney and he got sick and pasted away. I could not believe it and although I did not know the boy personally, my heart literally fell in my stomach because of the thought of someone dying so young for something that could have been prevented if someone would have donated a kidney to him. I gave my mother one of my kidneys in 2000 and never thought twice about doing it. My mother was on dialysis for years and I watch her get weaker and weaker with each section, she had gotten so depressed, she said so could no longer go on. Me and my siblings and my mother siblings all went to the donor office to get tested to see if we were matches. We filled the office up and I remember the nurses making statements about my mother was lucky to have so many people to actually get tested not thinking nothing else of it. I turned out to be the closest match with the least amount of health issues so I was choosen to take on this task, and I myself was reading because I did not want to see my mom continue to get sicker. After the surgery was done my mother gained her weight back, got her spirit back and I saw her come to life again. I was proud of how well my mother was doing and just the fact that I gave her a kidney made this happen was amazing to me. I do not think people realize how serious being a donor can be. I personally do not like watching a love one of mines suffering if especially I can help to end that suffering. So many times we are helpless in helping a love one with certain illnesses, so if there is an illness that you can help with like making a organ donation, why not help. I am doing well with my one kidney and my children have said over and over again, if I turn around and need one, they are there for me. I am hoping I will never need them to do that but if they do, I am so happy to know that they too will be donors. You do not have to be a donor to just your family member either, if you are willing you can get tested to donate to a stranger. There are children out there who need certain organs and this life saving donation can allow them to have a future. I keep thinking about this seventeen year old who would have graduated this year and I often wonder how his family is feeling, not to actually see their son walk across that stage. It makes me wonder if they tried getting tested, did they know they could have been tested, or was he on a donors list and if so why was it not put out into the community of how critical this young man was? I beg anyone out there to think about how important it is to be a donor. Me being a donor to my mother had such an impact on my life that I have choosen to become a donor after my life is over. I watch my mother suffer from her disease and I got the pleasure to watch her recover from it by doing something I never thought that a person could do why living, which is giving her life. I am a life time receipent, which I received from the governor of my state and never thought twice about it, but now I cherish this award and I take the opportunity to let anyone know how important donating an organ can be. Many more lives can be saved if we get that message out to people about the importance of organ donation, so pass it on and if you know someone who may need an organ, try posting it on facebook or sending it on twitter or putting out flyers in your community, you may just be surprise how many people may step up.

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