Are we as Americans becoming as stupid as we appear or are we just refusing to open our eyes to what is happening around us.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Buying Alaska (@BuyAlaska)(
I have never talked about this show but I really love this show and one reason why is because I think Alaska is a very beautiful place. I know most people think who would want to live in such a cold country, well the answer would be almost anyone. Watching this show you will learn a lot about Alaska and you will learn that although it does get very cold during winter months you do have a few months of very good spring weather that is absolutely beautiful and for someone like me it is definitely worth it. Alaska like some states have living areas that are in town and like most big states anything in town around the stores and shopping areas is of course expensive. But the piece of resistance is that when you look for a remote home out in Alaska wild it is really remote and you do not have to worry about any real neighborhood pest, something that appeals to me. I have to admit a lot of the housing that some of these clients are taken too have a lot to be desired, some of the homes I am shocked that the realtor even bother to sale, a big old mess and a lot of the plumbing is none existence as to outhouses, yes outhouses. But there are some houses that will remind you of mansion as well, all indoor plumbing, great master bedrooms, great designs and best of all you can tell some of the past owner really put thought into living in Alaska by having green houses, slanted roofs to keep snow falling on ground, garages and even having the houses placed on high ground in case of water rising water. Overall the show is great to watch and I love seeing people hunt for houses in Alaska especially if they have never lived in Alaska before. For those who have lived in Alaska cities and want to live in a remote areas for one reason or another is great also because most of these people know what they want and know what it will take to live out in the wilderness, especially with the real heavy snowfall Alaska gets. But I have to say a lot of these houses leave a lot to be desired and that is the real reason I like watching this show because I can not believe people actually lived in some of these houses with the nasty outhouses and some of the houses with no plumbing and you having to go out and fetch water is just a little old fashion for me. The best part for me is the heavy snowfall, I am a snow person, I love it and they even have what they call is fat bikes that stays on top of the snow, how awesome is that not to mention riding snow mobiles and even putting on skis to go to market. The thing about Alaska is no one seems to be judging anyone and all the people that lives there knows what some people have to go through to make it during the winter and this is understood. Eight months of winter would be fine with me as I am a person who with asthma the fresh clean air that snowfall provides is better than what the summer does to me and besides I love the wild life that Alaska have and enjoy watching it. Now if I ever hit it rich I see myself building my own luxury house in Alaska, with of course inside plumbing and no need to leave to go to the lower states unless to visit family every now and then. I see they have a new show coming out called buying Hawaii and although people call Hawaii and state that s paradise, I do not see it being as special as Alaska is, I will watch the show to compare it and see what this clients get out of it. I do know that Hawaii can be expensive so I see these houses costing way more than that of Alaska although Alaska houses price vary definitely depending on who is selling it. What I have been watching of Alaska cost on their houses it seems as if the seller can just set their own prices and after the realtor show the houses they can offer prices on what they can possibly do as far as price range, overall the prices of most of the Alaska houses I have watched being looked at is very reasonable.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Braxton Family Values 11-28-13 (#BFV)(@BraxtonFV)
I watched Braxton Family Values and was glad to find out the Tracie does have her own thing, she now has a Internet radio station in Washington D.C. and she really deserves it. It was rather funny to see Tracie who is so outgoing panic before she actually had to go live and just walking to the studio but I we all know how that is, especially when you have to talk and you everyone attention is on what you and you only are saying. Now that Tracie has the first broadcasting behind her, she will be find and it will come easier and easier the more she does it. I wish we could get Tracie station in Virginia but they said it was Internet radio so I should be able to log into it right? Now that Tracie has her own thing going, we got to see Tamar in action again with her illness and all as she was at rehearsal. Something that was new that we got to see that has not change is Vince and Tamar go at it again and this time it was over how to handle her rehearsal and who was in charge of what. One of my most favorite part was watching Towanda and Trina argue about how they would do their back up dancing. Now correct me if I am wrong it is not that important how much they dance as long as they are on key with their singing, correct. Now that Tracie has her radio station I am unsure how she will fit this in with being a back up singer and dancer for her sisters, it seem as though it would be pretty hard especially since most radio station are only daily, unless they allow her to record her sessions, but what about call in if they allow people to make calls into the station. I see a lot of traveling for Tracie in the beginning and then I see her slowly and slowly breaking away from her sisters as far as business, which is a good thing. Something that did puzzle me was Towanda not going with her other sisters and mother to see Tamar at her rehearsals and Tamar questioning them all as to why Towanda did not come. I had no idea that Towanda and Tamar were at odds other than Tamar complaining that Towanda gets things started with the other sister and then tries and act as if all the sister were in on the gossip. Now I remember when the Braxton family show started, Towanda was the one that knew everyone secrets and you could not pry them out of her, it leaves me to wondering what has changed and is the change due to the producers wanting to make the sure more juicy, so they get Towanda to reveal gossips about the sister on the show or what. If this is the case I understand and I like the sisters getting all their secrets out in the open. I for one think that getting your secrets out on the show leaves the girls as they are open to anything and are willing to let the world they will not hide anything, you know some people get television shows or become celebrities but then they want to hide everything about them. If you have a television show why try and hide things when you say you want the world to look into your life by putting it on television. If you hide things from your reality show, it will get out and then people will distrust when they feel like you are hiding it by not putting it on the air in front of your viewers, the same viewers you welcomed into your life by allowing people to watch you in the first place. I really like the Braxton family and I think they are one of the most opened family television programming to date and I love watching them every time they come on because I know they will hide nothing. Keep up the good work Braxton.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Brown Thursday?
First of all I want to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and I was listening to news this morning as the express that they are now calling Thanksgiving day, Brown Thursday as it relates to most of the stores opening tonight instead of Friday morning for the holiday season and if you ask my opinion of the situation, I will say it does not really matter to me as long as I can get those gas great deals. I know that sounds a little selfish but let me explain. I have every since I can remember been Black Friday shopping and it started with my mother. I have always pushed my way through a crowd of people to get the items I want and what was easier when I was young I was much smaller and could easily fit between people or duck under them to get a item first. Now as a grown up and my mother having past away I do not have others who are as willing to hang with me on cold mornings or cold evenings no matter how much I explain to them that this is the only time during the year we can get these items at this price. Anyone can say what they want but no other time during the year do you get a fifty inch television in the price range of two hundred dollars or do you get android tablets at thirty nine dollars, so for me although they did do a some what radical change, it is still a sale and although Thanksgiving is a day for being Thankful and enjoying your family, for me I can get my family after having Thanksgiving dinner to go along with me to shop. So if you ask me what I am thankful today, I am really thankful for everything I have and every new person that has came into my life but I would have to say I am most thankful for Brown Thursday which I will be taking these family members and new friends along with me to shop, the more the merrier.
Braxton Family Values 11-21-13(@BFVFANCLUB)
I thought about having to forget to write about Braxton Family Values last week and thought I would do a quick take on it before tonight episode. I was really enjoyed how Tracie whom truly loves her husband talked over the rumor going around about her husband and his illegitimate child to her husband first and then afterwards she talked to all of her sisters. Tracie did exactly as she should have, she remained call told her sister what she thought of them discussing such as thing without her present and then she explained why it was important for her sisters to talk to her first, great job Tracie. My favorite part was when Tracie actually had a one on one conversation with Tamar and we all know how Tamar can get but with all this being said, Ms. Tamar remained a lady and did as a real lady would do, she apologized to her sister for any and everything she has put her through and when I mean everything Tamar went further back some years to make apologizes. This was one of the best scenes I have every seen between two sisters when it came to a heart felt conversation. Tamar has grown into the really mature woman and I must say it is about time. I admire your new attitude Tamar and I want you to keep it up. As for the other sisters, I think Trina should hurry up and get back to her music, although I found out for the first time that it is not R&B style. Towanda is definitely doing the family thing and it works for her, but she needs to stop telling other people business I like it better when she was the person who told no ones secret. Tamar as we have seen is very business with her music career as well as her mama baby duties, but I did hear that she was going on tour with John Legend, is this good for he baby to be traveling or is it only her going I would like to know a little more on how she is working this out. Tracie is really not showing us anything lined up as of now but I really think she could do a curvy girls clothing line, especially since Tracie can really dress in my opinion, well all the girl have a flare in the clothing and putting outfits together so I think they should jump on this idea. Now as for Ms. Toni I like it that she is back in the studios and is on stage again and what I personally like best of all is seeing Toni and babyface working close together, is it just me or does these two make a cute couple. I personally think babyface and Toni if he does not already have anyone should hook up, if they babyface has someone already he should dump that person and get with Toni, they are so cute together it makes me sick. This was a great episode and all the girls are all in good standing with one another, just the way it should be with sisters. It is something magical about having sisters and you all have a great relationship and when you come together it is powerful, of course I speak of experience having four sisters and enjoying each and every time when we do get together, although my husband say we sound like a pack of loud hyenas the way we express ourselves. We have fun together and yes we get rather loud and a little obnoxious, but it is all in fun, sisters for life.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Total Divas 11-26-13 (@TotalDivasE)(#TotalDivas)
Although I do not discuss total divas that much, I do watch and enjoy the show. I was a wrestling fan it is a change to see the women side of everything and less of a focus on the men. But what upset me the other night was Ariane having issues with painful periods and sexual intercourse and she was asking for help because these are one of these situations that we women become frustrated when we do not know what are bodies are doing at the moment and why we can not solve the problem. What made me discussed me was that Ariane went to a Gynecologist to get an exam and get some answers and after a quick exam she told Ariane that there was not a problem. What happen to taken tests and waiting for the test to come back, how can you as a doctor tell someone for sure that by just examining her in your office that there is not a problem without taking any test. To top it off Ariane was told to go see a sex therapist and maybe they could give her and insight on what her problem is, a sex therapist to discuss your painful period to me is not an answer. Yes there are other women that have painful periods and yes there are other women that have painful sexual intercourse but why is it that everyone is put in the same category and why do you not look at something definitely when it comes to the painful periods. No women if you ask me should have painful periods because I do not believe is was meant to be this way. I think Ariane should have went to another Gynecologist and gotten a second opinion and although I am a woman myself I would have to say Ariane should have went to a man for this second opinion. I know that most women believe in going to a female Gynecologist because they say a man does not understand what a women goes through, now personally I would have to disagree with this opinion because having worked in a hospital around doctors I have known women doctors to be very judgemental, when a male doctor focus on his patient it is about solving the root cause of the patient problem and not just automatically judging like a lot of the female doctors do. Women will give a quick diagnose like the female doctor did for Ariane. Painful periods can be a sign of fibroid, stress and anxiety, IUD made of copper not to mention a list of other things, so why did this doctor not tell Ariane this and do a check list to rule out some of this things. What tops the entire thing to me was Ariane and her boyfriend went to the sex therapist and this woman solution to Ariane problems was to have kinky sex, now I want to know where this woman got her degree because I want to know what school taught her this. All she wanted to know was how was Ariane sex life like and what did she do to get satisfaction, it almost seemed to me as if this woman was getting off some kind of way. She actually got mad at Ariane when she explained to this therapist that she did not do anything really kinky at all, her attitude when Ariane said this shocked me. Ariane came into her office to get help and advice not to be judge but yet again a woman professional being very judgemental. I am a woman but where in the world do we get off when we become professional and decide we can judge all whom come to us for help. I again think Araine should get other opinions as to her situation and please do not go to this therapist again, I beg of you.
Dancing With the Stars(Do Not Read If You Do Not know who Won)
Okay someone will have to help me with this one because I really have not watch much of the Dancing With the Stars this season but I thought that it was not until next week that we would know who the winner is, so why is it that I know Amber Riley is the winner. Win does Dancing with the stars come on, is it Monday or Tuesday and why is it that the winner has been posted all over the Internet. Is it that the winning finale has been shown on one coast and not the other, why would they do this and spoil it for us all. Although I have not been watching it much this season and was trying to keep up with it every now and then between my other reality shows I had to fit in, I was rooting for Amber just for the reason she represented a size that was not a size two for once, one up for the plus size ladies, you can do it. Well I am glad Amber won and now of course we know what her next step will be and that is doing commercial for some weight loss product to tell us how it has help with her progress of losing weight, not mentioning that doing a whole lot of dancing and rehearsals will keep the weight off anyone who stays on their feet. I hope this show will allow for Amber to get a lot more parts in television shows as well as movies I would like to see her myself, especially doing a dance routine now that would be fun. I have to say the final three all placed in what was expected with Corbin Bleu in second and Jack Osbourne being in third, so although most of the Dancing with the stars elimination seemed very unfair we would have to say the ending was very much expected by most. You all know someone I would to see on dancing with the stars is all of the Braxton sisters, yes all of them, with the mouth and the attitude and as competitive as they are it would make for some fun and if not all how about Tracie, Tamar and Towanda. Let me explain why this three, Tamar with all her mouth makes me want to see what she would do in this situation, Tracie has lost so much weight and is so competitive I know she will do good, and Towanda has some moves so I would love to see her in a dancing competition. They could have Toni and Babyface perform with their new single as one of the singing acts. If the Dancing with the stars make it a point to get these ladies on at one time I would make it a point to watch it. All in All even if I missed it I am glad that Amber won and I wish her luck in the future with her endeavors.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
The Black Ink Crew 11-25-13(@BlackInkCrew, #BlackInk!)
I watch the Black Ink Crew last night and I watch Puma and some of his friends go to Atlantic City for his bachelor party. Now I was glad that Teddy took the time to talk to Puma about letting Ceaser come to the party and Puma actually saying yes. When Ceaser came to the party it was a shock for Puma because he really was not expecting Ceaser to show up and there is still that doubt in Puma about Ceaser true friendship. Friends can be friends but everyone knows when it comes down to business then you have to separate the two yet last night Puma told Ceaser that he should not have been treated like any of Ceaser other employees and my question on this is why not. Too me a real friend will understand when you have to lay down the laws when it comes to taking care of business and if you are a real friend you will stand behind this friend who owns this business and help him or her if needed. I was really glad that Puma and Ceaser did talk although there was a little back and forth of misunderstand before this happen, it was good to see everyone together again and just having fun and I again applaud Ceaser because he took it a step further by pulling Puma aside on the beach and talking to him seriously one on one. Now as for O*sh** and him finishing a tattoo on his crazy ex girlfriend, you know the one whom think she can fight but did absolute nothing but sneak in a sucker punch. I was wondering why did it take O*sh** so long to finish this tattoo on his ex and I hope his ex is telling the truth when she means that she has really let him go and that she is through with him. She should have been finished with him a very long time ago, some woman again just do not know how to move on and her continuing to sleep with O*sh** when she knew he was messing with other woman is her fault for not moving on with her life and she only had one child, why not date around, was it because she is on the crazy side and can not find anyone else who will deal with her. I love that tattoo that Dutchess did of the Geisha girl, she seems to do her best work when she is depressed and under a little strain, the absence of Ceaser was on her mind as well as Ceaser missing her which is bond to happen when two people are in love and separated for the first time. Separation is not something easy to get over and with any real relationship there will be that complete feel of missing something that is a part of you, but if you do decide to completely break up of course time will have to be your sole relief. The question is where will they all go from here, Ceaser has connected back with the people from his old crew and they seem to still have a closeness. If you ask me they can all continue to be friends, why stop being friends just because they no longer work for Ceaser. They all can work separate and continue on with their own businesses and still party together, that way no hard feeling when it comes to their jobs. I am still not sure if O*sh** will switch teams and work for Puma, this may cause another rip between the two shops but I think as long as O*sh** decides to leave he should explain to Ceaser why and tell him it is his decision. I still am not liking the location of Puma's shop and would personally find it hard to have to go pass people begging me for money. I hope that everything works out for everyone at Black Ink and I want to continue to see Ceaser keep his friendships along the way, like Ceaser said, life is never promised and you never know when the last time you say goodbye to someone is the last time.
Chrissy & Mr. Jones 11-25-13(#ChrissyandJim)
It was nice for Jim to send Chrissy to send Chrissy out on a girls night and although I do not understand the joke between the two with the pink limo ride, I do still like the relationship the two have with one another. Jim does seem to be on a different level than Chrissy but it works for them. Chrissy is always thinking about the business and I think she will take lady vamp to the next level. I think that Chrissy coming on set while Jim was shooting a video to put some of the shirts on Jim's dancers was a great idea and what was even better was that Jim did not get mad with Chrissy, he understood that Chrissy was not there to snoop but to help promote their line and he did not mind at all, this is trust and these two really understand one another. Now the sending her out for a woman's night is something I think all men should do for their women, I wish my husband would do this and actually make the plans, do what Jim did if you are not sure get one of your woman's girlfriend or sister to help you come up with a great plan. As for Mama Jones going into Chrissy closet and telling her grandson not to tell was a little sneaky, although Mama Jones let it be known on camera that she took the shoes and there to Chrissy. I must say I wish I had someone closet I could go into and they had some many things that they did not even realize that I took a couple of things from their wardrobe, it should be a law any way for one person to have that many items, did you see Jim's watch collection. I am still of course waiting for the planning of the wedding to begin and something else I would like to see is the family having a holiday meal together. I want to see how the Jones do their holiday meal together it would be great. For me the overall show is great and Chrissy and Jim has one of the best relationships that I have seen in a long time, some people may say the way they do things is different but this does not matter because they are good together and I see their love and trust for one another.
Love & Hip Hop NY 11-25-13(#LHHNY)
I watch Love and Hip Hop New York Monday night and I do not know what to say about these men on this show or how to sum them up because what I have been seeing on this show is what is really happening to our so call men of today. They are being arrogant, self indulgent, greedy and just right down nasty. Peter Gunz is the prime example of how men want their cake and eat it too and what really makes it bad is that on last night episode he says that he want both women and will use them both until they really decide they have had enough. The sad thing about this situation is that both women still want him and this is the prime example of what are happening to are young women today, they have no pride or they except what these men are doing to them. Why would you not completely cut off a man once you found out that he was sleeping with another woman while sleeping with you. What is even worse about the situation is that Gunz tried telling Tara that it was all her fault that he went into another woman arm, wow this is the second time he cheated on her and it is all her fault. Now if last night show did not show women how stupid we can be when it comes to a man than nothing will. Now I was trying to find out the situation between Erica Mena and Nya because Nya called up Cyn, who is Erica's girlfriend and I am not sure why and neither was Erica Mena. Cyn tried to talk to Erica and she got her to meet up with Nya to talk for what I am not sure but this was a scene that definitely went array. The two got in another heated conversation that ended up with them calling each other names and dissing each others career. One of the most touching scene of tonight for me was the talk between Yandy and her father as they talked over what she will do if Mandeecee get a lot of jail time. What Yandy's father said to her made a lot of sense that she has to think of her life and take into consideration to move on. Now one thing that is puzzling me is where is Ms. K. Michelle, she came to New York and I know she is working on her singing career but I was expecting her to be on the show a little more than she has. From what will be showing on next week episode K. Michelle will show back up just in time to give Tara, who has sleep with Peter again, some advice. Yes you heard right, Tara said she could not help herself and she had sexual relations with Peter Gunz once again, the man is getting everything he wants and Tara, who I thought would move on with her life and find someone who really wants her decided that she will get back under this married man, yes he is married and I am assuming that one of the reason is to get back at Amina so that she can now post that she and Peter has slept with one another, okay just wait for it because it is coming and it will be on between Peter and Amina. Why do some woman feel the need to lower themselves so, this is too me when you have lack of respect for yourself. I had a woman to tell me that she slept with her ex who was now remarried and she felt that his now wife did it when she was married to him and she thought that it was only right that she did it back and I had to ask her what did it solve because he still was with his wife. She explain to me that I was right and that he is cheating on his wife that he has now and that she will get what happen to her and I had to explain that it is now her problem and do she think it is the woman's fault or his fault, is he the one with issues since he feel the need to keep cheating and not be satisfied with one woman and why do the women when they know this keep going back to the man. Did anyone see how Saigon acted when he felt that his son was not developing normally. Instead of this man asking the mother that they maybe should take their child to see are doctor and ask questions on his development, he went right into accusing Erica Jean into not properly raising their child. He accused this woman who has been raising their child of being and unfit mother and said she was the reason their son is not speaking or not speaking at a level to his age. Well Saigon I for one am here to tell you that all kids do learn at different level and just because your son is not speaking now it does not mean he will not catch up and if he does has issues than you as a father should step up, yes you should step up and take him to the doctor and get him that help if needed, they do have courses that you can put your kid in for this. They way Saigon acted on last night show was ridiculous, this man seemed as though he was going to attack Erica and at one point he did when he kept her from getting in her car and when she tried to walk off he threw her purse, like a little punk. Saigon is no man to me for throwing Erica's purse in the air and if you ask me Erica should get a warrant on his a** to stay away from her. The way this man acted scared me and I was Erica I would not want to be around him with this explosive temper. Saigon is another sad sample of what is happening to our so called men today, they believe in putting hands on women and acting like a little boy instead of being a real man and walking away as Erica did.
Monday, November 25, 2013
The Amazing Race 11-24-13(#amazingrace)
I watched the amazing race last night and I am sure most of you know that the two blondes as I call them, Asley and Ally were eliminated can not say I was surprise just a little disappointed it was not Leo and Jamal, I am really not liking these guys since they are doing everything to make sure that everyone else fells. Why lie to make the train leave quickly so that the other contestants can not get on, you see what happen to the two blondes who were in agreement with Leo and Jamal at getting the train to leave and laughing at the other contestants. What they say he who laughs, laughs last and this was the case with Asley and Ally because they were crying at the finish line, it does not pay to be ugly and that is why I hope Leo and Jamal loses luck along the way. Now Nicole know she should have let Travis take on the music challenge, she seems to be a little light headed when it comes to music so what was she thinking, they would have been in first place if it was not for this. Now I do not like Tim and Marie being up front with the rest of the guys but I would rather have them then Jamal and Leo just because these two and their ugly attitudes. I know now Leo and Jamal have become the underdogs but by know means are these two underdogs in my book, I label them as dirty dogs. Now my two favorite that I have come to love is Jason and Amy, these two have really played a very clean game and I would really like to see them left in the top two I can almost say that I would enjoy seeing them win the entire race. I think someone like Jason and Amy, who reminds me of the couple Uchenna and Joyce who were so supportive of each other and ran a very clean race which lead them to crossing the finish line first in season seven, are just good enough to be the first in this season to cross the line. I would have to say the last two teams I would like to see battle it out is Jason and Amy against Nicole and Travis. Now these two have supported each other throughout the entire game but I would love a clean race at the end and with these two I do believe it would be a very clean race and not only that I think each of the team would be happy for the other team if they were the first to cross the line. What Amy did to help Nicole in the last challenge was great and I admire her for her relentless support not thinking that she could have jeopardize her own chance to be last crossing the line. I can not wait until next week to see who the final three teams will be, hoping that Jamal and Leo are out of it.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Breaking the Faith 11-24-13(#BreakingTheFaith)
I watched TLC's Breaking the Faith last night and I must say I have learn a lot about the FLDS in the short period of time. The FLDS is nothing but a cult and the organization is just controlling people lives, the way they dress, what they eat, who they marry and even the way they think, who does this but a cult. I was glad that these young men are trying to help women that are choosing to get out, helping them go. The women that are choosing to leave are brave as well, they know that they will have to leave everything they know behind and take this leap of faith to go, especially since these women have had it drilled into their heads since they were children that if they leave the FLDS they are doomed to damnation. Now why would something like the FLDS that say they are not a cult and that they do not control their people, not let their people leave if they just want to. Why do they have what they call a God's police to patrol the area and report if they see anyone doing wrong or to even stop people physically from leaving. Wow this compound that claim they are followers of God, are just really keeping these people from the outside world and these older men are marrying girls that are practically little children. Warren Jeff so call marrying a twelve year old girl, is to me just an old man being a very dirty old man. These old men who in my opinion are sick that want to sleep with these very young girls somehow have this perverted way of thinking and I can not believe these grown women who have young girls actually do not feel guilty about letting their young girls marry these older men when they know what goes on. If I was a woman who was raise in this faith not by choice would hope that I would have sense enough to know how I knew something was wrong with the way I was raised would want to make sure my daughter did not endure the same thing, and if I could not leave I would help my daughter get out. I know I say this because I am on the outside but I still would have to believe that as a mother and knowing that my child could get out I would hope that the mother instinct would kick in and tell me to get my child out of this messed up situation. Last night show was an eye opener and it was just ending with the guys picking up the ladies so there is still a lot to be told and I am waiting on the future episodes in which we get to see how each of these women will handle being on the outside and which ones will stay on the outside and which ones will go back. Oh yes we know some of these women will possibly cave in and want to go back, maybe because of the urge to see their family again. I am hoping that most of them stay and make it and go around to tell their stories because I am one of those people that think the government should get more involved in what is going on in these compounds because if you ask me a lot of people are being held against their will. I think their should be a choice and these compounds are not allowing for choices. I think if someone could get a bunch of he kids alone and ask them questions without any of the grown up around these kids will them a lot of things that may be shocking. FDLS compounds need to be investigated, can not someone go in undercover to help divulge what is really going on, know it will possible have to be a past FDLS member who acts as though they are coming back home to stay but then they could take pictures, record conversation and maybe put in hidden cameras all over the compound. I can not wait for future episodes, I am personally betting on Connie it is something about her that I think she will go all the way and make it in the world, she seems to really want to separate herself from the compound itself but only time will tell and we will she which of these ladies really do make it.
The Walking Dead 11-24-13(@WalkingDead_AMC)
Okay I must say the Governor had me fooled. I thought he was actually going to stay acting like a human being and take pity on people boy was I wrong. Can you believe how "Bryan" killed Martinez and the other guy, whom name I can not remember, but I know that he was a sweet guy remind me of Rick, he never had a chance against someone like the Governor. Now what this nasty man wants to do after killing most of the leaders that ran this little camp he is in, he wants to go to the prison where Rick them are at and take the prison over. Why does the Governor whom seem to have become very close to these three ladies want to take over the prison why can he not take one of the empty cities or towns and do like he did before and make that their home. I guess for the Governor who is definitely back it is all about control. Now I must say that when the Governor tried to get the girls out and just leave town at first I was understanding where he was coming from about getting them to a safer place, now maybe he just felt that the way these people were doing things just made their situation dangerous especially after they went into the woods to try and find supplies and found a camp that they actually left in tack but someone else killed everyone in the camp and rob them of their supplies. Now how many of you like me think that Carroll may have had something to do with this. I am starting believe that Carroll has ended up with her own group of people and they may be letting her lead, interesting isn't it. It maybe that Carroll has to come and save the people at the prison from the Governor and his attack, especially since this meat head have a tank. But you know another theory I had, you remember Rick 's friend that had all those weapons, you know the one in the very first episode that Rick ad the encounter with and he found him again on a later episode only to find he lost his family, I am thinking this man has got to come into play some where. Rick them will need a lot and I mean a lot of help against the Governor because this is one of the toughest enemy they have to date. I want to understand what these ladies and the little girl will feel of the Governor with him trying to harm other people, they should be trying to fight zombies together, what do they do fight each other, wasting bullets on alive people when they should be wasting them on dead people. Well the show is definitely back and it well be interesting to see how Rick and the others will handle this situation. It is all to good for me trying to guest what will happen from episode to episode. I am wondering if someone we have grown to love will die in this fight is my next question.
Housewives of Atlanta 11-24-13(@BravoATLWives)
I watched Housewives of Atlanta tonight and all I have to say is why is Kandi all up in Phaedra and Apollo's business. Now I know that Kandi is friends with Phaedra and she wants to say she have her girls back, but why do she not let Phaedra handle what has been going on between Apollo and Kenya and if you ask me when Phaedra, whom I am not a fan of, did talk to Apollo she handled it like a real woman would. She did not yell or scream, she just politely let Apollo know that if he did not stop the foolishness she will have to do a Bobbitt on him, now you have to admire a woman who knows how to handle her man. I took it from the conversation between Apollo and Phaedra that Phaedra is real business right now trying to make her money and she does not have time to raise Apollo because she has two children that require her needed attention and if he feels the need to move on then move on and stop trying to make a fool of her. This is how a feel about a man, that if he feels the urge to cheat and is trying to sneak behind my back, do not sneak, be a man and tell me that you want to go and go, when a woman is raising children and trying to work at the same time the last thing she needs on her plate is to worry about a man who decides he wants to run around on her, you can not have your cake and eat it too, the front door is easy to open so just walk out it and keep going. I still want to know what Kandi has to do with all of this and why did she feel the need to confront Kenya about her texting Apollo, Kandi is being a hypocrite to me because she is the same person who is complaining about her mother being in her and Todd business and now she is in someone else's. Kandi is so worried about Phaedra is not paying attention to why Todd feels the need to go out of town all the time on business, a little suspicious don't you think. I was glad the ladies took Porsha out so that she could vent and get out of this rut she is in. I know it can not be easy going through a divorce especially when you tried everything in your power to make it work. Porsha is one of those women who was willing to turn her back on her family to please her husband and before all of you judge her, you have to remember how it was to be in love or when you were really trying your hardest to make a relationship work, you did everything you could. I know what Porsha is going through because God say to put your spouse first and when I find myself stuck between my family and my husband I will usually go with my husband only because I know that I have a obligation to keep my marriage in tack and I do not want my husband to think I am turning my back on him, besides I have to sleep with this man at night and who wants to go home to an argument because I choose my family over him. Now on the other hand man do not think this way, they will almost always choose their families first and tell the women they have to live with it. Why men feel the need to put their families in front of their wife I will never know and this is not all men just most. It was good to Cynthia back on her feet again, although I am not to sure how long Cynthia stayed bed written but I had the same procedure and was running around the next day, it was an easy procedure and it was outpatient, no real major scars. I think Cynthia likes being taken care of and it did not hurt to have your mother waiting on you hands and foot. Cynthia told Nene she was about seventy percent, I am older then Cynthia and I felt one hundred percent I got up and walk around that same day and I did not have to pop a look of pain killers, maybe some people just heal differently but I not buying it. It was a great show tonight and I must say my favorite highlight was Phaedra and Apollo in the restaurant, Phaedra handle her business and although Apollo did not like Phaedra calling him out on camera I am glad she did. Phaedra I have to give you some points for handling your business like a real woman would.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
MTV's Generation Cryo (#whatdefinesme)
I wanted to know what everyone thinks of the new show generation Cryo which will premier on Monday night November 25th. I am not sure how many people have actually seen the previews and for those who have not the show is about children who were actually conceived from people who went to sperm banks. Yes these children were children who's father sold their sperm to sperm banks for some reason of another and the women who went their choose their specific genetics. Now from what I have seen Breeanna who is one of these children is on a quest to find the person who was the donor of her as well as some of her siblings who were also conceived by this particular donor. Bree as she calls herself wants her and her siblings to find this donor. Bree says she just want to meet the person who donated his sperm to help conceive what is now her. I have always said as someone who does not believe in these sperm banks that when children are born from this way there will always be that need to know who the other parent is. As much as this new generation goes on and on about we do not need a man or I do not need a father for the baby, they have to remember it is not about what they need, it is about what the child needs and a child will have that need to know who both of their parents are. For those people, including celebrities who decide to have a child on their own without the other parent being involved in that child life has to remember that you are cheating the child out the right to know his or her parent is. You are also cheating them out the right to know their other side of their family and once more you are cheating the families out the right to have this child in their lives if they choose to. I think today's generation base things on what they have experience in the past. If someone had a bad childhood or did not like the way they were possibly raised, they may think that it is better off for that child to have only one parent, they may think it and here is it again that the person is thinking about themselves not what that child will have to endure in school or through life because they were absent a parent. Why if someone decides that they will live a certain life do they have to bring a child in it. Why not if you decide you will be a one parent household that you not make that decision to not have a child at all or why actually conceive a child when we have some many children in the world that do not have homes and is waiting on adoption. Why not adopt, I think anyone who can not have a child or choose to raise a child alone should look into adopting. If you adopt a older child, you will not have to explain to them where they came from, they will know what is going on and will appreciate the fact that you adopted them. I know people have these urges to have a baby of their own but if they want to do this why not do it the way God attend. With a man and a woman who are married and will raise these children together in a two parent home and believe you me know questions will be asked. So it is no surprise that Generation Cryo was going to be apparent, because the thought of someone going into a client to deposit something that was intended for natural use to me we obviously going to backfire some kind of way. These men did not think there was a chance for them to be trace down, especially when they suppose to have the law behind them, now look at what is happening those same laws have been used against them to help the children find out who they are. I will be watching to see exactly why these children feel the need to know and what the reaction of the donor will be, this will be interesting. I did see one of Bree's sibling say he did not want to know, so we have one child that has choose not to find out and I want to know his reasoning as well.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Mob Wives Returning (@VH1)(#Mobwives)
Mob wives is returning on December the 5th and I am waiting. I am a fan of mob wives and have been since the show came on. These women are some of the toughest women you want to meet and believe you me they have been through it with most of them having had ex mob husband or boyfriends who were locked up and now the women have to provide for themselves. You can imagine that these women were rather messed up in the beginning and who would not be living that mob lifestyle. Most of the women were housewives, you know the mob men did not believe in their women working or doing any business for that. These woman had to learn to earn money, run a household and take care their children all while deciding on rather or not to stay with their husbands who will be locked up for a long time or rather it makes any since to stand by their side when they get out. Now mobster who are of the Catholic faith believe in when you get married to someone you stay married to them forever, but like everything else with time, those ideas have changed over the years.
What these woman do on the show is basically make money to help their families survive while having each others back. Like any other reality show of course these women have their fights among each other, but when these women fight they fight and it is know holding back. There is a lot of dirt thrown into the pot when these women fight, telling one another business or secrets they know. This show is full of secrets and I have to say one of the parts I like about it is when one of them get mad with the other, the secrets come pouring out and I mean they have some juicy dirt on each other too. I have to say I like all the women on the show but I have two that are really my favorites and that is Big Ang of course and Renee. Now for all of you that watch the show you might say why Renee. Well Renee is one of those people who is messy, she apparently have done some drugs and she is a drinker, this women has been through a lot and try and cover it up like a lot of people by abusing substance. All and all I like Renee as a person and she has brought a lot to the show, she makes the show interesting. So bring on the new season and let me see these ladies and the new addition to the show.
What these woman do on the show is basically make money to help their families survive while having each others back. Like any other reality show of course these women have their fights among each other, but when these women fight they fight and it is know holding back. There is a lot of dirt thrown into the pot when these women fight, telling one another business or secrets they know. This show is full of secrets and I have to say one of the parts I like about it is when one of them get mad with the other, the secrets come pouring out and I mean they have some juicy dirt on each other too. I have to say I like all the women on the show but I have two that are really my favorites and that is Big Ang of course and Renee. Now for all of you that watch the show you might say why Renee. Well Renee is one of those people who is messy, she apparently have done some drugs and she is a drinker, this women has been through a lot and try and cover it up like a lot of people by abusing substance. All and all I like Renee as a person and she has brought a lot to the show, she makes the show interesting. So bring on the new season and let me see these ladies and the new addition to the show.
Chrissy & Mr. Jones 11-18-13 (#ChrissyandJim)
I watched Chrissy and Mr. Jones on Monday night and I saw Mama Jones still hustling but I am not mad at her by no means, this woman is a true hustler and I was surprise to see Ice Tea be a guest on her house show. Then again Ice Tea is a down to earth man and I would expect him to do something like this, he actually really brought the life to mama Jones show, although by no means is mama Jones lifeless. Mama Jones is naturally fun and she can bring excitement to any situation. This woman putting sand in her house is and example how much of a hustler mama Jones is and I think someone should actually help her get a real show started. Why not have mama Jones doing like a Andy Cohan show in which she citric some of the really shows that she follow behind, nothing against you Andy but mama Jones could bring some real laughs about these show and she would not bite her tongue. Or what about mama Jones doing something like the fashion diva show, now believe you me I know mama Jones has he on style and special taste, but she can judge just as good as those two divas from Housewives of Atlanta, okay. I glad to see Chrissy moving on with her line of vamp that she has taken over and of course as I have expected she is doing a great job. What I am high disappointed on this show about is the fact that Chrissy and Jim are still not talking about the wedding. I know they have put their wedding plans on hold but come on there should be some talk of it and besides I can not wait until Chrissy starts doing the actual planning. I love Chrissy taste and I for one want to see her doing the entire planning, from the colors, decoration, venue, cake to her wedding gown and brides maids she choose, now that is something I think is worth seeing. It would make a great end to the show season finale as well. Come on Jim I know you are ready to marry Chrissy and it is a simple as to setting a date, now getting everything together will take some time so the wedding planning can take a year we won't care just as long as Chrissy starts planning.
Bonnie & Clyde the mini series(#BonnieAndClyde)
I am so glad that A&E and Lifetime are doing a mini series on Bonnie and Clyde. What I really hopeful is that this series will include the entire truth. The reason I say this is because I seen a documentary of the two on the history channel and I finally got a better look into the two lives. A friend of Clyde's sister in-law was given this journal that she wrote and now a lot of the truth about their on the run escapade is now known. Discovery also went into more detail about Clyde and how he became the person he was, a lot of this was do from his stint in prison, one of the toughest at the time in Texas. Clyde was very young when he entered prison and you can imagine what happen to this young man. I am hoping the truth will be in this mini series, including his stint in prison and what a young man of his age had to endure. I also did not realize how short Bonnie and Clyde both were, their height was never reviled to me until this documentary, it almost had me believing that maybe this was why they were able to duck a lot of the bullets shot at them, they really could duck low and back then I am almost sure that most people were thinking aim high when shooting, okay just my little short joke there, I am short. Although short people can get out of most situation tall people can not. I hope the actors do this mini series justice, I know of Emile Hirsch who is a great actor but know nothing of Holliday Grainger who I am hoping is as equally great. Bonnie and Clyde needs to be told in all the truth and not half truths. I am hoping this mini series will be really in depth and help us get a better picture of what happen. After looking at the documentary on the History channel I feel that I have a better understand of the two and I hope this mini series helps other to understand as well. I myself will be judging the series based on what I saw in the documentary. One thing I would like to know more about is why did the law enforcement feel that they had to shoot that many times into the car, although I know Bonnie and Clyde got a way a few times, it is still not understood to me why so many times, then again during that time law enforcement did not have to explain their actions as much as they have to do today to the public. Anyway I am eagerly awaiting this mini series and I am hoping it will not disappoint me, of course I will have to write what I thought on the series rather it be good or bad.
Preachers Of LA 11-19-13(@oxygen)
I watched preachers of LA Tuesday night and was reminded that this show is special. Now you can take special to mean any way you want, I have my own thoughts. I do have my favorites and not so favorites, my Deitrick Haddon because he thinks he is one of those young punks who is using the preacher status to benefit him to live an excessive lifestyle, I myself has mixed motion on rather he is doing this or not but I do like this young man's style. I like the way he speaks his mind and although some of the other preachers may think he is over the top, in my opinion this is okay. Deitrick is young and Deitrick thinks like the young people think, the fact the Deitrick is a preacher and is doing something other than hanging on a corner to me makes him in that okay category and besides the man can sing. Although Deitrick may put on that hardcore attitude, he still has God in his heart and thoughts and that will always be in the back of his head even when he may think about crossing that line. We all have to keep remembering that these preachers are human first and they will make mistakes, now don't get all upset I am not saying that they are allowed to do stupid things, I said make mistakes and there is a difference. I was really happy that Deitrick and Dominique went ahead and got married because it was time and those two were ready, again they are only human. Now for me my least favorite is Bishop Ron Gibson, although I love his wife. Let me explain why I am not a fan of Bishop Ron Gibson, he is just too flashy for a Bishop, this man has cars and clothes that would make Jesus wonder why. Why do you as a Bishop need these things and although I do understand that everyone wants nice things, why is Bishop Ron Gibson in need of so many things and it makes me wonder how are all these things acquired. What Bishop Ron Gibson says out his mouth and his actions leaves lots of question marks in my mind and he is the kind of Bishop that would make someone like me in my Pontiac pull up at church in watch him drive by in his Mercedes and question a lot of things, especially when I know that humans are starving in our country. So for me Bishop Ron Gibson would be in the hot seat to answer a lot of very questionable acts. Bishop McClendon is another in the line up of preachers that I am not feeling, he is too me in my eyes all about that dollar bill and he holds no pun about it. If you ask me the woman seem to be the real stars of the show and I have to say on Tuesday night episode I was glad to see Deitrick's mother talk to Dominique and apologize for how she might have treated her over the years. The interaction between Dominique and Deitrick's mom was actually heart felt and if all mother in laws and daughter in laws could do this it would make for better relationships. Why be bitter with a woman who will be married to your son and have your grandchildren. I love, love, love Pastor Wayne Chaney because this is a laid back pastor, he is not at all flashy and he shows us on television the love he has for his wife and children. On Tuesday night episode Pastor Chaney said that he is so glad that he found Myesha and that she was the mother of his children, how beautiful was that, and for him to say it on television and not be scared as a preacher to say it. Myesha and her husband have a great relationship and that and their faith both shows to be genuine. Bishop Noel Jones is alright, he seems to have his own issues but who does not, but what gets me about Bishop Noel Jones is he for some reason seem to be afraid of having a relationship. Now I know once someone has been married and has been through a tough time, it is hard for people to maybe start over or even get close to people again, but Bishop Jones pushing Loretta away was not called for. Now after people began telling people on Tuesday night episode, including the doctor, he has reconsider what he has told Loretta. Come on Bishop Noel Jones did you think it would be as easy as just going to Loretta and telling her you have reconsider your decision for her to stay away from you. You as a man must not know that we women have pride to and when you told this woman to stay away from you, it not only probably destroyed something in her but her pride was hurt. As for Loretta I am glad she did not just jump at the chance and say yes, but she did as a real woman would do and said she had to think about it, yes you did it lady you let this man know that you were not sitting around just waiting for him to come back running to you. Loretta has made all woman proud, besides Loretta is a great looking woman for her age and can get any man she wants. Bishop Noel Jones may have just messed up doing what he has did, but like all men Bishop Jones was thinking that Loretta would be around forever waiting on him, wrong answer. As for Pastor Jay Haizlip I must say I am at a lost of how to explain this one, I had to keep watching the show to make sure he was a pastor. That getting a tattoo and shouting out alright lord be with me on this, leaves me to worry about him as a pastor, because as a pastor do he not know that God has more prayers to listen to other than you needing help to brave yourself to get a tattoo. I am against tattoos although I am not a fan of them on myself but I am not sure why a pastor who decides to get tattoos decides it is alright to get one on television for millions of young people to watch it. The first thing Pastor Haizlip and his wife said about getting tattoos is that it is not a sin and there is no danger in getting tattoos, but it is. A lot of people get tattoos and some of these people are HIV positive, do you know if these tattoo artist are constantly changing the needle, do they really know who is HIV positive and is it divulge by a person who has it because people do lie. Maybe this is because I do not get tattoos and I do not know how the process work that I do not know how it works. Anyway I am out on Pastor Haizlip and still try to understand his ways of ministry.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Black Ink Crew 11-18-13(@BlackInkCrew)
I watched the Black Ink Crew on Monday night and what did I learn new. I learn that apparently these dumb a** guys on the show do not know what it takes to stop making a baby. If you owe back child support or you can not take care of the children you already have and you want to continue to have sexual relationships then wrap it up or better yet get a vasectomy, there are enough kids in the world who are did not ask to be born, but yet they go without food or a parent who really cares on a daily basis. Lets do the world a favor and not make anymore children, if you want to prove you are a real than show us by taking care of the children you have and not creating another you can not support. This show is showing me what is going wrong on a daily basis with our young generation of today and that is that being stuck on stupid and apparently unable to put it in reverse. Now as for Dutchess the girl looks great and she could go along way in her career but why would you lie to the person whom you consider you boyfriend, do you not know this will only make it worse. Dutchess if you are on a path to forward your career and it does not include Ceaser than you the woman with all the mouth should use it to open it up and tell Ceaser that you are headed in a different direction and this does no include him and the shop. Yes Dutchess I heard you talk of your empire and no one will stop you for doing what you have to do, you almost sound like you are saying you will step on others to get where you going, I for one do not believe you have to do this but if you do than let it be known and stop playing with people about how you have their back when you really don't. I am tried of you Dutchess using the excuse of having health issues that will lead to you having surgery, there are people who go through this everyday and they push themselves to go on and guess what they does this without stepping on people. Dutchess like me is originally from the south and I do not know if going up North did this too you or what but us southerners do not believe in using people and we believe in treating others as we would want them to teach us. So Dutchess I know you are not a nasty person because you have those southern roots some where within you, we believe in people and helping our neighbors, so show me this. Ceaser I think maybe you should consider your relationship with Dutchess and decide if this really what you want, but I do not agree with you asking your sister about conversation between your girlfriend and other people, because Ceaser you know you New Yorkers have a way of putting your spin on things and although your sister did not lie, she definitely put her spin or twist on things that was not exactly the entire truth and then she had the nerve to throw in her opinion, what a dipping a**. I have learned a lot about New Yorkers especially since so many of them want to come running to the South and breaking bad, because of course they think they can beat a Southern girl because we are suppose to be weak and of course they quickly find out differently. For example I listen to O'Sh*t girlfriend talk over and over again how she beat the bit*ch at the restaurant and she hit the girl when her back was turned, if that girl had go to her it would have been on. What is about New Yorkers hitting people when their backs are turned and then saying they beat someone, this girl has not shown me anything than she is crazy as hell. On top of that I watched Puma, another mouth all mighty almost get his a** whipped in a park, you notice I said almost because I do not know what the hell these two were really doing, it look like to me they were almost dancing. Now as a Southern this was not anything close to fighting, we would not have tried to get to you but we would have gotten to you and there would have been contact. Now back to this week episode, I have to say that I am seeing more tattoos being performed again, something I had started to miss and was worrying if the show had forgotten that it was based on the tattoo shop. It was great to see that the artist still have their talent. Now as for O'sh*t wanting to go to Atlantic City for Puma's bachelor party and them going to the bails bondsman on advice was interesting. I could not believe that the bails bondsman said the only way that he could go was that O'sh*t had to take the two of them and pay for two separate rooms because they will not stay in the same room and give them pocket money, what an a**. This bails bondsman are full of sh*t and I am sure they laughed once Puma and O'sh*t left their shop. Only one of the bail bondsman has to go and yes I agree with them paying for the room but they should not have to give them any extra money other than that of transportation, he can sit in the room. Why get extra money if all you will be doing is keeping an eye on O'Sh*t. If I was O'Sh*t I would stay at home and why is Puma going to Atlantic City, like I said before Puma is spending a lot of money for something that will be only one day. Most guys just get some strippers at someone's house, again Puma you are spending, spending and who does this when they have multiple businesses starting as well. This is not at all a good management skill to spend when you are not taking into account your other expenses or the expenses you may occur with your businesses. If Puma does not have any problem with his business, especially when money is concerned then I will be surprise because I do not see this man saving anything and he still is doing his night club excursions and just getting straight up drunk as usual and someone wrote how great of a business man Puma is, don't talk the talk, please prove it to me. I always say actions speak louder than words and just because you can talk louder does not mean you are right and even heard. I like what Black Ink Crew represented and when this show came to air, I seen a black owned business with tattoos artists whom could hold their own, I did not know at the time that Puma was not a tattoo artist but was their to promote Ceaser business, although I never seen this happen and I am still not prone to believe that Puma just decided to get back at Ceaser because of Dutchess but I believe that Puma had to have had this idea in the back of his head all along, he just went by the wrong way of doing it. Puma is almost like Dutchess, instead of telling a person to their face want they plan on doing and how they have ideas to go out on their own and make things happen for themselves, they do the chicken approach in coward in a corner and wait until the person walks away to make a run for it. Well I am for one is team Ceaser and although those who have worked in your shop and possibly got their first stop may turn their backs on you, just take into consideration that you have friends and fans that are TEAM CEASER, the name has stood the test of time and so will you.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Love&Hip Hop NY 11-18-19(@VH1)(
Monday night I watched the Love & Hip Hop New York and I watch Tara continuing to be torn on what just happen with her and Amina and Amina telling her that she was married to Peter Gunz. I was still feeling the hurt that Tara carried by looking at it written all over her face and it is nothing worse than feeling like you were the biggest fool and that everyone else but you knew. Tara was trying to come to grip and I have been there when you say in your mind that you are going to be alright and then you think of all the years wasted and you get upset again. When Tara began ripping up the remaining things of Peter Gunz's at the house it was not a surprise at all. This man, no he is not a man, he is a full on donkey's rear end, when he did not take the time to return to Tara's home to try and talk to her the more time he gave Tara to think on what he has done to her and with his things in the house it was apparent that she would eventually just lose it. What I am surprised about is that Tara remain so calm for so long because my reaction would have been to go straight home and burn his sh** up, but it could have been that she was waiting until she sent the children off to school. Now what about the children, how will Tara explain that their daddy will not longer be there, although I have a feeling that Gunz really never was at home much anyway. I am glad that Tara has said that is relationship is officially done and I am hoping for all women in the world that Tara will stick to her heart and leave this scum bag in the gutter or at Amina's house where he belongs. Amina on the other hand to me is a straight up idiot, she does not care that this woman was with Gunz 12 plus years and I do not care what he told you little girl, you do not cross that line until that man has left the home, you do not listen to his words that he is not happy, all man will say they are not happy, if you ask me I think it is prone to men to say they are not happy especially when they meet a cute woman who's pants they think they can get into by saying this. Now dumba** Amina thinks that Peter Gunz is her's forever and he will be the most faithful man to her because he was so unhappy with Tara and wanted a way out, but Gunz is saying he has to repair his relationship with Tara and that he has to be there for his children. Peter Gunz went over to Tara's apartment and while he is there he is constantly telling Tara he loves her, even upon his exit. Can someone let me know if Amina watches the show once they air because I want to you what this idiot think of her husband constantly telling another woman which he claimed he was so unhappy with that he loves her, where is you at in his thoughts Amina. This situation is something that goes on almost everyday, when the significant other cheats and the children are the only ones who really lose because if someone cheats on you, especially over and over again then you are losing nothing but a jack a**, but the children are losing the other the parent in the home and no I am not saying to people whom are in a hostile situation to stay in that situation for the sake of the children, but what I am saying is that if you know you no longer love a person, well do not string them on, be that real a** and tell them the truth. Let that person know that it is not working out and that you think it is better to go in different directions, don't bring another person into the picture before you end your current relationship. Now as for Tahiry who was also upset with the so call relationship with Joe Budden that some how she thought was monogamous and although I called tell Tahiry was hurt as well I could not feel as sorry for her as I did Tara because Tahiry knew what she was getting into and from last season Tahiry watched Joe with another woman while he flirted with her, so why did she think he had changed that quickly is beyond my thinking process because being a woman and watching a guy dog another woman would not make me think he will treat me any differently no matter how many yeas we have known each other or have been friends. I have to agree with Nya when she told Tahiry that she was the only bit*h that is a true friend to Joe Budden because she was has not slept with him and this may be very true. If you can actually have a conversation with a man and you both do not have to cross that line, than that is a friendship to me, one up for Nya, she is a bad bit*h. Now I have to disagree with Nya for saying that all the Spanish woman share dic* and that is how they like to get down, there is a particular race that likes to do this and I am not saying but I will not say that it is Spanish woman. I was glad that Saigon finally knows that his son is really his baby and I have to give Erica Jean a one up for allowing him to do the DNA so that this so call man can move on to another subject. The reason I call Saigon a so call man is that because he is missing something, this man worries me he always seems to be on the deep edge and ready to drop off at any minute, tick, tick, tick, bomb. I watch Erica Mena and this new girlfriend of hers called Cyn and I have to say they look happy, I do not know if it is because it is still a new relationship and still rather fresh but the two look good together and I am hoping that Erica will not hurt this girl heart because she seems like she might run into Rich dollars arms at any minute just because she wants him to help her make money. Erica Mena keep you and Rich business dealing professional, no hanky panky as the old people say and keep you girlfriend on your mind at all times, she seems like a sweet girl. As for K. Michelle I have not seen her as of lately on do not know where she is at other than she is working on her career and trying to make that paper, you go girl do your thing that is what you came to New York for, the relationship thing can be put on the back burner. Now for me this show can put some of these men like Peter Gunz, Joe Budden and Saigon is a pot and just let them sit in the pot until they are fully cooked and ready to really come out and be real men. These guys for me are scum, one woman seems not to be enough for these men and although Saigon told Gunz he wants what he had with Tara and his children, this man talks with a folk tongue. He says one thing and does another, one minute Saigon is happy than the next minute he is unsure, he ran away when Erica Jean was pregnant because he could not handle it, he tells Erica he not ready for a relationship but it is okay they date, what the fu*k, either you want the woman or you don't, playing games is a way for someone as I mention earlier to get hurt. Saigon is hiding something and I am sure it will come out. As for Joe this man needs not to have any relationship, he just need a different whore every day of the week, not a real relationship just sex. Peter Gunz has got to be the lowest scum of scum that I have ever seen. Peter Gunz is not a man to me at all because he really does not have any bal*s, he is missing them and there is almost like there is nothing there. This man had the audacity to blame Tara for the way he act and why he married Amina and lived with both woman, wow. For me Mr. Gunz and the mister is lightly because You Are Not a Man, gees gets some bal*s please. Well I am loving the women on the show this season because no matter how they have been hurt they are seeming to come together and for me this is great. I like seeing strong woman and Yandy is still holding her household down while her fiancee is away and she still will not back down on her convictions that wrong is wrong and right is right, you go girl. As a matter a fact fall you women stay strong and let the men you were you stand. It may nice to have them but you all be dam* if you really need them.
Real Housewives of Atlanta 11-17-13(@bravotv)(#ATLA)
I watched The Real Housewives of Atlanta on Sunday night and if you ask me to describe in my opinion using one word for Sunday's night episode, I can some it up by saying Rachet and for those who do not know what I mean, this is a slang term for those *itches were down right crazy. Let me start off with Kandi whom seems to can not get out of her mind that everyone is hating on her fiancee Todd because they think that his hands will be in the pot and they will not get any of her money. So after talking to the grown ups and listening to their negativity about Todd, Kandi decide she will finally talk to the only one that really matters her daughter Riley. What do you think Riley will say, for me in my opinion I think Riley as a teenager wants her mother to be happy and if Todd makes her mother happy who is she to say anything negative about the man, especially since Kandi does not take her opinion into account anyway and for those of you who saying I am being to harsh, rewind to the episode when Riley told her mom that she moved Todd into the house way to fast and before you knew it Todd was acting if the house was his, Kandi just did a quick denial. My question is does Todd have a job or is he trying to find a job. Now I understand that Todd use to work on the set of the Housewives of the ATL and I am assuming that he had to give that up when he started a relationship with Kandi but I heard him and Kandi discuss him having to go out of town to find work. With what Todd was doing on the set of housewives, he can not find a similar job in all of Atlanta so he has to go out of town for work, now I must tell you my instinct as a woman just began running with what is wrong with this picture, especially since their relationship is still in its beginning stages. Well hopeful we will learn more in future episodes of Todd and his job and family, because I have yet to see any of his friends or family coming around, are they not engaged. I will now move on to Ms. Phaedra Parks, you know the one that is married to the all so gorgeous Apollo who everyone knows is being that eye candy for those woman that like that kind of thing, for me personally he does nothing, give me a hard working man any day over some eye candy. Now Phadera and Apollo entire relationship for those who have been in long relationship is playing out on national television, the constant arguing is a sign that there are some serious problems that Phadera whom I know is trying to hide and Apollo seems to be fed up with being this eye candy by her side. The way this two argued Sunday night I was looking for Iyanla to come in their door and say she is here to fix their life. Apollo in my opinion is looking for something different and if you ask me I will say he has cheated on Phadera and I also feel that Phadera knows this but for the sake of making money off the show she is willing to put up this front of the strong marriage of hers and Apollo's. Something I think will come out in the end about these two and their marriage, and if you ask me with the texting between Apollo and Kenya, they have done a little some, some and is trying to hide this fact. Although I am not a big fan of Phadera and even believe she should have been replaced a long time ago, Phadera is a smart woman and she knows what it takes to make her money and although she may know of Apollos possible affairs as all woman really know in their hearts, Phadera as this money making machine, knows what it takes and will do what it takes to get her cash and keep it flowing. I just wish Phadera would keep some kind of organization with her children and her busy life. Now as for Porsha, what can we say about a woman who will be taking on a divorce in the near future, I have notice like Wendy Williams said, Porsha is now trying to make little side allegations that Cordell is possibly gay. Did anyone notice how Kandi and Porsha found one of Kandi's sex toys that was given to Porsha and Porsha said she never opened it but yet the bal*s where missing to the set and making little jabs at what could have possibly happen to them and that he packed the items and shipped them to her. Now in my head, I assumed that Cordell has another woman and that is why he wanted Porsha out so bad and maybe she packed some of the boxes and maybe she took this item for her use. Well there has to be more to this story and the only person that really knows what is in Cordell head is Cordell and as I see in future upcoming episodes he will return and maybe we will hear a different side of the situation. Maybe hearing both sides will help us in our mind decide who we feel is lying, sometimes it is not as simple as Porsha saying she was the perfect wife, maybe she thought it in her head, which seems to be a little on the light side. As for Cynthia, I enjoy watching this woman but I must say that Peter does nothing for me and I do not like how he handles these personal situations with Cynthia by blasting her personal business all out of television, he is so rude and improper when it comes to how he talks of his wife. I was with Cynthia's mother and sister when they disagreed with her marrying Peter and I still agree. Peter is not a good fit for Cynthia and he is the worst business man I have every seen and how do you spend lots of money on things without including your wife in on it when it is her money too. In the beginning it seemed as if Peter worshiped Cynthia now I am starting to feel as if this was all an act to get part of her money and a permanent part on the show to get a steady income, that is why in the beginning episodes I guess Peter was almost rushing Cynthia to marry him. If you ask me I think Cynthia should realize it is just as easy to divorce Peter as it was marrying him and she should leave his sneaky a** and hook back up with Leon and they could have episodes in which Cynthia and Leon and their beautiful daughter Noell could interact because Cynthia and Leon gets along great and you can just feel the love they both have for their daughter. As for Nene she has not been doing anything lately but lying on her couch moping because her show the new normal was cancelled. Okay Nene we all know you and we know you still have a lot to do, but you should get off that couch and help Greg clean the house, better yet Nene you make enough money to hire and housekeeper at least twice a week to do it for you, cut back on some other things and find another show. I have an idea, why don't some of those girls that were in Nene wedding start hanging with her on the show, now I really enjoyed these woman and I think they would make great addition. As a matter of fact they can all start that new show I was talking about, Nene and her BFFs. The one I made a decision to leave for last is Ms. Kenya, oh yes the one who twerks on everything and prances around in someone wedding dress was on Sunday night episode trying to move out of the house that she rented from the landlord from hell. Kenya who I do understand was trying to make light of everything because it is upsetting and she does not have another house to move in, so she has to live in a hotel until she can find some where else. But why would anyone want to put on someone else's wedding gown and prance around in it while she is calling it ugly, now the gown was ugly and maybe it was just that her landlord was married in the seventies and keep the dress that long, nothing wrong with that. Why did she leave the gown in her old house, I have not a clue. Now something else that was totally wrong was that the landlord call 911 on Kenya and lied saying that Kenya was suppose to be out by 3pm when she really had until 5pm to get. All went well and Kenya had finish packing, so the cops did not intervene because they saw that Kenya was leaving the property, what a crazy landlord. Maybe Kenya should have kept it personal and not have befriended the wicked witch of hell freezes over circle. Well I am seeing clips of future up coming episodes and it promises to be off the chain and lot of surprises will be coming our way, so we have to keep looking to she what will be a brewing. I know I will be watching because the housewives of the ATL is still one of my favorites. I had to add a part that I forgot to mention, is it me or is Kandi wardrobe a big old hot mess. I know that Kandi is from the country as I am but there is no reason for Kandi with all her money should be dressing the way she is. Those colorful tight jeans she puts on kills me with her very colorful hair. Now I know that there is a stylist that the show can provide Kandi because she just needs a little help. I know the show is a reality show and it is all about the ladies and their a own way of doing things but there can be a little tweeting here and there.
Monday, November 18, 2013
The Walking Dead 11-17-13(#TheWalkingDead)
For those of you who did not watching the walking dead or choose not too because this episode was focused all on the Governor and what happen to him after his entire empire was taken down. Now I have to say that this episode was a little boring and I almost went the sleep on it a couple of times the show actually help me understand the Governor better. This particular episode help us see a softer side to the Governor and we got to see the Governor actually rescue a family. So why was the Governor outside the prison on the episode before this one, for some reason after watching this show I am thinking the Governor wants the people at the prison to actually take on the family he saved. Although I know some people will not agree with me but the Governor have this little girl whom he have become attached with and she made him promise that he will not let anything happen to her. I am thinking the Governor is now worried about this little girl and he knows that to save this little girl and her family he will need some help. We do know that the Governor have loyal followers because when him and the family was in a tough spot running away from the walking dead, and after falling into a hole and not knowing what was happening to the girls who were left above you heard gun shots and who looks in the hole but the Governor's use to be second in charge man. The Governor and this family he found have been saved by some of his most loyal followers and the question is what is next. I am not sure how this will take a turn but some how I think the Governor knows that it will be a plus to go to Rick and the others, especially for the sake of this young girl. Rick and the others at the prison has a more stable situation if you want to call it that when it comes to actually trying to protect a family. I am thinking the Governor wants their help and some how there will be some compromise as far as to the family that the Governor found. Maybe the Governor will show the family the way to the prison and just leave them there, I can not see him forgiving the Rick and the others all together especially since he fell they were the cause to the fall of his empire but I do really feel that the little girl has brought something out of the Governor he has not had since losing his wife and daughter. Now that we have known what the Governor has been going through this entire time I am ready to see what will actually happen next. The only person I am worried about is Carol having being kicked out by Rick and not even having a panel discussion before he did it, we may be surprise about Carol reaction to the entire thing. The Walking Dead is still one of my favorite Sunday night shows and the excitement of what will happen next has me anxiously anticipating. Of course it will get more juicy because the writers will not let the fans down.
Amazing Race 11-17-13(#AmazingRace)
I watched Amazing Race Sunday night and for you of those who missed it I hate to spoil it for you if you do not know already but Nicky and Kim the baseball wives were eliminated. Now I know some of you are saying, big deal they have millionare husband so who cares if they did not win the million. Well that is not the point, I like these two women because I believe that they played a good and fair game, although for some reason Marie and Tim thinks that the two girls cheated them by getting on a earlier flight, that was just luck on the girls part because they went to another area and got booked. So I was sad to see Nicky and Kim go and I would have rather seen these to ladies still racing instead of Ashley and Ally, the two so called bombshells whom seem to think just because they are blonde they can get by with just about anything, as you can see I do not care for the two who spouses are hockey players. Now as for Nicole and Travis I will defend to the end their choice to U-turn Leo and Jamal because to me Leo and Jamal are sneaky and they have done some things that are questionable and because of this, I think they should have been U-turned because it is a game and if you think lying to a team will have you win why not U-turn a team to help yourself to win, come on this is a game people. What I did not like was Tim and Marie U-Turning Nicky and Kim, especially since the use the excuse that this was done because the ladies jumped in front of them on a flight on a couple of episodes back and as I said before they did not jump in front of them they had booked their seats in a different area and got on an earlier flight. What really puzzled me was that Nicky and Kim was far enough behind Tim and Marie anyway so why did they U-turn them other than to make sure they lost the game. Well this may come and bite Tim and Marie on the u know what, so they should have though before they choose so quickly to U-turn people, it may be their turn on the next episode. The two that has me watching them is Jason and Amy, they are so quite they are just playing a tough game by struggling to get where they have to get and they are being fair in the way they take on the challenges and handle the other team, I do like this team because they are themselves and have soon know change in the way they take on challenges other than to try and push on. If you ask me the last two will be Jason and Amy against Nicole and Travis, and the third team who will leg way behind hopefully is Jamal and Leo. Yes I am hoping that Tim and Marie and Ashley and Ally will be eliminated soon, I do not care who goes first other than one of them goes. Amazing race for me is still a great game, with great competitive challenges and yes I hope to be on it one day, although I must say I might be one of those people that would not last long, just because I am a little on the clumsy side.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Moonshiners 11-12-13(#Moonshiners)(@MoonshinersTV)
Is anyone watching the new season of moonshiners, I for one was waiting for its return and did not have time as of yet to write about the new season, so with a little time on my hands I will write about it now. I am a little disappointed that Mark and Jeff has spilt from Jim Tom but I do understand that from previous season finale that the two guys said Jim Tom had a habit of running his mouth off just a little to much and in the moonshiner business this can be dangerous. So now Mark and Jeff has started up their new still mill and they are building a big one, so that they can supply their entire county and then some. I like the Mark and Jeff team, I especially like Mark because he is so country but is a very smart man who takes everything he does very seriously. Mark is a partner that you want by you side, he is trustworthy as well as he has your back in any situation, great marksman. I like Jeff as well because he definitely knows what he is doing when it comes to building a still mill and this man can make the hell out of some moonshine, I like his flavors. As for Jim Tom I see he is basically making mills for people, something he apparently became an expert at doing over his lifetime. Jim Tom has actually had a new guy who has decided to go into the business of making moonshine come to him about making a still. With this newbie to the business and him being so naive, Jim Tom needs to be very careful, especially when going into business with someone. As for the two lost boys, this is what I call Josh and Bill, they are is the same predicament they were last year and that is nowhere, trying to figure out where the hell to begin their mill not to mention who to get started. Now these two guys thought they came up on some luck when they got a truck load of strawberries and yes this was good, but now they still do not have a mill to start using the strawberries before they turn into vinegar. I am glad that Tim is trying to go legal and it was no surprise when he gave tickle the list of his customers but it has proven that it will take a lot to help Tim understand what it means to be legal. Tim did not know how much it took to become legal, especially when the government has their hand in the pot. You have to document everything so that they can not get you on tax aviation and when it comes to the government saying you have to document everything, they mean everything from every ounce of alcohol you drop into a jar. We all know the federal government don't play when it comes to getting your money, they want to make sure they get every bit of their share and then some. Now if this was only true when it comes to them spending the taxpayers money or giving it back. I hope Time gets the hang of it but for now he looks like he just might be struggling. I like this new guy Lance that Mark and Jeff has associated themselves with, one thing about Jeff and Mark, when they get someone to help them you best believe it will be someone who has as special kind of talent that will be of and advantage to them. With Lance this guy is not only good with a gun but he is a bit of an explosive expert, now that is someone you could use when it comes to putting up illegal still mills. This Lance loves his guns, and explosives and it shows. There will be some new people joining the cast that I am not to familiar with as of yet but hopefully I will get to know them and can write on them in future blogs. For now I am going to hit back on Tickle, I know Tim felt that since Tickle helped him in his illegal endeavors he owed the man something but my God, Tickle is truly an idiot and if anyone can screw a good thing up it is Tickle. Tickle had no idea how to get started and was totally lost without Tim, I guess this is because Tim did most of the work while Tickle was part muscle and drink a lot of the profit most of the time. Now that Tickle is on his own, he is lost and does not know what to do so he has to call Tim up for help and what does Tim do, he gives Tickle some of his established contacts to help Tickle get started on building a mill and making great moonshine. Where would Tickle be without Tim, still in the woods looking for a already built mill I guess. Anyway this show has never disappointed and is still a great show to watch, I love these down to earth country people because they are the best and it is nothing like a good old hand shake and someone who will have your back no matter what. Keep up the great work guys, I will be watching.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Chrissy & Mr. Jones 11-11-13
What can I say about the Chrissy & Mr. Jones show on Monday night other then mama Jones is off the chain. The woman wrote a book and because she could not wait for this love book that she wrote be distributed in stores, mama Jones went out on the streets of New York and tried selling the books herself to anyone who walk, drove or skipped by. Mama Jones even went into stores herself and tried to get the people in the stores to display her books without going through the proper channels. All I can say about mama Jones is that this woman is a hustler and she knows what it takes to get her product out there. You go mama Jones I am not a bit mad at you, as a matter of fact as a woman I am proud of you. You know what idea I had, I watch the show shark tank in which people go up against these auntlponer to get them to invest in their products with the sales pitch of how this item will help them make more money. I am thinking that mama Jones could go in front of these shark tank millonares and billonares and I believe mama Jones will win them over an get one of them to actually invest in her products. I am a mama Jones fan, she has really one me over, now what I am looking for is Chrissy to get her hustle back on. I see that Chrissy has asked Jim to help with part of his product line, now this will be interesting, but I know Chrissy can do it. All I ask of Jim Jones is for him to pull his pants up on his azz, do you realize how silly you look at your age with those pants on the ground. I do not like boys much less men with sagging pants, although I know Jim Jones is suppose to be that real thug, try being just a man a pulling the pants on your a** instead of off it. I know the meaning of pants hanging off your a** in prison means so what does it mean for the outside world, can anyone answer this one for me please.
Braxton Family Values 11-14-13(#BFV)Wetv
Yes I watched the return of the Braxton Family Values and yes I have heard that someone has put a rumor out on blog that Traci husband has gotten a women pregnant and actually has produced a child. What a season finale return, now what has been on my mind after listening to Traci side of things is why did Towanda put this out on television, something so personal should have been taken to Traci first. Although the information was already floating out there some where, it was not up to Towanda to make it put in out so that this rumor could spread faster. As for Trina I am glad she has really decide to divorce her husband because he was just to out there and it being on television was not help Gabe be any more faithful then he has already been, if you ask me I think television has hinder Gabe actually really being faithful to Trina, because women now are intentionally throwing themselves at him. As for Toni I was glad to see her get back on track by getting back in the studios to sing, especially singing with babyface. Now is it me or do not Toni and baby face, or as Toni calls him Kenny, make a great couple. I think Toni should really hook up with babyface they look so goo together and from what I see on television they work together as well. That song that babyface and Toni has out together is great and I am loving it. Now as for the all to hype Tamar, the one everyone seems to adore, I have never like Tamar from the day she appear on television saying .com bullshi* and I am still not feeling her. I think Tamar is full of herself and she is one of those women whom just lucked up on everything she has and because she was fortunate to be hooked up with Vince because of Toni, she had money in her life unlike her sister. So for Tamar it is easy to judge her sisters and their relationships and her calling everyone else husband bums and hood rats shows her ignorance to me. Just because Tamar has a rich husband whom could help her get into the music business, something she apparently could not do for herself, remember she was with three records labels before her all of a sudden luck, yeah right. I just saying it does not hurt to have your husband in the music industry, who would not have some luck. So judge others situation just because yours seems perfect but Tamar has to heed the saying that just because you have money does not mean that you are happy. If you ask me Tamar is missing something in her life, for example what about her doing all these love songs and her doing music videos in which she can not even get close to the actors in her video. I know that Vince goes with her to all the shootings, but dam* let the girl do a love video that makes it seems like she is really in love. I am just saying, why is she avoiding the guys, it looks as though she is almost running away from them, if this is the case why do she not just have a female actor interact with the guys and she sings in the fore ground. For me Tamar videos are cheesy, if you want to do love videos they have to look real or dam* near close to it. What I do like is how Traci let everyone know that she is handling her business and she is not afraid to ask her husband if has gotten a woman pregnant, believe you me Traci will handle hers. I think Towanda and the other girls needs to stay out of Traci business and let her handle it. I want to know how Towanda and her husband are doing, I did notice that situation did not come into play, I guess we will find out on future episodes. Now as for Tamar and Vince baby he was a no show on the first episode but I guess we will get to see him in future episodes as well, what I do like is how much of a attentive father Vince is, but of course we knew this would happen because Vince is a great guy, if you ask me he is too good for Tamar, and oh yes you can say she went there because I did. I will continue to watch the show because I like the Braxton family, the only thing I would like is less of Tamar and more of the rest of the family. Tamar thinks she is to big for the rest of the family now and apparently she leaves certain things about her life only for her and Vince show, so why does she needs to be on the Braxton Family Values show, because if you ask me Tamar no longer uphold these values anymore, she has her own. Yes I did it again, I went there. I had to come back and add a bit of information, I was wondering if anyone was thinking like I was and thinks that Towanda throw this information of Traci out in the air from last season, just to make us anticipate the new season and come back for more. Now I not saying anything is wrong with this and if this is what Towanda did I am not mad at her, when you have to make money you have to make money and for reality shows juicy gossip is one of the things that make viewers come back for more. All I am saying is do what you do Towanda, if this is the case.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Love & Hip Hop NY 11-11-13(#LHHNY)@LoveHipHopVH1
I saw the Love & Hip Hop New York on Monday night and all I can say is wow. The incident between Tara and Amina was more than enough to show us what happens to a relationship when one of the person in the relationship choose to cheat when the other chooses to remain committed. Some people do not know how it hurts when you are so in love with the other person and you think that everything is going great, never knowing that the other person, whom you are totally in love with is actually having an affair on you. I know how Tara feels, you feel like the biggest idiot, you start thinking were did you go wrong and you are so mad with your significant other because you truly trust and love this person with everything you had only to find that the trust and love was wasted on this person for absolutely nothing. This person someone how either did not love you as much as you loved them or never did love you at all. Tara has every right to have that feeling as though she could kill Peter Gunz and some people would say well why did she not attack Peter instead of attacking Amina, that is because Amina being the young and naive girl that she is had to just throw it in Tara face and tell her that Peter and her are married. Amina if you were a real women you would have let Peter Gunz tell Tara and not have been so hateful as to tell this girl in front of her friends. Amina any girl can make an azz of herself by acting out and having the last laugh, but a real woman would have walked away only stating that you really need to sit down and talk to him and tell him to tell you he entire truth, this would have given Tara the opportunity to hear it from Peter herself. Amina you yourself need some help because why would marry this man knowing he had a woman and two children at home, what the hell are you are a woman or girl thinking. Why do some women choose to bring other women down, there are other men out there that are not in relationships so why choose one that is. Why not be that real woman and say that since I found out that you do have a woman, I will pass on your advances. Now when Tara did lash out at Amina you could truly feel her anger, I almost stood up because I knew how she feel when she tried moving that guy our of her way by almost ripping his shirt off, she was really angry. Tara wanted to get to Amina so bad but there were so many people standing in her way and all you could see on Tara face was the hurt and pain that she was feeling at the time. This was on fight that I really wanted to happen, I wanted Tara to get as many punches as she could on Amina and then be broken up. Tara did get a piece of Amina's hair, I just wish it could have been a little more. This entire scene had me so hype I almost forgot about the other scenes. I do remember that Tahiry found that Joe Budden had another girl in the bed in which she sleep, now someone please tell me why should she be surprise with this one. Tahiry knew of Joe's history, she has be friends with the man for a very long time and she watch this man break another woman's heart last season while at the same time woe her back into his life. Again here is another situation in which a woman seems to think it was okay to get in between another woman and her man's relationship, wow. What are we as woman coming to when we think it is okay for a man to do another woman dirty all because we think he will not do it too us and when he does, we have the nerve to really act surprise. I myself though Tahiry seemed to be a pretty smart girl from last season but she proved me wrong we she took Joe back. Are all these women on the love and hip hop show delusional or are they just immature and young, please tell me what is it. Now as for Erica Jean and Saigon, I am glad that Erica decided that she would get the DNA done for Saigon to know if their child is his son, because even if Saigon believes that her son is his, in the back of his head he will have that doubt, so good for you Erica, it will not hurt a thing to get the DNA done. As for Nya and Erica Mena, this is a really screwed up friendship, it ended as quickly as it started. I am not sure what kind of relationship these two had, because Nya and Mena was suppose to do a song together and then it seems as if Erica blew Nya off when she tried calling her, but what really was sad about the entire situation is that when the two women got to arguing about it, neither woman had anything more to say to other as far as who had the worst record because they both are novice and neither of them have any credits to their name in the music business. I was stunned just watching them get out something nasty to really say to the other, and to think I actually thought that these two women would actually hook up, stupid me. Now as for the rest of the cast members it is a little blurry since the fight between Tara and Amina took a hold of all of my attention.
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