Are we as Americans becoming as stupid as we appear or are we just refusing to open our eyes to what is happening around us.
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Real Housewives of Atlanta (#RHOA)12-21-14 (Kendra what a Piece of Work)
Did anyone watch Real Housewives of Atlanta on Sunday night, well I did and all I have to say is that Kendra is proving me right more and more everyday. This woman is one of the nasty person I have everyseen, in my personal opinion she takes joy out of other people displeasure. How does the old saying goes, misery loves company and because Kendra is alone and has no man in her life, she loves seeing other people relationship fall apart. I know that Phadera and Apollo are going through their troubles and for Phadera this is a serious matter because she has two little boys she has to think about and for me I am with Phadera, something this serious is personal and should remain between her and her household. If Phadera wants the thing that she is going through with her husband to remain private then so be it and who is Kendra, Cynthia or the world to judge how she handles it. Yes, I did say Cynthia because I do not know if anyone notice how Cynthia threw out that little comment about something was showing on Phadera, whatever the hell she meant by that. Kendra sitting in the corner laughing and commenting on the entire situation was also very inappropriate, not matter how much she dislike Phadera, the woman is a snake in my opinion, sneaky and attacks quickly. I watched Donald Trump talk of the upcoming celebrity apprentice show he has coming and two of the celebrities is Kendra Moore and Vivca Fox, well I do not know if you heard but Donald Trump said that Kendra Moore stole Vivca's phone and got on her twitter account and said some very nasty things pretending to be Vivca, wow. Donald said he did not want to tell details but he said he had to talk of this because what expired from this was off the chain and we have to see the boardroom face to face action between these women. I can only imagine what Kendra said, she will put on that innocent act as she always do and say that she was only doing it as a joke, not harm. But how goes into someone else account and do things like this but a rat, it does not matter if you did not mean any harm, the thing is you did do harm and someone was hurt in the process. Now Kendra claimed that what Apollo said about her really hurt her feelings and ruined her reputation, so her getting on Vivca''s twitter account and saying nasty things to people pretending to be Vivca did not? Wow what a real hypocrite. I do not think anything Kendra does will make me like her because she is a real skizzer of a women, she talked about this man Bill Bob and his girlfriend who she pretended not to know. Now this Billy Bob is a producer who dates Demetria McKinney, who planned Janine Payne on the House of Payne, a Tyler Perry Production. What black person has not watched or know of Tyler Perry's work? Kendra know she knows of the woman but played totally dumb about it and said she never seen her work, yeah right, but she is the actress and all we seen Kendra do is little parts like the beauty on a man's arm. Kendra life is missing a lot and she is apparently unfulfilled and because of this she wants to poke holes in other people lives, how sad. Please take her off the housewives show and let her find a husband because she will definitely not find a husband showing her true colors on this show.
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Richard Armitage/Hugh Jackman
I was watching into the storm the other night, although I watched it when it first came to the movies, but enjoyed the movie so much I had to watch it again when it came on dvd. What I did not realize was how much Richard Armitage and Hugh Jackman favored, so I did a side by side photo of the two both in facial hair and I tell you these two men could pass for twins. I know that Hugh Jackman is having health issues related to cancer and was unsure if he could continue to play Wolverine or play another X-men but if they every need a fill in I think Richard Armitage would be the one. I am not counting Hugh Jackman out, don't get me wrong, I even heard that he maybe returning as Wolverine. What I do suggest if he find it too hard to do another wolverine or X-men, look into Richard Armitage playing the part, he fits the Wolverine persona, great actor and he almost act as if he was a superhero in this movie, that is why Hugh Jackman popped in my mind. Watching Armitage doing his scene at the papermill trying to save his son I began thinking he remind me of someone and after looking at him more closely, the resemblance of Jackman as Wolverine fit his profile. If you put both of these men side by side in a picture with facial hair as I did you will see exactly what I mean, very uncanny. Still I wish Hugh Jackman every bit of recovery because I do love this man as Wolverine but I think if he needs to take time to work and focus on his health he should and he should not worry about pleasing the fans when he needs to work on himself. He can let Richard Armitage take over and once he has recovery he can come back and take his place. Jackman can step right back in his role as if he never left, or maybe we could do something like he had this long lost brother or brother he did not know about and maybe they could do like a focus on the brother on only have Jackman do like a small part to introduce him into the X-men storyline, well I am sure the writers could come up with some different ideas.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Hollywood Divas Reunion (#HollywoodDivas)
Hollywood Divas had their reunion show last night and surprising enough it was interesting. I was thinking that this reunion show would be a pretty quiet one with not much to hash out because these women usually hash their problems with each other while they are on the show itself, so when the reunion happen I was not expecting much but I was totally wrong. I have to say that this first part of the reunion had it moments because the women spoke what they felt and they did not hold back, hash tag, #thesearesomerealwomen. Notice I did not say bitches because I will not stoop as low as Forrest, you know Ms. Paula Jai Parker's husband and call these women bitches. Now I have to say it seem that everyone was going for Golden and I am not saying I do not why, because Golden does speak what she is feeling and she does not hold back and we all know that the truth can be hurtful. But my problem is why is no one upset about how Forrest seems to have such a disrespect for Women in general. Now Ms. Paula Jai Parker might like this kind of man and is willing to put up with his disrespectful mouth of women but us women as a whole do not believe in a man who upright shows his disrespect for women because when you call one woman a bitch you are calling all women bitches and what you think of them. I do not think any man who yells at women and disrespect them should be in a position of actually trying to lead a woman. Forrest in my opinion should be banned from Hollywood altogether if he does not know how to control his mouth and treat a woman like she should be treated. Now in my personal opinion Ms. Paula Jai Parker was showing a little ghetto attitude on the reunion, but I notice this on the show as well. Paula seems to think acting like a hood rat who admits to taking medical marijuana is something to jump up and down about. To me admitting that you are doing medical marijuana is meaning that you have some kind of issue and that issue could be related to delusion that everyone is stabbing you in the back and trying to steal things from you. Paula was on a trip that Golden wanted her husband Forrest, who would want a broke down man that did not have the backbone to get a job that would not have him, his wife and his child out of a hotel room. Most men would take any job to make sure that their family is doing okay, and there are lots of job beside producing that Forrest could have done to keep his family in a real home. As for Lisa Wu, I love the new hairdo, I wish I could get someone to cut my hair and style it as gorgeous as yours. Lisa Wu I have to say I like the way you carried yourself on the reunion and gave all the women their props and respect, unlike Forrest. Lisa admitted to having her fall out with some of the women but she admit that she has nothing but love for each of the women and their talents. Although Lisa you was wrong for questioning Golden and Elise on their picture on the red carpet and Elise saying her bestee, what was wrong with that and did not these women have the right to call whomever they want their bestee. As for Countess Vaughan, she was being herself and not saying much, she looked good coming out on stage as she always looked to me. I am not one for surgery for vain purposes, but sometimes people need a hand up to get their self motivated and I hope for Countess sake this surge, as she calls it, is the step to working on a healthier her because as someone who battles with weight issues on a daily basis, I know that you will have issues that you would not have imagine if you don't get the weight off. Elise did not have to much to talk about but I have always admire the way Elise speaks up for herself and she says what she means. Elise told Paula straight up that she did not steal her idea and that is that. Elise I think feels as a lot of the women, some who will not admit, and that is that Paula have some mental issues and again we know this because she acts as if someone who flew over the coco nest. One meant Paula can be understanding and listen to everyone opinions and the next meant Paula can fly over the handle and go off. So far the first reunion has been interesting and I am waiting on the second half. I would like Forrest to stay out of the women's business, I wonder why Paula has the need for her husband to be in everything she does and every aspect of her life, maybe because she cheated before with someone on the set he does not trust her to be on the set without him. Moving on, I want more of the women to talk of Paula and her ticky tock ways. We show on the entire season that Paula Jai was just in a zone of her own, she made her own rules and she could not stay still to save her own life, yeah signs of an unstable person. I hope the show comes back for a second season but I think we could go without some cast members and maybe replace or add some. I know you say if you start out with a certain cast why change it. I just think although she is suppose to have started it, Paula is unstable I can see why people in hollywood is not trusting this woman, she can go and I think no one would miss her because she never stayed around anyway or came to any of the meetings. Along with Paula would go Forrest because he just has such a disrespect for women that as a women watching this show, I am so disappointed that the producers would allow him to be on television calling women bitches, what the hell are they thinking? I guess they say this kind of drama makes money. We have Golden who is so brutally honest and speaks what she is think, so I personally think she should stay because she gets people stirred up with her honesty. I like Elise for I think she is a great actress and she brings experience with her and she in my opinion can write a storyline of her own that the girls can do together and I think it will be done like a real movie should be done and it won't be all these delays because of Elise not being there when she needs to. I like Lisa Wu and think she should stay because she brings something different to the show, that is refreshing and new and she wants everyone to succeed, so she gives it her all, although I did want to see Lisa Wu go back on the housewives of Atlanta instead of that new woman they added to the show. As for Countess Vaughan, she is someone I do not know how to take and where she stands. She seem to want to do the show but she have a lot of deep rooted issues that she seems to need to work on first and I personally think she should get these issues worked on first and then come back, let us get her friend Shar Jackson, why was Shar not cast anyway. I think personally Shar is a good actress in she should could have brought a lot of drama to the show. Now is is just me or is anyone as disturbed that Todd Tucker, Kandi from housewives of Atlanta husband is a producer. You may not be but I don't trust his work and to me the show is missing something and a lot of that could be coming from his dry sense of leadership, the man to me is not a leader and as for producing, something seems to be missing, a lot of something.
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Sir Charles Barkley ( A Foot or Two)
I will do a take on Charles Barkley and that mouth of his. I do not know if Charles Barkley is grasping at straws or he just don't know what to say out of that big mouth of his. This man is talking on the killings of them men and children by police officers and he is putting everything on the black men and boys. Wow Charles, how in the world can you say the officers are not at any fault, especially in cases where they could have prevented the person from being killed. Excessive force was used in all of these cases and Charles had the audacity to said it may have been excessive force but not murder, okay so why were the policemen not indited at all, that is the point being made by many. If they are indited then they are not being charged with anything, so the message is that you can kill and use excessive force but don't expect to get any prosecution when it comes to a police officer against citizens. These cases that has come forth in the news are only a small portion of the cases that are actually happening around America as a whole and if I was Charles Barkley I would have done my research before I open my mouth and if I was not sure of what exactly what was going on I would have kept my mouth closed and I mean closed tight. Now Charles Barkley who is a known basketball player who may have been given breaks in his life because he was a face that is known in this country by many may be doing this to try and look good in others eyes. He who has an education that apparently amounts to nothing is running his mouth that if full of shi*. One way to keep the droppings from falling out Sir Charles as you like to call yourself, is to swallow the shi* and let others who know what they doing talk about something that is so crucial to others lives. Stick with B-Ball and let the experts deal with reality. So Sir Barkley, I can tell you with your attitude you will never be crowned as anyone's night or any Kingsdoms royalty, sorry charles barkley.
The Walking Dead Season Finale
Yes I watched it and I know I am a little late at writing about it but I know so many people including the Talking Dead did so many takes on this finale. Yes Beth has been killed and yes, it like many other past episodes has surprised us to the fullest, as all walking dead episodes has proven to do. Hell the people chopping off Bob's leg and eating it was just over the top for me. What was so tragic about Beth's death is because the way it was done so suddenly and at the end so you did not really get anytime to think about it. It happen so quickly that my husband who was watching it with me kept saying what happen and I was steadily repeating she killed her, she killed her and he was like no way something else has happen. It was a quick shock to your system so to some they had to make up a storyline that it did not happen or there was that lack of grasping what really did happen. Rick in the show was shocked as well to a point he could not even pull his trigger saw it was Darryl who stepped up and kill the woman who killed Beth. I think something else that shocked everyone was that Beth stab the woman who in returned I think out of reaction shot her, I really do not think it was attentional and she was as shocked as everyone else. We really just did not see this coming and the ending that everyone let it go right there was good enough other than Rick saying that anyone who wanted to go along with them could. Now the only person I seen that joined them was Noah, why did not these people who were treated like hostages not run along and join Rick them. Did they like staying in the hospital due to the fact they thought they were secure and that this security outweighed the risks that were outside of the building. Of course it seems as if some of those security guards that was the nasty ones were mostly killed, so maybe because of this the hostages felt safer, it is an environment that they know and have put up with on a daily basis, why adventure into something you are not sure of. Now I have to say I was sadly disappointed in Michonne and her helping out that pastor. This may did everything he could to get out of the church and then after getting out of the church and some walkers getting behind him, he begs to be let back in and Michonne risk the life of Carl and the baby to let this pastor back in after he is the one who let himself out. If he let himself out he should have been man enough to deal with the consequences. Michonne ripped off the boards and let the man in as well as some walkers and then they had to fight to get out of the situation, that was a bad deal on their part. Why not make this pastor start answer for his bad behavior. He acts like everyone is wrong for fighting but this man would not let the people of God into the church when they needed him to and he got to live as these people died outside of the church, what a loser. Why not let the pastor die, I guess this would be no surprise to anyone and everyone would probably celebrate his death. I think for some unknown reason Michonne has a soft spot for this pastor and it may one day get her in trouble. I can not wait until next season to see exactly how this play out and if Noah will actually try to make it back to Richmond, VA. Someone talked about the group actually moving outside of Georgia to change up the scenery a bit and I have to agree with them, travel to another state.
Flex and Shanice (#FLEXANDSHANICE)
I think I have never mentioned the Flex and Shanice show and for that I must apologize. I am a big fan of the show every since it came on last season. I admire how this family came together so that Flex and Shanice could keep their house. Yes the house has nine occupants living it, but what the cost of living in America today, why should families not band together to make living a little easy on each other, if they actually have enough room for it and I think the house Shanice and Flex have is enough room for the nine. What I like best of all about this season is we get to see Flex and Shanice in their elements and we actually see them reliving their dreams. The family members all are actually pulling their own weight and they are making it happen as a family. Yes this family may argue, the normal family things but after the arguments comes the understandings and then forgiveness and I have to say I appreciate this in a reality show. For me I would have the say that the Flex and Shanice show is one of the best family realities show that is out there. We do not see all this crying and sad rich people problems. What we see is a normal family who at one time had it all and was doing rather well, fall. Life happen to Flex and Shanice as it happens to all normal people, it did a 360 degree turn and left us with us trying to figure out how we would make it from day to day with children to feed. Flex and Shanice left with these decisions decided that they would move in family members as a means to continue to pay their bills and mortgage and their family jumped right in as real family members should do. I think some families tend to forget that family is suppose to stand for something and that includes doing things like letting family members move into your house even if you are less than happy about it. Me and my husband had to help his sister out when she was down on her luck, we let her move in until she could save enough money to move her and her children into their own place. Living in a house with two teenagers when you have no kids on your own was not easy but we got through it and she was able to move out in a matter of months. This show is one that makes you really think about life and the sacrafices people are making everyday to live. I personally want to thank Flex and Shanice for opening their doors to us and letting us see how celebrities who are struggling have to endure as a struggle in their life. Not all that crying and pretend I am broke drama, just straight up day to day life drama.
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