Friday, April 28, 2017


I am not sure what to say about the Real Housewives of Atlanta reunion. I do know that I want to say to Kandi and Kenya do they look back at themselves and how they talk to people. Kandi and Kenya both play the victims but they talk about people like dogs and do people all kinds of way, but then they cry wolf when the are confronted about it, they actually believe in their minds that they are innocent. Kandi said that Phadera had people following her and getting information on her and plotting to help her not open her restaurant, wow. Then when Phadera try and talk about how mama Joyce was coming at her left and right and how all of Kandi crew was jumping at Phadera and talking about the women although they did not know what was going on, Kandi was talking over Phadera loudly so that she could get her say out, how sneaky of you Kandi. Kandi I am at a point I do not like you underhanded ways, you really are a sneaky snake, you said cause of Phadera you restaurant would not open on time, how about that husband of your hers, you know the one that really does not have a job, other then living off your dreams and ideas and screwing them up. We have to remember that Kandi did all this behind her anger that Phadera and NeNe go close when NeNe was helping Phadera through a tough time, how pathetic is is of another woman to hate on a woman for getting comfort from another friend. Kandi you were so busy with your husband Todd, trying to get a baby in the progress, so why the hell did you hate on Phadera and NeNe's relationship, if you were any kind of true human being, you would have been happy that Phadera could lean on someone shoulder, since your life was going so perfectly as you claim. But one thing I have notice is that Kandi is jealous when it comes to her making friend with someone, she don't want that person to become friends with someone she no longer is friend with, she has the jealous streak about her friends and who they deal with. Kandi just because you are not friends or dislike someone does not mean that the person you are friends with have to dislike that person too, especially if they have nothing against the person. Kandi is acting like she is still in her twenties and in her singing group when her and these girls were being very childish, apparently Kandi has not did any growing up since then. What I find real hilarious, is Ms. Kandi who said she would have nothing to do with that group again, is going back on tour with a group that she said she signed her rights away too, how ironic right. Well here goes my personal opinion, Kandi needs the money, Kandi has to keep bringing the money in because a lot of her money is going out and the only one that is bringing it in is Kandi, this woman is going to work herself to exhaustion. Well at least she have Todd to stay home with her baby, I guess he is good for something. To some this reunion up it was two on two, Kandi and Kenya the KK's and Porsha and Phadera the PP's, and it was on Miss Kenya throwing the daggers keep yelling out people being underhanded, this Miss innocent woman who talks about everyone and I do mean everyone, including you Kandi. Kenya the buy a man, but she said she really love the man and yet she quickly is with a new man already, but we know why because she has to have a storyline for next season, we will she how this next man works out. Kenya I must say in my personal opinion you are the one who needs to see a therapist, you going from all these different men and apparently putting up with abuse as you claim, and the past situation with your mother could all be reasons why you throw so many jabs at others underhanded and don't realize what you are doing. Kenya go sit on that couch, it is no shame at admitting you need help, did you ever get help for that situation with your mother anyway? Kandi I think you need to stop putting on this act to the world that your life is going perfectly and we see all kinds of flaws in your life. Poor poor, Cynthia, just leave the show before you become that ugly woman that we don't see on the outside, it can make you ugly on the inside that can leak to the outside, I am just saying. Cynthia is trying to hang out with the "k's", something I personally would not be proud to do myself, they have this image that I am now calling them the "hater squad", hate on all that don't roll with them and their ungodly ways, think about it, try forgiving people that is WJWD.

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