Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Real Husband of Hollywood(Really!!!)

Okay come on, has anyone watched the real husbands of hollywood because I have and I just do not get it. I know the men made this show up as a funny side to the real ex-wives of hollywood doing their real reality shows. But come on really we should understand that the ex wives of some hollywood husbands had to vent about their marriage to these ex hollywood men and why not vent and make money at the same time. Why not let some people of the world, like me, who are really interested know what went on in their married lives with these hollywood men. I think it is great that they are letting people know that marriages, especially those of hollywood are not easy. Marriage is hardwork and often to many times people look at these hollywood marriges as being perfect or these fake movies that shows these perfect marriage as real marriages. I know the men just are sore that the women actually went on television and told some insite on being married to a hollywood personality but let it go men. Let the women have their time and let them do their show, don't counter act by doing a show that makes fun of the show the women are doing, just to make a point that these reality shows are stupid. For me these shows are not stupid, but I think your show Real Husbands of Hollywood is stupid and there is nothing funny about it. I looked at the show a few times because I did not want to judge it on the first show but out of each of these few times I could not find anything entertaining about the show. I don't get the entire point and I am trying to understand, why the men would even make a show like this other than they thought they themselves could make money off what reality shows are doing, but for me reality shows are alot more entertaining then this show and the bad part about it most of the reality show persons are not top actors like the husband of hollywood men suppose to be. What does it mean when unknown reality stars entertain better than real actors entertain. I personally think this show should just go west some where and keep going. I am on the East coast and I could care less if the show gets lost in Bermuda Triangle. I am being told the show is a number one show, I am hoping it is a joke but if not, I think it should be on the funny pages and the title should be the clowns of hollywood. I have to give this show a thumbs down, although some of the actors I do like, unlike most of the people out there I am not a Kevin Hart fan at all, I just don't see the funny, just the over loudness, rudeness and just right down in the way. He is like a fly who you want to swat but you can't seem to get rid of him. Anyway Kevin I am sure you are a okay human being in person but as for television, you are a little to loud to me, tone it down, yelling does not always get people attention, sometimes silent is golden.

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