Sunday, October 23, 2016


The season has started off to a very heartfelt, disappointment, empty feeling in all who are true fans. We lost two, want say the names, it is not only who died bit how the died that brought so much emotions to us all. I was at disbelief at what was happening with eyes pierced on television and mouth wide open as I try to listen over my sister who is latterly screaming in the background to the top of her lungs in horror. Deacon to me has been the worst villian by far because his method of killing and torture is rather sadistic. Deacon is a man with no heart who has people scared of him, and he knows it. Now what those who are left, I do like the way the remaining team pulled together to help each other move on. Why has the writers chosen, not one but two of our favorites to kill off. It's about, the element of surprise, if you read the book it should have just been Glenn, but surprise there are two. Oh my goodness, we got a shock to our heart and then to go after Rick's son Karl, just in humane, but Negan wants control and he expects it, so how better to make people respect you, put the fear of God in them. Negan don't know this group though, but he will soon find out. Some have nothing to lose, like Maggie. Yes I believe Maggie will be Negan's demise. This is the most pain she has ever had and this is a woman scorned, but revenge will be here first name in this season.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Stump Trump (Why Dont Your Motto be I see Rich people)

Hey thats my new slogan "Stump Trump". Who knew when I would hit it on the head  when I named this blog 1-800-SMACKME, because this country right here is what some would say is gobe to the dogs but I just say its gone to hell. There is mo morals, young people seem to get stupider every year, we know this by the projections saying that Trump actually have most of their botes. Yep we gone to hell and the younger people who are apparently refusing to read history or the bible is doomed to repeat it. If you look at history and read the bible you will know this has all happen before  and it did not work for God then, so he cleaned the slate cleaned and started all over, so what make you young people think he wanted do it again, because he will until we get it right. But the sad part about it us young people don't want to hear it and clise there eats to rational. They say we live in a free society and we have the right to make any choices we want. This we do but ehat abiut God,hello do you know him and if so do you remember his commandments and what he say will help keep a workd of peace. Its like the move God is Real 2 and how they put all these historians on the stand in a court room and they testified that the Bible is factional making it a part of our history, in which we can learn from, wow.  We can learn from the bible and with this being said I personally would like to have a candidate that is ib the presidency that knows something about the bible. You hear this Trump, does he know anything about the bible and God words, if he did would he say half of what he said about this county's people. Can we ask a presidential candidate  biblical questions, or would I be violating his or her rights, but it's part of history. Can Mr. Trump answer one question on a biblical subject, or will they ask me the question before hand so he can study up on it, we know how tgat work. As long as long as he dont get the same person who prep his wife and he be getting up at the podium trying to mark one of Obama speeches were he talks of the bible, that would be a real diaster. Can you imagine, as strong of a speech Obama gives, Donald Trump trying to do the same speech, turning up his noise trying put it in his own words and oops, he ends up quoting the gates of hell book, yep I made that up. Personally I am trying to stump out Trumps campaign, it makes no sense what his agenda is, other thsn to make the people like himself, you know the rich, richer and us the poor, well if you tjink you poor now, wait until this man get in the seat. Any little thing they have for the low income he will cut out, how else you think him and his rich friends will get away eighteen years without paying taxes. The rest of us little people will have to double  up to cover the cost. Big businesses will boom, little businesses well lets just say you are doomed. Trump has no plans for the little man,  other than to run us out the country. He say this country will be owned and run by the rich, that's it his slogan, "why bother with the small when we can get it all". The small man has know pkace in my country his speech will say, lets just send them all away. And the young people will continue to cheer this man on, because that has what we become, rather sad. God forgive us.

Basketball Wives LA????Tami, Tami, Tami

Basketball wives LA, I am still trying to figure out who has a man that play basketball, but anyway. It continues with the Tami drama, here is this 40 plus year old woman still acting like a rachet azz twenty year old hood rat, when will the growing up ever happen. Tami is suppose  to be the grown up and set examples for her daughters but instead her daughter has to be the real grown up and take Duffey's apology like a woman and accept it. But not this what she calls herself a bad azz, or wants to believe she is, because to tell you the honest truth I have yet to see Tami really fight, I have watched her talk shit to people, I have watched her bully people, at a time  I thought we was trying to promote no bullying to young people, and I have watched Tami chase people, but I have yet to see Tami beat a azz. What could this mean, well let me give you my two cent on what I think is goung on. Tami is seeking some kind of steady income,we all know this like Brandi said, she is a thirsty bitvh hopping from reality show to the next. I never believed she should have been on celebrity marriage boot camp it seemed to me like her and the boyfriend was faking it. I think its all about Tami trying to work on getting her own show and boy she is trying to work hard at it. You can work hard and achieve a goal but you have also remember there's a way to go about it and I don't think trying to fight all these younger girls to prove to the world you can hang is tge way to do it and acting rachet is definitely not the way. It seems as if the older Tami gets, dare I say it, the dumber she gets. Well they do say as we get older we go backwards, but damn I thought that was at least around your late 60's early 70s, is Tami that old, just joking. I personally amsick of the Tami debacle, Shaunie may think it makes great tv, personally it seems as if Shaunie is scared of Tami to me, just my personal opinion. I do know one thing though Tami kisses Shaunie azz, its  her only bread and butter right now. Moving on if Tami was so upset why did she not leave, why stay to fight a person when we seen you telling Shaunie you may be pregnant. Who talks shit and jumps up to fight someone when you have said you been having issues carrying a baby and getting pregnant but now you will risk it all. It all smells rather fishy to me and I am fed up with it. Sorry Shaunie I have to give your show a fed up sticker, cause the bullshit Tami brings to the table, I am fed up with. Can I do that can I give a show that I am done with a fed up sticker. Jackie I'm fed up with your crazy azz too,  how in the hell Doug watch you make a fool of yourself on this show I never know, maybe he dont watch. Run that man away Jackie so I can puck him up, Im just saying, he is rather fine too me, too damn fine to have Cokoo for cocoa puffs wife for, again just saying in my own opinion. I know, I know opinions are like assholes, everyone has one so I must be talking out my asshole. But it is my asshole regardless.

I am Wrath (The Movie) Yes Watch it

I had to write about this movie I just saw thst I got out redbox, with John Travolta and Christopher Meloni. I have to say I give this movie a two thumbs up. As usually Mr. Travolta gave a great performance and I was wondering why I had not seen him lately on the big screen as talented of a man he is. Then I remembered how he was being scrutinize for someone claiming he had gay tendencies and made some passes at men, wow. People and their judgements, someone come out with what they call dirt on a celebrity and because maybe Mr. Travolta refuse to pay them blackmail monry they take it to the tabloids. Rather it be true or not who are us to judge and are we judging because he maybe possibly gay or are we judging because he supposedly made advances at these men, which we not know if these strangers are lying to us for profit off a certain situation they were in. We all know what this world has become and it is all about getting money quick and fast anyway they can no matter who they hurt along the way. With judgements being set aside both John and Christopher are excellent actors who both have had outstanding careers. I loved Christopher in law and order and especially OZ. Both of this men are seasoned actors who can play any role, what real actors do. What really surprised me was these two men together, I never would have thought pairing the two men in a movie together but whoever did made a excellent choice. These man were strong together and made for a great movie to the point I wanted more at the end. So now I am thinking will there be some sequels, or would they make it a television show, it could be done. I would watch these two men on a night show paired together before I watched something like this new Macgyver show with young unknown actors who, please forgive me men and women, can not act. Yes I tried to watch it and yes it was boring, some young actors just can't pull it off. Now back to a show I would love to see thats not reality. Here is the plot, John and Christopher  now become these two men who began helping people with their tough situations but of course without the knowledge of the law. This all start on the advice of John's daughter who now knows what her daddy can do and finds herself in a situation with some friends and she knows who to call. After they help his daughter and her friends the daughter puts out the suggestion about them doing this full time. I know its sounds like the equalizer but its twice as better because you have two very great seasoned actors who can bring a lot to the screen for us. Okay I am ready for the movie sequels or show, who's with me.