Monday, August 31, 2015

Love and Hip Hop Atlanta Reunion Part 1 (8-24-15)

Love and Hip Hop reunion part 1 was, how do I put it, it was okay, a little interesting but just okay. Why do I say interesting because Joseline, yes our favorite was actually sober, a big different from last season reunion as well as her beef cake Stevie J, who surprisingly enough was also sober and did admit so. Now what I was surprised was how Joseline stepped in to jump on Nikko and his freaky wife Margeaux, okay not so freaky, but just scary as hell, her looks baffles me. But Joseline lit into Nikko because this low down dirty dog use Mimi's child as a pawn to get at Stevie J and that is just something you do not do, even Joseline got sense enough to understand that. Now as for Mimi herself, of course Joseline still has no love lost for this woman but yet Joseline made up with Miss Dimepiece, who knew Joseline when she was something a lot less sexy. Now I am a fan of Karlie Redd because she is doing her thing and making her money, but for some reason Joseline decided to blow up on Karlie and call her out as a big hot mess who is playing the cards on both side and saying she is everyone friend, so why not. I am with Karlie if I get along with this person and I also get along with a person they don't like, why do I have to hate that person just because you hate them if we get along and can do things together that is separate from what you do. Why lose friends just because someone else don't like them, why do I have to choose a side because you have an issue with a person. If you do not like that I am friend with that person, then your a** should get to walking because I will not stop being friends and choose a side just because someone say I have to. Now I am confused with Rasheeda not showing her friend Kalenna any love and how she was ready to throw this woman under the bus. Rasheeda is someone who I see can be a hot mess because of the way she is ready to jump to conclusions instead of talking to a person first, like how she does Kirk, although Kirk is not all innocent. But if Rasheeda was a person who was a real friend, she would put all the bullsh** aside and grab her friend and tell her that she apologize and that she wish her all the best in the future, that is what a real bit** like me would do when I see my friend is going through it and I am rising up, you pick that person up as well, don't leave them on the ground and walk by them. As for Kalenna, girl I see you getting back on your feet and rising to the top. So part 1 was an okay beginning but I hope it is a much better ending, because for the most part it was slow, I not asking for a fight to break out, who the he** I am fooling yes I want a fight to break out, just a little one. Bring on the part 2 half.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

The movie Lila & Eve (Viola Davis and Jennifer Lopez)

I got this movie from red box not having heard anything of it and not being to big of a fan of Jennifer Lopez's acting as I am of Viola Davis, so I got the movie based on knowing that Viola Davis is a phenomenal actress. So me and my daughter, who I talked into watching the movie, she did not care for Jennifer's Lopez acting either, but we both watch and as we sat to watch this movie we were in silence because it was grabbing both of our attention. The movie was nothing like we were expecting, it was more too it and the twist really was good. Of course Viola did her great job as usually with her acting ability but I must say that Jennifer Lopez was not bad, yes her part was not what we expected to be but that is why this movie work. Everyone was in their right place and did the job they was suppose to do, I really enjoyed this movie as well as my daughter and we find ourselves telling everyone we know how great the movie was. I wish I could say more but for those of you who have not watched it I do not want to give the plot away, so watch the movie and maybe we can all talk about or prospective on the movie itself. It was gripping I can say that and you will be glued to your television screen and I will leave it there.

Black Ink Crew 8-24-15 (@VH1, @BlackInkCrew)

Yes Black Ink Crew returned back on last Monday night and yes everyone is still their same selves, which was definitely refreshing to see and at the same time was a little disappointing on some parts. What I am exactly trying to say is that I am glad that it seems as if television has not gone to these guys head but at the same time I wanted some of the people to grow and learn from their own mistake and take responsibility for what they have done. Yes I am talking about the whiney, crying Puma, who last season went to Sassy's event and brought his entire family to beat up on Ceaser and Dutchess, how low. Now Puma returns and blame everything on everyone else, yes he said this was Ceaser fought for doing what he felt was a home invasion of his apartment, even though all Ceaser did was ring the man's doorbell and ask for him, they did not get pass the door because Puma's wife would not let them in. That is the bit** who blew everything out of proportion because she got Puma upset when she said Ceaser invaded their home and brought some gorilla with him for back up when this was not the case. Now Ceaser wife is claiming that she feels unsafe in the whole entire state because of this and she wants to move to Atlanta, if you ask me I think the bit** forgot to take her meds or she no longer wants to be married to Puma's ugly a** and is trying to find a reason to leave, yes maybe television has went to this woman head and maybe she has some better offers. Puma is an idiot, he knew this woman, what all of three months when she popped up pregnant and they just up and got married, that is what happen when you do not try to get to know someone before you go there. What is this woman's name, Quanzie, if you ask me it should be bride of Frankenstein. Well anyway we return back to the real cast, yes Ceaser and Dutchess are still together, Walt and Ted are still doing their manager duties by leaning on the shop walls, or lying on their couches. Ted seemed to be in a serious relationship with Sky, which I personally thought was a sweet thing until I saw a skit where Ted was back to his old ways by following another woman, he just can not change his stripes and because of this he should be alone. Ted is a so call man who does not have Jesus in his life and truly had no real man model to follow as what a real man is suppose to do in this situation, sorry about your luck Ted. As for our boy O'S**t, yes he has cleaned his drug habits up but he is still being kicked out by his girlfriend and sleeping in the shop, he just can't win can he, maybe it is because he can not change his ways as well, in a upcoming episode the woman Donna is claiming now to be pregnant by O'S**t, yes he may have another baby on the way, what a mess right. Now O'S**t is clearly the best tattoo artist they have but he has to really seek out some more help with his issues with women and what he is really looking for or needs. Maybe he should buy his sex until he can find someone that he is really ready to settle down with. Now I know this may sound harsh, but think about it, on one gets hurt or pregnant, he just has to make sure to use protection but most prostitute will make sure of this and he gets what he seems to only really want at this moment and he may find that after a while this is very unsatisfying. Yes man sexual escapade may shock you if they can get all the sex they want but none of the really intimacy they desire, I think men need it more than woman, I am just saying. Anyway this show to me is still the best so far, because the cast are real, they don't give you that phony made for television put on's and of course they keep the drama rolling. I still want to see more on Sassy and her girlfriend, I was glad to see Sassy go to the Black Ink Crew shop but I still want to see her and her girlfriend get a spin off, it should be coming right?