Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Real Housewives Of Atlanta

Yeah its time for me to talk about it, although I becoming less of a fan of the show. It comes back on with no Kim Fields no NeNe and a lot of bullsh** from Kenya Moore. This show is starting of with the most phonyness. Kenya at the top of the list with her boo hoo crying about thus man she is dating got very violent with her, but Kenya has a house warming and who walks in, yes Matt, he apolizies to Kenya and she say its all goid again. Now if you watch the clip where he went off the chain on Kenya, she talked of how scarred she was and it did seem to get volitile but he claimed he just lost it that night. How many of us women know if a man did this once and actually acted in this way that means it is in him, so it will happen again. Sorry to say  Kenya may deserve someone lije this because of hiw she treat others. Kenya said she cant have Porsha around because she is so violent, but she will sleep with the enemy, that is what I am saying, as phony as they come. Smhh, I dont enjoy seeing this woman on television at all, I see why she was never made permanent on wny television show, she is onky meant to be someone who drop in and out, hint hint housewives. We do have Miss Sheree back, which is okay since she can handle Ms. Bat Moore, I mean Kenya, read her a** Sheree make me proud,but be careful cause you know she like to play the victim, all of a sudden she become innocent, but Kenya's horns keep showing. Now Kandi is back, pretending everything is happy and she has the perfect life with her husband on her payroll. Yeah she still have Todd starring in her face, what the hell Kandi let the man breath, but Kandi starts doing all that whining and now this guy block comes, yeah her daughter daddy trying to squeeze in Riley's life. I agree that dead beat ass needs to keep his a** behind camera like he has been for years, dont put his slow a** in front of a camera to lie, because we can go to court house look up records and see how much he owe in child support and that will tell it all, why you not paying your child support and why did you not show up before now block? We have Phadera and Porsha, thses are my girls but thier life is on a slow pace right now, but Kenya is still throwing a lot of shade at everyone as usual. At the reuion they need to show more of the tapes where Kenya is talking about everyone. Kenya went too Matts family reuion and put on the most phony act to show his family how fake she really is and they brought it. This is another Todd situation, Kenya buying her a damn man, it cost to get laid, I am guessing cause I never had to pay for it, Im just saying Kenya, you were throwing money at his family left and right. If you can buy the family go for it girl, do you. Cynthia i did not forget about you, I just like how you are handling the situation with your divorce and making sure your daughter is okay with the process, you are handling it well, now get back with Leon I have been waiting for this one. It is just housewives being housewives, I wanted them to get rid of Kenya but I am only one fan and people apparently like all the phony women, not the real women, smhh.

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