Are we as Americans becoming as stupid as we appear or are we just refusing to open our eyes to what is happening around us.
Friday, December 30, 2016
Happy Holidays!! ( I Am Here For You)
I forgot as a blogger to say Happy Holidays to all and thank you to all that take the time to read my posts. You have made it through 2016 and will continue to make it through 2017. I know things may get tough and there maybe days when you don't know what you will do, but remember you have a person that is all powerful that I go to in times of hard and that is God. You can go to him anywhere, at anytime, at any place. Talk to him when you feel the need, don't care what the others think of you if they think you are talking to yourself. Now I as a person who know how it is to be lonely during this holidays know it can be rough and that is why I am here if you need a physical person to talk to, I talk to you all the time when I post my thoughts and you read it, why should I not take the time to let you write me and I read it and I will reply to it if you require me to. My email address is I will read what is on your mind, rather it be how you will spend your holiday, rather you how you are feeling this holiday or if you just need to talk this holiday. Now I will be in church on New Years eve to bring it in, but will be home a little after midnight and if you need to talk after that time about something or before I will be reading your postings. I want to be there for other as God and family have been there for me through my tough time. Life is not easy, we all know this and people who seem to have it all have their problems as well. People seems to think that money equals happiness but that is so not true, you can have happiness without money. I have learn that happiness is God and family in my life, yes I am fortunate to be able to pay my bills and not live on the streets but you know that at any moment I could be on the streets, but as long as I got God and family I believe I will never go homeless or hungry. Think about, money can be you shelter, it can buy you material things, but can it really buy you happiness. If you are lonely can money by you feel that void. Why would you want to pay for something that should come naturally, you are only fooling yourself and some people, not God and not your heart. Start a new you and be you, I will listen and keep in confidence. I know you say you are a blog writer, that don't mean I can't keep secrets, as I have plenty to keep from others, I am not your judge or your jury, I am just the person who will listen, on occasion give my opinion and maybe some little advice as to what you could possibly do, that is it. Give God a try and if you need a physical ear give me a try.
Little Women of Dallas (Emily is a Piece of Work)
Is it just me or is Emily off the Little Women of Dallas an a-hole. She has some kind of trust fund and is using this to treat others like sh**. I know when you have money and others find out then you should not loan money to your friends because they will use the hell out of you. But Emily is using that money thing she has to make others kind of beg at her feet when they need a favor. See gave Caylee three hundred dollars and at like it was a thousand, she brought a truck for her to watch that was so dirty it took three hundred to clean it and she said I was going to make her work for this money, that is all fine but she did not have to get on camera and say it the way she did and get the truck extra dirty to make her work harder, what kind of friend does that. Next Asta ask Emily for a loan for share in a bar her and her husband open and what does Emily say, she tells Asta she wants 60percent, what the hell. Emily says it is on the advice of the her lawyer, but she is taking over half for an idea Asta and her husband has, what the hell Emily. What is funny is I listen to Emily lawyer talk and give her all this advice and notice she is putting all her trust in her lawyer, that is a big mistake. If you ask me Emily's lawyer looks like a sneaky snake and he is telling her to beware of her investments, she better be aware of her lawyer, how much is she paying him and what if any is he telling her to invest her money in, I am just saying. Emily you may think because you have your lawyer on your side you are a bad a**, but all bad a** with lawyers can go down like anyone else, you better check behind him girl. What really got me the most about Emily attitude is when Asta told her they would not agree to giving her sixty percent, Miss Emily had the audacity to say that she would just open a small person bar of her own, yes she did, she is stole Asta and her husband's concept. Emily claim it is not stealing because their are other bars like it but she has to admit she did not talk about opening a bar until Asta brought the subject up to her. Emily also has the nerve to call Tara from Little Women of LA to go in with her, will she be asking Tara to go in for forty percent and she go in for sixty percent but ask Tara to put up half, that remains to be seen but it will be interesting. If you ask me, in my personal opinion what Emily is doing is underhanded and I think Asta and her husband should sue her. Emily thinks cause she has money she can buy her way through anything, she now wants to have another baby by the same man just so she can have a baby that is similar, how selfish is that of her, trying to replace a baby she lost. I think for one thing Emily is showing that she is to immature for the money she has, whoever gave her the trust fund should have put a stipulation on the age when she got the money cause this girl, notice I did not say women can't handle it. I would love to interview Emily to ask her some questions that just don't make since. Now I know why Bri is hanging around Emily so tight, its because of the money, that is why Bri ran to her side, possibly thinking maybe Emily will look out for her when it comes to money. Bri needs to get a mind of her own and stick with that good man she has a baby boy and focus on her family and her family only, they don't need Emily money, especially since she seems to use it to control people like puppets, what the crap. Remember Emily what goes around, comes around and you may not believe it but you will definitely reap it.
The Magnificant Seven-Remake (The Movie)
Okay I for one have to say I just saw the movie, yes I am a big fan of westerns, yes it is usually the older western but yes I feel if done right you can remake a good movie. But I have to say in my personal opinion the new magnificent seven was not done well. I am not complaining about the actors as there were some good one in this movie, but I have to say the remake and the way the movie was written was done totally wrong in my opinion. To began with they started with a bunch of poor farmers who were in a small Texas town, yep Texas and this all white farming town had citizens who did not know how to shoot because they were farmers. An all white community in Texas during that time that did not know how to hold a gun, yeah right. That is what I said the plot started off unbeleiveable and who in the world was suppose to believe this when most of the people in Texas including women and children knew how to shot a gun before they could almost walk. Wow, this storyline just go me wanting to know where they were going with it and to my surprise it went where I was just lost. It did a lot of shoot em ups, of course it was the West, but the storylines given to the characters suck in my opinion. No one really had any understanding of these men and who they really were, including Denzel until end of movie and even then I got even more lost because I was confused to as to rather I was watching the magnificent seven or hang em high. Yes I thought I was suppose to watching a black Clint Eastwood when it ended, if this was the case redo a Clint Eastwood movie, although I am unsure if this can be done because Eastwood was a hell of an actor, especially when it came to his Westerns. I watch this man when he first came on the screen in a movie when his was in the American Civil war and landed at this all women institution in which they ended up killing him at the end, well see he fought for the side they were against, it was rather bizarre but I could tell that man was going some where. I sorry but if I was a critic I would have to give the Magnificent Seven movie a two thumbs down. It was slow, suppose to build up to a dramatic overly exciting climax that has you on the edge of your seat anticipating the middle of the story. Instead me and others talked through the movie, talking of how it could have been better and what exactly did they go wrong with this storyline that Denzel Washington could not even catch our attention. We talked and talked and talked as I sat puzzled about what Western we were watching when Denzel reveal who he was and why he had such a grudge against this man trying to take over the town, although I am not sure if Denzel knew before he helped this community or only after this lady told him who the man was and how he destroyed another town that Denzel knew of. I was so confused, it was almost like I needed a translator, but I did not get one and I was just as confused when it went off. Maybe they did not want the movie to out do the original one as the Magnificent Seven was a legend in its own right and who wants to out do a legend, who as an actor would want to remake a legendary movie, when you know people don't look for it to be better. I am one of those people that look for the remake to out do the original. I do not think it takes from the original but I think it adds to what was already great, to show how a acting has grown and technology has helped it to grow. An actor should want to be the greatest and do justice to a great movie by giving it his all. You don't have to act like the original actor, but you have to bring something to the screen that is yours that will make the audience say, damn he did a awesome job, did not think it could be done. You have to show them you are not taking from the old but adding a little something something, do you know what I mean? It is all in taking the audience and acting to a new level people, lets put greatness back into our movies or our kids have nothing to look forward too. Look at the past Christmas, we usually have great movies that come out for Christmas and family memebers like mine would get together for the holidays and pick which movie they would want to see. Well we had nothing to choose from this Christmas they only put out star wars like they wanted everyone to just go to see Star Wars and give it great ratings if that was all the young people had to choose from, which it was. We usually have like four or five having a all out debate on which one would be the best and why we should choose that one to go see first, we would eventually go see them all. So why would the theaters and producers or whomever put out the movie not put any movie during this Christmas that was competitive. I think they had one with Jennifer Lawerence, blah, some space love movie, I guest to give her a good rating also, I don't know what this was all about. Anyway, it sure put a damper on my movie plans for those days I take off during the holidays. Now I its about the summer when all the movies come out and I will be working to cover all the vacation others are taking to got to the beach, which cause me to miss a lot of good movies this past summer, so I just took the time to play catch up on those since they decided not to put any great movies around Christmas like they use to.
Friday, December 23, 2016
Woman to Women (It Is That Time To Stop Our Madness)
I sit up late for I can not sleep, knowing that the cup of coffee I had before bed time will not show any mercy. But this is not about my sleeping habits it is about what I have on my mind with regards to women in general. Women, I am all about empowering each other but I am also about us passing on knowledge that is not on the everyday agenda. We need to let each other know when we know something just is not right. This world has gone to the dogs, as one way to put it, we all know that the new laws and people understanding and turning of understandings around has cause what was once a moral code now a sin. We grow further and further apart on Gods teaching with each day it seems almost and most humans don't blink an eye at the changes of his words or following. Now to be moral is almost unethical in our society, what is a person to do. For one I do not know but I do know that I don't like a lot of what I am seeing and one thing I am seeing is a lot of men praying on women. It is not just younger men but older men to. We have men who don't want to be men anymore they want to live off women and their answer to this when they are confronted is, well women did it for a long time, yeah that is what I say, what the crap. Like it is an excuse for a man to not want to stand on his own two feet and make his own money and buy his own items, or pay his own bills. No what these men want is to have sex with the women and make them basically pay for the sex, they want to pick out a woman they think is vulnerable and hope she will look at his sex and his building up of her as a marketable product. Well I am here to say hell no, we are women and no matter what of life we come from, the color of our skin, or how we look, we are more then just a cheap thrill and a pocketbook. Lets as women hold our heads up higher and let the pride and the fear of being alone no lets us loose our dignity because that is what we are doing when we pay these may to lay down with us. We should not fall for the lies they throw at us, or believe the hype and fake promises. I know some of you are asking how are we suppose to know when it is real or not. We again I say we are women and we have more, power and strength then some of us know. As women we are moms, we are sisters, we are children. We have children, brothers and parents who can help us with questions or give some advice. You sons can tell you how a man thinks as well as your brother and your parents can tell you what they experience with men, especially your father who no matter how old he is will tell his daughter how to handle a low down dirty ass man. We have to use this knowledge to overcome our downfall of creating a society of weak ass men. Now I know some men are just on the down low and are using women to help them until they are with that men they want to be with or until they admit to themselves that they just want to be with another of their sex, I know just the thought is scary to be with someone like that but I am here to tell you this is happening. The younger generation with some of the older generation who will not grow up and are learning from the younger generation the new schemes in today society, have learn to plot on women no matter what it takes. These people don't believe that there is any consequences to their actions, so with this being said they believe in getting what they want by any means possible, oh this is so sad. They don't care who heart this crush and have no shame, they will tell you all the lies they think you want to hear, they will do what it takes to get your trust and they will screw that knife in your back as far as you will allow them. That is why I am saying take the knife out, better yet block that knife from going in and save yourself the heartache, the minus money and they demons on your ass. I would love to write a book in hopes that women would read it and maybe if I can save one women from crossing that line or one girl from feeling she has to do the same, I would have made a difference. I want to make a difference to all women, it is not about power and money but it is about self. Your self worth is power and money to God, you would be one of the richest women in the land if you can walk with your head as to say I walk the way of God, I will not hold up a weak ass man, I will see what is before me and if it is a joker in site, I will walk through him as if he was made of paper. I am so passionate about saving women because women just are getting so used by these so called men who have not conscious in what they are doing to these women. I have been used over and over again, I accept it and walked away but what I learn should help other women and I should share my knowledge not ignore what happen and keep myself moving when I know I can be a benefit to others. I know what it is like to be cheated out of money in different ways and these same men think I am suppose to accept it and year later they try to come back, what the f, it is like they see women as dumb ass creatures that God created and we all know that is not true. I believe God put women on earth because Adam was not smart enough to figure out that he could not be in a world alone with creatures like himself and continue to make the world grow. Women breath life into men like Adam, so who is the weaker sex, for not for women there is not life, think about it.
Sunday, December 18, 2016
The New USSR (Is That What Our Country Going to Become?), All In Fun
Okay you all who read my post know that a lot of it is because I just want to express my own opinion on mostly reality shows but every now and then I express my opinion on other things. One that has now come to thought is the way in which we as a country maybe come. This is all in fun, and I am joking out of my own warp mindset of thinking. With all the spying being down by Russia on us in this country and to find out that they actually had something to do with the interference of the election is rather crazy, but we already knew this could happen. With all this coming on and allies of Russia getting into public seats in the America's government and now leading me to thing that we as a country maybe come the NEW USSR. I know I know this sound crazy, but if we as a people in this country do not step up, we just might find ourselves in a little, no lot of trouble. My husband, God rest his soul, has now past on but was in the Army for a many of years in infantry, express to me that he wanted to never want to know that we as a country would do business with Russia. My husband said that one thing we should not do is hook up with Russia for he knows that Russia is doing business with North Korea, wow that is a scary thought. He told me this before he past and did not want to see this come true, that is one reason I think God said it was time to call my husband home. Now that we know this might come true, what as a people are we to do, should we really let Russia in on so much of our secrets, they already has had spies in this country stealing who knows how many secrets but now that our government will be cooperating with Russia, who again I live on my husband word that Russia is doing business with North Korea, it may come to overtaking our country and we becoming the New USSR. The new USSR, okay I can't do it. That is why I have my island that I will make minds to name and be leader of so that I will have a safe haven for me and my family and whoever wants to be a part of it. We will not be a threat to the New USSR so they will have no reason to cross the waters to our island but we may have to do a little business. We may have to live off a lot of sea life and live very simply. I will do what I have do to separate myself to what is to come of the New USSR, who the hell knows Putin may be the next to run for President in this country, or at least a Russian who is undercover as one of us, I am just saying. Think about it all people think about it, this is a little funny but scary at the same time.
The Real Housewives of Atlanta (Kandi Burruss Tucker Please have several seats!!!)
Watching the what I call, the pretend housewives of Atlanta featuring that fake, phony, whining a** Kandi and her entourage talk about Phadera and make it all about someone else besides herself. Kandi has gotten so far off her path I think she is starting to fail to realize that God is in charge and now she thinks her and Todd are gods. With this being said Kandi, remember what goes around comes around and you filling your mouth with Phadera in it talking only negativity on her behalf don't make you so sort of saint that is above the bullshi*, it only makes you look like a bitter woman who thinks she has so much money that she is above all else and that includes God who says to forgive and to forget is human and love, which apparently you not full of. It makes someone like me who watches the television wonder what you are hiding. Usually when a person who supposedly has everything focuses on another person as hard as you and mama Joyce are focusing on Phadera, I start to wonder why are you not happy with yourself. What is it Kandi that you are hiding, you and Todd marriage, you seem to be worried about money lately, your mother does not have a job so you support her, Todd does not have a real job only what you have him doing, so you are supporter of them all. Money is going out but who is bringing it in. Why Kandi you talk about Phadera and her problems especially with your employees and so called friends, as we all know real friends are not usually those who are around you on a daily basis, get what I am saying. Those people that work with you and put Phadera in their mouth as well and they do not know the woman personally worries me, why are they helping you bring down another person when they don't know this person. Me personal I will pray for you all because I am scared for the raft that God will put on all of you for actually having sessions to talk about another human being on a television show. Kandi if this guy who is your baby's father has you that nervous that you are taking the time to twist the knife in another person's back, I think you should go to a pastor, counselor or better yet on your knees, which ever works for you and ask why are you doing this to yourself. You are making yourself look like that wicked witch on the OZ that told Dorothy I will get you and your little dog toetoe too. You Kandi are saying to Phadera that you, mama Joyce and your entourage will all attack Phadera on a daily basis. The one thing I do have to give Todd a one up on is I notice he is not going at Phadera as hard as Kandi is, he had that dispute with Phadera they settled it and Todd choose to move on. Todd have look at that they made what he feel was true relationship with the people on this show and it was worth keeping. Kandi on the other hand seemed to have made enemies, such as Nene and Phadera and see look at them as her back stabbers, but Nene has moved on and yet Kandi still has Nene in her mouth, I am so confused with Kandi right now. Why does a woman who claims to be a woman of God can't let grudges go. Do you not know when you let grudges that are long forgotten go you as a person began to heal an you start feeling better from the inside out. God gave us all a gift and that is the gift to help and forgive our fellow man, he gave us one of the greatest power deep within us. When you hold hatred, which I am getting from you Kandi inside, that is why you cry so much when you get angry. You don't know why you cry but tears come because you don't know why you are so angry, why you are having these feelings. One of those reason could be that your ex popped back up and now you are taken it out on the other cast members. Why don't you take it out on the producers of the show who probably talked Riley's dad to come to the show to get a little action going on, they probably offer him something to boost the ratings, think about what I am saying. This has nothing to do with Nene or Phadera it has everything to do with Block. Block has come to the show and Kandi has gone of the edge, the producer said lets do something besides tell about Kandi's happy story of her marriage to Todd and new baby Ace, lets get this woman heated up by bringing her ex in and they did. The only one who really has the drama is Kandi, since we all know that Kenya has paid another man to fake her drama, that is so sad. Personally the entire show is said with all the negative and nothingness going on. Please Kandi stop the hate of your cast mates, make peace not nasty comments, when you make these nasty comments then mama Joyce, who has nothing to do with a grown as daughter business start bringing in the negatives as well and it gets real ugly with both of you ladies and those dam* whining voices you two have. I am sorry about that one but the noise just bothers my sensitive ears. Kandi and Block need to have one on one to get it all out in the open. Kandi the few fans you have left on this show do not like your ugly attitude, it makes you look ugly on the outside as well as the inside. Bring to the reunion a you we can look at and respect, the one who drops Kenya because being friend with Kenya makes us wonder about you as well, I guess you guys are so much alike its scary. Like Wendy Williams would say, take several seats and think about your actions and come back when your head is clear. The stress from the restaurant, the new baby, the husband that don't work, the mother that don't work, the daughter who is growing up, paying all the bills and of course the ex who has popped up, I get it I really get it, you are stressed girl. Don't let the stress make you make bad decision and end up in a place that you wonder how you got there. Go to God and let him have his way with you.
Sunday, December 11, 2016
The Walking Dead, Half Season Ender
Okay, Okay I know the Walking Dead has just been that, the walking dead because it has had us all walking in a daze. But I was waiting for this half season finale because I believed that would redeem themselves and make a come back and indeed they did. Yes some more characters did get killed off, but that was for a reason, we did not need them anyway. Now we have what we should have the group coming back together and putting their heads together as how to defeat the all Regan, when I looked up how his name was pronounce it was Regan but originally I thought they were calling him Negan, but now I am unsure because it sounds like Negan again. Anyway, this a*hole is about to go down, it just a matter how they will do it and oh boy I for one can not wait to see how they take whatever his name is down. It needs to be slow and easy and make him suffer guys make him suffer and remember your friends he killed, don't let him get off easy by dying quickly. I can not wait until the group reunites with Carol and Morgan. For Carol to find out that Glenn and Abraham are deceased will be foreseen how her entire attitude changes about staying to herself. I love Carol as a bada** and she is only second to Michonne, well sometimes I feel Carol has her beat. When Carol goes to war she goes to war and the group needs her because she is a quick thinker on her feet. Will the other girl tell of the women hidden in the woods, this I do not know but I do know the group will need guns and she will have to consider helping them get those guns, of course maybe this group will fight with them as well. Okay now that we know the group are getting back together in February, lets skip the rest of December and January and just go straight to the action because this is what I have been waiting for. Waiting to see them take this group down from the inside out, because we do know that Regan has some enemies inside his camp that has been slowly poisoning him and some of his people, how will this all play out in the taken down of the devil himself, I do not know but I am so ready to find out. This reunion they had on the show tonight does make up for all the harshness we had to deal with from Regan that last few weeks. Enough is and enough of Regan, but we have to remember we went through this same thing with the governor, although I have to admit the governor does not seem to have been such as bada** compare to Regan, it leaves me to wonder if the governor was still alive and he ran into Regan what would have happen. I guess a collaboration of some sort maybe, anyway great half season ending writers, you still are on point, some people just have to understand you have to get throw the thorns to reveal the beautiful flower.
The Real Housewives Atlanta
Okay, I think I am done with Real Housewives of Atlanta. I think they are running out of things to do and they have not sorted to given Mama Joyce a storyline, if you want to call it that. Mama Joyce has gone to spying on Phadera and what she is doing to obtain her divorce, now lets all us watchers say it together so the producer can hear it loud and clear. WHAT IN THE HELL IS MAMA JOYCE GOT TO DO WITH PHADERA'S DIVORCE AND HOW SHE HANDLES IT, absolutely nothing if you ask me. Phadera can take as long as she wants to, to get a divorce from Apollo and we do not care. Divorce is not easy and anyway a person chooses to handle it is their own personal business. Mama Joyce said Phadera has been going after her daughter Kandi so she is going after Phadera. Mama Joyce how many times do people have to tell you Kandi is a gown as woman, stay the hell out of her business and if you want to protect your daughter you need to watch out for Todd because from what I am watching on television Todd is no business man and he will take Kandi's businesses down, which seems to be happening already. Kandi is trying to let Todd handle things and I do not see it happening and I never seen Kandi worry about money is much as she is worrying about it now, wonder why. Kandi can't keep an eye out for her enemy if she is sleeping with him. Did you catch that one? Kandi is living in her fantasy world choosing to say her and Todd has a strong, tight marriage, think again and look real deep Kandi before you get hurt girl. Marriage is work and if you two are slacking in certain areas and not thinking about it twice, then you go undercover problems that you really are keeping hidden, think about it. Now as for Sheri, is she trying to stay on the show by snitching on everyone, especially since she really does not have a storyline and was technically kicked off the show before because she was bore city. Yes Sheri maybe fighting for her life to have a storyline and what better way too start some real drama, if you want to bring drama for me, then get in a fight with Kenya. Now as for Miss Head Cray Cray, yes Kenya herself who is living in her fantasy world with this fake believe boyfriend, she did not pay this one like she did the first one did she? I am just asking cause there is some weird stuff going on with this storyline. Kenya sad Matt is acting like a child and so is she with all that crying like she is some sort of teenager. Kenya just threaten the man and he said he should have stayed in LA but she called him, ohh all this sh** is suspious, please someone let us know what is going on with the storyline, oh that is it. This entire scene that Kenya and Matt are doing is their storyline to stay on the show also, I get it these people are putting this drama in their lives to stay alive, oh how deceitful can you guys be to keep us watching. The only norm on the show is Cynthia's divorce procedings from Peter, or is it. Peter is doing interviews saying Cynthia blindsided him so he can continue to be a part of the show as well, this all getting so crazy, my head is spinning. Get her Matt, he is making a point that Kenya loves to pick and pick and pick on people and putting people down until they lash out at her, that is exactly what you do Kenya, you are a sh** starter and can not finish it, you go so much mouth but can not back it up you ass*ole. Kenya need a good a** whipping. Kandi are you still jealous of Nene and Phadera's relationship? You still holding grudges against Phadera becoming friends with Nene and talking to Nene, come on really? Nene went to Phadera's side when she was going through things with Apollo when you were no where to be found, you did not even call Phadera and you call yourself her friend. Now lets get this straight, you still can let that sh** go. Kandi holds grudges like nobody's business and so do her Mama Joyce, were is the God in these people, they can't know God with the statements they make. Did anyone hear what Mama Joyce at age 66 say about not pissing in the woman's mouth if it was on fire, what the H-E double hockey sticks is she thinking. I would not at that age go to my grave with a statement like that if I planned on seeing my maker, wll maybe she don't plan on seeing our maker, maybe her's and he don't care what the "F" she says to people as he wants that divide amongst us. Wow this world really has become ugly and is getting uglier when our older generation don't give a crap what they do to another human being. I am applaud at Mama Joyce and now I know why Kandi acts the way she do when she was raised by a mother like this and it is being passed on to Riley, wow. Stop the curse and teach your child Kandi how you forgive for the love of God, you let the hate go because when you have hate you hurt only yourself. What happens years ago, drop it and start over and she how God works in your life, it will amaze you how free you become, do it for yourself.
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Little Women of Dallas: That Brawl was out of Control
I was applaud with the fight that happen on Little Women of Dallas. Now first of all the fight should not have started and yes Brichelle was wrong for getting into Amanda business by asking her personal questions. But what gets me is that everyone talks of the fight that Brichelle and Amanda had and this was not so. It was five on one, when it should have either, left to one on one or broken up all together. Why did all these little women of Dallas get in on the fight with Brichelle I am not understanding and why none of these women admitting to what they all did was wrong has me puzzled. No matter how much bigger they think Brichelle is or the color of her skin is, why did it take five and a pan by one of them going across Brichelle's head why the others were already beating up on her needs to be explained. This tape needs to be played over at the reunion and I think some of the girls need to explain why they went in on Brichelle when there were so many on her already. They all talked about the incident after words and none of it made since to me because them saying they whip her a** was not true and how they gave it to her. I saw all these women jump on her and Brichelle stilled held her own, it was not right and her friend or relative who went for the one on Brichelle head was wrong for punching her but she saw this girl go to the top of Brichelle head and start pulling this women's hair, what the hell, and she said she was trying to stop her, yeah right. This definitely in my opinion had to do with color because after the brawl they laugh about the situation and talked as if what all them did was right, how was this so. Nothing about that situation was right and I give kodoos to Birchelle for being the bigger woman and apologizing and paying for Amanda's teeth and I applaud Amanda for forgiving what transpired between her and Brichelle. Who I don't understand and thinks they need to explain themselves when the reunion show comes on and the tape is replayed for them all to see is Emily and Bri. Bri hit Brichelle with a pan while the other women were already fighting the woman and Emily punk a** kick the woman and acted as if she put a whipping on her, she looked like a scared hole to me. These two women were suppose to be the ones the show spin off for and was suppose to be the fan's favorite, they are not in my opinion. I actually don't like Emily or Bri as a part of this show and do not think they fit, they just too like candy a** for this show and if you ask me there is some tension in their own relationship. I just think the entire brawl was just wrong, I am so glad that some of the women can forgive, I love anytime people can let something go and not harp on it, that is what God would want, to hold something in your heart is not what he would want and leads me to think you do not walk in the path of righteousness. Little people of all should understand that forgive and forgetting is much more powerful than hold vengeance in your heart which can destroy you. Emily seems not to be a forgiving person, I see Bri as more giving but goes along with Emily ways, why I don't know. I am like Whodia, I guess I am saying his name right, Bri need to go back with him to Atlanta. All I am saying its like rewind this brawl and really discuss what happen because apparently some people saw somethings different.
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