Saturday, May 18, 2013

Bravo Kevin O'Leary

I am a fan of the show Shark Tank and I have come to really enjoy watching people who are trying to get their own businesses started and I enjoy watching the judges and the advice they give these people. One in particular judge that is hard noise and who I really like because I always thought that although he seem to be tough on a lot of these clients, he really offers some good advice and I can relate to his advice. Now I was sitting home on a Friday night channel surfing trying to find something interesting to me to look at and I noticed that 20/20 was having one of my favorite judge who just happen to be Kevin O'Leary from the shark tank so I decided I would look at 20/20 just to see what Mr. O'Leary had to say. I heard about O'Leary no nonsense way he runs his business and how this not onoy apply to his employees but also his family. I have to say I really understand what O'Leary was saying, life is not easy and nothing comes to anyone who starts a business easy so why should he make it easy for others. Life is tough and you have to be tough to survive it and this is something I truly belive. I have to admit when I started watching shark tank I knew none of the judges but of the products and businesses they own and Mr. O'Leary I did not know at all and after watching the show for a while I understood him and really started aheading his advice and business and how you handle certain situations, so it did not suprise me the things he mentioned on twenty twenty. I really have to say the most interesting part of his conversation on 20/20 was when he mentioned about not giving a hand out to his children. Mr. O'Leary said he would pay for his kids education and this includes as much education they want but after that they are on their own. Too this I say bravo Kevin O'Leary, children have to understand that parents who may have money does not mean they are obligated to pass this money on too their children or give the children hand outs for the rest of their lives. I think one of the biggest problems with rich people children is that the parents do not teach the children as they grow that the money they have is their money and not the children. They buy their children everything with not questions asked instead of making their children earn the items they buy them. Children need to understand the value of money and just because you did not grow up with money it is no need to say I will just give me kids everything they want if I beoome rich, you can still teach your children the value of a dollar. Do no hurt your children by just buying them everything without them understanding how important it is to work and save their own money, if you do not you may find yourself paying for these childrent the rest of your life. O'Leary have the right idea, you can pay for their education that will lead them towards their own rewards and they will understand hardwork from college as well as life and become well rounded adults or you can hand them everything without making them work for it and end up with children who drop out of high school and rely on your money to help them survive and what if your money run out or you pass away and your uneducated child has to run your business. People say money can buy anything and this includes people to help you but how do you know if these people are cheating you or not or if they are stealing from your business. Parents are not obligated to take care of a child for the rest of their lives just because you helped creat them, there a point as they choose to belive that when they turn 17 that they are grown and being grown means providing for yourself. I think a lot of American businesses are failing because parents are leaving them to children who only care about how much money they can make and not about the company itself. We need more parents like O'Leary who say I will teach you to fish and feed you for a lifetime attitude as I call it and for those of you who do not know what this means it is a quote that says "If you give a man a fish you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish you feed him for a lifetime. O'Leary is teaching his children to stand on their own two feet which will feed them for a lifetime, in education and wealth.

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