Are we as Americans becoming as stupid as we appear or are we just refusing to open our eyes to what is happening around us.
Sunday, January 28, 2018
Real Housewives of Atlanta (#RHOA)
The Real Housewives of Atlanta and Kandi's Essence party, yeah real cheesy. For people to get up their and talk about how great you are is one thing, but it is another thing for your husband and friends to get up there and not talk about you but call other people out and tell how people may have done things to their friends but look at her now. Now I been told if you always wanted to show people who you are or get back at them about something, then you let what you do show them. You don't have to through some big party and invite your enemies to get torn down by your friends in front of others, again that is cheesy, real cheesy. If you did not tell your friends to do this, that is okay because they are grown, but you did have them invite a person knowing their attentions, and Kandi don't say you did not know when we watch this part of the clip. So why play these childish games with people to make them feel low about themselves, the God in you should never want anyone, not even your enemy to feel beneath you. If someone does feel beneath you that will come out of their own ugliness if they did you wrong. God will handle those enemies of yours who went out to destroy, kill and demised you. No human should crush another human with any intentions and that is just what you did Kandi, so you know what will happen know, you will not have any happiness. No matter how long your marriage last, how much money you make or how many children you have you will not be happy when you bring another one of God child down. Let your walk in God be your guide to greatness. God can handle all when you feel you are being attacked with your enemy. So walk in faith, not in anger or hatred of others. Kandi you keep acting as if you are innocent but again I saw and heard with my own ears and eyes how you laugh with your assistant about Porsha's and how this party will make her envious, we already know that your assistant is confused, but that is something I should not say because it is ugly and it is not for me to judge him, but that is the same thing he is doing with people whom he feels is hurting you, he thinks he is suppose to attack them, why is that his or your mother's job. You are grown Kandi and you as a grown a** women should let people know that you will be fighting your own battle your way. I personally myself have learned to fight my own battles very well, without the help of others and I get on my knees and pray to God to be with me at all times in handle a situation I sometimes feel a lot to bare. What I find is when I turn it over to Jesus, and just him, everything turns out much better.
Little Women of Atlanta (Minnie Get Help)
Wow that last blow up Minnie had on the last episode of Little women of Atlanta was to much. Minnie has a mouth on her and she speaks before she thinks and this always lead to some kind of disagreement that ends up with Andrea and Amanda defending Minnie who, as I say is a grown "A" women, why can't you twins let Minnie the big mouth of the south fight her own battles, she starts. Minnie has a temper she can not control and it is getting out of control, Minnie temper leads to Andrea, you know the one who is pregnant with her third child and still not married, into popping off at someone and she does not have a dam* thing to do with the situation. Yes Abira can be a little loud but I have not seen around start anything unless someone comes for her and Minnie claimed that Abria had stolen her suit, which she was not sure if it was her because one was left it is just the size was not big enough for Minnie. Abria made a good suggestion to Minnie and that was to go ahead and try the suit on to see if it fit her, but guess what, yes Minnie would not give take the time to do this, all she would do was run her fat mouth. If Minnie wanted to go waddle in the water that much, when Abria cut her's short, she could have done just as Abria said and that was try on the suit and go waddle in the water, yeah right. Minnie did not really want to go into the water in waddle, she found an opportunity to go at Abria and she took it, Minnie is the biggest phony I ever met. And what about Andrea going at Abria so hard that she turned the ties on Monie and her and Amanda both ended up with a argument that ended up talking about Monie's dead mother, what a low blow, these ladies are so dam* dumb they don't know when the hell to shut up and step back. This argument was between Abria and Minnie and if Minnie is adult enough to start and argument, Minnie is adult enough to finish it without any help from the bubble head twins. So twins my suggestion to you is stay out of Minnie's arguments and stay focused on how you both will help Andrea raise these three babies, so that when Chris walks out on her again you guys have a plan B, because we know it is coming. I do know that Andrea and Amanda needs therapy also, because for some reason Andrea having these babies by this man who does not through any hints as even trying to put a ring on it, much less put a tie on it, apparently has his own plan that don't include three babies, with this said, why would a women accept of even allow this. After the second baby Andrea should have been strong enough, especially with all that mouth she has to pop off on people and say the nasty things she say, but she can't control this so called man of hers and have sense enough to stop having babies by him, what is that about. I don't like listening to someone with a lot of mouth like Andrea going at someone when their life is so jacked up. When you have such a jacked up life, you should not say anything too or about anyone else. You should sit in a corner and remain completely silent as if you are secretly trying to figure yourself out, stop mouthing at someone with an argument that is not yours. When it all is said and done, the woman they call Minnie needs to back her mouth up and defend herself with the ugly words she like throwing out at people and no one, including Andrea, Amanda or her mother needs to get inbetween the fights. Minnie fight your own battles, that you start.
Monday, January 15, 2018
Married to Medicine
You women on married to medicine for to be mostly professional women, you have the most ugliest attitude of anyone I have every seen. Where is the love on this show because it is flying over my head some how. And Heavenly, that is what they call you right, well I hear to tell you they need to take the Heaven out your name and call you Ly, because there is nothing about Heaven in the way you is treating Mariah or her mother and how you talk about these women, you go from zero to one hundred in know time not thinking about what you say out your mouth before you say it. Simone, you need to stop drinking because I am starting to think you are becoming an alcoholic and you just tend to go for the person who you don't like throat and you are a shi* starter and this can get you in serious trouble. Also Simone you have patients who watch you getting tore up on this show and act a fool and I don't care how professional you claim to be, if you want future patients you need to do like your friend Heavenly and start hiding your drinking while you are filming. Both you Simone and Heavenly get along so good because you both carry that canister around that you claim is ice tea, but with some of your special ingredients added to this tea that make you guys act like idiots, yes I said idiots because I believe you women are in the field you are in and you all do not know how to behave yourselves or carry yourself with more dignity then you do. I am even surprised at Jackie because as boring as she can be and without much excitement added to her life, she is quit to put Mariah down and judge the woman, where is all this judgement coming from you guys. You ran one lady off the so, Heavenly and Toya, claiming the woman husband was gay, with no proof and apparently you all thought that was funny when you could have possibly ruined this man's career behind this, what kind of people are you because I am not seeing God in the way any of you act. Now lets move on to all these relationship problems we are having this season. Other than Jackie's I am not buying the rest of you having all these issues with your husband, I think you guys decided to do this as a story line to make the show interesting and to make it show as if Jackie is not the only one having problems with their marriage, although I must say I can't see why Simone husband can stick with such a drinker that is lacking any interesting moments. And Quad with such a mouth on you, I don't see why any man including your husband don't go running for some hills where peace can be found. By the way Quad I am not buying those crocodiles tears you been letting run down your face, you such a ice princesses when it comes too Mariah and you hiss like a snake when the woman is in your presence, now all of a sudden you have become soft, yeah right. Out of all the woman, Quad I think you are the one that could use the help the most, it is your whipping mouth, the fact you feel you can say anything to anyone the way you want and they are to accept it and your unforgiving attitude. Quad you ask as if you can't forgive Mariah because it is beyond you, how can something to be beyond you that God always do for you. Think about it Quad, to be unforgiving is to be un Godly
Kandi Burruss (I Am Calling You Out)
Okay I have a few issues that I have with Kandi doing some lying of her own and I want her to clear things up or at least make a suggestion that they let Phaedra back on the show. Now they made such a big deal about Phadera lying about things and kicked her off the show for it, although some of the housewives showed had people who went to jail and they let them come back on, what the crap. Anyway Kandi said at the abuse filming they made for Kenya that when filming although she did not go through any abuse like the other women she was geared to perform for the abuse commercial. Now correct me if I am wrong, did not when they began talking about Riley daddy, Kandi claimed that Riley daddy had abused her. Did not Kandi argue with this man on the phone about him hitting her, please help me with this because Lord if I am wrong please forgive me but we have to go back to earlier tapes and see what was said by Kandi because I was sure she said she had been abused by this man and she said this to this man on the phone as he denied it, what the crap. If none of this was true, does that mean that Kandi lied on someone. Now let us go into Kandi and this freak of hers and her inviting other women into bed with her. Now we all know Kandi has some freak in her because of her show Kandi Koated Nights, yeah she is freaky and we know that she did not deny when it was brought up that her and Todd invited other women into their bed, wow they are really freaky, especially since they brought people into their bedroom and they had not been married that long, what the crap. So with the swinging going on with Kandi and Todd, who is not to say they have not invited some of their friends to bed with them. Something else I heard was that they use that extra attached house to do a lot of their freakishness. Now I am not saying their is a problem with them being the way they are, what I am saying is why Kandi feel the need to lie about everything and why does she gets so offensive when people bring her ways to light. Kandi can talk about everyone else and their ways and issues on the show but as soon as someone bring up hers it seems to be a problem, what the crap Kandi. What is Kandi hiding and why is it that now Kandi has no story line and she is deciding to get into everyone business or to start shit between other people, all while acting as if she does not have a problem in the world. When people tend not to say much, like Kandi seems to be doing, it seems as if they have a lot to hide and they are hoping by any means possible that the truth does not get out, yeah I think she is on the scared side. Usually when you lie about things and their is someone that can expose your lie, then you usually end up paying people to keep their mouth close, things that make you go hmmm.
Sunday, January 14, 2018
CHI (The Television Show series)
I forgot to talk about a show I watched last week called Chi. I heard about the show and saw the advertisement but did not know exactly when the show was appearing but happen to catch the show on my phone and watched it. Now I am so glad that I watched this show because I am telling you it was great, I really enjoyed the show and it had so many twist and turns and making you grip your seat to see which was it was going. I just loved all the acting that I saw, especially of the young people, they were great and the story lines, ohh the story lines were great. Although I was not in agreement with a lot of the ways they did the story lines I understood why and it was very gripping, had me puzzled, angry and sad all at the same time. This show will make you have so many emotions and have you thinking about the world today and what you want for your family, all from watching this show and this one episode is what I got out of it. The writing was done very well but it also had me a little upset at what was happening, but not to upset to see how they will continue on with the story lines in this show. So I will keep on watching to see what direction this show goes and how the writing will continue. Yes I will continue watching and I suggest that you watch it, even if it is one time because just watching it one time will draw you in like it did me. I did not know what to expect and was surprisling delighted in every actor, and every scene.
The Real Housewives of Atlanta
Wow this show is something else. They have brought NeNe and Sheree back to the show and here we go with everyone going at NeNe again. Now I know Sheree needs a storyline, so she has to do something to create it, especially since her new boo boo is locked up. Sheree has made a big deal out of NeNe saying her man is a con-artist, that is all NeNe said on their trip in San Fran and of course Kandis had to run back and tell that, we all know Kandi storyline is telling on other people but she never does anything wrong. So with this being all that NeNe said, how come Sheree had the audacity to get so upset when the man is locked up for a reason, and what was this reason, the man committed fraud. Yes he fraud people out of their money, in other words Sheree, he is a con-artist. And some people think that Sheree may have already married the jail bird, how desperate can one get, but wait a minute, Sheree needed a storyline and yes this is a storyline, now I get it. So could Sheree be frauding all of us by pretending she is in love with this man who is looked up for something as serious to me as fraud, you know the same thing that Phaedra husband did but yet Sheree talked about Apollo like a dog, wow. So either Sheree is a hell of an actor, or she is really desperate to have some sort of man on her arm and tonight Sheree told Andy she was not worried about a prenup, I guess not because like Kenya, who for some reason Sheree don't say a think too, said the Chateau Sheree is in her mother name so he can't con Sheree out of it. Kenya is always pointing out flaws of Sheree but she choose to go after NeNe, now this is interesting to me. What about Porsha, I think she has gone cookoo for cookoo puff holding hands with Kim like they are besties, does Kim not know that the last bestie Porsha had she throw up under the bus and let tires tracks roll all on this woman as she abandon ship like she never had a thing to do with it. Apparently Kim does not know but she will find out. Moving on to Kenya and this husband they mean we are not going to see, now hearing that whoever it was a psychic or whatever say she is going to be moving on, I think this is so. I think the show does not have a need for Kenya anymore since she is married and will be behaving herself in a wifey manner but with no husband to show for it, so why do they need her. So lets some this up by saying let Kenya go and give Marlo her peach, we don't need Kim back, especially since some of us people of color have a negative view of a person who will talk about people of color, such as myself and that will keep me from watching if she returns. By the way where was my girl Marlo tonight, I miss this woman, Marlo is so funny and very entertaining and she is never with drama as she is a woman who speaks her mind. By the way I had people mention to me that they don't think Cynthia has a storyline anymore and they are tired of Kandi going around getting in other people business to stir up stuff and snitching on people to keep her line going, wow, this is not a good sign at all maybe the show is about to come to its end.
Chris Brown (He's Making a Come Back)
I wanted to write on Wendy Williams line when she did a episode on her show about Chris Brown doing a movie with Nick Cannon. Wendy had some negative things to say about this young man and she was quick to say when you do something like this young man did, it is hard for people to forget. So who is Wendy Williams to make this judgement, because I know a man called Jesus and when you call upon his name, no man has the final say. Chris Brown has not been in the news for a while and this young man has gone on with his life to continue to create beautiful music and great videos, he in my opinion has definitely been turning things around in his life. One of the main reasons that I think Chris has turn things around is because of that gorgeous young beauty of a daughter that has come into his life. Chris is a man who realizes that he must as a man make a change for his daughter life and to make her proud, he is always featuring this little girl on his twitter page and her birthday is the same day as his mother. I am so loving the change I see in Chris and yes a lot of it is because he is a Virginian like me but another reason is because I love seeing people defy the odds, when man says no I know that Jesus can say yes. If you want to change than you can and you have to let no man on this Earth decide your fate, like Wendy Williams by saying as a human people tend not to forget what you done and they continue to judge you. People do not matter, God does and if God is willing to forgive and forget any man who wants to turn their life around, who are we as people to point fingers and judge. So I prayed for Chris when I seen this young man in the news because I wanted him to succeed because he is a child of God, as I prayed for Mary J Bleige when she went through her troubles and was delighted to see her make a great comeback from the road she was going down. I pray for anyone whom I see on television who seems to be struggling like Lindsey Lohan, as I did for Amy Winehouse, I pray that people can understand that their is a bigger power at work and his name is Jesus, not man and so when you are feeling down or feel the world is against you, turn to God and leave man behind. I so feel that Chris Brown found God in looking at his daughter and gift bigger than any gift man can produce, so he decided that he has a bigger calling and he does. So why can't people give this young man another chance and watch him as work, I know I will. Watch out world Chris Brown is back to give us the entertainment we all like to enjoy, besides we need this young man because I don't know what kind of dancing these other entertainers that have come to the scene call themselves doing. Prayers all around for you Chris Brown, remember God first and let know man tell you different.
Sunday, January 7, 2018
Love & Hip Hop Miami
All I can say about is this new Love & Hip Hop show of Miami is that I am not feeling it. I can not get into the cast, I guest because the only one I knew was Shay from being Scrappy friend. I also could not get into how all the people immediately turned on each other, there was no loyalty at all. I will never understand how family can go against family, even if you have a little beef, why not try and work something out instead of completely turning your back on kin. As for relationships, none of these cast members seem to have any real relationship, it all seem to have start off fake to me. Also what about those men with the gold in their mouth, I know that this is a Miami thing, but I do not like it, I think they look crazy and I thought the mouth full of gold went out a while ago, this man, I guess the old man, please forgive me I don't know any of you guys name. I know the teeth may be something for them but it is not doing it for me and besides it really makes Love & hip hop look like they going to a entire different level, that is off the scale. Well I will continue to look, hopefully things will either get better, or the cast will come more alive. The only really cast member that I was feeling and loving, is the girl for Dominican with the afro, the black Dominican, I love her hair, her swag and her confidence and no she should not change anything for anyone. This woman was judge because of her look, but the thing is Beyonce, Erykah Badu and others pay for this woman's natural look, you go girl. I can see this real Dominican princesses becoming big and playing in movies, and yes take your mother where every you go. Enough is said as I can't speak much more on this show and we will see what happens in the future.
Enough Is Enough of Mama June!!!!!!!!!
I am so sick and I do mean literally sick of seeing mama June and my question is why, why is it that they felt the need to put her back on television. We have to almost be forced to watch a woman burping, farting and just acting ignorant and they call this television.I know honey boo boo made the network money in the past, but they have since put mama June of a few new shows and tried some different things and it has not work, so why are they coming back with a show to say she is running for Miss America, please. I guess television is running out of things to put on tv and this is obvious because they still having teen moms show airing and the women are now in their mid twenties, what the crap. These networks are either running out of things to right about or just getting real disparate to get viewers attention. It has gotten to a point for me that I can actually go without watching television because there really is nothing to watch. Of course these networks feel the need to put what I call these typical Caucasians on television, trying to convince the American people that they are really hilarious and that what they talk about is very interesting. Now dont get me wrong there are some shows that I like, most are really well written television series, like Grey's Anatomy, the new 911, Chi town. But something the network is still refusing to do in my eyes is still put people of color back on television, give them real roles because they say it does not make for television when we know they just want the American people watch what they want them to watch and believe what they want them to believe, that is what you call control people. When networks put something on like Mama June and take off a well written show like the Underground because they said it did not align with the direction the network channel was going in, how sad is that. Again, the American people want us the people of color to not believe that prejudice is being portrayed when it come to choosing television shows to show on tv or people. I think the American people are smarting then what these net workers think, but again they think they can control the people mind as to what they will like, what they want them to believe and how sad is that, after all these years the American television programming is still run by prejudice, overthinking, ignorant tyrants who think behind closed doors they can laugh about people and how stupid they are and how they will influence how they think about each other with a show on television. Well I for one would rather turn my television off, get into by books or on my laptop and learn from the real America by watching when I go outside and interacting with others, of all colors, talking and finding out from them what they think. My fight, is to turn off the television and spread the love of Jesus around.
Monday, January 1, 2018
Dave Chappelle (What a Blessing)
I was sitting here watching a Chappelle's show marathon and I tell you, it really reminds me how much I miss this show. Dave Chappelle was, excuse my language, funny as hell. This man did what he needed to do to entertain his viewers and it touched every race, every color, every television show you can imagine, it was great. Dave was a genius and I really do admire this man for not selling out like Ivory Wayan did, and letting a group of another race take over your show and putting the spin they think should have been on it. It is a reason that a real comedian like Dave Chappelle did this show and got a show to began with, and it is because their is so much of a truth in this type of comedy. Dave Chappelle has so many skits that make you think about some of your own life as well as some things that are happening to celebrities today. Like that love making contract, how many celebrities really do need a love contract before they go to bed with someone. Now we know because of Charlie Sheen, we find how true this is. Having Chappelle tell these stories and have others come on the show to tell their experience of particular celebrities encounters, like that of Rick James and Prince, funny. These stories told by some other celebrities or celebrity family members can only be explained in a way that they tell it. Did you see the episode in which Charlie Murphy and Rick James himself tell of the encounter they had and they got into a tangle, man how funny was that how this man told their own story, and to watch Dave Chappelle act it out, OMG, these guys together is just to funny. I love the inside thinking of Dave Chappelle and how he brings it to life on television. Did anyone see when Dave Chappelle hosted Saturday Night Live, and they gave him the rim to do as he wanted. Who was the genius who came up with this idea, and I do mean genius because I had not seen Saturday Night Live be that funny in a long time. I did not even know why the show was still own because it really did not have any more funny skits, that is not until Dave Chappelle got a hold of it and he just happen to do a skit about the election between Trump and Hillary, what a way to make American laugh, when it was at a time a lot of us did not see anything to laugh about. Dave Chappelle skit on Saturday Night Live, made for a reason for us to remember that life is not all about disappointment and sadness, laughter can sometimes be the best medicine. Thank you Dave Chappelle for bringing us so much laughter, and continuation to bring us laughter. I really like that you incorporated people like, Michael Jackson, Rick James, Prince, Charlie Murphy, all who are dead now but we got to see a little into these guys life through your eyes, in ways we never saw before, what a blessing that has been and continue to be as I watch these reruns.
Planet Of The Apes Movie is Done????
What is this I am hearing. The planet of the apes movies creators only went in with the idea of doing three movies that focus only on the war of the planet of the apes. What, this is very disappointing to me as I am a Planet of the Apes series fan and it did not stop with the war. The war was actually the ending on the television series. So the movies worked backwards to let the humans know how the apes ended up taking over. So my questions to the creators of the new movie series, what is wrong with continuing on to let the people know what happens after the war, we have to let the people, especially those like me who are big fans, how it continues on because a fan like me knows that the war never really ended, right? On the television series there was still battles among the apes, who ended up continue on the battles with humans who came from the past to the future, only to think they had apparently gone back in time. This in my personal opinion and I am sure for some other fans make for a very good plot, so why not please our plaits by indulging us in some good old fashion to the future trilogy from the original plant of the apes. I looked forward to these Planet of the Apes movies every summer and imagine my surprise when I found out that in the summer of 2018 they did not have a Planet of the movie lined up because they said the war is over. But the war was not over, it had just began with Caesar son Cornelius. Cornelius is the next line of Caesar and this movie needs to go on to make fans understand, what was it all for, why was the apes fighting so hard for. Let the fans know what the Apes was striving for and if they really obtain what they wanted or not. You have to let movie viewers see their struggle, how this struggles comes back around for the Apes and how it ends up at the beginning again. I beg The Planet of the Apes movie creators to not stop something that is so meaning for a lot of us who needs this trilogy to continue on like its television series. There was a lot of significant points made in the planet of the apes television series, and although somethings may have to be changed with that last television episode, because it did get a little confusing, with the ending of Charleston Heston, it can be revamped to make sense to what happened to this travelers who found themselves in a new world that they just did not understand and once they did, could not accept. It really was a reason that these series on television did so good, so keep it going, so someone like me have a reason to look forward to the summer. Waiting, biting my nails in anticipation of the next Planet of the Apes movie. Right now I am at a lost as to what I will be the block buster movie I watch in the summer for 2018, because it was automatically always Planet of the Apes for me. I am still unsure as to why the creators would just go into this production with only saying that the war of the planet of the apes was what they needed to complete in the theaters. If you are a real planet of the apes fan as I am, I am sure your mind would be on how can we complete the series like that on the television. It should not have been we will only do the wars and this will satisfy our viewers, no the war has only fueled your viewers desire to want to see more. I want more, do I have to personally go on a protest beginning you guys to create more movies, getting other fans and viewers to protest along with me how you guys strung us in and left us hanging with only those three movies. I will chant, I want more of the Planet of the Apes movies, more and more until the television series is complete. Give you fans what they want and they will not disappoint because we will come out in the millions to watch your movies on the big screen. I will blog everyday if you start a new movie to be released in 2018, so that the viewers will get so hyped and come out in groves. Thank you.
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