Thursday, July 21, 2016

This Country??? Yes What are We doing

Now I remember why I wrote this blog, and it started out about a statement on our we as Americans as stupid as we appear. I now be considered a terrorist as I write on negativity of our country but it is what it is and I have my own opinion. As everyone else in this country is now starting to have their own rights, although the bibles says differently. So now what Gods says is not being honored anymore in this country, why should I honor a country that is apparently stopped honoring God, yeah wow. This election has become an overall joke, I have heard people saying that because Hillary has been caught about this email scandal and was not locked up, she is the worse of the two evils, again wow. Donald Trump a man who lied about his taxes, refuses to show his tax returns, teases women, handicap persons and immigrants, although his wife is one. And claim to know more than a four star general is the less worse of the two evils and what people are saying. Please can someone tell me why this is so. When teasing a handicap person on televisions in front of millions of people in this country is okay and even laughable in some people eyes. Why is this man who has filed for bankruptcy a few times makes him able to control a country's budget, that is already in trouble okay. Would someone who mismanage money not be a negative sign, as he might tend to do things that will favor his and his family pockets, sounds familiar don't it, not trying to call names but the Bush family is not wanting for nothing for them or their future generations. If a person who uses money to benefit their own needs, what will they do when they are in a position of power to do so. Oh this country, yes this country has me so baffled at this moment and that is why I write because, it is so sad that this country is apparently not for the people anymore. Everyone for themselves I guess, the people I hear and see running out to get armed, because they say it will be a war here on our own territory. Why are we not working on bringing people together instead of steadily tearing them apart. We even have television host who are just going in directions I am not understanding anymore. The radio stations which is suppose to be monitored is talking about every and anything from sex during the summer months that children are out of school and can hear this on the station, smh. Look at this country, should we be proud, yes proud of the country itself but not of the people in it and they way some of them are acting. God help us all and have mercy for what we have done to your beautiful creations. Forgive the ugliness and the backwards way we have turned your words around to fit our selfish needs. We as a people are human and will destroy ourselves although you have told us what we must do to have peace, we can not be as you and give life for man, we simply only see taking a man's life. I cry for what I see that is not of you God and pray that somehow my people will change. In your name I pray Amen., Amen and Amen again. Prayer another thing some want to take away from us. You may take my dignity but you can't stop me from praising God.

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