Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The Cartel Crew televison series

What can I say about this new reality show Cartel Crew. I know, it sucks. Yes this is the worst reality show I have seen to date and it is not because most of the people are of Spanish decent, but it is because they just suck. Most of these reality show person on this show, we do not know but they claim to all be generations of family members of people who once ran the biggest cartel that brought the most drugs into the United States, yes you heard me right, these people are proud to be the heritage of drugs dealers who filled this country with drugs, what the hell. Now all these people, and I keep saying peoples because I don't know none of them and I am not sure what relevance they have, if any. So they are suppose to be big in the Florida area, most of Miami I guess I watch the show and still is not sure and from watching I know most of the women dress half naked, the men are like most Spanish men, woman take a backseat to their needs and they handle the children and let the men do want the hell ever they please. Did I say this show sucks. I watch the women with more botch in their asses and lips then the white women. Their asses are over the top, their lips are about to pop and I find it very hard even watching them. There seem to be no real storyline behind any of these women, I am not sure where they are going and the only thing I can see is that they are just a reality show for the Hispanic community that really must care about some old cartel that was suppose to be the hottest thing in America in the day. Are there such things as the cartel, maybe but would they actually get on television letting law enforcement know this or know that they are part of these activities, hell no. So this show does not have anything to stand on because the cartel is dead, well under that cartel name now and these group of persons are not part of or affiliated with this group, but if they are they are some dumb a$$ for putting it out there on television. So what am I getting from this show, I watched it two times and what I get from it is a bunch of fake asses, who is trying to make this show something it is not and the women are starting by coming out fighting thinking maybe this will roll in the watchers and they will be able to come on another season. Well if they make it for another season, I am happy for them and if they don't I will not know because I can tell you now that this show is not for me and I will not be watching any more episodes because as I said over and over again, this cartel show sucks. I am not sure how else to explain it. I am watching naked women walk around talking about how their family ran things. The men are being men, but these men are talking about absolutely nothing, wow. Stick a folk in me because I am done with this show.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

90 Day Fiance (I can't Do this with these Grown Dependent Children)

Okay is it me or is it just how this world and the young people think so backwards these days. I am talking about Eric's who is engaged to Leida and his daughter whom was living off her daddy in his house with a nasty a** room. Eric's daughter trying not to find a job and she just live under her daddy's roof with no effort to even try and keep the house clean and what is everyone saying, how could he kick his daughter out. My question is when was he planning on kicking his daughter out, how long was she planning to mooch off on her daddy because as long as he let her stay free, she seems like the type of girl who was going to continue this because she had no conscious and she was just nasty in the way she was she kept the house. Dag if she was staying free and had not job, why was it okay for her not to at least keep the house clean, why was she allowed to live under her daddy's roof free as a grown woman with no attention on doing anything, when did this become okay and when did grown children start wanting to stay in their parents house because I could not wait to be an adult and get out my parents house. This lead me to thinking that if I wanted to get out I would get a job and keep it. But kids today think it is all a free ride, they don't give a dam* about their parents because at some point your parents should be able to have their privacy to live their lives and be happy. Children were not meant to stay with their parents forever, but yet I saw someone on facebook saying that parents should let their children stay in their houses as long as they need to get themselves together because they did not ask to be here, wow. So your child becomes an adult they have their health, all their limbs work fine, they are capable of getting a job, but someone thinks that these grown ass people, who want to live in your house and be able to do whatever they want and call themselves adults and do adult things in your house and yet you are suppose to support them and their habit, this is the biggest joke I ever heard. What is this world coming too, we would be creating adults who would never do anything if this was the case, parents would be taking care of kids to their graves and then the kids would be looking for death insurance from their parents to help them after their parents die. No grown ass kids as a parent I am here to tell you, after raising you to adulthood I owe you nothing else and nothing is written that I have to leave you a will with money, nor do I have to need enough life insurance that will set you for life. All I need is enough life insurance to bury me, money for my retirement and you can go ahead and create your own future because nothing is written that I suppose to help your future be started off with lots of money so that you can just continue to sit on your "a", besides we are only enabling you when we do everything for you and not allow you too do anything for yourself, you have to remember your parent can drop dead tomorrow and what if anything can you do for yourself. You have to be able to stand on your own two feet, we as parents don't mind helping every now or then or when you really need it, but not a hand out or hand forever. Wow, please explain to me when this became okay. Eric should not feel guilty about having kicked his daughter out, he had to do something sooner or later or this girl would have stayed under her daddy forever, and from her attitude this is what she was planning on doing. If you asked my opinion this girl acted as if she was on drugs.

Marriage Boot Camp (Love & Hip Hop Addition)

Have anyone seen the marriage boot camp of the love and hip hop addition premier on Thursday night. I have to admit I was waiting for this addition because when I saw the cast they had lined up I was all in, these particular couple was ones that I actually was looking forward too discussing their relationships on air. Yes I know this sounds rather low to want to see others and how they handle their relationship on television, but that is not all it. This also involves celebrities whom I watch all the time on television and the show that they are usually on we do not get too see much of them because the show focuses on other individuals but here on boot camp we can get more into their relationships and get to see maybe why do some of these people stay in these relationships when we see how hostile their relationships are. Now I for one was really interested in Tammy and Waka flocka because I just heard as millions of people have, that Waka was caught again cheating on Tammy, how this Thot as they call them filmed herself going through trash can in bathroom to film a condemn he used, at least he used a condemn. Anyway, as much as these women know that their men our in a spotlight and these women will be coming after them and even thought they may accept this is some sort of weird way, especially as they know their man used condemns and they tell them that there is no feeling that goes with having sex with them, the fact that these men can just sleep with these women and tell their wife or significant other that men can just have sex but women who do this feeling gets involved, if that is the case what about the women they are sleeping with, they don't think these women would actually start having feeling or think that the sex they just had something meant something other then sex. Come on lets get real, they said that Waka use this same particular woman everytime he goes into that town to have sex with, why is that? Is it because he trust her, he actually trust a thot, you know a woman that he is just having sex with. So now my question is why is all this women accepting this from these men. When women accept this kind of behavior from men, it makes other men think it is acceptable and they all think it is okay and that women are suppose to go along with this non sense. I myself believe that their our men of God in tis world and there is more to a man that can buy me things because he makes all this money and got all this fame, does not mean he can buy me. I am a child or God and can not be brought by any man at any price. So you see and hear the hurt these women our dealing with when it comes to their significant others but then you hear of things like Souja boy friend, taking him back again and again for ten years, why is she allowing this, all I am seeing is the anger that she possessing building up more and more and this can become a dangerous situation. I see lil mo with a husband that she is making feel lower than any man should ever feel. What is lil mo with a man that she thinks is okay to be able to put up with her mouth that rips this man down. He is a man regardless and you should make him feel that way, if lilmo thinks because he cheated on her and she continues to stay with him and decides to forgive, then you need to forgive and not keep making this man feel low in her presence, and you wonder why he will keep cheating on you, let it go and walk away. All I can say is this is a addition that I will keep watching hoping to understand why women choose to stay in relationships as these, so I will keep watching and trying to learn, but knowing that it has to change. When it is all said and done we will get to say on the last episode who stayed with who, and who did what, for all them to stay in the same situation because they are not sure how to change. And by the way who is this Alex and Fizz combination, because Fizz was not in a relationship the last we saw on love and hip hop show and he seems to never be able to keep any woman for some reason. I do admire the way Fizz refuses to bring a lot of women around his son, he is teaching his son to be different and walk in a different path then he is walking and for that he has to be admired for because he is putting his child first.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Surviving R. Kelly

Are you surviving R Kelly, I know I am trying to survive what I have heard in the pass, what I am hearing in the streets and what I have heard on this lifetime programming, wow. For years this man has been doing some really unscrupulous, ungodly like things and thousands, I mean thousands of man was in this circle and no one took the time to think about how to go about catching this preverb before he ruined anymore young lady lives. People make excuses by saying he did not force this girls, these girls knew what they were getting into, they wanted the money and it serves them right what he did too them. Wow and you wonder why women are scared to come forward with these things against this man, because so many people are willing to take up for this man and make excuses for them that they forget that this grown ass man slept with little girls as young as 13 and you choose to ignore that this is beyond sick for a man to want a child. There is something truly wrong with this man and yes I hear that he was molested as a child, so why did no one suggest he get help, when they tried prosecuting him the first time why was it not suggested or ruled that he get some psychiatrist help, with this being said, so many people agreed that this man be put back on the streets to pray on more young women. This man then was filmed stating that if they wanted to get him on things like sexual assault, they should have gotten him 30 years ago, wow, this man admits to doing wrong and said that now he is too smart for them to catch him now, they did not catch him then so they can't catch him now. Does this many really believe in God or is he the devil himself walking on this tight rope pretending to be a clown with looks of laugh and all he got is a lot of BS that comes along with this man as long as he work this Earth. I feel for R Kelly because he is rather sad in my opinion and when they do lock him up, I did say when because he is going down, this man will have the worst ever treatment inside. But as R Kelly brother stated he does not think R Kelly will go to jail, he think his brother will choose to kill himself rather then to go to jail and that just maybe so because this man has a lot of mental issues and because he did not get help at a early age he is now to far gone and he has a complex that not only is above his ego but is so out of control that he believes that there is no God because he himself is God and that he is as untouchable as they come. This man is really, really sad and with his pathetic sense of entitlement, he is now going down faster then the titanic and first they are hitting him where it will hurt him the most and that is his pockets, and will he have any money left, what the hell, this man spent most of his money on trying to buy little girls and keeping his secret from getting out by paying other people money to keep hush on the subject. What I can't believe is some of these girls family would rather take the money then value what their daughter went through, how crazy is that. We look at parents as protectors, so when they ask parents can their child go or travel with R. Kelly, what parent would say yes and why would they had over a gift given too them by God to the devil himself, I see why this man had such a complex when you have parents handing over their child for a dollar bill, wow. The story continues as we continue to wait on this man to go to trail, what gets me is they are putting this stuff on television before he goes to court and the first thing his attorneys will claim is he can not get a bias jury because everyone has seen the claims on television. But he will get a jury and I am sure they will be mostly white because I am sure they could careless about his story and I am certain they are not watching the television programming. I am very disappointed in all the adults around him that say they seen things and saw what he was doing and they just turn a blind eye and said nothing, how sad is that. Lord please forgive them all because they did walk in your way and made this wrong and right by speaking up on something that was very discussing.

Aquaman The Movie (Some spoiler Alerts)

Okay I went out to see the Aquaman movie today and I had heard a lot of good things about how great it was. Now people that know me know I am into these comic hero's and I watch the movies very closely because I was one of those girls that had comic books when it was thought that boys should only have them. One of my favorite and is still close to my heart to this day is, yes, Spiderman. I have always love the action spiderman put out and the villains on Spiderman was everything to me, his comic strips to me had the best ever villains and I believe a superhero can not be a good superhero without a great villain or villains. Now watching this Aquaman movie today, I was excited, I knew this actor I seen him on other avengers movie and I thought they picked a great actor to play the part. So yes this actor did a great job but as for the movie itself, I thought it was just okay. Jason Momoa was great and is a great Aquaman but the storyline was a bit slow to me, I guess they were trying to make it last long like the other comic hero's but with doing this undersea and him having to fight people underwater and whipping them here and there, it was only so much fighting they could do with villains that just did not do it for me, remember I said the villains are everything and in some cases can make or break a movie and in this case, these villains were not such much as entertaining or up too par to this Aquaman. I love how his mother had to walk away when he was a child and they found her years later, but the rest inbetween was just, let say a little boring. I begin falling asleep doing the movie and when I begin falling the sleep it is not good because that means the movie is not capturing my interest. The graphics were great with all that they did with the water and how they made you really think they were underwater, kudos to that behind the scenes artist who made this happen. Now what really was my favorite part of the movie is, yes you guess it, the redhead who kicks butt, this actress is the greatest and most of this superwomen hero's kick butt and are doing great jobs. But this particular redhead has been playing in a lot of the avengers movie and she is a bad a**.  Amber Heard, who really is not a redhead in real life but she should be because it looks good on her, better then that blonde. So I am so proud that women like her and the one that play wonder women are kick a** women on the screen, they are making us women so proud, especially in a collection of series where women did not really participate in or play back fiddle to the men. So with this all being said, Aquaman movie was okay, but Jason Momoa is a great actor and adds to the avengers crew but as for his movies, if he continues with movies they should consider the villain's, making some bad a** ones that give Aquaman a run for his money, putting a little spice on it, something we do not see coming. Now for those who did not know I like the comics and I am into watching these superhero movies, I will tell you my favorite line up, which movies I think rates the best, with my favorite being number one. I am just doing my top five.

1. Black Panther, it had it all action, jokes, history and learning lessons, along with some of the best actors.
2. Spider Man I love spiderman villain's but since Tobey Maguire left, they have not been able to find a actor who can fill his shows, so although the movie has some of the best villains, the movie need a real actor who can fill these shoes. Please come back Tobey
3. WonderWoman, wow this movie surprised me, I did not know this actress so going into this movie I was not expecting much but got so much more, great acting, great action and just a bad ass women who took no names just kicked butt
4. Captain America, that's right captain is the captain, he kick butt too and looks of action, the villains are usually man, but who cares, his show is full of action, he is a great actor and he keeps you entertained
5. Batman, yes Batman have some very great villains but its downfall is that it keeps changing batman and it really does not have a person that can play batman, well it did until Ben got involved and wanted to take over batman franchise, but if Ben knew like I knew he would let someone else have this batman role because he is not the best at it and this is bringing the batman movie down. Who was my favorite batman Christian Bale, so why could he not continue playing it.

My least favorite super hero movie, in case you did not guess, is Superman, yes superman. This movie has not changed since the beginning of time and when it did change they had the audacity to make Lois a blonde, what the crap was that about, you think Americans would react better too the movie because she was a blonde, yeah right. Your movie writing skills suck for this movie and if you want viewers you need to make major changes to the movie. I heard Michael B Jordon maybe doing superman and if this is true, then bravo because this would be a major change and this can not hurt the movie at all because he will bring his own spin on the movie. But we do not need a blonde Lois Lane, she has been a dark head since the beginning of time, you would have been better making her a red head, the blonde thing was insulting to me. Besides the acting stays the same, the villains he all can conquer and I am sick of this Lex Luther. Enough said, so if you have not seen Aquaman and you want my opinion, want until it comes out on dvd, but that is up too you.