Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Shout Out To Amanda Bynes

This letter is from me to Amanda Bynes and I really hope you get a chance to read this. I did not know Amanda was having what the media is now saying is a lot of issues. I had always wondered what happen to Amanda after that terrific show she had. My daughter was a big fan of Amanda and watch her show on nick all the time which in return got me to watching the show because I wanted to be aware of what my daughter was looking at. After watching Amanda show for the first time I found myself really liking it and I began watching it on my own without my daughter because I found this yound lady so talented and not only that her show was wholesome, it was good clean fun. I loved all the characters she played, especially the one with being Amanda's biggest fan because I started believing I was Amanda's biggest fan. One day I was looking for the show and it was no longer coming on, I was really upset and wondered what would happen to the very talented girl. I figured later on that she would go on to make many more great shows and keep us laughing as she had done before, but no Amanda, year after year no Amanda. I asked my daughter if she seen Amanda and she said on some shows and in a movie but nothing regular. I wanted to know why such a talented girl as Amanda would be taking out the lime light and now I hear of Amanda in the news and how she has been in trouble for a while, I did not know this and began wondering when did all this happen, had I no paid attention to Amanda in the news. I was wonder if Amanda was doing this for attention so that she could get back into the lime light or did she just go on the big down spiral when she could no longer get parts or a television show as she had in the past. Why would not such a talented young person be given a chance to get a new show? Did the producer think she was a has been because me as a fan was looking for her show even after it was cancelled and could not understand why such a great wholesome show would be taken of the air all together. Why not play the show in reruns so other young girls could watch it? I want to send support to Amanda because I know that very talented person is still there and as for her drug abuse, Amanda I pray you make that choice and clean up and come back to us your fans and make another great wholesome program that we can once again sit down and watch with you being as funny as people like Carol Burnett, Lucille Ball, Tracy Alman, see they all continued in thier older ages to keep us laughing. Come back to us Amanda with that great sense of humor.

Long Island Medium

What can I say about the reality show Long Island Medium, well I can say a lot and to began I am really not a fan and I choose not to belive. I watched Psychics over the years talk about predicting people future and reading their current life. I know a Psychic claims to predict your future as a medium is suppose to be totally different and is suppose to have that power to talk to the dead. These so called mediums have that ability to look at you and bring forth someone you lost very dear to you and channel what they want to say to you through themselves. Now people have in the past years really believed in Psychics and even paid good money to get readings from them and in the last few years most of these psychics have been determined to be fake, someone so many people were really beliving in and even shaping the way they lived their lives on what someone like a psychic told them. Now a medium may do their readings a little different, they do not actually bring you promise of what your future will be but they do so call talk to someone of your past. This alone to me can be as hurtful as a psychic telling you about this so called promised future. I have lost my mother and brother whom I was very close to and I do not belive someone like this Long Island Medium can either hold my hand or look into my eyes to tell me what they are saying to me from their after life. I hear her say she has this gift and knows that God gave it too her to help people, it leads me to question did God really give her this so called gift or is it people who choose to belive so they want us to belive by bringing it into our living rooms. As much as I would love to talk to my mother and brother, I already belive I do when I get on my knees and pray and receive as sign that reminds me of them. When you talk about someone who has died in your life that you were close to you tend to get sentimental anyway, and what I belive this medium does is tap into those deep feelings and once they come to the surface most people lose all thought of reality, those feelings of what that person was meaning to you began flowing back in groves. I myself when I began talking to someone about the things me and my mom did together, I can not hold back the feeling and it is like that person whom I am talking with me understands what I am going through, when in reality they may not have known my mom but they can sympathize with me because they may have lost their mother or they may have someone close whom they have lost. I am sorry and I know this may be hurtful to some people but I am not a beliver of Long Island Medium, Teresa Caputo and although I think she may not be really promising anything, I think it is sad that some people have to live off others pass memories. I do not belive mediums as I did not belive psychics. I am a person who gives anyone a chance and I have sit and listen to psychics and mediums as well but I just do not belive in this so called gift. I have heard of people hearing something from someone who has pass away or something weird happen, and I do belive this can happen but I do not belive in full blown readings and talking to that person from the other side to give you some kind of relief from a unsolved difference. Long Island Medium is a show I can not get into, especially when she jumps from the vehicle when driving through a drive through because she felt something on someone in the store, unbeliveable.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Bravo Kevin O'Leary

I am a fan of the show Shark Tank and I have come to really enjoy watching people who are trying to get their own businesses started and I enjoy watching the judges and the advice they give these people. One in particular judge that is hard noise and who I really like because I always thought that although he seem to be tough on a lot of these clients, he really offers some good advice and I can relate to his advice. Now I was sitting home on a Friday night channel surfing trying to find something interesting to me to look at and I noticed that 20/20 was having one of my favorite judge who just happen to be Kevin O'Leary from the shark tank so I decided I would look at 20/20 just to see what Mr. O'Leary had to say. I heard about O'Leary no nonsense way he runs his business and how this not onoy apply to his employees but also his family. I have to say I really understand what O'Leary was saying, life is not easy and nothing comes to anyone who starts a business easy so why should he make it easy for others. Life is tough and you have to be tough to survive it and this is something I truly belive. I have to admit when I started watching shark tank I knew none of the judges but of the products and businesses they own and Mr. O'Leary I did not know at all and after watching the show for a while I understood him and really started aheading his advice and business and how you handle certain situations, so it did not suprise me the things he mentioned on twenty twenty. I really have to say the most interesting part of his conversation on 20/20 was when he mentioned about not giving a hand out to his children. Mr. O'Leary said he would pay for his kids education and this includes as much education they want but after that they are on their own. Too this I say bravo Kevin O'Leary, children have to understand that parents who may have money does not mean they are obligated to pass this money on too their children or give the children hand outs for the rest of their lives. I think one of the biggest problems with rich people children is that the parents do not teach the children as they grow that the money they have is their money and not the children. They buy their children everything with not questions asked instead of making their children earn the items they buy them. Children need to understand the value of money and just because you did not grow up with money it is no need to say I will just give me kids everything they want if I beoome rich, you can still teach your children the value of a dollar. Do no hurt your children by just buying them everything without them understanding how important it is to work and save their own money, if you do not you may find yourself paying for these childrent the rest of your life. O'Leary have the right idea, you can pay for their education that will lead them towards their own rewards and they will understand hardwork from college as well as life and become well rounded adults or you can hand them everything without making them work for it and end up with children who drop out of high school and rely on your money to help them survive and what if your money run out or you pass away and your uneducated child has to run your business. People say money can buy anything and this includes people to help you but how do you know if these people are cheating you or not or if they are stealing from your business. Parents are not obligated to take care of a child for the rest of their lives just because you helped creat them, there a point as they choose to belive that when they turn 17 that they are grown and being grown means providing for yourself. I think a lot of American businesses are failing because parents are leaving them to children who only care about how much money they can make and not about the company itself. We need more parents like O'Leary who say I will teach you to fish and feed you for a lifetime attitude as I call it and for those of you who do not know what this means it is a quote that says "If you give a man a fish you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish you feed him for a lifetime. O'Leary is teaching his children to stand on their own two feet which will feed them for a lifetime, in education and wealth.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

A Different World(Reunion)

Is it just me and does anyone else want to see a Its a Different World reunion. This show was a wholesome show. It was about college life and although it focused on an African American college campus it was something that all college students could relate to at the time. I really enjoyed all the story lines and one of my most favorite aspect of the show was how we watched most of the students grow through the years in college and how they came in as young nieve girls and guys and finished as very mature and wiser men and women. Great show and I would like it if maybe Bill Cosby or someone else could get whomever they can from the show and do a reunion in which we can see how all the cast who played these students characters have grown. I would love to see Whitleys and Dwayne's child, and I would like to know what happen to Ron and Freddie, did the two marry or go their own separate ways. What about Ron and a job, did he find the job he was looking for. What about Kimberely, as it left she was proposed too, is she still married, did she become a doctor and what about Jeles and the Colonel and their little one. I want to know how have they all aged and what are their jobs and are they still married. The show ended well and I do think it was time to end but something that has always bother me and why do people not have reunions for great shows like this after maybe ten years. The show ended in 1993 and now it has almost beeen twenty years since we have seen the show but it is still on my mind after all those years and you know when a show stands on your mind after all those years it was a show worth watching.

No More Seasons Of Teen Mom 2

I want to be first to say no more teen mom 2. I was watching the end of the season show and I was as disgusted as I was with my previous posting. These young girls do not need to be on television any more, they have soon me over and over again how immature they are and how they can not handle real grown women situations. They are doing things like drugs, sleeping with someone without using protection and boob jobs. They are making this money from the show but I have seen no one really put the money to a good use. The only person I admire on the show is Kailyn and that is because she does not seem to spend her money of stupid things like the other girls. I was team Leah at one time but I really began getting confused when she was back and forth with Corey since she was pregnant with her children. She seems to not really know what it means to use birth control and she has no discipline when it comes to waiting, as patient is a virtue, good things comes to those who wait. She wants to marry right away and she wants to get pregnant again right away. Why not get to know a guy and I mean really know him by dating him before you move in with him and knowing rather or not you should add a baby to the already two you have, it is only fair to the children themselves especially since you have one who will be having health issues. Now as for Chelsea, I am sorry for what I am about to say but it has to be said. The girl is an idiot, she goes back and forth with the same guy as he sleeps with as many women as he choose and when he gets tired with them he just jumps back into her bed. Now you talk about stupid, she is always bragging how well she is doing with finishing with her GED and going to beauty school, so why not being proud of actually finishing beauty school and moving on with your life without Adam and showing that beautiful daughter of yours how a real strong women should be. Standing on her own two legs and taking care of her business. Last but definately not least is Jenelle, her mug shots alone speak for themselves. This is a girl who is making money off a show, which I feel is allowing her to be able to buy those drugs she is using. Not only does this young girl stay in trouble, she is always fighting, especially with her mom. I know they say she has certain disorders that causes her to act the way she does, but why is she allowed to contiue on the show with this big fact mess she calls her life. I want to know why her along with some of the other girls does not do what most teenagers girls who get pregnant have to do and that is get a real job. Why were these girls allowed to go so long and so many seasons to make as much money to the point they were switching vehicles like some people were switching underwear. I think these shows should limit these girls to one season, enough to make a little money but not so much money as to allow these girls not to have to really live a real life teenager pregnant girls life. The show was suppose to be a life lesson to young girls and the consqences when you get pregnant so early in life. I want to know why instead having life leasons learned in the show, all I have learned is that getting bigger boobs will make me happier and becoming pregnant over and over again is the right thing to do. Why did Leah who had a miscarriage not wait until she got pregnant again. It seems to me if all Doctor Drew wants to do explore these girls, not help these girls. If you want to help send them to a conselor and if they refuse to go then that is when their contract on the show ends. If there are more future shows, I want to see more help for the girls and not just the cameras following them around. I want to see them make right decisions with the blessing they have been given by being choosen to be on the show. I want to see that they have learned to life lessons and not those lessons that money can by them any thing.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Challenge For Wendy Williams

This goes out to Wendy Williams whom I was a fan of for a while but lately in the past year or so I have wondered about some comments she have made. I know Wendy is a personality who is suppose to dish out news on other celebrities and tells what she feels about their situation and this is her opinion. We all have opinion we all have ideas and thoughts on another person situation but my thing is, how far do you take your opinion and run with it. Certain people I have notice Wendy does not give much respect to and she is very hard on them. As Wendy say they are drinking their own kool-aide, well I am starting to think that Wendy is starting to drink her own kool-aide and apparently something is in it. She has harashly judged Chris Brown, Nicki Minaj and Nene Leaks. I looked at Wendy today and someone showed a pick they took of Miley Cyrus in a gym, at a little crazy and she said she does not think she is doing any drugs or anything. It is her being young and she had on head phones and she was just acting crazy, nothing wrong with it. Why not give these other people you judge so hard just as much leave way as you do someone, like Miley who has been photo smoking pot,belive it or not which is considered a drug and drinking before age approiate. Miley may be young and yes young people make stupid mistakes but the thing is to learn from your mistakes and I think people like Wendy Williams who figures Miley makes so much money and is so famous in a lot of people eyes should be excused is why celebrities like her and Charlie Sheen figures it is okay for them to do crazy things and even things that are against the law because you will look at them as if they are above the law. I know Wendy does not want to burn bridges and I think she will judge people she thinks means nothing to burning a bridge compared to someone she thinks will cause who bridge to be burned forever if she talks negative about someone like Miley. So to me not really saying it like it is, to me is like what I call selling your sould to the devil. You figure I have to have certain celebrities on my side so I will not show them in a negative light, so I will pick on some other celebrities I figure I can get by with and come down harder on them because I don't have to have them on my show or they will not break or make me. Well Wendy let me take a ride in that seat you are sitting in and as someone who has nothing to loose tell everyone what I really think and a lot of people feel about certain celebritites and their antics. I can judge just as much as I can forgive especially if I see someone who is working at trying to change and why is it so important that some people make such an effort to make changes why others are cheered on for acting like idiots. So my challenge to you Wendy is go head to head with me and we can dispute on why certain celebrities deserve a repree and others do not, although I am willing to give everyone one do over, after the second and third times, I am likely to throw them to the wolves.

Friday, May 3, 2013

This goes out to Michael Baisden & that Great Crew

I was hurt to find out that Michael Baisden show was off the air and what was so called behind a Contract agreement. I am a big fan of Michael Baisden and his crew(George Willburn, Juan D) and they made my day in the afternoon, keeping me up on what was going on in the community around the world. When I wanted to hear the straight up truth and what was behind something that may not even make CNN because they did not consider it news worthy. I am an African American and rarely do we get information about what is happen in our community and with the Michael Baisden show I could find out was happening and how to get involved if needed. He kept us informed on needed information with all miniorities issues and up held the rights of all. Not only was there that serious side that Michael Baisden had but there was always entertainment with him and his crew. I want to say shame on you Cumulsus Radio for locking out a great crew. There are millions of us who tuned in everyday to listen and talk with this fantasic staff and I am sure that they will pick up were they left off at, even stronger and better than every and believe me, we will be turning in as well. I am sorry to say and this is my opinion but I really do not see Skip being a big hit. We can Skip right over the Skip channel to another station in which the people will feel part of the show as Michael Baisden made us feel. We were comfortable and at home and it is nothing like tuning into a station and feeling like you can talk to people that are like your family members. You laugh, you cry and you party with them. So this is a shout out to you Michael Baisden, George Willburn, and Juan D, me and millions have your back and we will be waiting for that great return and we will follow you on facebook.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Organ Donation (What Life Could Be)

I am writing this particular post because my daughter came home and told me that a fellow classmate of her's had past away. I was shocked and wanted to know what had happen, and then she asked if I remember her telling me of a guy who did not have any kidneys and he had to be on dialysis and I told her yes, I do remember her mentioning it but thought nothing else of it because I figured he was young and someone in his family would donate him a kidney or he would get one. My daughter said mother he never got a kidney and he got sick and pasted away. I could not believe it and although I did not know the boy personally, my heart literally fell in my stomach because of the thought of someone dying so young for something that could have been prevented if someone would have donated a kidney to him. I gave my mother one of my kidneys in 2000 and never thought twice about doing it. My mother was on dialysis for years and I watch her get weaker and weaker with each section, she had gotten so depressed, she said so could no longer go on. Me and my siblings and my mother siblings all went to the donor office to get tested to see if we were matches. We filled the office up and I remember the nurses making statements about my mother was lucky to have so many people to actually get tested not thinking nothing else of it. I turned out to be the closest match with the least amount of health issues so I was choosen to take on this task, and I myself was reading because I did not want to see my mom continue to get sicker. After the surgery was done my mother gained her weight back, got her spirit back and I saw her come to life again. I was proud of how well my mother was doing and just the fact that I gave her a kidney made this happen was amazing to me. I do not think people realize how serious being a donor can be. I personally do not like watching a love one of mines suffering if especially I can help to end that suffering. So many times we are helpless in helping a love one with certain illnesses, so if there is an illness that you can help with like making a organ donation, why not help. I am doing well with my one kidney and my children have said over and over again, if I turn around and need one, they are there for me. I am hoping I will never need them to do that but if they do, I am so happy to know that they too will be donors. You do not have to be a donor to just your family member either, if you are willing you can get tested to donate to a stranger. There are children out there who need certain organs and this life saving donation can allow them to have a future. I keep thinking about this seventeen year old who would have graduated this year and I often wonder how his family is feeling, not to actually see their son walk across that stage. It makes me wonder if they tried getting tested, did they know they could have been tested, or was he on a donors list and if so why was it not put out into the community of how critical this young man was? I beg anyone out there to think about how important it is to be a donor. Me being a donor to my mother had such an impact on my life that I have choosen to become a donor after my life is over. I watch my mother suffer from her disease and I got the pleasure to watch her recover from it by doing something I never thought that a person could do why living, which is giving her life. I am a life time receipent, which I received from the governor of my state and never thought twice about it, but now I cherish this award and I take the opportunity to let anyone know how important donating an organ can be. Many more lives can be saved if we get that message out to people about the importance of organ donation, so pass it on and if you know someone who may need an organ, try posting it on facebook or sending it on twitter or putting out flyers in your community, you may just be surprise how many people may step up.