Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Long Island Medium

What can I say about the reality show Long Island Medium, well I can say a lot and to began I am really not a fan and I choose not to belive. I watched Psychics over the years talk about predicting people future and reading their current life. I know a Psychic claims to predict your future as a medium is suppose to be totally different and is suppose to have that power to talk to the dead. These so called mediums have that ability to look at you and bring forth someone you lost very dear to you and channel what they want to say to you through themselves. Now people have in the past years really believed in Psychics and even paid good money to get readings from them and in the last few years most of these psychics have been determined to be fake, someone so many people were really beliving in and even shaping the way they lived their lives on what someone like a psychic told them. Now a medium may do their readings a little different, they do not actually bring you promise of what your future will be but they do so call talk to someone of your past. This alone to me can be as hurtful as a psychic telling you about this so called promised future. I have lost my mother and brother whom I was very close to and I do not belive someone like this Long Island Medium can either hold my hand or look into my eyes to tell me what they are saying to me from their after life. I hear her say she has this gift and knows that God gave it too her to help people, it leads me to question did God really give her this so called gift or is it people who choose to belive so they want us to belive by bringing it into our living rooms. As much as I would love to talk to my mother and brother, I already belive I do when I get on my knees and pray and receive as sign that reminds me of them. When you talk about someone who has died in your life that you were close to you tend to get sentimental anyway, and what I belive this medium does is tap into those deep feelings and once they come to the surface most people lose all thought of reality, those feelings of what that person was meaning to you began flowing back in groves. I myself when I began talking to someone about the things me and my mom did together, I can not hold back the feeling and it is like that person whom I am talking with me understands what I am going through, when in reality they may not have known my mom but they can sympathize with me because they may have lost their mother or they may have someone close whom they have lost. I am sorry and I know this may be hurtful to some people but I am not a beliver of Long Island Medium, Teresa Caputo and although I think she may not be really promising anything, I think it is sad that some people have to live off others pass memories. I do not belive mediums as I did not belive psychics. I am a person who gives anyone a chance and I have sit and listen to psychics and mediums as well but I just do not belive in this so called gift. I have heard of people hearing something from someone who has pass away or something weird happen, and I do belive this can happen but I do not belive in full blown readings and talking to that person from the other side to give you some kind of relief from a unsolved difference. Long Island Medium is a show I can not get into, especially when she jumps from the vehicle when driving through a drive through because she felt something on someone in the store, unbeliveable.

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