Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Checked Inn

I am loving this show called Checked Inn because it is not only about a small family running a few Inns, but it is about love. They are helping couples to get that spice that they may have gotten away from in their relationships or to help couples who maybe starting a new relationship understand why it is important to have time together, alone. I love the way Monique Greenwood relates to her clients, she sits them down and listen to them talk about their relationship and from that she decides on personal weekend to set up for these particular couples, according to what she heard them say about what they needed in their relationship, I love it. It is like Monique is almost a love therapist, she relates to the situation, she makes suggestions to the couple and she plans out a outing that gets them started with their re-connection. I also see that Monique also have other plans, like a group that takes a women trip, or weddings at the Inn as well. I myself am alone and being a widow I find myself enjoying time to myself but the thing is, if I enjoy my alone time at home, people tend to call me because they know I am at home and they want me to do things for them, that is not what my alone time is about, it is about me just enjoy time to myself, not running around to do things for myself or others. I do want to date again, but before I can began to love someone else I have to spend time alone with myself and love to love me again. I have to understand myself for I can bring someone else into my life. This in my opinion will make me be a better person, not only for myself but for the new person I bring into my life. I would like to stay at one of Monique's Inn and just have her give me personnel time that will let me spiritually connect with me gain. Now I know they have these spiritual retreats that you can go to but watching this show Checked Inn, I would rather go to one of Monique Greenwood and her husband Inn because they give that personal touch, that does not do any kind of judgement, neither does it they tell you how you should do your spiritual journey, or pray or when to do these things. Monique suggest what she thinks you should do from talking too you but she also ask you what is it that you want, what are you seeking or need, I really really like this and because of watching the show and seeing Monique in action I am looking forward to one day visiting one of her Inns, although I do wish you had a Inn in Virginia Ms. Monique, with all this wooded land in the mountains, it would be perfect, but you do have one in DC that is close to me. But again you can come a little further South and put a Inn some where out here, just think about it.

Black Ink Crew New York

Yeah my show is back, yeah I was a little excited but among this excitement was a lot of disappointment. I was disappointed to see Ceasar continues to show this unethical behavior as a businessman and why in this world today he stills want to make it about him and how many women he can screw. Why do grow a** men think it makes them lot big and bad because of how many women they can sleep with, who are they trying to impress, other men and why. Why not in today society with so much going on is man not trying to impress Jesus, why do you choose men over Jesus, this is something I am not understanding. I have learn as I have grown older that my mission for myself and my family is that of pleasing God, making sure to worship him on a daily basis and do what he wants me to do. I realize as a grown women that it is about making this world we live in a better place for all, something Gods want to happen. If I can help my fellow man by helping him understand Jesus purpose and doing as he teaches us to do on a daily basis as I read the bible and hear of his teachings, I know that it is bigger than man. This world is of man but is not about man, we have to understand that it is not about because you have landed a television program that you are now bigger than God. I am here to tell you that is the wrong answer. Ceasar so I don't know what you are trying to prove, the only thing I saw that Ceasar did do right is make a mends with his baby mother and their decision to co-parent. But I do have a question for Ceasar, was this not what Dutchess was trying to get you to do from the beginning, was Dutchess not pushing you so that you guys together could have a successful relationship, by you hitting the grind and getting your businesses together and she asked you to make a mends with your baby mother, wow, so now all of a sudden Ceasar decides that this needs to be done. Why after Dutchess talk it over with you Ceasar you was so against the idea and you said Dutchess was trying to make you do something you did not want to do, when she was trying to make you guys relationship right, by making your life right with your child's mother. Dutchess understood that for you guys to have a better life, you had to have everything in your life right with others. It is what Jesus would have wanted you to do. Now moving on with the Sky situation and her meeting her sons for the first time. I am almost not sure how I feel about the Sky situation because it was great that the adoptive mother was willing to let Sky come over and be a part of her son's life. Now that older son has a lot of anger toward Sky and this is because this dad put stuff in this boy's head about Sky his mother that was all negative, this father of the boy has a hidden agenda. I think he wanted to be on television with Sky and was hoping that Sky took him back so he could be a part of the Black Ink Crew show and when Sky did not take him back, he call himself getting back at Sky by reaching out to that older son and filling his head with a bunch of lies. Some men can be so petty, this man had the nerve to say that Sky did not have to put the boy up for adoption because she could have taken care of him, Sky was young and had a mother who is bipolar, there was no way she could keep this boy and I fully agree with Sky putting her boys up for adoption and giving them a better life, on top of that I am glad they were adopted together. Now for this father to say this about Sky and her situation, how is he explaining his part in it because he was much older then Sky and was grown, so why did he not get his son, why did he go to Las Vegas with his daddy at 18 instead of staying in New York and taking care of his child if he wanted him so bad, why is he putting all the responsibility on a girl that was 14 years old at the time, wow, how low can one person go. I am hoping this young boy man of Sky begin to see through his sorry a** daddy's fake, I care for you son screen, but this boy has been in a gang from what I am seeing and he has been locked up and in a lot of trouble, right now he has nothing but anger in his heart and hopefully someone will get a hold of him and put Jesus in his heart and he will totally turn around, and this I pray in Jesus name, Amen. Now Sky I must tell you where you went wrong in how you handle seeing your boys, I know the show allowed you to get money to finally be able to go see your sons, but I do know of an episode before this that the show was going to allow you to see your sons and you changed your mind, you got out the cab and missed your flight on purpose. Sky, this episode if your sons saw it would be asking why did you not just go then. Why did you put off seeing your sons when the show was going to see you in the past, this may have been a great opportunity for you to have talked to that older boy before his dad had gotten a hold of him. Okay a question I have, is where is my buddy O*sh**, the best tattoo artist in the main parlor. By the way Melody is doing a great job with managing the shop, Ceasar you need to keep her as manager, but that dam* Donna needs to go, she brings nothing to the show, even with the threats from the ex husband, boyfriend, whatever he was suppose to be, I think Donna created all this havoc so she can remain on the show, let it go, we don't need that kind of chaos she brings to the show, maybe they can let her go and bring Sassy back to the show, wait a minute, Sassy disappeared with her close friend Puma in NeverNever land, never to be seen again, lets keep it that way. What about that new tattoo artist Kevin, or pus** slayer, I am with Melody, yeah right they all think they are, keep it moving and keep tattoo, if you can. Okay, when will Teddy officially be kicked off the show, he don;t tattoo and he don't work, so what the hell. I like Walt, he actually has interesting story line, besides Walt bring things to the table because he actually knows how to talk to people and he gives very good advice, I like it Walt how you listen to people and give the advice some people really need. Young Bee we will keep you, just for the fact you can actually tattoo, so you bring something to the show that the show really should be about and that is tattoo. We do not see a lot of what the show was based on and that was people of color being able to really tattoo, we only for years thought it was only whites that tattoo, so I was excited to see a show that show people of color with this talent, lets get back to this.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Welcome to Sweetie Pie's

I have not written about this show in a while, but of course I love the show, I like what I see these guys are doing in regards to their business. With regards to the family aspect of it, there is a lot and I mean a lot of work to be done. Right now I see focus being all on money, making of that money seems to be above all and not matter how hard Robbie tries at keeping and putting the family back together, it is all at a lost at the moment. But with God's grace and mercy I am sure they will work something out. Now Tim,  you need a lot of work on your attitude lately, you have been thinking about you and you only, now I know you said you are opening all these restaurants for the sake of the family, but at what cost. Tim do you not know, God forbid, that something can happen to you or little Timmy tomorrow and what have all your work been for, if say one of you die, what was the work for if you did not spend the time when it was needed. Restaurants require constant attention also and with you opening restaurants back to back, when will you ever be able to take a brake. Tim does not have time for anyone so when he claimed to have had a girlfriend, Jennifer from basketball wives, I thought this was all a joke, this man don't have time for his child, what would make him or any woman think he would have time for her. Now I am hearing that he has a order of protection against Jennifer because she is suppose to be harassing him, come on Tim get real. I don't a bit believe that Jennifer is harassing Tim, as much as I believe Tim really wants or have time for a woman. I have heard other rumors about Tim, but those I will keep to myself for now. Now watching tonight episode Tim was talking about singing groups and booking them at the Texas restaurant, which yes it is a great idea, and he mentioned some deceased musicians and what they would say, but in that line up of singers who has passed, he said Al Greene and now I am confused, I am a big Al Greene fan but I had no idea Al Greene had passed or anything of his passing, if it is true. When Time when was Al Greene suppose to have died and why are you claiming this on this man. I had to go to a web site to see 1946 to present, so no, not as of today I don't see anything about Al Greene passing, so can Tim please retract what he said about Al Greene so that others who are fans of Al Greene as I have been does not feel slighted about not knowing anything of his passing, which has not happen as of yet, Tim. Where the crap are you getting your information. Tim is so focused on opening all these restaurants he has lost all contact with reality. Knowing Tim he probably thinks Whitney Houston is still alive and try to book her at the restaurant, now I know that was a sorry joke, but the way Tim thinks, it is probably true. I just would like to know when did Tim think Al Greene pass away, and if this is the case he needs to get back in touch with his mother and let some of her knowledge rub off on him. From what I seen how Tim is acting, he is a son who has really disrespect his mother, wow, talking about getting away from the bible. People today are getting away from the bible, they are actually turning what has been taught by the bible upside down. People we need to get back to church, prayer, believing and faith. This world of man's is leading us astray and we must not follow man, remember man is not who we are to follow, it is God. People who do stuff in the church saying they are doing it because the Apostle told them to, the Apostle is man, not God. You do what God teaches in the bible and if the Apostle word goes against God word, watch out. With all this said, I love Sweetie Pie's concept, Miss Robbie and I disagree with Tim's ways, greed is leading him. Something else I must disagree with is Miss Robbie getting back on stage, Miss Robbie, your voice is gone, it is not there anymore, so please give it a rest and stop singing. You gave it a good run when you could but after while we all must let it go when it is gone, there is a time for everything and after it is done we must put it up. I am saying this as nicely as I can say Miss Robbie and that is everyone is being kind by applauding and cheering you on, but your voice is just not pulling off your singing any more. Miss Robbie you sound like me trying to sing and I can tell you that I can not sing a lick, even if I tried. Love you Guys, prayers to all.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Sunday School (How Great It Is)

Guys we have snow on the ground, it is still snowing off and on but all I can do is think about Sunday School at church on Sunday and how I hope they don't cancel it. I have been really trying to get back into church and have been learning a lot and most of this is because of  Sunday school, what I am learning in this is priceless. We go through each chapter and verses in the bible, page by page and it is broken down as to what the meaning of these verses out what prophets or teachers in these verses went through on their journeys for God and what it relates to us in today's society.  I am learning so much of what God expects of me, what he wants for all his people and how I am to go by as a human to help with getting out God's message. I like learning and asking questions of the teacher who is putting the lesson out for that day. I like hearing from other Sunday school brothers and sisters and their questions and opinions or outtake on certain verses or stories of the bible. I like so much on how throughout my entire life I had God walking along side of me and I know this as I find a lot of the stories in the bibles relate to my life. These lessons I have been learning is not only for me but for whomever chooses to hear me talk about it, when you pass on information to people, they too learn from you. I like seeing our Pastor come to bible school as well and as he reminds us he still has a lot to learn and seek these lessons himself. I also tend a noon day bible study with some of my elders who I also learn a lot from, these older group, most who are seventy plus and do not go to evening bible study because they don't like driving in the dark, so I get a lot of wisdom from this group. The things they have learned in their life, things I maybe going through they have already gone through and can give me their own insights and lessons they learned when they went through it. I almost can't understand why it took me so long to go back to Sunday School or bible study classes, as I have realized I am learning so much only Gods knows how much I have miss and at this point I feel as if I have a lot of catching up to do. I can't wait to tell others what I have learned and I get so excited telling them the stories, I hope what I tell others rub off and if they don't already go, they choose to go from listening to my excitement of my teachings I am receiving. I am telling you if you don't go, try it one time and see if you like it or not, don't be afraid that you may not know something and don't be afraid to ask question. There is no judgement, everyone is there to learn and the teachers are there to answer questions to the best of the ability, if they don't know the answer they will seek it out from others in the class. It is all about the learning of God, what he wants us to know and what he needs us as a people to do.

Black Ink Crew Chicago (Ryan open the book, read it and let go)

Deny, Deny, Deny that is Ryan's answer to it all. Ryan wants to get back with his ex girlfriend so his need to erase everything with Kat is being pushed by him, out of his mind, out of his life, just out all together as though it did not happen. Okay Ryan I understand, you want to really get back with your ex, but getting back with your ex does not mean you have to deny Kat. Kat as a woman has deep feelings as all us women do and what that means for us as women, the one thing we don't like is being denied by a man. Yes we can walk away from things, but we can't be denied. Ryan if you want it all to be over you should have talked with Kat privately, told her what really was going on, told her what everything you to had together or did together meant to you, then explain how much you really wanted to get back with your ex, believe you me Ryan she would have understood, because you would not be denying that you guys had something but you would be admitting that you did have something together but now it is over and you are now going to move on, boom. That is all you had to do Ryan and none of this drama would have happen, you could have even possibly avoided the having to explain to your ex. Now what about this damn Phor and all the snitching he has been doing on the rest of the crew by running to Ryan about everything everyone is doing at the shop, Phor is snitching, he does not want Kat back because she can out tattoo his as*, and who needs another ex in his mist with his new girlfriend on his as*, Phor you are a as*hole and it should be said, if you feel like you got to keep calling Ryan like a punk. What about Charmaine, she finally has a steady man, who actually is a very nice guy and has a great job and now he has to go overseas for work, what the crap. Charmaine, proposing to your man was not a way to hold him here, you can not control a man by making him do what you want him to do. Yes he is a good man Charmaine and yes six months is a long time, now I know you maybe worried if you man will cheat Charmaine but I am more worried about if you cheat, you can't seem to keep your thing in your pants and you always shaking your a** in people faces, please stop that, its just nasty. Charmaine all you can really do is put your trust in your man and with him being a good man, pray on it, if you don't think you can trust him, tell him to make sure to always use a condom and if he does not be man enough to tell you what he did so that he does not bring something to you that you can't get rid of, lets be real shi* happens so be that adult who is adult enough to be real with her man and have that real talk. It is something that you can booth leave through as long as you both are honest about it. I just gave you some of my best advice, something that I am bad about taking myself but I know that it is so much better that when men and women are in relationships that they can be open with each other, it is so refreshing. None of what has been happening on this show. I want this show to have a reunion because we needs some unanswered questions answered guys, your fans need it. Good luck.

The Walking Dead (I am Trying to Find a Purpose)

Okay you know you are my show, but I am truly lost this season, I am hoping you guys got a purpose on this plan that will make all us fans happy that we stuck with it, but right now I am still in that lost land and you are starting to make me feel as if I am watching the Fear of the Walking Dead, a show I really get lost every time I watch it. I am not even sure what to write about because I am so lost, but that damn Eugene needs to be killed off, he is getting on my last nerve and his attitude towards what is happening, people that looked out for him in the past he is saying they can be sacrificed for all the followers that Negan has, what the hell Eugene. There are a lot more people in the world outside of Negan but yet Eugene who is apparently getting everything he wants, so he has decided in his mind that Negan world is the entire world for him. Oh what a web we weave when we practice to be a devil in disguise. Also what is going on with the Preacher, what happen to him, did he get bit, or did he catch some kind of fever, or what, I am so lost. Now I do like how Rick overtook those junk yard people as I call it.  That lady who is head of the junk yard group is not very smart, which is surprising,since she is head of the group, now they are teaming up with Rick but Rick gets back to find out things have changed. Rick does not keep in contact with his people and now is finding that it is hard to find that things are not the same. That is what happen Rick when you don't let any of your people know what is going on. So finally they show us home camp and again I am lost, I can understand why Michonne wants to leave but that damn Rosita seems like a straight up coward to me, she caused Sasha to sacrifice her life but now she shows no Amish to what Sasha did for her. Sasha looked as if Rosita was worth saving and wanted her to go on and help the group as a strong half, but see has became a weak half. So now we have it I guess, I guess we are about to see what the plan is that Rick has made, but then again Rick has not reunited with the group so how can the plan come together and Darryl has fallen out with Rick and started his own journey, so I think but maybe this is all some plan that ties in with the master plan, well only the writers know and hopefully we will know soon and my conclusion to this particular piece is that I still say, Negan must die.

Little Women of Dallas Reunion

All I can say is wow, this show this season had me captured and not exactly in a good way. Yes the show grab my attention, but it was because of a lot of things that I saw that was not always on a good note. This young girl Caylea, she really has a serious anger problem and now it seems as everyone who last season was bashing her for it is now defending her behavior. Believe you me that Caylea sleeping around with men, and we all know she was doing a lot of sleeping around, which she tried defending last year as being grown and being allowed to do what she wants, now say she actually had a real relationship with one of her many booty calls and gets mad at Amanda because she claims Amanda broke some kind of girl code for messing with this guy, she claims to have gotten pregnant by, and yes claim because no one really has proof that she was pregnant and no one has proof that if she was, it was this guy, as she slept around. The truth is the truth and the saying is age old, mamas baby papa's maybe, that is why DNA is so rampantly being used. Lets get real people, why is Caylea so angry if she has suppose to have found a new man, fallen deeply in love and got engaged. I will tell you why because Caylea and Devon have only known each other a few months, yes a few months, she really did not get over the other guy before she claimed to have found the man of her dreams, now in what real world does this happen in a matter of months. I am with Devon mother, they are two young to get married, especially with Caylea's history with men and who is Caylea's to challenge Devon's mother, I have never seen such disrespect from such a young person toward an adult, but that is what our world is coming to. Also where is it written that a woman is suppose to push a man into a relationship and threaten him to choose between you and his mother, his mother is his mother for life, but you may not become or even continue to be his wife. What you should as a real woman Caylea try and get to know and understand his mother, make it so that she likes you, but then again Caylea you are a young girl I keep forgetting you don't know what is means to be a real woman. Devon's sat on that stage and said she like you Caylea but she just thought you guys were too young to get marriage, and that is alright, that is her opinion as a mother who is looking out for her child and you should accept this, take and leave it only. With all this being said, Caylea also needs to leave the subject of Amanda relationship with her ex alone, why is she so angry about this situation as well, why is Caylea on stage try to beat down people, throw shoes at people or kick a person mom's off the stage, that was the most disguising thing I saw before my eyes, along with Emily and her anger and trying to beat up Tiffani, these women are so angry they can't let things go, they show no God in them and can't settle things with simple talks on how they feel and what they want, they have to take out fist, or objects to make their points, how sad is that. I really do think Caylea and Emily could use some anger management sessions, learn how to handle you issues another way, especially you Emily fighting over top of a pregnant woman knowing you could cause her to get injured, how selfish is that, or are you trying to make Bri lose her baby since you are having trouble getting pregnant by your ex, spending all this money on IBF to get a twin of your beautiful baby that is in God hands now, instead of taking it too God and letting him handle things. What I am getting is none of this women have belief or faith, is that because of the way you grew up, was being little so hard on you guys that it is hard for you guys to believe in yourself. This season was full of twist and turns and although I did not like seeing Amanda leave, she needed to get away from these girls, yes girls because you guys have a lot of growing up to do. Emily you are a very selfish person, you treat Bri trouble and think you can buy her friendship, you say friend but what kind of friend treats someone like you do Bri. Well I did not hear about a return for a new season but I am sure there will be, and hopefully there will be some changes. Good luck ladies.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Married To Medicine Return

Okay married to medicine has return on what you can call a sad note, you know Jackie husband being found to be cheating on her. Okay is it me or did anyone else see this coming, I am sorry Jackie but last season your husband was acting real funny and I noticed that he was doing everything in his power not to be on camera much and as private as I know you guys are to be, he was not trying to be around you or the rest of the group, this was a sign to me. What really turn me to look at your husband funny was when he got on you about moving into the new house, he put some pressure on Jackie and would not listen to what she had to say about the move and even after Jackie gave into her husband, he still made her feel bad about everything and was pointing fingers for some reason, yes it was sign that no matter what Jackie was doing to please her husband he was finding fault with her, it is a sign. So now we come into the new season with all the new findings of Jackie's husband mistress, and of course all the other women have to put their two cents in it or it would not be a show, right. Anyway, each women have a took with their spouse, asking if they would ever cheat on them and what they would do if they did cheat on them. Toya, yeah we all know Toya, the one that is married to a doctor with two little boys that has no job, that cause her husband to go into tax trouble that he had to work triple hours to pull themselves out, yes that Toya. Toya said she would fight for her husband because she has two little boys who need their daddy and she deserve to fight for her husband, for her boys of course. Now it is not for the fact that Toya's husband is the soul supporter of their household, or that he allows her to be able to afford somethings that some men can't afford for their women, no it is none of these things, she is fighting for her boys who for so reason will lose their dad if she choose to leave her husband if he cheated, I know that is what I said. Why would your sons lose their daddy if you left your husband, would he still not be their daddy? I am just asking. Then we move on to Ms. Quad, who thinks she apparently has her husband in her right pocket and know he would not do a thing to do wrong to her, but Ms. Quad what were these weird ideas you husband had about a woman who don't do everything to please her man is pushing him to look else where, and what is this idea he have about Jackie needing to apologize to her husband for things she might have not done, what the crap was that about. I know Quad believe in bowing down to her man, but your man seem to really believe in a women on the floor to be stepped upon, Quad I thought you had you man in check but it seems to be the other way around, now ain't that some sh*t, you have all the mouth Quad but no power, wow, girl you surprise me. Now we go Simone, who don't know if she is going left or right, because this beautiful lady has her own issues, and she as a close friend to Jackie and a women of medicine is there as she always is for her friend, just to be a shoulder to lean on and Simone knows exactly what Jackie need and that is peace, not everyone weighing in on her personally life, and giving their own two cents on what this woman needs to do. Heavenly, oh Heavenly, believe it or not with all your mouth and craziness, I did admire the take you had on what was going on in Jackie's marriage. Now Heavenly, I did not like that little get lose party you tried to have for Jackie, because this is not that woman, this is you not Jackie, if you really wanted to relax Jackie you would did like a day at the spa for all the women, leaving out the men, that is more Jackie's style, she is classy and sorry to say Heavenly, you are a little, dare I say it, naw but you get my meaning. But what I did like was what Heavenly said about Jackie's situation and the how this mistress went to the press to tell her story and how all the other women, Toya and Quad keep repeating everything that this women said happen with her and Jackie's husband and Heavenly made the statement as to how can you trust anything this woman said, she went to the press for a reason and that is to get on television and she can say anything out of her mouth to become a factor and maybe get on television or get money. Most of these women who mess with married men got a reasoning behind it, they have a purpose in their work for the devil. Now Toya was quick to say the woman said she did not know he was married, and Heavenly in Heavenly fashion said bit**, how the hell this woman will say she did not know this man was married and every time they met up they had to go to a hotel, why she never go to his place. Exactly Heavenly, how the hell does Toya and Quad believe anything this woman says out her mouth, this woman has a hidden agenda, you guys know Jackie's husband but don't know this woman but is ready to believe what she is bringing to the table with no real proof, what the crap is that about. From the first episode return I was so in a very sad moment because all I could do was sympathize with Jackie, but in the second episode I am learning from Jackie that she will be okay, this is a strong as women and she has not been brought this far to be torn down by no man, she is a child of God, go Jackie. Watching clips of future episode it seems as if all the women will be crying after while, what the hell is going on, do all the women feel as if they are losing their touch with their husband because what Jackie husband did, now paranoia running the show, what about praying to God, and having trust that what is real, what he has put together what will remain, but what must end is his will. I want all you women to take it to that closet, close that door get on your knees and remember who is in charge, and it is not you or your spouses.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

The Walking Dead??????

I must admit I am so lost at what is going on with the waling dead that I ca no not explain it, to the readers or myself. Where are all these hostages going to go and how are you going to detain all these people who's loyalty still lye with Negan. What the crap is this group doing over here, this going doing here and this group doing here. Why the pictures Rick, why the hostages Jesus, well yeah I know that sounds kind of a little awkward. Why is every group not doing like King Ezkiel group and that is lay them down, not to return. Why is Megan giving that stupid Gregory another chance to stab them in the back again. Wow, I am so confused right now. With all this going on we don't have a clue where is Negan, the preacher, or what is happening to the how base, maybe he made it too their home camp, now that would be a shocker. With no way to reach the others at home, how do we know what is going on there. Also with what we have been seeing this far, how do we know if with the holidays they will not just cut us off in the middle of all this and then come back after the entire holiday season. I more up to date on riding with Norman Reedus then I am the walking dead, because I am so lost on the walking dead that I am like one of the walkers themselves, wondering around trying to find a body to chump down on. I am walking listening for the noise, to attract me to that direction and give me some clarification as to what the crap, I just heard a gun shot that went right above Rick's head, they could have killed Rick if they wanted to, so who is that person that spared Rick's life. Where the heck is Morgan going, does anyone know, he seemed to have gotten the Carol Syndrome, I going into hiding, to myself and leaving these group to their own fighting war, I will just fight for me and live the life that is left for me. Wow, what is going on with Darryl he is becoming a killing machine, he could have let the guy walk away, they did not even have to take him as a hostage, just left him to defend for himself. So what will Darryl have to say about Megan taken in all them hostages. Now it makes sense, it was all part of a bigger plan to set the dumb as*es up, so with all this, they are losing a lot of people, but I have to give it to these brave souls, they protected their King. Way to go, those are some real heroes, but I am pissed as to why do they is Jesus choosing to spare lives when this group in determined to finish them all off. People is getting feed up in this group and they are started to kill because they don't want them to continue to come back, I am understanding this.

Love & Hip Hop Miami

We knew it all was coming, you know the Love & Hip Hop Miami when Scrappy said he was going to move there,  I know you did not think Scrappy was going to leave the show entirely, naw, he just needed a change and he got it. Now all we need is a awesome cast and the show will get off the ground. I am really interested how this show will go because I have no clue as to what Miami may be like. I know the people in Miami will be off the change, I know Miami is definitely South. Of course us southerners can be down to Earth but we don't back down for any challenge, this include a good "a", whipping. Wow, of course I will be partial to the Miami show as I was to Atlanta because it is in the South and I do understand the people from the South a little better, it is just those who are not from the South who come into our area and they began judging us because they do not understand us or how we were raised. Southerners were raised to be church fearing, respectful to all and dignified, but of course with the changing times, some of this has been lost but be assured most southerners were raised in churches so that goodness may not always so on the outside but it is definitely still on the inside waiting to come out for the right situation or man for that matter. Now when we southerners rise to the occasion we are then judge and told that we are some wetback country, ham hock eating, nothing. Why they say this about us southerners, be assured, we know we are children of God and as children of God we know we will be criticized, talked about and put in a corner of our own, but you know we like it like that. It leaves room for us to show what we really made of. I say all this to say, I know this cast of Miami will be bringing it, this include some great talent, because we have to fight for what we want because we are not given things handed to us in the South, we are told it will take what we have to get where we need to go to make it. So yes, southerners work twice as hard as other to be seen as a force to be dealt with. So whomever these cast members are on the Miami show I am sure they will have something to bring to this new Love & Hip Hop show and will make it rather interesting. I can not wait, well yes I can wait but I am just on pin and needles at the anticipation of the new show, bring it own.

Black Ink Crew:Chicago

No I did not forget about you guys or your show, I think I just was tired of the airing, because you have been on for a while. I guess because Black Ink Crew New York has been put on the back burner, they have to put more of the Chicago episodes on us. The show is okay but it stills does not compare to the New York crew, I miss you guys. What I do have to say that was very positive of Black Ink Crew Chicago was the way Don spoke on mental illness, he may have explained it harshly but I am telling you Don, you caught my attention and my heart to the disease and people whom suffer from it. They are not  in control of their disease which can be very hard for them, even too the point where they are willing to kill themselves because they can not overcome something they don't understand and in many cases can not get help for it. Mental illness for some reason is really rampant in this country and there is no real help if you do not have a lot of money. Yes money, it takes lot of money in this country to deal with your demons, something our government is not willing to put funds into and it is sad because some of these people do not have families that can help or are willing to put up with them because of their issues and it can be said. So when Don spoke up for Cobra, I said bravo Don, you put it well that we must began to understand those who can not understand themselves and we have to be more patient as well as be a listening ear if they need, just for them to get things off their chest. I did not like what Liliana did at all to turn everyone on Cobra, she did this out of spike because she was mad about the living situation and what happen with Junior, but Liliana that was your own folk. By the way Liliana you are a drunk and you need help, because when you get intoxicated you act like a straight up idiot and then you blame everyone else for your problems, ones that you created. Liliana look in the mirror, you talk of Cobra but apparently you too have some mental issues going on, something that you need to really get help for and at least Cobra is clean, no OCD, just a clean person. What about this situation between Brian and Kat, why can't we let this story line die. They slept together, it is apparently a bootee call and Kat found this out, so she should have let it go and walk away, if Brian kept texting her why not block him, then he would have gotten the message, but yet you choose to keep him unblock, so who is playing with who emotion. It takes two to continue something going on and if they other person walks away and chooses to ignore the other person they will sooner or later get the hint and move on, so why is Brain still texting Kat as she say, because she is feeding into it. Women are quick to say a man is playing with their emotions but they are never quick to admit to their part of the root cause. Well I will keep watching anyway, until they bring Blank Ink Crew New York back, but I have not heard any information on the show as of yet, I guess it is a matter of how with the split up and all. I have to see my O*hit again, we can get rid or Teddy, the crazy girls, this includes sky, what the hell, give me an all man cast, I would be happy with that.

Monday, October 30, 2017

What Does it mean to be Godly

I use to ask myself what is a Godly person. I see people who seem to be gentle and understand others, and always serving with a smile. So does Godly mean you always have to serve with a smile or does Godly mean that you are so of God that he makes you feel large in this small world of ours that nothing else counts but the fact that you know he exist and you leave to fulfill that purpose he is directed to you in his book, you know the Bible. God is all powerful and knowing and leads us in a path that is righteous, when know that God exist and you feel his presence, that faith becomes a part of you and you believe that he will do all the things he promise to do for you and that is too never leave you, always forgive you, prepare a wonderful home, give you love, guide and protect you and your family and all he ask of us is to believe, trust, have faith and follow his word. This is why we who choose to follow God have so much of a different outlook on life, we know we have to work, we know that we have to pay bills but we also know that we have a father that is loving, that did things for us that know one else has do or can do and because of this we choose to follow God and his word. With the following of God's word we will have everlasting life and our family will too as long as they know that there is a bigger picture. It is not about who can make the most money, who can look the best or the biggest to their friends, it is not even being this over achiever, but it is all about that inside, taking in God and his word and once you learn how to do this, it will show on the outside and others who choose not to do so will not understand, why you smile and why you walk with a different purpose in life. Why you not brag with what you have, why you choose to help others before helping yourself. Why you will try and drive your life on a path that is rewarding to others so that they can smile to. Why is it important to give and pass it on, so that whom that you gave a helping hand can pave it forward, if others pave it forward, we can have a generation of people who are paving forward good and rewarding riches that is of God, not of man. Man has no purpose for us, but only destruction as he will led you in the path of the devil, to kill and destroy your fellow man. Why I say would anyone choose destroy another human when you can show them that path of righteousness by paving forward goodness that is that of God. I guess that devil as to have him minions on earth to keep men from know the love of God, he has to destroy those who choose to continue with his work. The more I think about the goodness of God I smile, I have my days when I just don't know how to handle what is going on in this world, or a job situation, but then I smile as I remind myself I have accepted God in my life and this is something no man can take away from me. I love the feeling that God is giving to me and yes now I know why when you have people who smile as they go along doing their jobs that may not be rewarding, because in fact it is rewarding when you find a way to help you fellow man in whatever you do. Smile, Jesus loves you too.

The Walking Dead Return (Negan Must Die)

The Walking Dead has return and yes I am one of its biggest fans as I defend the show to this day. What I must say is that I did not know what to expect of the return, what I can say is that yes I am a little confused as too what is aspiring. I not sure who is doing what, whom or whom not to trust and what will Negan do with the Preacher. With all this I can say that I do think there is a trader in the midst, who this may be, who knows, there are so many twist and turns to the show right now the only side I one that I am sure of is the tiger's. But from what I began seeing of the episode to air this Sunday night, is that I am not sure as to where Jesus stands. Not Jesus our Christ and savor, but Jesus the human on the show of the Walking Dead, he is giving me mixed feeling as to why he does not want any killing of the saviors and what does he expect them to do with all these traders who would kill for Negan at the drop of a dime. Who is all the saviors that the one trader said he has called upon to come to their recuse and how many more saviors can there be, so is there a trader in the midst and if so who is it, or are there more then one trader and if so who are they. Wow I am so confused at this moment trying to figure out how the plot of this story line will go. I know that there is no doubt that the saviors who have always outsmarted Rick and his crew had a bigger plan in place and it is one that will shock us all, another perception of mines is that Rick and his group will be saved. How you ask, well there are always ones who want to be good and the good have a way of showing up when they are needed, we have people in the past who have disappeared or left, never returning. Could it be, could it be that these good people return to help Rick and his crew in their time of need, could it be that these good people come back with more good people that have more power then we can imagine, wow, how many more people can there be in a world of the walking dead who are alive and have to fight humans more then the dead. I can't imagine how Rick and his crew will get out of this one, but then I can as I said there is still some good, it is just a matter of finding out who it will be, what about Eugene, a lot of people want this man to die because of his trading status, but I personally think the man is a genius and has a bigger plan then any of us could have every thought of. When will this plan go into motion, I would say at the right moment, the moment when we think all is done and it is over, the plan will come together to reveal itself as a work of Art and beauty. This plan will make us who are big fans, understand even more why this show has captured our admiration and mines. It is a show that writing is beyond writing and as a person who loves to write, there is nothing like a good written story lines that makes you say, now that person has an awesome imagination, a talent only God can produce. I will continue to watch as always with that anticipation of some great writing and terrific acting that together will blow our minds. Come on The Walking Dead, lets do this. Negan must Die.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

90 day Fiance

Is is just me or does it seems as if these oversees humans that are marrying American's more obvious this time. The all seem to be showing straight out that they are just marrying these people to come into the U.S. They don't seem to be hiding it this time because even after going through with dramatic things all these people in this relationships, will be upset but forgive these people no matter what they do and it seems to all be in effort to get the the United States. What about his one from the South about to marry this one from the Dominican Republic, but her dad is a racist, we can say this but he used that the guy is marrying her to come to the United States to get citizenship, now please correct me on this, has not the Dominican Republic become part of the United States, this guy can fly to this country at anytime and I don't think you even need a visa. So to me the obvious choice would be that this young guy might need money and he seems to be marrying this woman because she is a smart business women and she has her own business in which she makes a decent living off. This guy apparently notice that this woman carried herself as a woman who had money while she was vacationing over there and he scoped her out. This women seems to be a very loving woman and I like her attitude, so I hope it all works out for her. Wow I was just watching a episode where this one woman for Thailand was ripping into this guy because she said he apparently does not have enough money to take care of her and if he can not take care of her, she is out. This woman looks really upset about finding out this man is not a millionaire. Here we go again, it is all about the money, these relationships are not relationships, they are agreements between to people, that if you pay for me I will marry you. I lost my husband and miss that man so much, I would give all the money I had in this world to have him back and yet these people are giving every precious thing God has given them to get a dollar bill. Life is not valued any more and we wonder why people are quick to shoot one another at the drop of a dime. This entire world, even with all these people marrying people from other countries, have shown that it is about money in this world to a lot of people, nothing else matter to these people. So some of these people in their hearts say they are marrying for love, they are more then naive, they are living in this fantasy world, in which they think they will get this person and make them really fall in love with them. It seems like on this 90 day finance, you have people that have a desire to come to this country and then you have the people that seem to be lacking something in their lives, or they seem to be a little slow. So in my opinion maybe they should do a psych evaluation on these one in America who wants to marry these people they barely know.

Housewives of Atlanta Return

Yes it is returning, with some returning cast members and some I ask why do they need to return. I am not a Kandi Burruss fan, I guess some people know that by now. I am not understanding why she always bragging about how much money she has but she keeps doing this reality show. I know, Kandi makes money and she wants to continue making money, so it is all about money for her and apparently she does not care what she has to do to keep this money going. Now I am one for a person making their money but I am not for someone bragging about how much money they have and throwing it in other people faces to make them feel less then, and I do not care what any of you think this is exactly what Kandi does. When you watch the housewives of Atlanta take notice how much she tends to tell the other women how she is making her money and don't need all the drama, so why is she up in it, and you talk about angry issues, well the way Kandi is always popping off she really scares me, she has some anger that she needs to address. Kandi is always going at someone and it ends it with her money and wealth and what she says is her happy home because she said her and Todd are the only two married, what the hell. If I was Todd and you were doing all the work to bring home the bacon while I sit back and enjoy it, I would stay with an easy ride like you too. I still don't understand this bringing another woman into your relationship, I know you both are grown but what about having God in your lives. Why does Kandi and Todd talk about everything else but God in their lives, is there no place for God in any of your women lives on the housewives of Atlanta. I know what it takes to make it in this world, because it is crazy and a lot of people in this country think you need a lot of money to continue on, but I say you don't need a lot of money, you need a lot of Jesus and prayer. Yeah, Yeah I can hear the people carrying on about Jesus not paying my bill, well he pays mines, because without him I am nothing. I am nothing with God and I walk in my faith, not on the fact that I have to walk over other people to make it in this world and throw them under a bus so I can get ahead. So am I anticipating the return of the Real housewives of Atlanta, not really, I see the commercials they have been doing, but anticipation is not in my agenda for this show. Yes I will watch it because I like writing and writing on this blog is part of my blogging to write on reality television. What I am not understanding is, how they took Phadera off because they said what she did was horrible, like you had others who did not do this. Also this marriage of Kenya,  how long did she really know this guy, why are we not given all the information about Kenya relationship and how far was it in-between when she left the other guy and ended up with this guy to have ended up marrying him, I am confused, can you please fill in the blanks. Kenya does not get to dig in everyone else's business and then hide hers. What about Sheree, is she coming back and if so why, why is she part of the show. Well let us see what happen, I hope Kandi mother, mama Joyce stay out of these grown women's business, how come she gets to have her mother butting in on everything, but she suppose to be a bad a**, make up your mind Kandi, you either a bad a**, or you need  your mommy to fight your battles. By the way why is mama Joyce on the Kanid tour, she really need her mama to defend her battles, wow, how cheesy is that.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

90 Fiance (Patrick Is A Great Man)

I have been watching this show faithfully but this season has been a little confusion. Some of the relationships are a lot too be desired. Paul, who I had a feeling had done some jail time, just was waiting for him to let it out abandoned Karine who ended up been robbed for her phone, how crazy was this when those men come out with their knives to rob this girl. Cortney does not know if she should trust Antonio and not matter how her feelings are starting to change about this, I was with her that he should not be trusted, I think he trying to get to America to get his modeling career started over here, I don't see any long term relationship coming out of this. Abby is a con artist, I must say Abby is up to no good and Sean should not question their future, he should walk away before he is hurt. Abby has obviously getting money at any means it is taking her to get it, can you say desperation. Larry and Jenny, what do I say about this couple, well we know Larry is awkward man and he does not know how to really handle women or even act around them. Now Larry was given an honor to be the first to eat one of Jenny's family expensive meal but he would not do it because he did not like pig or he is almost like a child way act as if he was having a heart attack just from tasting the pig itself after they took time to cook it for him. One of my very favorite couple in this season is Patrick and Myriam. Patrick is looking for love and to go to Paris to find that this girl has a boyfriend but now we know this boyfriend she has is not acting like a boyfriend should, so maybe she thinks he is a boyfriend and he is just playing the field. Come on Myriam, go ahead with Patrick, especially if you a ready for a real relationship and you want to get married. Myriam it is obvious that you do have a real boyfriend and apparently it is only one sided, so take this leap of faith with Patrick. I have to say I really like Patrick and his mother and their attitudes, Patrick's mother has raised her son well to really respect and show women love, how lucky is this Myriam, I am here in America as Patrick was and could not find this any where near my doorstep, maybe I have to go out the country to find real true love. Anyway I think Patrick and his mother sense of humor and their interaction together they could get their own show kicked off with him and his marriage to Myriam, if Myriam decides to come to the states that is. Even if Myriam does not come to the states Patrick and his mother could have a spin off in which they could have a show in which they help Patrick find love in the states. I think Patrick and his mother just have what it takes to start their very own reality show, they are great people with great attitudes and someone like Patrick deserves real love if that is what he really is looking for. I know it is hard especially for a person as you get older to find that true love. I now being a widow of two years have seen what is out here and it is not good, everyone just want to have sex, not a relationship, they are out to use and abuse you and all you want is someone that will see you and give you a chance to show what kind of person you can be. There seem to be no real people without some hidden agenda and what makes it real bad is when you ask them they look you in the face and lie about it. Wow, people have no respect fore each other anymore.

Hip Hop 90's (Xscape is Touring)

I saw it and was suppose to write some days ago on what I thought. Well what I thought was it was a descent show, some acts could have been better then they were. What I do know is our home girl Missy Elliot came out at the beginning and yes I must say this was the best part, she did what she do and it was all on point, go Missy. Now others who I was, well lets say a little skeptical, what about Xscape they came out with of course one of our beloved song but it sounded in my personally opinion, like lets say crap because Kandi came out singing, why was Kandi in the forefront, especially since for me her voice was not on point. Now one of the other sisters who had to hit a high key and she did, she hit it, why was she not in the forefront. I guess Kandi is paying a lot of the money to get this show on the road and because of this she is in the front, but why not put someone who will bring the crowd to their feet with the sounds that we enjoy. Let Latocha come out there with them strong vocals making us remind why we feel in love with Xscape. They will be touring Richmond, VA soon and I want to go see them but have some hesitation, it is a all girl tour, with Tamar and Monica, so it should be interesting, I must say I want to hear Tamar sing live since all I have heard from her was bit and pieces and the one time on the awards show that I heard her sing live, it was not good, neither was her outfit, but I sure she has it together now, at least I am hoping so. I know I was suppose to be talking about he hip hop 90's show but this was too me a spin off of what we could expect of Xscape and I was just saying from what I saw of Xscape on the 90's hip hop show, if they do not make any changes they may have some not so good reviews. I hope too hear more of the Scott sister vocals and not just a lot of Kandi and Tiny just because they put up the most money of the tour. It is not about the money, it is about putting on a great show for you fans and putting on a great show means great music from the past that we want to hear. You should not let Monica or Tamar out do you on your tour so just do what is best for the show and make the fans chant for more. Going back to the 90's show I thought Mariah sucked and Wendy and her staff member who said he thought it was one of the best part of the show are blind and death, what I seen and heard from Mariah was nothing, the show she put on would have been better if we had a barrel of clowns just rolling around the stage. I have a suggestion Mariah, if next time you do not want to do the show, just send out that barrel of clowns and play a tape of your vocals for them to entertain us too, I think I would respect you better if you did this, instead of you coming out and acting as if you were just to go to put on a show for us, or were you high, go ahead girl you can admit it. What ever it was, I am not sure and I was disappointed, if Wendy Williams like a half show like this, then put on a show for her, I guess you remind her of how she moves, real stiff.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Las Vegas (What A Sad Tragedy)

With all the writing I do on reality shows and what seems to be going on in this country, the truth is I began writing this blog because I did not like what I see was going on in this country. Yes this country has had incidents over and over again but what I am saying, why do we as a great country choose to keep going downward. The debate about guns has been going on for years and every time there is a presidential election this is a fore front subject that never gets resolve or sensible solution that will help us in this country all feel better, instead it gets worst and there end up being more guns and guns violence and each time becomes more of a tragedy then the other. So here it is Las Vegas, the sin city, where you think it can not get any more open and wild, and fun fill and full of people, what happens, a shooting that has been the worst in the United States history in regards to death, wow. Why did this happen most people ask and believe it or not this is a question not for us to ask. I believe God has a reason for everything and instead of questioning his attentions why not understand what we can get out of this. What can we as a country learn from this incident, To help one another? To change our ways? To learn to love not hate? To learn that people are humans and no matter what color or race you are, humans are bound to make mistakes and that no man is perfect? God no matter how hard the situation maybe for us to accept is in control and he wants us to wake up learn and make changes that are positive. No matter how much money you have, how good looking you are or how properly you are, there is no substitute for why God has put us on this earth and it is not what he is seeing and I am truly a believer that if we do not change our ways that our end days are upon us. God see what we are doing to his world and no he do not like what he is seeing, this world has come to very questionable decisions it is starting to make and yet our maker, the real father of us all wrote what he expected of us in the bible and more and more everyday I am seeing people go against this book and actually start to say people that choose to follow it is wrong. I am seeing so many false prophets who have no guilt as they lead their Shepard astray, wow. I worry not only for not only the United States but this world and how people who are the bible believers seem to be becoming scarce as those follower of the devil seem to be overflowing with their ideas and opinions of how the destruction they are creating is right and those who choose to follow God's word are making a fool of themselves, wow. I am fearful, really fearful of what I see and how God will have to handle those who turn their back on the word. Those who died in Las Vegas, I am not sure if any children died but just knowing there were children there makes me sick to my stomach, a concert a joyed filled, happy goer concerts with 22,000 people who just was getting that entertainment that they choose for that day that they were excited about, never having a clue what this manic had decided was going to be some of these people last day. He did not know his victims, he did not know if they were children, all he apparently knew was he wanted to kill lots of people and why we ask. Why is because, yes it is just a because, we have no clue what was going on in this man who to some seem to have had a lot because he had money, like money was suppose to solve his problems. How does that saying goes, the Love of money is the root to ALL EVIL. I am seeing it more and more everyday what people will do for a dollar, even if it means hurting others in the process, it is rather sad and depressing that people lose soul to replace it with money. How can your soul be replaced with dollar bills, and if you can answer this, please explain it too me. I would rather give every cent I have for me and my family happiness, I rather have my family happiness and let the money go. I am praying daily for the victims and their families that they know God and how as painful the hurt is, they must find a way to turn this tragedy into a positive. We must learn and understand God's plan for this world before he decide that this world is no longer worth saving.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Pure Keys (Young Women Entrepreneur)

I met a young woman today at church an although we both have been going to the church a while, I really did not know her as this is a family church in which I grew up in and then I married and moved away. This young lady with her family came to join the church lady and after coming back to church I never really got to know her, but I did learn who she was and what she was doing. This young lady went to college became the top of her classed and she study chemistry as her major. As a student of chemistry she learned about products that we as human put on our bodies on a daily basis, so now this young very smart and bright woman has decided to come up with her own natural body product line of products. I personally have purchased body wash, lip balm and body scrub from her and I love it, what I love even more is that it is all natural, no worries about what I am putting on my body. So now this woman's company that she is calling Pure Keys is up and running, it is a slow process so she does not have a web site as of yet, but she is working on it. But she does have a email address she can be reached at. I am personally proud of this woman who has taken it upon herself to become a entrepreneur and being a black woman is especially exceptional since she has had to push harder than any other woman to even began to be where she is. Her struggle will be just that a struggle but this young lady, has brains, tough skin and God her has promise to be her guide through it all, so I know she will make it. What I ask of us, I ask us as a people to support this young lady and her journey, give her product a try, she also have body wash for men. Let's buy, or if not into buying how about promoting her product as a young person trying to get along with life in a way we all want to and that is by taking a dream and showing the world what makes her unique and how she helps other's in the process. This young lady Kiana Manson states it on her card and that is that each of her product is made with Love, so let us show this young lady some Love back and give her help with any support, advice, guidance that we have to give her.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Smokey Robinson Said it best (I Love Being Black)

He put it in a poem, he said it with class, Smokey Robinson did this at his best. He politely explain to those who we are and perceive to be and how no other is different, just in what you see. The outside is different we all know this to be true, who wants to go around looking like umpa lumpa through and through. So take heed to his words, listen real close, don't just stop and turn it off because you don't think its for you. Be opened minded and listen to it all, learn why we should be one and bring and end to it all. Thank you Smokey.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

When Did Protesting In Peace Become Wrong

People protest in this country called America all the time, at has be done since centuries ago, so why, why  now has it became wrong for people to get on their knees in a silent protest to something they believe in, especially when it is referred to equality. Why do you have people saying they turned off their televisions because they did not like seeing these men kneel down. No they don't turn their television off to watch a cat fight on a reality show, know they don't turn their television off when a women is called a bit**, no they don't turn off the television when they see a policeman shot a child, not they don't turn their television off when they hear of it talk about taking benefits away from senior citizens. So when do they turn off their television, when they she human beings kneel down in protest of something they believe in. Some of us kneel to pray on a daily basis to ask God to take mercy on this world that is turning their back on him and to forgive us sinners for they know not what they do, we pray to God on our knees to make this world a better place and to help us understand and love one another. We in this society in American are lacking that very love that makes us human to one another, we judge and quickly jump to judge before we try to understand. I have quoted many times that ignorance is not an excuse to judge another, just because you think that someone is doing something because that is what you believe, why not take the time to hear the other side and understand why they do what they do. I try so hard to forgive those whom have trespassed over me, but when will those whom have done the trespassing ever learn that forgiveness is greater then the hate that this country continues to put out. Why not try and understand what is being protested, and get and idea first then make a decision from there as to if you want to agree or disagree instead of turning off your television in disguise for something or someone else you choose to just follow. I am willing to give anyone and their belief a chance before I say no you can't be right because you are a different color, your way of thinking is not right, you have no rights because I think you should not. I don't care how hard you faught in this country to get what was yours, it is still not your country to me, as I am an example of what this country represents. What does this country represents you say, well for me it was the American Indianans and their ways, here come the British and others as, you know those from Scotland, Ireland, Australia and etch, oh lets not forget those who came but not on their own choice that was, that was the African Americans as they choose to call us, you know the ones that don't belong in a country that was once called the melting pot, what kind of melting pot is this country. That pot is full of white potatoes from Russia, ohh that is right it is okay to accept Russians in this country with no closed door as they, who once was are enemies, but still hack our systems at their own will, now are are partners in affairs, what the crap. I am so confuse what is going on in this country and I know I created this blog say naming it 1-800-SmackMe before I knew what was to come but did know this country was headed for damnation, now I know this country is headed for damnation. We have peaceful protesting and everyone is in an uproar, can someone please explain to me why these men kneeling on their knees is bothering so many people when people in Charlottesville that were killed did not bring as much of a noise, please enlighten me why are you so bothered by what happen and I promise to listen to your explanation of things. Hatred I have always stressed is an ugly word, so why so many people whom call themselves children of God being a part of this ugliness that is coming about, well maybe the devil has his own children running about, this brings back a movie, a mini series actually done on television that Steven King produced, The Stand. That is it, now is the time to replay this mini series back on television, lets bring "The Stand" back to television so people who either forgot it, did not watch it or were to young to understand it, see it again and let them really listen to someone else's opinion on what will happen or is happening to this world. People need to be scared again into understand how God will retake what is his and wipe it clean when man has all but destroyed it in his greed, hatred and ugliness he is putting in this world. Bring the stand back and maybe we will have a mini roots to go along with it, we could play reruns of the underground.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

What Happen To Basketball Wives LA Reunion????

I think they had a season finale but I am not sure, this show this season was so hum drum with Jackie being Cray Cray in a major way, she wanted to attack every one because she felt everyone was in her business. Go figure Jackie is on television but got a nerve to have an attitude about people being in her business. First of all Jackie we watched you at, are you in your fifties or sixties, trying to be on the end of your twenties and honey that look does not look good on you. You are a grandmother many times over but then you want to act like your just a, I am not sure how to put it. You drink a lot and yes you do, you tried covering this up last year when we all saw how much you drink. We seen you dis everyone on the show and I mean everyone, including Tami who all of a sudden wants to act like she is team Jackie, who she had a disagreement with in the beginning but her hatred for Evelyn made her jump on the Jackie boat, which in my personal opinion was sinking and is continue to sink very fast at the pace she is going. Now I really want to know what is going on with Jackie because her daughter wrote this book and her husband Doug seems to be on the road a lot lately, thinks that make you go hmm. She is always running away from her problems and trying to focus on other people's problem. Now Tami says she does not believe Evelyn has changed but she acted as if she has been cool with Evelyn, Tami is almost like a turn coat, she turns at the drop of a dime but will not give Malaysia the time of day, like she really stepped on her toes bringing around her arch enemy, does anyone know why Tami feels this way, I personally think she is afraid of Brandi. Brandi is a bad-a**  and Tami was scared this woman was taking all the glory from her, so what does stupid Shaunie, and yes I said stupid because you let people like Draya and Brandi go and try to make us watch dry old people like, yourself, Tami and Jackie, what the crap, the geriatric crew. Tami gets her a young man and can't apparently hang, Jackie goes of the deep end, need a higher dosage of her medicine and you are in small world riding around in that small boat listening to its a small world after all, over and over again as you go around in circles, because you don't know which direction to go because you trying to just go along with your so called friends, if that is what they call you. You remember that time when you tried holding Tami from getting to that other girl and she threaten you for holding her back, why not let cray cray Tami who still smoking in this day and age and wondering why she can't conceive a baby and now she said she has to come up with another idea to have a baby, I don't think this woman to far from asking one of her daughters to carry her boyfriend baby, yeah right. That is how she sound like the direction she was going in  on the show, it has to be someone very close to us, that we can trust, personally I think Tami is working on trying to get her own reality show, but this woman is to coco, for cocoa puffs for me, I don't think I would watch it because of her bad temper and how she is quick to fly off the handle, this is a woman who is in her late forties but still have tempers, and apparently has no control of it. Moving on what was the reunion about and apparently I am thinking it was not worth watching because I did not know it happen, or did it. I think I was so ready for the show to go off with the sillyness it lost me along the way. Will this show return, will there be a need to see Jackie completely go for the hills, will Tami every get help for popping off, or will she make a happy home for her boyfriend and convince her daughter to carry her baby. Will Evelyn ever have another baby since she wants three and say that is perfect number, will Malaysia decide to continue with the grandma queens or we end the show with a good bye, good luck and good ridden.

Wendy Williams Show Is Back

Okay Wendy I see you, how you doing, but it is beginning to be a rerun of things. Yeah you have did your thing for nine years and maybe just maybe we can let it go now. So this year I started to get away from watching your show, just the ways things were going, so statements you made, and how you were putting some people down, how do you say it "my people", apparently not lately because you definitely in my opinion have seemed to have turned on your people. With all this being said, talking to siblings, coworkers and just people in general I am noticing a lot of people have gotten away from your show and it is for the majority for the same reason and believe it or not some of this people are not your people. So what are you doing wrong. Well lets take Tuesday, they did the Hip Hop awards to the nineties, you talked about Blac Cyna wanting to rap and you said, anyone can do it, it is not a real talent, oh my goodness. You said this people who had some of the most realistic talents I every seen are not real talent, and that anyone, you said anyone can do it if they had a look and a good producer, are you kidding me Wendy, why you of all people who hosted a radio station say this. You almost having me believe with Judge Matthis said about you, I think you have other issues going on and why are you so quick to judge when it comes to the African American community, we already have society putting us down, by guns and by words and now you hop on the band wagon right along with them, what the hell Wendy. Why would you choose to slice and dice the African American community, the majority of which comes on your talk show. I say you have had your hay day, you have done all you can do and talked way more than you should have now I say, in my own personal opinion, let the show continue to run in your now for that contract sake so you can keep the money rolling in but let someone else do the hosting. I have my own opinion who this someone should be, can you say Nick Cannon. The day you had Nick Cannon on the show he did a terrific job, now you can help appoint him as host, you go to your back the seen actions, like maybe doing some plays, and your comedy, you claim to be funny, so go around the role and do some jokes, leave the hosting to a real host like Nick Cannon. Make this a real dramatic transitions of the crown by appointing Nick and walking out gracefully. I say this too you Wendy before your show go out another way, like very low ratings and a very angry group who got you on a list you don't want to be on. I think it is better to go out in a way that you either choose or that is with dignity instead of going out in a way that is not flattering or is humiliating to you. I am just saying.

The News Do It Again (Portraying African Americans as only America Can)

Okay we see Hurricane Irma looters and that suck, why the crap would people do this during this time when you should be getting away for your life. It is people with crazy thinking in a world that is at this moment upside down. With this being said the news seem to go in the poor neighborhoods filming people of color to make it look like that these are the only thieves in this country. But yet a man filmed a neighbor who broke into too his house and made the comment he thought he was gone,and it was not a person of color, but yet the news make sure to get people of color doing bad, if this man did not film his neighbor I am sure we would not have known what color he was because the news will either not show it or make it a very low priority. It is so a wonder why others come to this country and is afraid of blacks, especially how the United States News or Press as you would call it portray us to be like in this country, a lot of foreigners, whom they don't really want here come to this country and look down on us with their noses.I had such an incident when I was on a plane and had to sit beside a couple who looked to be middle eastern, the woman was very determined about not sitting beside me and was telling her husband something in her language and to get the stewardess, this woman bug this man who seemed to be calm until the flight attendant came back and they ask if they could sit in two empty seats in front of me where there was a white male passenger sitting. After being given a yes the woman flew into the seat and sat in the middle beside the white male, this white male then excuse himself and came toward the back and sat in the seat along side me. Yes I remain calm through this because I thought to myself I had the entire row to myself, then when the man came along, he made sure to speak before he sat down and I felt good that he acknowledge to me as to gesture it was alright, although I am a child of God and as so I know I am alright through him, no man can put any real fear in my heart as to judge, lie, steal or disrespect me. I just wonder how this woman who was from another country felt when she decided to remove herself and would not even sit down beside me until the flight attendant came back, when this white male got up from beside her and sat along with me, why was she willing to sit along side this man and saw me an African American who just happen to be hoovered in corner, trying to make sure I gave her as much room as possible in respect to her for what was only and hour and a half flight, be so set on not sitting in that seat beside me and again it came to me when listening to news and all the black lives matter protesting that was going on, I know it was how the news in the United States portray us as vengeful, angry an unruly race. These news use airtime to portray us as a people of violence and that is all that we know, it does not tell how we are fight for our rights as we did long ago, it does not like to show how we were hung, beaten and lawfully prosecuted for crimes we did not commit in the past and now that we have a voice we choose to not let this happen again, we as a people will not repeat our past. We as a race will perish from the lack of knowledge and this lack of knowledge comes from not knowing where our history comes from and why we continue to fight so hard not to have our rights taken away from us, we can not let the past continue to be our future. Some like to say that was old it is not happening anymore and that is where that lack of knowledge comes from. I say to all people of color, any race from any country to learn the United States history before you judge what is going on, know why we speak for ourselves as well as other, know why God is our true master in all that we do. Can I get an Amen

Monday, September 11, 2017

Baller Wives

What can I say, we are starting off with the drama on this show. Right now because we are in the beginning stages I am still trying to see who is hating on who and why this one is on this side and who will be the flip floppier, although this is pretty much obvious. Anyway it seems as if my girl Kijafa Vick is running things, but the other ladies, you know the bunch I am calling the stuck up ones, because they have money and see themselves on a different level then the rest of us. Although I know money can put you on a different pedestal, I also know that God will level us all on equal grounds. Moving on I am from Virginia and I always have my people back, yes I am on Kijafa Vick side, because even though the other women say she is fake, we yes we Virginia can read through fake and phony and the fakes and phonies tell on themselves, especially when they say we are not fake nor phony and we are the real bit*hes. Real Bit*h don't have to announce themselves they show it in their actions, I am just saying. So we have this side of these women who have been said to have maybe gotten their husbands in some suspicious kind of way. They say their husbands was not with other women when they met them but yet the entire story is not coming to the fore front, now what would really heat things up on this show is if they can bring in some of these exes of these men to come in and tell their side of the story, and then we will know who is on the up and up. By the way I am so glad Kijafa is pregnant with a little boy, congratulations to you both, bring that basketball player back home to train, yes I said basketball player, we want him in a safer sport. I have to say I am a big fan of Julius Jones because of the way he is raising he little men, he talks to these boys like they should be talked to and he respect his son opinions, he does not try and push them into something they don't want to do, something a lot of men do and he recognizes the dangers of football and he does not want that for his children. I wish my niece and husband would take the time to watch this show and listen to how men who played football talk about the dangers of this sport, which really makes them not want this sport for their children so why are some men so gun hoe to put their children in this sport. Here goes something I have on my mind and I have to say it, now I look at some of these men and although I personally does not think outside appearance matters, well looking at some of the women and how when I grew up pretty women usually put themselves on a ladder that they were to good for men that did not look up to their standards, anyway, some of these men are not on these women standards so we have to admit we know why some of these men ended up with the women that they ended up with. The funny thing is that most of these men would have never given a woman with a good heart and not so good look a half of a chance because of their outside appearance. Anyway ladies, so far everything seems to be coming together, you guys do you and try to work out things in a way you don't yourselves in a position and spot that you can't get out of. Kijafa you focus on having that baby and staying away from the drama for now, but once the baby has been delivered you need to come back out swinging and reclaiming your thrown. By the way that women that brought those women to a plus one event she was invited too, that was real tacky, why would you invite people to something you was a plus one to and with braids in their hair, yep were we are from that was a sign that you came to fight, so I do I can not blame someone from getting out a hostile environment.

Preacher Season Finale

Did anyone see this coming, Tulip on the floor cold and lifeless. Yes Tulip has been taken to another side of life, or the question because we all who watch Preacher knows there can be a twist and turn and turn and twist, so is she or is she not going underground. The reason I ask this is because Preacher, is taking on the role of God, so why can not God save her and why is Preacher riding around with the body of Tulip in the back seat. Why did God say if you hate me now, just wait, what are we waiting on? With all these questions and desperation to get answers to our very anticipated season 3, we want to know. We want to know how can Tulip one of the the most beloved and pivotal roles on this series, how can they explain this away or better yet, make it right again. Tulip is strong, yet funny, with that kick ass, take no names a little on the open heart side that really grew on my heart string, so why did they decide that Tulip would get the bullet. This women who usually was always on her guard, could always protect herself and the one time she let her guard down to open up to someone, she gets it, she goes down and it its hard. There are a lot of great actors on this show and we know this, but Tulip had something special that is unexplained but you accept it anyway. I seen the woman who actually play Tulip play in a movie that came out recently and of course she was great, I would not say as great as her role as Tulip but she was really good. Now we watch the season finale of the Preacher going down a rode with Tulip's lifeless body in the back and we can only hope that she is revived by the Preacher in some plan that he have to get life back into her body again. But we can not forget that Tulip was not the only character to lose life, what about Cassidy son, yes Denis is gown to, well lets say blowing in the wind. But it was about time for Denis to go, Cassidy could only do so much to control this fool because he just got out of hand, I personally think he got out of hand a long time ago, but when Cassidy saw him with the women underwear, he was done, enough is enough I guess Cassidy said for it was just too much, especially when he began exploring this black laced undies, LOL. Show now Tulips turning cold, Denis was flamed out and we have to now wait to see what will become of all this. Now I am not understand why the Preached did not just let Cassidy bite Tulip, she would have had some kind of chance if he had let him do this, but I know being a vampire might have not been right on Tulip, although I think Tulip could have made a kick ass vampire, just as long as if she could get it under control. I am wondering if the Preacher does bring back Tulip, will she still feel the same way about the Preacher, will he still feel the same way about her. I personally think these two should go their separate ways and maybe Tulip could really hook up with Cassidy, naw that just don't even sound right. Anyway we will continue on with are guessing and anticipation because I personally can not wait until the return too see how the Preacher will get them out of this one, it will be very interesting is all I can say. Hurry back.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

African American in War and Military

I look at television and they are programs I really enjoy but I am not understanding something that is close to my heart, especially since my deceased husband retired from the military and was diagnosed with PTSD. Why in movie after movie, produce by producer after producer with a military standing is not African Americans represented. African Americans in this country were not given a choice of rather they wanted to server or not but yet they were not given the right to vote. They were made to serve in War World II as they were told they were not seen as human enough to make decisions but were seen as human enough to get killed for a country that thought little of them. Then in Vietnam again the African Americans were seen as human enough to fight in a war for American but was not seen as human enough to share the same rest rooms or sit in the front of the bus, or sit at the counters in a restaurant. I heard so many white Americans say that Muhammad Ali was afraid to go to war and back down to serving his country, but Muhammad was more of a man then many to me as I stood up to say, why, why should this man fight your war and I said that literally, your war when his people were being made to walk behind another race and not given the rights as others. You will give this man the right to fight, but not the right and equality to stand along this man in a restaurant, in restroom or on a bus. So with the supposed understanding of today, why does this military movie that show wars of World War I, World War II and Vietnam not show any African American serving as they did in these war, why do they only show the white Americans saving America. I know that is how this country was built, on lies and not truths. America has lied to themselves so long that they are starting to believe that the White Americans built this country, no man of color fought along side of them. So if this is the case, why do we have so many African Americans to say otherwise. Why did someone like my husband who served with pride, had the wounds to prove it, including psychological wounds, and yet he and others who were like him are not recognized in commercials and are not represented in television programs when it comes to celebrating the life of armed force soldiers. We see lots of White Americans and their family, we don't even see biracial Americans being represented, which we know their are a lot, so why is this America, why do you still pretend, put on a show and show the rest of the country that you still are not a melting pot, which those of us who live here know that we are, what are you scared of, what don't you want the rest of the country to know. Why are the producers, like Tom Hanks, Mel Gibsons, Brad Pitt and so on not representing people of color in their movies of military, what are you afraid of, being scrutinized, criticized or low ratings and movie not doing well. Your movie is guaranteed in America not to do well if you put African Americans upfront, is that the answer. I would really like to know the answer to this question, I know this is a touchy subject for White Americans in this country because we the people of color have an idea and we can not be embarrassed anymore then this country embarrasses us already. Some other countries believe are race to be less then and that is because this country have lead them to believe that. I had another race who were assigned seats with me on a plane but yet the lady that sat beside me was so anxious to move she would not sit down in hurry to get her husband to get a hold of the flight attendant to sit in the two seats in front of me beside a white man, once the stewardess gave them permission they hurry up and sat their and this lady was very much satisfied and of course I was happy to have the two seats next to me happy, lot at the positive side,, right, something my God would do. After them sitting down the White American man stood up excuse himself and came to the back with me a sat along side me, as he was sitting he spoke, now although I was enjoying the seats to myself, I on the other hand felt proud, this White American was making a gesture that he stood with me, he had no problem sitting along with me and showing this people from another country that there was not a problem to sit in a seat along with me. So why can't some other White Americans show others it is not a problem with this, why can't some people stand up and say, it may not be the money making thing, but I know it is the right thing. It is what God would want me to do, as Noah id many years ago, when others called him crazy Noah followed the voice of God who told him what his mission was.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Charlottesville, VA

Why do I write about Charlottesville, VA and the answer for me is easy, I live in Virginia and Charlottesville is one of my favorite places to visit and my beautiful state. Yes I am a Virginian and proud of it. What happen in Charlottesville is just really clear to me, yes I know what went down, and yes I know why. But having leave in Virginia all my life and being an African American in a Southern state,where a lot of its citizens still wave the confederate flag high for all too see. This has been this way since I have been here and we people of color in this state have always look and kept it moving and why you would say, because something like a flag, or a statue, something that can not hurt us or really stands to remind us of the past, is just that a thing of the past. These confederate solder statues are of past confederates, the confederate flag is a past flag, so it is part of this country's past, a part of history. We learn in school that the past can only hurt us if we don't learn from it, and apparently some people are not learning from the past, such as that violence is not a solution, it only wreck lives and create havoc. I have never cared about the confederate flag flying, as long as it was not forced on me. I did not care about these statues all around Virginia as I look at them as part of history that we were taught about in school. Charlottesville was the home of Thomas Jefferson who owned many slaves, who had relations with a slave and had many children with this slave. Charlottesville to me was a sign of the times, this kids were interracial, so when I always visited Charlottesville, with its beautiful hills high and lovely blue ridge mountains view that is so breath taking, especially when you fly out of their airport and you sit back and look out the window at these mountains and think how God did such an incredible job with this master piece. I love this wine country side and little personal bakeries, and food eateries. This city is so warm and welcoming, so for this tragedy to have happen here was just a sign that some people will not let it go, that hate, that hate and that passion to continue to hate in a world full of so much beauty. We have a past in this country, so why not leave it there, some people would rather repeat the past then try to erase and create as God did. It is so sad that how some people can turn around their belief of the almighty higher power, to say that it is teaching them hate. What bible or scripture you are reading from sounds like the devils version, which it just may be as some say they do not believe in God. Anyway as city saying that they were going to remove a statue should not have come to what it did. I was out of town when it happen but happen to have to travel back from Indianapolis and had to come through Charlottesville and stop and get my car that I left and pick it up. What I witness was kindness towards me and great conversation, it was not of anything ugly words or gesture. I said nothing of what had happen, but I had a conversation with a white girl and how we were both virgos are both days a couple days apart and are age was about a decade apart, how alike we felt at that moment as we had a connection that had nothing to do with our different skin color, wow.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Go Fund Me, For my precious Grand Babies (

Now this is something I would not usually do or recommend anyone else too, but I started a go fund me page for my daughter and her fiance who just had twin girls. They already have a two year old son and was blessed with two baby girls, named Gabrielle and Natalie. This was a pregnancy that they did not attend on having but accept what happen, then was told it was not one child but it was two. Now my daughter carried the girls to 34weeks and they had to perform a emergency c-section because one of the girls was in trouble. These beautiful girls were born on July 28th at UI Health North in Indiana delivered by some very gifted doctors and cared for by some very extra ordinary nurses, whom still continue to monitor these babies. Now my daughter and fiance are very proud young people, which we as parents raise them that way. They got an apartment on their own when they had their first child, paid their own bills and my daughter continued to go to college. Now that they have added two my kids to the family it will be a little harder for them, and both set of grandparents are doing everything we can as far as clothing and items that the babies will need, but while in Indiana I drove my daughters car and now I found out that her transmission is about to go, it have over 190,000 mile on a G6. My daughter can not be driving these babies around in this and break down, she and her fiance are getting by but that is pay check to pay check, so now she needs to get a car or family vehicle that is reliable. So because they are too proud to ask for anything, I as a grandparent has started a go fund me page for them. I am trying to raise at least five thousand to get her a reliable vehicle to transport all her children in. These two have enough on their plate without worrying how they will be getting around, as her fiance is working multiple jobs to feed his family and pay the bills. The page is located at In which you can go and view the babies stories. The weighed in at 4lbs and 3lbs and continue to thrive as they fight to survive which I know they will, but now their parents need you for a helping hand that I have told them about passing on what they will receive when they get on their feet and is able to help someone they run into that has a need. Passing on is a term that I have fell in love with because I know that when God blesses me it only inspires me to continue to bless someone else. So if you can help with a much as you can, rather it be $1 dollar, it is something.