Are we as Americans becoming as stupid as we appear or are we just refusing to open our eyes to what is happening around us.
Sunday, May 21, 2017
Return To Amish (Rebecca you are Trash)
Wow, Rebecca and Abe are a-holes about Sabrina's situation, they are literally hypocrites and with your first grade education Rebecca is you do not know what that mean just goggle it, do you even know what that means. How is it that you guys refuse to be friends with Sabrina because of her past drug usage and don't want to come around her, you know what the Amish community has done to you and Rebecca you are the first to speak on how it is so wrong that your family has disowned you but now you are doing the same to Sabrina. Drug usage can not rub off on someone and it does not make her a disease and she was not blaming you guys for habit, she blame you guys because you were not a friend at the time she needed you. You are suppose to follow Gods word of love, to love everyone, forgive those if you want to be forgiven. Rebecca how do you expect to be forgiven for your sins if you can not forgive Sabrina, yes you had a baby out of wed lock, you were messing with Abe when you were already married, how anal are you as a so call Christian human being to turn your back on Sabrina at a time she needs it the most. I do not like Rebecca and her ways at all, she is just rude to every and anyone and she wants Abe just all to herself. She is like the black widow that controls Abe in everything he does, Abe walk, Abe talk, Abe shut up. Rebecca likes having control over Abe and his ability not to do anything and you can tell Abe really does not like it but he tries or he plays the no backbone role and run behind Rebecca's shirt tale, ohh it is so sad. Abe is told by Rebecca he will not have fun without her and you know why this is, Rebecca has no life and she can't do anything with her first grade education so instead she rather just control Abe so that she can have a handle on something. Rebecca needs to get an education and get a life of her own so she can stop hanging on to Abe and depending on him being around for her lively hood. God forbid Abe is a truck driver and his life is in danger everyday, so what if something does happen to him what will Rebecca do, that is why she holds on tight to Abe, scarred he will back in the world and meet a woman more to his liking. She really is a scarred, judgmental, over the top addict herself. Rebecca loves to say what people should be and should not be doing and then she puts her own spin on things. The Psychiatrist tried telling her she was wrong in how she was treating Sabrina and Rebecca made a statement that she will do what she want cause she don't want to go around her and that is that. But she loved it when she thought the Psychiatrist said Mary had a gamble problem, but that is not exactly what he said, he said if she was going every day and could not stop herself she may have a problem, but Rebecca with that stupid little giggle put her spin into saying that the Psychiatrist said she had a problem, what the crap Rebecca. Rebecca you need more then a Psychiatrist because he apparently can not help you because you know it all, you need Jesus in a major way and be reminded that you are not very nice, you have no compassion, you are low down dirty and no better than Sabrina, think about that one.
Little Women of LA (What the Hell Terra!!!)
Ohh what a web do weave when we practice to deceive. Terra, Terra, Terra you little lady have gotten the biggest head of any little woman I have seen and I mean that literally. I don't know what Terra is trying to do but I do know this women is not a friend. Tonya considers Terra a good friend, as a matter a fact she consider her a best friend, but Terra every time you get a chance can I ask you why are you stabbing Tonya in the back. Tonya defends Terra to every girl but when the girls ask about a certain situation that Tonya was in like the incident with Jasmine, instead of Terra staying quiet or just saying she had nothing to do with it, she was quick to throw Tonya under the bus and even back up on her a few time with some of the words she had to say about what Tonya did, why not stay quiet Terra, why? Why Jasmine get so upset with Tonya about modeling her clothing and Briana defending Jasmine with her crock pot self. Briana should really not have had anything to do with it because she was claiming she had her own fame going on, that is right that made up fame of her's, the one with her husband trying to have her pose nude and do anything for a dollar as long as it keeps him from working, how said is it to have your husband pimping you out. I felt sorry for Briana but now I just feel disguise, she has major issues and refuses to fix them to keep a man by her side because she said she needs him to help her with the baby. No she does not want to repair relationship with her family or certain friends, she rather have her man who does not work, who depends solely on her money to pay the bills. Matt knows he is a douche bag that is what is so sad about it and he does not care, he just feels because he married her he and only he as her husband can treat this women like shit, control over a another human being is a terrible thing, get help Briana. Now the only one I think is being sane is Elena, she made the right choice in choosing Jasmine and her husband for her God parents, she made the right choice in letting Terra out her life, because Miss Terra is on this high about her being a real Diva, what the hell. Do you Elena and raise those beautiful baby boys and don't worry about what Terra has going on, it will all blow up in her face one day, besides she has to work extra hard so Joe does not have to go on the road, we know who wears the pants in that household and it is not Joe. What about Terra who wants all the fame and fortune talking about having another baby when she wants to stay gone away from the other two as is. Anyway what about Terra cancer scare, you know the calcium build up in her breast which happens a lot to women and we do not know what the doctor really told her on the other end of the phone, you get what I am saying. I don't like assuming it but I have to assume that Terra would go as far as to make up a story to have a story line to keep her Terra parade going over everyone else story. Anyway Terra get your own show and move on from these ladies because maybe you have outgrown them, you stabbing of Tonya is enough, and Elena is not buying your actions, you are all about you.
Friday, May 12, 2017
I am Petersburg (#Petersburg First) Petersburg, VA
Yes I am Petersburg is a slogan for the city of Petersburg, VA. Petersburg is a city with a lot of history and I proudly grew up there and learned a lot on America's civil war because of it. Petersburg is struggling right now and some of its proud citizens are choosing to fight to save Petersburg as I myself am. I am doing my part by participating in rallies, supporting community events, and supporting local shelters there. Now I am trying to convince its citizens to help with making a positive change happen in Petersburg by getting out and voting, We all know how important it is to really get out and vote and put people in places that will make a change for the welfare of the citizens of the city. I have three candidates I personally met and know Petersburg will be in good hands if they are put into office in June of this year. So help me promote and talk to any citizens you know of Petersburg about getting out and making that change by making their vote count. You can not make a difference if you don't take the time to learn what is happening in your community and find out who you want in place to make these differences. These three men I had the honor of meeting really showed me they care for Petersburg and what is happening to their citizens, so they have convinced me. So Petersburg get out yourself and meet these men and listen to what they have to say about making those changes in Petersburg and don't forget to ask them questions as well. Make Petersburg First so you, your children and your community can once again be that stand proud city that I know it is.
Monday, May 8, 2017
Return To Amish
Thank God for the Amish, as this show was a refresher from this housewives franchise that is just too off the chain. Well, these Amish who have turn English are not much subdued themselves. We come back to this girl Rebecca who is married to Abe who Abe tries supporting his Amish mother and anything she does and Rebecca seems to have a problem every time Abe supports his mother and chooses to do anything with his mother, yes Rebecca is that control freak. They went to a counselor and the counselor was talking to Abe's mom, whom by the way I love the way this woman supports her children and would go to the ends of Earth to make sure her children are okay. Anyway the counselor was telling Mary, that is Abe's mom that she does have a few things she needs to work on and that includes a little gambling she has started to began doing. The first thing Rebecca says is I told Mary she has a gambling problem, not what the counselors said, then she rambles on to Mary how I told you it was a problem, but the counselor said to get it under control before it becomes a problem, the more Rebecca talked the counselor recognized that Rebecca was a control freak and she likes having that control to tell her husband what he can and can not do, Abe has not bal**. He listen to Rebecca going at Abe about all his and his mom's issues. There is something I can not put my finger on about this girl Rebecca but it is not good, she lots under eyed at people and she will not say anything to people faces, she pulls Abe aside and have him fight her battles and Abe does. Rebecca tries to act innocent during the entire arguments but it is all behind her. Abe is such a wimp, hate to she a man act like this because he turns on family and friends for Rebecca, even though she is his family now, he does not understand she is destroying him at the same time by not letting him have say on anything. Rebecca even said I have to keep up with the money that is going out because he is no good with it, she is basically not letting Abe be man and I am here to tell you Rebecca this will not work. You have to let a man be a man where it counts, no matter how much you may think you is better at something. You are suppose to be there for your man when he needs you and yes you can help him from making a mistake but you do it in a way that he think the idea is his or let him make that actually choice after you explain it too him. Rebecca you have let this not being Amish thing go to your head and you think it allows you to push a man around but it does not. You will lose Abe and it will only serve you right. I can not believe you did not even allow Abe's parent to be at the wedding assuming they would have tried and stop it, not everyone think as evil as you do Rebecca because you are a evil thinking woman, everything is bad in your eyes the way you talk, no one is to be trusted in your mind, you Rebecca needs the help.
I am done with this real housewives of Atlanta because in my opinion through my eyes a lot of things got turned around to be in Kandi's favor and everyone is now saying that Phadera is the only lair in the group when each one of these women have lied, especially Kenya who continues to lie about these phantom men that keep popping up in her life out of no where. Now Kandi is trying to act so innocent and she has even stooped to even said Phadera had something to do with delays in her restaurant opening, what the crap Kandi. We listened to all the bad about Phadera, what about Kandi and her mama getting up in her grown a** business. What about Kandi getting so upset that she is screaming, hitting her hand with a closed fist and veins popping out her neck, is that not anger issues. I know one thing Kandi can keep denying that she does not have any issues and I will see her ended up either in a crazy house or hospital from the built up bull shi* she keeps hidden. As for Kenya I see this woman as loony on a whole different layer, this woman believes her shi* don't stink and she has not lied, or told a made up story in her life. We still don't know the down low about these men of hers and now she is on another one, I guess to be ready for the next season, please girl get a real life and stop making it look good for ready made television. Someone said Phadera needs to go with all the lies, again I ask who does not see any of the other women as lairs. I am confused because we got lairs and false prophets. Kandi and Todd brought another woman into their bedroom already and they been married how long, okay is Kandi the freak or is Todd the freak. Does Kandi have a dungeon, personally I don't doubt it, psst, I was told Kandi is the freak of the week every week, I am just repeating what I heard. This show has a lot of people turned away from it and it has some people believing that Kandi and Kenya are the real bitch** with the truth on their side, yeah right. And Porsha, oh Porsha these women got you turning against your bestie and you said you are a ride or die chick, now we know you are a turn at a dime chick. Porsha these women have played with your mind because they know you are not to bright and would fall for anything, you can not think for yourself Porsha and they reeled you in and you came right on in and jumped against Phadera, wow. Porsha these women are no friends of yours and will never be friends of yours, get out the mess before you get in to deep with these backstabbers because that is what they are. I feel Porsha should be taken off the show, she does not need the drama, she is not smart enough to dodge these women bullets, and she apparently does not have the heart I thought she had to block some unreal bitch**. Phadera should stay, I am still up for Kandi leaving, I would not cry because Kandi claim to be so rich why the he** does she still need the show, that's right because her punk a** husband wont work. This show is really going down and need new changes quickly. Okay here is a cast I would have Phadera, yes she would definitely come back, Kim could come, Sheree, Amorosa, Kenya only because I want Amorosa to read a bit**, and we could get Kim to bring in one of her friends, and also have Marlo in that guest spot that Porsha use to hold. I would let Porsha, Kandi and Cynthia go. This cast I thorough together is uncertain as to how it would pan out because Kenya does not have her support, you know Kenya could not make it without her back up, well who the hell cares if Kenya don't make it.
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Black Ink Crew NY
Okay, Okay every since Caesar and Dutchess has split the show is not the same, the entire crew is running like chickens with their heads off and doing any and everything they want. This is how I see it, everyone fills that since the show has become a top rated show on VH1 and they are making a little money, none of them really has to work, because there really is no work going on with all this hanging around. Caesar feels safe because he has the show money, do you remember in the beginning when Dutchess had Caesars back and had to help him cover his child support because he did not even have money to do this, he was almost locked up. Do you remember that all the rest of the crew, again like Teddy, Walt and what was his name of yeah the one that disappeared Puma all stood around and the only one that was bringing in money was O*sh*t, Caesar and Dutchess, yes Caesar she was there for you. Now all your none working clients sit around, such as Sky, yes I said Sky, and make you zero money and now you h ave made her a manager, its all in fun right Caesar. I have one thing of advice for you Caesar, you are sending Sky to the South, with her rugged attitude and will be ready to fight at the drop of a dime, this is nothing but trouble Caesar. A New Yorker with a big mouth like Sky can not come to the South and think she will be a bad a** because she will be taken down a level, or two, or three. So Casear I am saying there will be fireworks if this woman come to the South thinking she will pop off, she is too loud, over the top, show offish and we here not having that bull shi*, just letting you know. But Casear do what you want and send "Sky" to manage, if that is what they call it now. This entire show is starting to depress me because Caesar's so called new woman wants to face of with Dutchess, and for what, absolutely no reason when Casear is fu*king everyone women he can around him. I got a word of advice for Caesar, your new dic* suck*er needs a attitude check because you got a sicko on your hands. Wow this show has become more then cray cray. Now Donna is running around talking about how employees who are new get invited to grand opening and she did not, Donna you are actually the last employee to be hired, because remember you were fired and Sky had to beg for your job back, you came after these other people were hired, so Donna you are the last person to be hired, sorry about your luck. The funniest thing is Sky is scared of Donna, I never thought I would see it happen. I know Sky could not fight but Donna can and Sky know this so Sky is not trying to take on Donna, unless she want as as* whipping. I would love to see Donna get Sky as* and bring her down a peg, please Donna oh please.
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