Where do I begin. I started watching this show not knowing what expect but now, after a few seasons and episodes I am like,ohhh my goodness. Love and Hip Hop has nothing on theses little ladies. They may be short in stature but the are tall in attitudes, mouth and heart. These woman have more opinions, drama and issues then the general assembly. Now my worry really lay with Briana and her health as her husband Matt tries to keep her from all her friends and family because he claims they are stressing her out, not his affairs with other women. Wow this man is a piece of work. He is the classic male of today's society I am ashamed to say. Most of them want the contol but dont want to work. They want the woman working but they want to act like they are running things. I think there is still a few good men out therearly, I hope God there are because if not I am in trouble. Anyway this beef between Christy and Terra has gone beyond the breaking point. Okay my point of view. Christy is a lier, this woman is one of those person who has a hidden agenda and again my opinion. It has to do with money, making herself look good to the fans so she too can get her own reality show. You know like Terra has. Christy is almost banking on it, she already went ahead and got the big house all she needs is a storyline. Did anyone notice how Christy all of a sudden found tears for her friend Briana after Jasmine was crying and upset over Briana's welfare at the spa day for the ladies. Jasmine was really showing compassion for Briana to point she was sick to her stomach and the other ladies could only just stare, as Christy did. But oh boy when she got home to her husband and the cameras was on them, she began carrying on about how worried and scared she was for her friend and in my opinion, it seemed to me the woman seemed to then try and push tears out her face. Christy was actually crying for her friend to her husband but I seen no tears. Too me she did this because of how Jasmine reacted to everything and Christy maybe thought since she was Briana so called friend maybe, just maybe she should have shown some tears before hand, you think. You make not think as I do but that Christy is a piece of work, maybe because it was the two brain concussions she received from Terra. Did anyone see how she went to apologize to Terra once her agent said she should, yeah she pretended it was all her idea to forgive and forget, wow. I have to say the agent was right, but her heart was not in it and she was not sincere, so of course it did not work. If you want a show Christy you don't have to use others at stepping stones, just be real. Do you, if you are a bi**hit, then own it and be once, you may find as crazy as this country become they will accept and honor you, as sad as that sounds. Not everyone can be nice, or have a personality that catches people attention. Some of us our, just shall I say nasty, but it works for some of them. This show has a lot more drama to talk about but just to much to write about, so let's just keep watching, pray for Briana. Hope that maybe she found a hole to have thrown Matt in, us biggies will help you girl. I will keep on watching
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