Are we as Americans becoming as stupid as we appear or are we just refusing to open our eyes to what is happening around us.
Friday, July 22, 2016
Love and Hip Hop Atlanta (7-18-16)
As usual what a mess what a mess. This show is rachet as ever. We know Joseline and all her enemies are at her heal. We have Miss Dime and believe you me if that lady could get her hands on Joseline, she be chopped up beef. But Tommie need too just sit down with her cray cray self, she is no competition for Joseline, Tommie just stays so drunk and high all the time she thinks she can beat anyone, wrong. That is one young lady that needs to get her life together and fast. Now what about Ms. Karlie Redd, this woman sleeps with two men claim to love one, goes back to the other and gets mad when she hears the other one is married. Wow Karlie I was beginning to think you were bigger than this but you are not. Karlie what do you wanticipate in your life girl, a real relationship or drama. I thought you wanted real love but now from a different angle it looks like drama. What hurt me too my heart was watching Tammy say her and Waka, I guess that's his name was separating. When people say they are separating for their relationship, it usually means divorce, because no situation or issue should drive a married couple apart, it should actually bring you closer together. If a married couple spend time away from each other how can they work the issue out, you can't. You end up getting use to being apart, not speaking and eventually going your separate ways. Tammy if you don't want to divorce your husband then girl fight for him, go after him and pour your heart to him. You have to putilize your faith in God and believe in yourichmond marriage and watch what happens. Now do I think Scrappy and Bambi should get back together, hell no. These two people are walking in their own world's and neither of them is showing me what marriage requires in a man and woman, they are just not ready. Scrappy should have given Tammy the roses for her show, would have made an excellent gesture. Moving on to Miss MiMi, the most confused lady I have ever seen, she apparently hates being alone. I still feel sorry for MiMi because she don't know what she wants, what she is doing or how to go about doing it. She dated this woman, who the whole world heard her tell MiMi that she wanted to spend some time apart until Mimi get her stuff together. Well what does Miss Mimi do, yep she jumps into another relationship, all I can say is wow. And what I want to discuss is that she said this new woman has been a friend she has known for a long time, could it be Ms. Ariane baby, yes. Ms. Ariane we know is gay and her and Mimi are friends and I always thought Ariane had a crush on Mimi from the first time she became a part of the show. Now I am curious to know if this is so. I hope the new love Tiarra has found is real, I like the two together they seem to be starting off to a goid start, but Miss Tiarra you to learn to let it go when someone has said they slept with your ex, what the crap, you are not with him anymore. What Stevie J and his new attitude since Mimi ask for child support, a horse of a different color ad they say, he is red and blue all over cause he has to pay for his own child, again wow, what a man. He was all good if the child came free, now it cost he trying to be nasty to MiMi, sad but so. This show has never disappointed me and I believe will never disappoint me. I look forward to it coming on Monday nights and will miss it when it's gone. I heard a rumor there will not be another season but I am hoping this is a lie and only a lie as I see a few more season in this shows future. Keep it coming cast, you guys make for great television.
Shaunie O'Neal show "Home Court"
Shaunie I watched your new reality show as I gave it the benefit of the doubt, not really liking your attitude personally. I like your kids, they are a plus. I like your so called nannies. But the show, it was a little slow. I don't know if it is because the show is new and it will take some getting use to, or if it just had nothing that really stood out as a interesting show, or if Shaunie is just throwing me of because I am not a fan of her ways. If you tend to show me ugliness in the way you treat others, then I tend to stay away from you. So for me personally I got nothing out of the show as far as entertainment. Will I be watching again, that is a maybe because I may watch it a second time to give it another chance as maybe I missed something or maybe the show just needs to be given a chance. I do think maybe Shaunie and Tami could leave basketball wives altogether and both come on this show as a force and give this show a little more boost. Anyway good luck on future projects.
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Little Women Of Atlanta
This show is off the chain. I thought LA little woman was something, well they have nothing on Atlanta. They as you say on a hold nother level. Now the biggest question is too start off show from last season was Minnie every pregnant. For one thing, I can say is that Minnie you need lying lessons, if there is,such a thing. Because when Minnie opens her mouth the truth remains to be found. If you can't tell the truth without hesitation, then you are thinking about something you should not having to think about. In other words, if you have to think about it then you are lying Minnie. I do say Miss Juicy may have had a hidden agenda when she threw the baby shower but never the less it was a nice gesture and if Minnie was pregnant she would have been given a great gift no matter how it received. What I did not like is Minnie going around telling everyone she thinks she had a miscarriage but don't know, wouldn't she have went to doctor. She told her mother she thought she was pregnant then she got her period, a miscarriage is not your period Minnie, so did you have a miscarriage or your period? Geez, when you lie it only get deeper. I did not like how Minnie took her mother to meet Miss Juicy and her mother basically attacked the woman. Why is Minnie'so mother getting in her grown daughters affairs with another little person. As big as Minnie mother is, she should not be taking on a little person, who is much smaller then herself. I think Minnie's mother made a absolute fool of herself attacking Miss Juicy and making her cry. All because Minnie lied about being pregnant, instead of helping her daughter understand why she is lying so much, Minnie mom choose to help her daughter out with the lie. I don't think Minnie mother even believed she was pregnant. I agree with Monique that Minnie needs perfessional help, now that is a real friend, someone who will let you know wrong is wrong but you can correct your mistake once you are honest about it. These pregnancy with the girls are interesting. Emily has a boy, but he is a little person, which brings on health issues. And the twin us having an average size baby, wow that is great, because of the health issue is why I say this. Why would you want your baby to go through so much pain. Overall the show is starting off great, I am like Monie I want Minnie to correct her wrong and be a woman about why she is so dishonest with the ladies. I wold like to see one of the woman get married. Everyone just living all in sin, what the crap. I will be continuing to watch you ladies, Good luck.
Basketball Wives LA
Yeah it's back. You know the show tell ex basketball wives of LA, why don't they call it that, more appropriate don't you think? Anyway they are back and I had mixed emotions on it myself. First thing I did not like how last season ended, Shaunie throwing around her authority, wanting everyone to know she is the head BITC* in charge. I like it when a boss stay behind scenes, not on it. Shanie, wants to be seen, heard and pull what I call puppet strings on people, something that is distasteful to me. Second thing why is Shaunie and thirsty Tami on the show, we're they not basketball wives of Miami? I had enough of Tami temper and her threating people, because that is was she does and she is a bully, something I really dislike. Did you here how Shaunie tries to protect her by saying she is just passionate at what she does, what is that suppose to mean when you threaten someone? Terrorist are passionate at what they do to but we don't praise them. And then there is Jackie, old azz Jackie, granted she is still married to her retired basketball husband, but he is retired and so should she be. She should be retire, from spandex, short skirts, fake hair and sex talk, especially sex talk. I want to say God forgive because know not what she does, she has a child mind in an old woman's body. I was glad to Malaysia return and especially glad to see Brandi. Brandi was my girl as she never back down from a fight and she told that HBIC Shaunie what she thought of her and Tami, yes to me that was the best part of last season. Did anyone see the shock on Shaunie face like, she should not have told me, not the person who walks on water, but Ms. Shaunie is that not what you want on your show, drama. When Tammy was talk mad crap to people in Miami and threating them it was all okay. So why was it not okay when Brandi stood up to you and Tami, I mean no harm but I wish she would do it again. Tami said she owes you an apology, for what telling the truth. Let me come on the show and I wont back down because only one person can make and break me and he can walk on water. Wow, I am all fired up about this show as I don't like the way Shaunie or Tami go at people why can't you Shaunie stick to your new reality show, let Tami join you on that one and you both leave the basketball wives showith all together and please take Jackie with you, please. Make a few changes to the show and I think it will continue. Drama should return as Shaunie and Tami exit out. I really think you should take this in consideration as Tami may get sued for putting her hands on people, or the show may get sued.
Little Women of LA
Where do I begin. I started watching this show not knowing what expect but now, after a few seasons and episodes I am like,ohhh my goodness. Love and Hip Hop has nothing on theses little ladies. They may be short in stature but the are tall in attitudes, mouth and heart. These woman have more opinions, drama and issues then the general assembly. Now my worry really lay with Briana and her health as her husband Matt tries to keep her from all her friends and family because he claims they are stressing her out, not his affairs with other women. Wow this man is a piece of work. He is the classic male of today's society I am ashamed to say. Most of them want the contol but dont want to work. They want the woman working but they want to act like they are running things. I think there is still a few good men out therearly, I hope God there are because if not I am in trouble. Anyway this beef between Christy and Terra has gone beyond the breaking point. Okay my point of view. Christy is a lier, this woman is one of those person who has a hidden agenda and again my opinion. It has to do with money, making herself look good to the fans so she too can get her own reality show. You know like Terra has. Christy is almost banking on it, she already went ahead and got the big house all she needs is a storyline. Did anyone notice how Christy all of a sudden found tears for her friend Briana after Jasmine was crying and upset over Briana's welfare at the spa day for the ladies. Jasmine was really showing compassion for Briana to point she was sick to her stomach and the other ladies could only just stare, as Christy did. But oh boy when she got home to her husband and the cameras was on them, she began carrying on about how worried and scared she was for her friend and in my opinion, it seemed to me the woman seemed to then try and push tears out her face. Christy was actually crying for her friend to her husband but I seen no tears. Too me she did this because of how Jasmine reacted to everything and Christy maybe thought since she was Briana so called friend maybe, just maybe she should have shown some tears before hand, you think. You make not think as I do but that Christy is a piece of work, maybe because it was the two brain concussions she received from Terra. Did anyone see how she went to apologize to Terra once her agent said she should, yeah she pretended it was all her idea to forgive and forget, wow. I have to say the agent was right, but her heart was not in it and she was not sincere, so of course it did not work. If you want a show Christy you don't have to use others at stepping stones, just be real. Do you, if you are a bi**hit, then own it and be once, you may find as crazy as this country become they will accept and honor you, as sad as that sounds. Not everyone can be nice, or have a personality that catches people attention. Some of us our, just shall I say nasty, but it works for some of them. This show has a lot more drama to talk about but just to much to write about, so let's just keep watching, pray for Briana. Hope that maybe she found a hole to have thrown Matt in, us biggies will help you girl. I will keep on watching
Will The Real Wendy Williams Please Come Forward
Okay Wendy I am almost sure you have heard the negativity from a lot of person as you have change in the eyes of some of us who use to be your fan. You said you would never change, you said you will tell it from the hit and you said you will ask the questions everyone wants to know. Now watching your show, you are failing to do all these things. I am just telling it like I see and hear it. Wendy is not like she was when she started the show on the first day, she has definitely changed, something she told us she would not do. But like the you all do, including the politicians. They make these promises then once their in its like they never made them. Wendy said she did not never swe herself changing, but again this has gone away. She judge those she claimed she would not judge, those she called my people, she don't always shoot from the hip either. Why did she not ask Peter from Housewives of Atlanta the juicy questions that we all hear about him and his affairs. I wanted the real gossip and you who suppose to get it didn't as a real information seeker Wendy. For the most part I am disappointed in you Wendy, although I know you will say I am a hater, let me give you my answer to that. I am not a hater in fact I love what you do, not so much as how you are doing it. Being real to me is being real, we all see dollar signs. In other words we all want to be rich and famous as in some cases, but at what price. I have to say before I change I would have to stand on my convictions and do what Dave Chappelle did and that is what away before I let them change me. I can always go back to being poor and happy, then rich and not knowing who I am anymore. I want to be able to look in my mirror and be happy with the reflection I see, being small, thin and pretty can't just make me happy. Good Luck.
This Country??? Yes What are We doing
Now I remember why I wrote this blog, and it started out about a statement on our we as Americans as stupid as we appear. I now be considered a terrorist as I write on negativity of our country but it is what it is and I have my own opinion. As everyone else in this country is now starting to have their own rights, although the bibles says differently. So now what Gods says is not being honored anymore in this country, why should I honor a country that is apparently stopped honoring God, yeah wow. This election has become an overall joke, I have heard people saying that because Hillary has been caught about this email scandal and was not locked up, she is the worse of the two evils, again wow. Donald Trump a man who lied about his taxes, refuses to show his tax returns, teases women, handicap persons and immigrants, although his wife is one. And claim to know more than a four star general is the less worse of the two evils and what people are saying. Please can someone tell me why this is so. When teasing a handicap person on televisions in front of millions of people in this country is okay and even laughable in some people eyes. Why is this man who has filed for bankruptcy a few times makes him able to control a country's budget, that is already in trouble okay. Would someone who mismanage money not be a negative sign, as he might tend to do things that will favor his and his family pockets, sounds familiar don't it, not trying to call names but the Bush family is not wanting for nothing for them or their future generations. If a person who uses money to benefit their own needs, what will they do when they are in a position of power to do so. Oh this country, yes this country has me so baffled at this moment and that is why I write because, it is so sad that this country is apparently not for the people anymore. Everyone for themselves I guess, the people I hear and see running out to get armed, because they say it will be a war here on our own territory. Why are we not working on bringing people together instead of steadily tearing them apart. We even have television host who are just going in directions I am not understanding anymore. The radio stations which is suppose to be monitored is talking about every and anything from sex during the summer months that children are out of school and can hear this on the station, smh. Look at this country, should we be proud, yes proud of the country itself but not of the people in it and they way some of them are acting. God help us all and have mercy for what we have done to your beautiful creations. Forgive the ugliness and the backwards way we have turned your words around to fit our selfish needs. We as a people are human and will destroy ourselves although you have told us what we must do to have peace, we can not be as you and give life for man, we simply only see taking a man's life. I cry for what I see that is not of you God and pray that somehow my people will change. In your name I pray Amen., Amen and Amen again. Prayer another thing some want to take away from us. You may take my dignity but you can't stop me from praising God.
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