Thursday, May 16, 2013

No More Seasons Of Teen Mom 2

I want to be first to say no more teen mom 2. I was watching the end of the season show and I was as disgusted as I was with my previous posting. These young girls do not need to be on television any more, they have soon me over and over again how immature they are and how they can not handle real grown women situations. They are doing things like drugs, sleeping with someone without using protection and boob jobs. They are making this money from the show but I have seen no one really put the money to a good use. The only person I admire on the show is Kailyn and that is because she does not seem to spend her money of stupid things like the other girls. I was team Leah at one time but I really began getting confused when she was back and forth with Corey since she was pregnant with her children. She seems to not really know what it means to use birth control and she has no discipline when it comes to waiting, as patient is a virtue, good things comes to those who wait. She wants to marry right away and she wants to get pregnant again right away. Why not get to know a guy and I mean really know him by dating him before you move in with him and knowing rather or not you should add a baby to the already two you have, it is only fair to the children themselves especially since you have one who will be having health issues. Now as for Chelsea, I am sorry for what I am about to say but it has to be said. The girl is an idiot, she goes back and forth with the same guy as he sleeps with as many women as he choose and when he gets tired with them he just jumps back into her bed. Now you talk about stupid, she is always bragging how well she is doing with finishing with her GED and going to beauty school, so why not being proud of actually finishing beauty school and moving on with your life without Adam and showing that beautiful daughter of yours how a real strong women should be. Standing on her own two legs and taking care of her business. Last but definately not least is Jenelle, her mug shots alone speak for themselves. This is a girl who is making money off a show, which I feel is allowing her to be able to buy those drugs she is using. Not only does this young girl stay in trouble, she is always fighting, especially with her mom. I know they say she has certain disorders that causes her to act the way she does, but why is she allowed to contiue on the show with this big fact mess she calls her life. I want to know why her along with some of the other girls does not do what most teenagers girls who get pregnant have to do and that is get a real job. Why were these girls allowed to go so long and so many seasons to make as much money to the point they were switching vehicles like some people were switching underwear. I think these shows should limit these girls to one season, enough to make a little money but not so much money as to allow these girls not to have to really live a real life teenager pregnant girls life. The show was suppose to be a life lesson to young girls and the consqences when you get pregnant so early in life. I want to know why instead having life leasons learned in the show, all I have learned is that getting bigger boobs will make me happier and becoming pregnant over and over again is the right thing to do. Why did Leah who had a miscarriage not wait until she got pregnant again. It seems to me if all Doctor Drew wants to do explore these girls, not help these girls. If you want to help send them to a conselor and if they refuse to go then that is when their contract on the show ends. If there are more future shows, I want to see more help for the girls and not just the cameras following them around. I want to see them make right decisions with the blessing they have been given by being choosen to be on the show. I want to see that they have learned to life lessons and not those lessons that money can by them any thing.

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