Thursday, August 1, 2013

Parking Wars(I Want this Show back on the Air)

Does anyone watch the show parking wars, well I did and I miss it. Why did they take of such a good show. I know a lot of people may not agree with parking attendants who give out tickets for parking illegally or being over on a meter but people have to remember that these people are just doing their jobs and if it was not for their jobs then some people would be in trouble. We have to understand that these people are there to enforce something that is needed and that is discipline to parking in busy cities. If there was no discipline in the way people park in big cities, then people could get hurt and others, like the disable may not have any opportunities to get spaces they need. I have to applaud these people who take on this job because I know how hard it can be to be in the line of law enforcement without actually being a police officer and carrying a gun. These people are everyday hardworking people who are trying to make the streets of our cities safe by enforcing codes of the law. I really love the entertainment that is brought forth by people who think these officer are wrong for given them tickets that they have brought upon their selves by parking illegally, in wrong spots or letting meters run out and what is up with the arguments, why do you want to dispute someone about something you did and a ticket you have received. Also what about the clips of the show in which the workers are in Philadelphia and they scan people cars for back old tickets that they did not pay. Why are these people not paying tickets they received and if they know they received the tickets, why do they try and hide their vehicles. I think it is the funniest thing because I never knew that people go as far as to keep moving their vehicles in hopes to not get it booted or taken away and once they find their cars and began to put a boot on it, these people began to want to fight the officers. Why would you fight someone for something you receive, all they are doing is enforcing the law by having your car booted or until you pay the fine. Just pay your fine people and you will not have to worry about their being a show, but as for me I want the show to come back on. I think some television station should pick up some new parking wars episodes and put it on the air. Why not have a reality show in which, real everyday people are working hard and it actually shows how hard they have to work to earn their dollars. Parking enforcement officers do not have and easy job and whats make it worse is they do not have a gun to protect them, so they have to use their wits about them to calm down some very angry people. Please bring parking wars back, I am on the band wagon and will be waiting for new episodes.

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