Are we as Americans becoming as stupid as we appear or are we just refusing to open our eyes to what is happening around us.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Amazing Race Is Back(9-29-13)
Does anyone watch the show Amazing Race? Well it was back on last night and this show is one of my favorites and I could not believe how many people and co-workers told me that they do not watch the show. I really like the way these paired up teams have to race around the world and find these clues left by the show in various spot in these country and do these sometimes crazy task to get the next clue so that they can end up at their final destination for that day and the last team to check in that final destination maybe eliminated. What they mean by may be eliminated is that on some of these journeys there will be races in which there will be not elimination and the teams will not know that until they come across that mat at the end of that race where the host will let them know rather they have been eliminated or are safe. What they do if they are safe is they take all their money and they have to raise money on their own to continue the next race or they may have to do a road block, it is real interesting. It is also great to see how these people fight hard to get through these tasks, some of these people really do some amazing things, I have seen a lady beg a airport manager to convince a plane to turn around before taking off so that they could get on it and they did. People are capable of doing anything if they put their minds to it. I also like to see how some scramble to get from one task to another, especially with the language barrier that they have when they go through these foreign countries. There was one team in which one of the person talked real bad about the people country while in a cab and the taxi driver understood English and she did no know that, her partner was trying to shut her up and she said he don't know what I am saying, wrong answer. This cab driver took his time taking them to their next task and when she began hollering at the man he made them get out, it was funny. Some people are so use to how in the United States they can treat people with so much disrespect and it is allowed they forget that they can not go to other countries and do this and expect not to be treated badly back. The Amazing Race is a great learning show I think and I always encourage my daughter to watch it and I teach her on things that we she happen on the show that happens in these countries and explain to her why it happen. I can not believe that there are still people who have not watch this show. If I was brave enough I would get off this couch and team up with my husband to race around the world, but I fear that we may not do well as one of us may end up throwing the other in one of those ocean somewhere.
Amish Mafia(9-24& 9-25)
Amish Mafia was as great as usual and I am telling you that this is one explosive show. They had a discussion on the 24th in which they were asked again about if the show was fake and the cast members spoke their peace. They were also asked where Caleb was and no one knew or either they were not speaking on it. I know they are making as if he is dead but personally I think they just hurt him a little and threaten him to stay away, I looking for him to show up in the future. Now Levi is looking real scared to me when he was asked about Alan getting out and the Kentucky Amish men brought in by Merlin. Levi tried to act tough but you see he seems to be getting his own crew together, I do not know why some of these guys stick by Levi side like they do but I guess it is because he pays them, unlike Merlin. Now as for Merlin and Wayne, this is some confusing situations because Merlin said the reason Wayne is mad at him because he was accusing Merlin of trying to hit on his girlfriend and according to Merlin it was Wayne trying to hit on his girlfriend. Anyway Merlin and Wayne has this rift between them and Wayne now has Merlin business so we will see what happens here. They talked to Alan via phone for jail and he said he had about three weeks left and he will be out with revenge towards Levi whom he feels has put him there and Levi as usual keeps denying the entire thing, but the cameras shows Levi and Ester talking to police, how juicy. Alan is not at all a stupid man and he has lot of connections, that is why he was able to get the bishop involved with Levi's other businesses that were off the books. Alan knows who does what and when they did it and he knows how to get back at someone. I am still looking at Jolin to take over Levi's business because Jolin can do a more effective job and he knows how to handle people in a way that Levi does not. Jolin has that charm and he does a lot for the people in the community and because of this I think the people would respect Jolin a lot more than Levi. All these things that are coming toward Levi's way will be keeping Levi busy anyway and he I think will have to go into hiding until he can get himself back on track. I think Ester is a very strong woman and if she thinks about it she should join forces with Jolin, I still think her and Jolin will make a great powerhouse. I am really waiting to see what these Kentucky Amish men will do for Merlin, it will be interesting. I am sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for next season, bring it on.
Breaking Amish LA(9-29-13)
Yes I watched both hour shows of the Breaking Amish LA and I was not disappointed. Although I still will say this show is not as great as the first Breaking Amish it had a great ending. The last show ended up with us knowing a little more about all the cast members and I now know that Mat is not that perfect guy her pretended to be, he actually wrote bad checks and was given a summons to pay these bad checks off in two days or go to jail, wow. Mat has always had a habit of judging others and what they did and because he did not have any money to buy fabric he decides that he would just write checks anyway, maybe this is why his family really cut him out of their lives because there always seemed to be more to that story than we were being told. Now as for Lizzie I was glad to see her boyfriend come back to their farm and fight for his family, he was not giving up and he had that right as the baby was his also, and props to Lizzie for realizing she should give her family a chance, not many girls have a guy that actually want to take on a wife and baby in such a little time. Now as for Darwin I was glad to see that he actually really sat down and apologize and I was glad to see Iva boyfriend accept his apology. I was glad to see at Lizzies shower at their home that everyone sat down under one roof without judging and to see everyone actually being introduce to Hoji was great because they were all so accepting and understood why Lizzie was so private about her situation and how great was it for Hoji to get down on his knees and to propose to Lizzie in front of all her friends. Now as for Samuel, this is one great brother as I said before and although he was upset about some things, he did what a real man did he apologize for his actions and he actually admitted to his sin with Betsy. If Sam was not Amish I would not mind having him as a boyfriend, what the heck it does not matter if he is Amish or not he is a great man, I just wish he choose to stay English for some of us English girls had a chance at him. I was also disappointed to see that Darwin choose to stay Amish as well, I think he is a great guy and although he did not find what he wanted in the English world, I think he like most of the cast did not give the real English world a chance. I myself would like to see some of them other than Mat try and work in the English world, they maybe surprise what it offers them. I really think Iva can cook and I really would like to see her cooking professionally and she said she wants this to still happen but I don't see how since she will be focused on becoming a wife. Andrew is like I said Andrew is confused and lost and in a place he don't want to be, I hope he gets help because I can see the good side of Andrew that I am sure he got from his mother and believe it or not I hope Andrew does get his girlfriend Chapel back and I would like to see them on a future episode. Now as for my least favorite, crazy Betsy as I call her. This woman I am still confused on because I am still not sure if she had a husband although they claimed she did and follow her to a house where she announced to her husband she cheated and he kicked her out and now she is back with her family. Betsy husband really did not seemed if he cared at all and although she mentioned that she was married so young, which I know a lot of the Amish girls do, she seems real cold to me as if something is missing in her life. Also something that confused me about Betsy is that she did not have any children, I wonder how long was she married because I know the Amish women after they get married want to have kids right away. What was the most confusing part for me about Betsy is on the second half of the show which was the reunion and when the host asked about everyone and if they were shun or not and Betsy said she was not shunned. How can Betsy not be shun when she as a married woman slept with another man other than her husband, why is she not being shun? Is this because Betsy did not confess her sin to the Bishop. If Betsy did not confess her sin to the Bishop then she is not being honest to the Amish community. For me Betsy does not fit in the Amish community, she does things that goes against the Amish belief. She practices witchcraft, she does not confess her sins and she does not show forgiveness as she has been taught and she holds a lot of anger in her heart. For me Betsy is down right creepy and I think they should use her as a prop for Elvira this Halloween coming up, Betsy the mistress of the night, that would definitely fit her persona. I think Betsy I one of those people that belongs more in the English world but she could not make it in the English world because she has no real talent and I do not see her trying to do anything in the Amish community that makes her stand out, she is staying with her parents and working on the farm, she acts as if this is all she wants to do the rest of her life. During the reunion show we learned more about Matthew himself and we learned that the tape that had him in a gay bar was not lost he just did not want it showed and he says he did nothing wrong but this young man seems to be fighting with a lot of demons and I think he needs to stop being a tight a** and live his life. Become a designer Mat and kiss your girlfriend, believe you me God will not punish you for kissing her and I know what you are thinking, if I kiss her it is likely to lead to other things, like sex. That may be Mat but if that is what it leads to just let it go there. If you feel though the feeling is to strong, then marry your girlfriend and have sex, you may just like it, nothing to be scared of. I am actually looking forward to another season of Breaking Amish LA and it would be great to see Lizzie and Hoji get married, Mat have a great designing business, Andrew get out of jail, Sam and Darwin find some great girlfriend. Now as for Betsy I do not know what to wish for her because she said she would like to make a million dollars and I do not know how she plans on doing this other than do a lay out in playboy, but she is so skinny, this girl has big dreams and she seems lost in space some where, I will pray for her. Great ending to a confusing season guys.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Black InK Crew(9-23-13) A New Season (@VH1's#BlackInk)
Anyone know about the black ink crew show? If you do not let me fill you in on it, this was a show that started last year and I have to say I knew nothing of it I happen to be channel surfing on day and found it. The show is about a tattoo parlor that is owned by a black man and has black tattoo artist, that is what makes this show so different because for some reason most people do not think that black people get tattoos when in reality there are a lot of blacks with tattoos but you never really saw any black tattoo artist in your neighborhood or in tattoo parlors themselves. For me it was great to see black tattoo artist and to see that they are really great at giving tattoos, the most famous tattoo artist in this particular parlor is named oh shi*, yes they have a tattoo artist with that name and he is great at what he does but he stays in a lot of trouble and this is mainly because he loves women and he loves getting them pregnant. This parlor is full of young tattoo artist and is full of drama because these young artist are living their lives in very different ways and it is off the chain. This show focuses on all the artist in the shop which I think is great because it does not just put focus on the artist, whom name is Caesar, although Caesar has his very own drama as he has a crazy baby mama whom is his ex and one of the new female artist(Dutchess) he has in the shop he is now dating, which of course you know is a bad idea. Now with all these young artist and the owner dating an employee is just so much drama with a lot of serious disagreements. From last season and after meeting some of the crew, I would have to say my favorite is Oh Shi*, not because of his own personal mama drama and court cases but because the man can does some great tattooing, just look at his work. Now for me my least favorite was Alex, she is not in the parlor this season but she is still on the show. Alex if anyone did not see the last season was a real mess. She is a pretty young girl but she seems to be seriously missing something. She drinks a lot for such a young lady and she is what I would call a little on the dare I say fast side. The girl does not mind giving her body to anyone, no respect for what God has given her at all and this is sad to me. I watch Alex get drunk and tried to through herself at her boss Caesar and Dutchess found out, needless to say it was a big old mess and this is why Alex is no longer working at Black Ink. What really confused me is Alex wanted to blame Oh Shi* by saying he spiked he drink and then she brought up something that happen in the past apparently with Oh shi* saying he sleep with her but she say it was not true. This situation turns out to be a he said she said and she wants Oh Shi* to tell everyone that it is a lie which he will not do and now Alex does not what to be friends with him until he admits he made up the attire thing. Now their are some other interesting characters on the show like Puma and Sassy, both whom are real close friends. Puma has his own drama to bring too the table with his baby mama and moving in with her while Sassy really does not bring any drama but she does admit that she is gay, nothing new for these times. There are two more cast members Walt and Ted, now for some reason Ted seems to think he is this women magnet and according to the guys he apparently is but if you saw him you would not understand either. Now as for Walt, he was once Caesar manager until he acted like a fool and close the shop down in the middle of the day to do him, yeah this shop is not his life long goals so he is on a mission to do other things. Overall the show is great it brings forth the kind of drama you expect from a show full of very young people who are exploring their youth hood and trying to figure out where the fit in life. This is what I mean about there is place and time for drama and this show had just that, it is a place of employment and as we know not everyone on the job get along and this show has that reality with it. This shows also show what happens when you mix workplace business with pleasure and that is why relationships on the job do not work. I think young people can learn from this young crews mistake. They can understand what it takes to run and business and what not to do when it comes to working with your friends. Well I will be watching this drama filled action packed reality show, because it does bring on the entertainment although the entertainment can be rather serious at times.
Basketball Wives (9-23-13)
Is it just me or is anyone else getting tired of the Basketball wives Miami? This three musketeers plus one is really starting to get on my nerves. The show for me is starting to be full of some real fake drama. It seems as if Shaunie, Evelyn, Tammy and the plus one Suzie are all making up this so call argument episodes to get people to watch. One minute Tammy as actually screaming at hating on Shaunie and headed across the table at Evelyn and the next minute they are all calling each other on the phone to apologize and planning trips together. The show seems to be bringing in new cast members just to have someone to pick on and if you ask me it is right down sad. I think it is sad that they have to make up scenes to get people to watch. What happen to the women being themselves? They all started off with their real life stories and how their lives was affected by their significant other and them separating and they had drama but most of the drama was like most drama usually is and that was because there were lot of women all hating on each other, but what made it so great was they were honest about what was going on and it was not made up. These women had to deal with these everyday situation that were really going on in their lives and it was so real. When you are married to someone famous or someone in the public eye it is no doubt that you will have drama that comes along with it. That is what to me really made the show that each of the women were married to or in long relationships to basketball players and so much drama came along with the stories behind their relationships. Now the show is not focus on this anymore, the show is more focused on how many other women the girls can get angry and make enemy of. These women now all are on their on agenda of how much money they can make for themselves, not that I saying anything is wrong with this but there is a way to do this without using other people to step on top of to get there. What happen to the natural drama and the real friends. I have to say I still do not like Tammy and she really turns me off from the show, they may think that Tammy popping off on people makes the show what it is adds to the show itself but I think Tammy popping off only makes black women look stupid as a whole. Tammy seems like this uneducated, loud mouth black women and that is too me what most society want to think of black women as and she adds to this persona. I like to see a strong black women on television, not loud mouth, ghetto talking, popping off up in people face black women who lack the class but show her a** making all black women look bad. Why do the show producers think this is something we always want to see on television, although in certain situations it is called for but not all the time and not with a bunch of middle aged older women with grown children themselves. Set examples for your children not statics that they will add to.
Sister Wives (Season Finale)
I know a lot of people do not care for the show sister wives but I personally like the show and watch the season finale when Cody and the wives sit down with Tamron Hall to talk about what they went through the past season and how they handle certain situations and what were their actual thoughts when they went through certain situations. I have to say that none of the questions was overwhelming and I really like Tamron Hall being the host for this discussion because although she is basically and news caster, she handle the situation very professionally. I have to say one of my favorite questions that was asked was the one about are the sister wives really friends with each other and the reason this was being asked was because of a panel the group was on during a previous show. The sisters were all in agreement that they were friends but some of them may be closer to one of the sister wives then they are to another. I know this to be true because I have seen the way Meri and Robin get along and it is great, they really have each other backs and they have fun and laughs with each other which I think is great. Now Janelle has mention that her and Christina are closer to one another because they just click and understand each other, for me this is one of Janelle way of saying she does not care for the younger prettier Robin and Meri encouraging Robin to join their sister hood, I personally thinks is why Janelle is at odds with Meri. I think Christina and Janelle thought there was enough sister with the three and when Robin came into the family it cause it bit more of a divide. I like Robin and I think Meri bringing Robin into the family was a great addition. I know the other women have twenty some years into this sisterhood and to bring someone new in is almost like trying to replace the old is why Christina and Janelle feels that bit of threat but I think the addition was a good choice and they should give Robin a chance. Now Janelle has also mention that she has gotten use to way of living apart from the other women and having her own house. I have to say I totally agree with this. If I was in a plural marriage the only way I could see me making it is actually having my all house separate from the other women. I do not agree with a bunch of women living in the same house much less sharing that same man under that one roof. With the women living in separate houses this makes it seems as though they are actually in a monogamous marriage, although they know they are not. You can handle your children the way you want under your roof with only your rules. Now I have to agree with some of the women like Meri when she says that I do not know if living next to each other is good because the other women can see how Cody handle things with the other women by looking out the window. It was brought up by Christina that yes she tends to notice things like Cody taking out Robin's trash and he does not do that for her. I thought this part was hilarious because you still se that bit of jealousy there, especially when it comes to Robin. For some reason I see both Christina and Robin picking out their windows to see how much Cody actually does for Robin. After the grown ups had their talks with Tamron then it was the teenagers turn and I much say that all of the women have raised very well rounded children, they are so polite and very honest and this is what makes me really like this family. I have to say I am one of those who have a bit of a crush on Logan, we have gotten to see him grow into such a great man and I have always admire the way he shows so much love towards his siblings. All of the teenagers spoke their minds, some more then others but they all spoke. Now Tamron took a poll to see how many of the teenagers plan on living a plural life style and to my surprise most of the children have not plans to live this live style, some were undecided but wanted to see what happens once they meet their life mates. The only person that was sure she wanted to live this life style was Meri daughter Mariah and I was not surprise by this one because she is just like her mother Meri and she loves being in this large family and she loves what she sees this life style offers in terms of the closeness of sisterhood and strong family bond. I am really understanding this family more and more and I loving them more and more. I find myself hating to watch it go off for the season but I know it will return for another season because people are still showing curiosity for the family and the life style it self. As for people like me who already watches the show and have began to understand it I find myself wanting to watch the teenagers grow up and wanting to see their future to see the choices they actually make, I think that would be great.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Amish Mafia(9-18-13)
Okay my favorite show has just gotten better, Amish Mafia is of the chain and boy am I loving it. This so has so much drama and action and I hanging on to every single scene. I like the way that Levi was scared in to remission by the bishop. Did you see how the bishop had all of Levi's item auction off and how he made Levi take care of Caleb's wrong doing with his daughter. You could she the fear that Levi had in his eyes when he had to go to a face to face communication section with the Bishop. Now I really know that the bishop has so true power. Levi is not sure how is life is going to end up because it is all in the bishop's hands now. I have to say I am glad that Alan went to the bishop because it brought Levi down a peg. Now as for Merlin, he is as goofy as ever but I really like the Kentucky Amish guys he have recruited but I have to say these guys scare me and I do not fault Alan for keeping his distance from these guys but they are charged up to take on Levi and his gang, oh this is getting so good. I really felt bad that Alan has to do jail time but we know that if you commit a crime you have to eventually pay for it and Alan should have known this was coming. As for Alan blaming all of his problems on Levi, I will have to say I disagree with this. I do not think Alan is in all the trouble he is in because of Levi, a lot of the trouble Alan was in he brought on himself, when you live that life style this is what happens sometimes. I think Alan should do his time and come back to the show so that we can continue to enjoy his part of the drama that we add to show. Now as for Ester she is doing as she always do she is stepping up and taking over, exactly as I expected her to do. Ester told Levi if he can not handle the situation he is in then she will take control, women have more power then the men think and like Ester said the power of the women is under estimated by a lot of men. Ester is getting on her quilting social with the women and from this the word is being passed on what they need to do in the community, if you ask me it was not Levi that set up Alan but the Amish community as a whole with the power of Ester passing on the negative name of Alan and how he was making the community look bad. Now I can not wait too see how everything pans out, with Merlin business being taken over, Levi on the edge and the other guys not knowing what to do with Levi situation being on shaky ground. I like that Wayne has taken over Merlin business because Wayne worked hard and Merlin did him wrong, besides he wrongs his community better then Merlin ever ran anything. Merlin always runs out on his obligations so to me he is like a little mouse running around in circles looking for some cheese. I do not like big Steve and I don't like how Levi ran out to get big Steve to do some nasty work for him, although I know that Levi always get someone to do his dirty work, it is something about big Steve I do not like or trust, he is really creepy. Well I am ramped up for the fight between Levi's crew and Merlin's crew because I see it coming. I just want more and more of this show. Now you know why this show is one of my favorites.
Breaking Amish LA(9-22-13)
Did everyone see breaking Amish LA, well if you did not let me feel you in on it. Lizzie who we now know has had her baby by a African American has decided to go back to her Amish community to see if they will accept her and her baby. Lizzie found out that the community would accept them decided to go back and leave baby Caden's father, yes that the baby's name. Now as for the father you could visibly see that he was upset and he wanted Liz and the baby to be with him as a family. I think he thought that Liz would marry him and they would live happily ever after, but this was not the case. Liz reminds me of what the Amish are as a people and that is cold, they do not believe in showing their emotions or feelings and their kids are raised this way. This I why Lizzie found it so easy to just part from her baby's father. I think the father have as much right and any person does and if Lizzie chooses not to be with him then he can sue for partial custody because I believe he should be in his son's life, especially if he is chosen to. Something else that really bothers me about the Amish is how shocked they are by blacks and they are so quick to say someone is not Amish because they are black. The Amish are not different then what they call the English community they for some reason are not opens to blacks in their community and they do not seem to me to open to someone of another color especially blacks. For Amish to be such religious people they are just as ignorant as some English people when it comes to understand someone of another race and they are not very accepting. Lizzie who was pregnant doing most of the show so I did no get to really know her has now showed me some of her true colors and I do not like them very much. Lizzie is so judgemental of Iva and she had a baby with a man she just walked off from. Matthew decided to have a party and invite everyone and Lizzie was still poking at Iva about lying to her, why will Lizzie not let it go, why is Lizzie holding on to this lie which did no affect her. Why is Lizzie, the woman who did not tell anyone she was pregnant by an English man, much less a black man, so hard on Iva and if you ask me almost acted as if she hate Iva guts. Lizzie was playing along with Betsy, you know the witch of the West whom thinks she can cast a spell on someone with the stir of her wand. Betsy is still weird and I just do not like this young girl. She acts like a twelve year old whom is upset at another girl who stole her boyfriend. Betsy has a husband who apparently does not give a rat about her, we saw this when she went home and he told her to either go or stay, no emotions at all. Betsy husband did not act as if she had left and had a reaction as if he could careless if she came back or not and you know what Betsy said, I want my husband to care and to be jealous. Betsy to me is a sorry excuse or a woman, she hates others just because she is either not as beautiful and lacks the confident in herself and she prays on payback because she does not know what it really means to forgive because if she did she would not take so much time to try and hurt another human being. Betsy needs to psychiatric help and if you ask me I do not think she should hang on to the Amish community because she is one of the Amish people that don't fit in a real Amish community. Betsy has hate in her heart and I have always come to believe that the one thing Amish people do not do is hold hate in their hearts for anyone. Now as for Iva and her boyfriend I can understand why is sucker punched Darwin, the boy needs some help. The little time Darwin spent with Iva he feel in love with her, if you ask me Darwin is one of those very lonely boys that needs love in his life. He needs finds a available girl and settle down with her an forget Iva. As for Sam, he is still Sam and I do like him because no matter what he has his sister back, he was a little taken with the color of the baby but everything worked out for the good. Sam love for his sister is amazing and I love seeing it. Now as for Matthew and him making the decision to go back to California I have to say that Matthew is the only one out of the group I think has the guts to move on with his life. Matthew family kicked him out of their lives and Matthew who has a dream has decided that he will move on and keep his dream moving on and to do this he will go to California to be a designer. I have to say I hope Matthew makes it as a designer and live the life he wants to live and we will not judge Mat if you decide to change teams. As for Iva and her boyfriend I think they should get married if this is what they really want to do. I think Iva and her boyfriend make a good couple and as for Betsy and Lizzie comments toward Iva, if I was you Iva I would let their comments roll off my back and do not let what they say about me shape my life. Live your life Iva and go on with your marriage and your future and let the bitter witches be bitter witches alone. I think Iva and her future boyfriend should have a English life style. I think Iva would be great as a chef and I think she should do as Matthew and go for it. Now as for Andrew for some reason I feeling this is a truly lost cause, I do not know what this man is doing with his life. His probation seems to be off and on again and with Andrew being this I guess you would call a wild child, I am not sure where he is headed. Overall the show has spiced it up an little but their are still a lot of kinks that needs to be worked out. I feel as if there is something being hidden by Betsy because this husband thing is weird and does she have children, most Amish women who are married usually have children. What about Sam, will Lizzie make him really tell the church about his affair with Betsy, I have to say I was with Sam about not saying a word. I would not snitch on myself either if I was Sam. There are some in between lines that we are still missing that I myself would like answered. I want Lizzie baby father to get his rights, I want Darwin to find his own girl, I want Matthew to be a big success, I want Iva to get married and go back to school, I want Sam to find himself a wife, I do not want anything for Andrew and I want Betsy to fly away on her broom out of everyone's life.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Grey's Anatomy Season Premiere(9-26-13)
I just found out that one of my favorite shows which have seemed to me been on a shutdown for almost a year is finally coming back on next week on September the 26th and I have to work that night. I have to work that night for the season premiere of Grey's Anatomy a show that I have been watching and enjoying since the beginning. I know that everyone is saying that you can just record it but when you enjoy a show as much as I enjoy Grey's Anatomy it is not the same recording as watching it during its regular aired time. Grey's Anatomy is one of those well written shows that you can really grip your attention onto and you don't want to miss and episode after watching the season premiere. Now last season was some real tear jerker and having some of those great cast members that I have watched for a few season actually leave the show forever was really hard but at the same time I understood that it had to be done and that the writer understands that a show like Grey's anatomy which is a medical learning hospital always have to have new interns coming in to keep the hospital moving and the show scenes hot and spicy or should I say interesting and exciting. Yes we all know that with a learning hospital there will always be new interns coming in and going out and they have to make this happen to keep the show of the realistic side, but I really do not know if I could take the lost of any more of the regular cast members that are left. I want the writer to keep up the great story lines and I want to see more of those twist and turns that has the show amazing us each time we turn around. There is never a dull moment on Grey's Anatomy and although I have to watch it recorded, I can not wait until this season premiere.
Hollywood Exes(9-15-13)
I watch Hollywood exes this past Sunday and I watch these women come back home after going on a trip together and began focusing on Nicole getting married and some of the girls going with her to help her looking at wedding gowns and them trying on gowns themselves. This episode was full of a lot of smiles for me because watching women looking at wedding gowns brought back some memories for some of the women and their past spouse and what was good about it was that they did not have bad memories but they were good. That is why I like this show so much, although they are ex wives of Hollywood personalities, they keep the situations they had with these men basically on a positive note. There may have been situations that were unhappy for these women and that is why they are now divorced from these men but they did not let those negative moments keep them from moving on and for some of them they even found new love that is even better for them. Yes these women have their disagreements and they do fight but it is nothing like these other reality shows with all women, these women are classy and they know how to handle negative situations and turn them into positive ones and they always have each other backs. These women have all become very close and it shows because when the time gets tough they are beside each other. The part of this episode that upset me was when Jessica's ex husband Jose left town again and blame his daughter and ex wife for the reason he left. Jose to me is a sorry excuse for a man and I really dislike men that do stupid things that upset their kids and blame the child for their stupidity. A child is a child for a reason but an adult should know better and when a man like Jose says it is his child inattention to him was the reason he left was stupid. Jose and grown adult said that "you were not paying me any attention while I was there so that is why I left town". Why should the child have to pay you attention, should you not go out of your way as the adult to take the time to plan things for you and your child to do together. Jose and Jessica's child is acting out and one of the reason she is acting out is because her father is not there in her life, a girl needs her father and same on you Jose for not making an effort to make sure you are in your child life when she needs you and there to hug her if she needs it. Any man that decides that he will argue with that child's mother on the phone makes him seems like some bad a**, then he has you know what for brains, maybe those steroids he having taking over the years really have fried his brain cells. Other than this particular scene the rest of the show was great as usual and these women like I said are some of the classiest women I have seen on television in a long time and this show is one of those shows that I can just sit back sip on some coffee and just smile at. I love all the women, I love all of their opinions, I love all of their attitudes and I especially love all of the way they care for their families. Keep up the good work ladies and even though this may not matter much I want you to know I will be watching you guys show for as long as it airs.
Basketball Wives(9-16-13)
I watched basketball wives and I must say that I am a bit confused. I saw what lead up to Tammy almost popping off on Shaunie and also Evelyn but Tammy decided she would do her take ten exercise and calm down, now all is right with the girls for the moment. This is the biggest piece of crock I have every seen on television. They all decided to go to a dinner to get a clear understanding of what Shaunie told the new friend Tasha about Tammy, to make her possibly think that Tammy was a trouble maker something Tammy wants everyone to put in her past. Really should we all believe that Tammy has changed so much that from last season to this season she is such a new person and everything is peaches and roses. I am one whom believes that people can change but you also have to prove to me that you have changed and watching Tammy on these last few episodes has left me to believe that Tammy could use a little less life mentorship and a lot more soul searching with God. People can change but they have to understand why it is so important to change and why getting angry and wanting to threaten others whom may not really have harmed you at all makes you just go off is even necessary. People have may have hurt Tammy in the past but that is no reason to bully people. We are trying to teach children why it is so important no to bully other children but yet we watch on television a grown women bullying other grown women and she is yet to understand what is wrong with that picture. I have been truly disappointed by these last few episodes of basketball wives because on the first few episodes I watched Evelyn cry about being abused by a man, whom she some how fell madly in love with over a matter of months. Evelyn this same women whom in past episodes and in season four ran over top of a table to get at a friend of fifteen years to beat her and used intimidation as a form to run other women off the show, please go cry me a river Evelyn and stop with the crocodile tears because we all see that as soon your head butting finale ended you became more famous than ever, something I know that you want more than anything. I am not buying any of this Evelyn sad face, tear jerking stories of how poor Evelyn has been done so wrong, especially when in the past this same women made some of the women on the show life a living hell and I never heard her apologize to any of them. Now as for Tammy and her so call I going take ten but I am about to set off some fireworks in here at the same time attitude, I starting to think it is all an act. I know Tammy has been taking acting classes and she is doing parts on different television series, so why would I not think that this entire new negative attitude towards Shaunie is not a big acting scene to make more people watch the show or to keep those who do watch the show watching it. I look at Shaunie face and it does look like she is discussed with Tammy but this is her girl, just like Evelyn because they are two of her top money makers. For me the show is making a turn I am not sure I like, I see next week episode that they all look very happy together again and they all talk about going on a trip to Paris, yes Evelyn, Tammy and Shaunie are going to Paris for fashion week and I am not sure if they are taking Tasha along or not but I see there will be another girl who Tasha will be having beef with and it starts all over again with the new women going at it and Tammy, Evelyn and Shaunie acting like what that heck is happing with these new women and they even have brought Susan in on the entertainment. So probably by the end of the Season you will see a stage in which the new women will all be mad and hating each other and talking of not returning on the show while Shaunie, Tammy and Evelyn will all be smiling praying on a possible new season. Now I have to say I have enjoyed this show for the entertainment but I am not sure how we have ended up here for the new season and I am trying to understand if I am looking forward to another season of new women coming in and going off just to have the same three standing. The show almost have me waiting for Basketball wives LA, I like basketball wives LA more then I am liking basketball wives Miami. The women on Basketball wives LA are entertaining but not as ruthless as Tammy and Evelyn are.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Five Wives(9-15-13)
Has anyone watch this new show Five Wives, now although I know this is only the first show I am not liking it because after getting introduce to each of the wives and finding out how long he has been married to each wife and his reasoning for it, I do not like Brady. I think Brady married these girls when he was at a very young age because he was thinking like a lot of young men do and that is I can have my cake and eat it too. Unlike the Browns the Williams only have mostly a year between their marriages, how could Brady know he was ready to marry another woman when he barely had time to be married to his wife before that one and that is why I think he is trying to have it all. When you are married to someone for barely a year and you bring another woman into the picture, you are saying to that other woman that I met someone else why we were still in our honeymoon phase but it is okay because I still love you to. Now I thought the Brown was unorganized but this Williams are really unorganized and Brady have to really split his time between these women because there are so many wives and children. Brady does not at all seem as if he is a man that has it together to me, it seems as if greed on Brady's part. As I always thought with Cody that four wives was cutting it close but to have five wives to me is really over doing it, I think you can manage with four but you are just asking for trouble with five and now with all the children they already have the women want to add more children to this already large group, so when can do the women say enough is enough when they have twenty something kids already. Brady seems as though he is trying to act as calm as Cody is to his wives and I am not buying it because Cody does what you expect a guy to do, he has his own opinion and he will disagree with his wives if he does not feel what they feel. Cody will tell a wife that she is not thinking sensibly and this is why I like Sister Wives so much because they are honest with the world about how they really feel on camera. I know that Brady may have to prove a point like the Browns that they can make this plural marriage work but all that I understand and whatever you want and his little over sensitivity to his wife feeling I am just not feeling it, it seems as one of those men who put on a show for the camera, maybe after the camera has been there for a while he will forget and his true self will show. I will continue to watch the show to try and give it a chance like I did Sister Wives but for some reason I just not buying this show. They having a discussion on celebration of his birthday because his birthday is the same day as one of his wives, why is this a discussion did they not know this years ago and should this have been something that they have gotten over already. I also have to say these women seem to really be jealous and it is showing right away, why they are upset because they can not be with their husband on his birthday when they all can not be with him anyway except if they all have a dinner together and then he stay with the wife whom birthday it is as well that night, what is the big deal, the other women get him on two nights on their birthday so why would they deny this woman on her birthday. They seem to be having petty disagreements already and why is the option of adoption being put on the table when they have so many children already and they have some women that could still have babies. This show so far is a big old big old mess. I ready for next season for the next Sister Wives.
Breaking Amish (9-15-13)
Okay I watched the show and yes I have learned that Lizzie had her baby boy and yes he is by a black man, you could tell this when the baby came out, he had a head full of hair and a dark completion, beautiful baby. Now for me the all the young kids being shun was not a surprise, the luckiest is Andrew of course because he has that strong will mom whom I still love and she as a real mother will always be there for her children no matter what. Now I have to go back on the subject of Betsy, of course I do not care for Betsy and I have mention this in past postings. The girl is weird to me and she has a lot of hide that she is not telling people. We get to the part where Betsy is finally suppose to go home and we are suppose to meet her so called husband that we have not heard from the entire season but yet again we did not see Betsy husband, surprise, surprise, surprise. Can anyone really tell me rather or not Betsy really has a husband. Betsy claims she did not want to go home because she was not ready to face her husband since leaving to go to California but yet in California Betsy talked about loving her husband so much and how she was so mad at Iva because she thought what Iva did would ruin what she had back at home. Where is Betsy home and where is this husband, does she have children? I want to know more about Betsy lifestyle in the Amish community and why do I feel as if she is hiding something. Most of the Amish children had to go back to their families I am assuming especially because this is what the show producer wanted so that we could see what their families reaction would be, why do we not get this part of the reaction from Betsy family? I guess maybe we will find out more about Betsy later, but I really am not understanding this secrecy with her part in the community, something mighty fishy going on. I was glad to see that Mat seemed to be happy and he asked his friend who happens to be a girl to be his official girlfriend but I was really unhappy to see how Matt's family kicked him off the property and went as far as to call the police, who does that, don't really seem like a loving family to me. Matt too me seems like a wholesome down to earth guy whom believes in waiting to get marry to have sex and if you ask me I think he will make a excellent husband, I really would like to see him have a great future with his designs and make a good living. Now as for Iva I have to say I am really confused with this young lady and I think she is confused as well. I think Iva loves her boyfriend but she is young and if you ask me too young to really think she wants to be married for the rest of her life and I think she is really struggling with this inside. I do not think Iva should commit to wanting to get married and just work on her cooking career, with her being so young she can put all this focus into baking and that real love will come later. As for Sam I hope he just keeps supporting his sister even after he finds that the baby is biracial, I know for some unknown reason the Amish do not believe in mixing races, especially when they are suppose to be such religious people and the world is made up of all colors not just white and I do not know why this is not understood more in their community, as they made these quote of God constantly on the show, why not keep that good said "let know man be judge, yet he want to be judge". Now as for Devon, he is just in a very sad situation and I feel bad for him because he seems to have no friends. I think Devon needs to get a job and work hard and get his own place and find a good wholesome girl for himself, he needs to forget about Iva because she really have her own issues.. I am waiting for future episodes to see how everyone life turns out but I have to say I am not looking forward to Betsy and her crazy scams of witchcraft and payback because of her own insecurities, grow up Betsy. Believe it or not I hope Andrew's girlfriend actually takes him back and they have a decent life together, Andrew has proven that he really does not want to be in the Amish community and I do not think the Amish community fits him anyway. If Andrew's girlfriend do not take him back than maybe he can move on with another woman.
Sister Wives (9-15-13)
There is always the fear of getting in front of people especially when you have to defend yourself about a choice you made. I really felt for the women and Cody tonight when they sat on this panel to answer possible questions people had about their lifestyles and it almost turned into a brawl with the other guest who were on the panel and were against polygamy marriage. What really made it bad was one of the women on the panel that was against polygamy marriage was Christine's aunt and she really talked bad about the lifestyle and anyone who choose to live in it. I was shocked because I was not expecting so much negative feedback, especially from people who have been in this lifestyle. I know there have been bad situations and believe you me I hate hearing of those situations in which the men marry some of the girls at such young ages. But I do not see Cody and his wives as these type of people, they are totally different and that what makes me like the show so much. I may have said negative things when it comes to some of the women and the way they act but what really makes me like the show so much is that the women are their own individuals and they think for themselves and they raise their children to think for themselves. I like the way Cody and his wives have given their children such a great outlook on life that the children are so well rounded that they do not judge others and they thank others for their opinions. Did anyone notice that at the end of the panel discussion that the some of Cody's children, the teenagers were in the audience and although you knew they were upset about what was being said of their parents lifestyle, they still at the end shook the other panelist hands and thanked them. I think it should not have been a discussion in which it was the Brown's against the other panelist but more questions from the audience, although some people like that one woman in the audience swear that the women were all looking at Cody for answers, which I did not see that at all. I think some people just see what they want to see and I did not agree with all polygamist lifestyle as being unhappy. After watching the Brown's over these years I have grown to understand them and to respect them and I am so glad that I was a open minded person as to take the time to watch the show because if I was not I would have missed a great program. The show has brought a lot of insight into my life and now I find myself defending them to my friends. Good luck Browns and yes I hope your show have more seasons to follow.
Teen Mom 3(Reunion)
I was glad to see that they were already having a teen mom 3 reunion show and I got to hear as they always say that they are not there to glamorize the pregnancy of teen mom or to make easy money but they are doing it for other teens to understand how hard it is to be a teen mom. I am still not buying it, I do not choose to believe these young girls are doing the show not thinking that they either will become famous from being on television or to make easy money. They all have not shown many anything that they have learned because they make the same lame statements about not having friends since the had their babies, well duh, all your friends have went off to college and have to focus on their education, what you think because you have a baby they will come over everyday to watch you struggle and help you change diapers. I am still disappointed in these shows and want to know why more of the young people are choosing not to put their children up for adoption if they so call watch the other teen moms scrambling. There have been a few girls that had the opportunity to put their children up for adoption but figured that they could handle the raising of their children alone and pay for all the children expenses. Now I thought these show was all about lesson learning opportunities but yet all these girls make the same mistake of thinking as a teenager in high school with no regular income that they can actually raise a child and yet continue to live the life they have lead a teenager without a child. What is wrong with these girls and why are their thinking so backwards, why do they all think that they are that teenager who will have a young boy and they are young boy, who will step up as a father. Most of these young guys just want sex and they are not ready to be fathers and for the world of me I do not understand how these young teenagers think they will make a young boy step up and be a father. Do they have some magic wand that I do not know about, it is hard for a lot of grown men and women to make the other parent step up to their duties, so what makes them think they can do it. I watch all the girls on the reunion show giggle and laugh and talk about how they all have become very close which each other during this hard time, so I am not seeing what these girls are really learning through this process. Why are so many young girls, some in the same family, choosing to have sex at such young ages. What happen to loving yourself and having pride in the fact that your body is your temple. I did not like listening to one of the girl who was choosing to get on a method of birth control say that her mother have to understand that her and the guy she had her baby by are young and things will happen. She seem to me she was more worried about her boyfriend not staying with her if she did not have sex with him instead of her remaining abstinent and she wanted to do it right away. Here she was arguing with the boy about their child but she wanted to during these arguments wanted to make sure she had a birth control method in place. Now I understand it is good to have a birth control method in place, if you ask me she should have did this before she had her first child, but a lot of these girls act to me if they tried to trap these guys buy getting pregnant. I listen to some of them saying that they did not know they were having sex. Okay maybe because I did not have sex as a teenager and it was with a man not a boy, but how do you not know you are having sex if the guy actually puts it inside you and if especially you were a virgin, should you not feel something. They are sounding very immature and silly too me, they do not know what sex is much less what love is about. I really wish they will stop these pregnant teen shows although as long as they make money someone will air them on television.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Honey Boo Boo Commitment Ceremony
There was finally the day when the Honey Boo Boo show had its commitment ceremony for June and Sugar Bear. Now with all being said the girls looked wonderful and the baby. The entire wedding planning was not as bad as some I have seen and June did something I thought was great, which was include activities for the children so that they would be occupied. I like everything except for the dress June wore, I know she wanted to incorporate the hunting them with the orange and camouflage colors but she could have came up with a different idea for the actual dress. All of June girls were beautiful and their makeup was done great. The entire ceremony had me moving especially when Sugar bear began to cry. This was truly a happy man and he was happy to have his girls by his side. Everything that lead up to the wedding was exciting for me, I really enjoyed watching everyone preparing for the wedding and watching it all come together was great because it worked out better than any bridezilla show I have watched, although at one moment I though June was becoming a bridezilla. June was in the kitchen baking beans just before it was time for her to walk down the aisle. June wanted to make sure that everything was right for the wedding and she wanted to make sure she had enough food for everyone. June is a true country women and one thing us country women do is to make sure that our children are well taken care of and that everyone, especially if we are having a party, is feed. She had a great feast and even the preacher was tearing up. Now I do not know if this commitment ceremony was just that a ceremony or if June really married Sugar Bear. There was a real preacher present so I assume they really did get married but they still call it commitment ceremony and I am hoping that next season the truth will be reveled. I have enjoyed this entire season and I am looking forward to the next.
Marrying The Game
I saw Marrying the Game and it just goes to say that these two will be getting married and I have to say I love the way Jayceon is swaying Tiffany back into his life. All Tiffany wanted was Jayceon whom is a little younger than her to understand when they get married, it will be them two and the children. No more of the buddies at the house playing games on a daily basis and the guys just popping over when they want. Guys I do not get, they have this relationship and they hate to let it go when a woman comes into their life. They almost make it like they have to actually think about rather they want to be with this woman or continue to hang with their friends. At some point we all have to grow up, we as women may have had our fun as well and hang out with our girls but we know when we meet that mister right than the friends will still be there but not as much as they use to. When understand that this mister right will be a big part of our lives and our attention will be focused on him, so we talk to the friends maybe once a week but we really work hard at making that relationship with that man our to priority. So why do men not think this way, why do they think that they should continue to have their buddies in their faces everyday and why does these buddies think they should continue to pop over their buddy house with disregards to their buddy's new girlfriend. Tiffany asked on of Jayceon buddies to get off her counter top because he had sat his big butt up there and he refused, to me this was so disrespectful and Jayceon should have stepped up and said rather you like it or not this is her house as well as mines and you will respect what she ask you to do. Now as for Jayceon getting Tiffany back into his life, I have to say he is doing a great job and I think all men should take note from what Jayceon is doing. I have to admire that Tiffany said that she will fight for her relationship, she had not attention of living Jayceon she just wants the relationship to be right before jumping into marriage. Now I love the way Jayceon is with his children, he is a great father and that chemistry between him and his daughter is great. Daughters love their father and there is no relationship like it and you can she that Jayceon daughter loves and wants her father in her life. I have always know that Jayceon had a big heart, it showed in the way he treated his children but he showed us how big of a heart he has when he paid for the funeral cost for a family of a six year old girl who was shot and killed in front of her house in California while sitting on the porch with her daddy. I heard about this very said story and heard that all the girl who was dying in her father's arm was worried was her father okay. I want to say thank you Game(Jayceon) for doing this, you have a big heart and like most people who talk about doing something and don't actually do anything, you did something, you stepped up when you were needed. You realized that you could not help this family actually sadness but you realized that you could relieve another pain that they may have had with not being able to properly bury their six year old. I have enjoyed watching Tiffany and Game from the get go and it is because there is something special about their relationship. I am rooting for you guys and will continue to watch the show for that big day, I can not wait.
Basketball Wives(9-10-13)
Okay I can not take anymore of Evelyn crying about her relationship with Chad and how Chad was actually her best friend before he was anything else to her. I can not listen to this woman tell how great of a relationship she had with Chad and his family when first of all she did not really get to know the guy first. Evelyn is a woman about money, she wants money and she jumps at any opportunity to get it and this includes marrying a man because he is a athlete. Of course no woman wants to marry a broke man but look at Evelyn history, especially at past shows and how she carried herself. During the first season Evelyn was dating like a 20 year old and she was drinking so much that the 20 year old was embarrassed to be with her. She had this past relationship with this basketball player, whom she thought she was going to marry her and he dumped her. Evelyn if you ask me has her own deep rooted issues she has to work on as a woman, this so called lady wanted to attacked her friend Jennifer of 15 years because she made a simple comment about not thinking Chad was the guy for Evelyn. How do you through out a 15 year relationship with someone behind a man whom you know has always slept around and kept women by his side. This juicy part about the show is that Tammy and Shaunie seemed to have a different of opinions and Tammy seems to want to take this disagreement to another level and in my own words, when Shaunie says she will not stoop to Tammy's level and remain a lady for her children, but if it comes to it she will not be a wimp and back down if it comes to it, oh so exciting. Something new this season is we get to here more of Suzie's story, she never told us about much of her past on past seasons so we get to understand Suzie a little more and when learn that she has lived off other people all her life, although I do remember in the beginning season that she was selling houses. I have to say I do like the new lady and she is from North Carolina and for me she really knows how to carry herself as a lady, although I am still upset that Jennifer is no longer on the show. I see they have apparently completely taken Royce off the show and I was thinking that a lot of the shows excitement has went down hill but it seems to be picking up with the divide between Tammy and Shaunie but watching next week episode it seems as if for some reason Evelyn and Tammy will be getting into it. I wonder why Tammy and Evelyn will be going at it, is it because of Evelyn's relationship with Shaunie, whatever it is I am enjoying it and can not wait to see next week episode to see what happens. Now as for Tammy I feel really bad about her mother and not having much time to live and I have to say that I disagree with Tammy and her daughters agreeing to her mother going to a hospice instead of living out her remaining time being surrounded by her family. Tammy mother told her that she had made up her own mind and she was not going to stay at a hospice and have gotten her own place to live out her remaining days, now this sounds sad to me. I understand that Tammy said she does not want her daughter to see her mother in that sad state, but death is sad and it is a part of reality, we all will die one day and if you have lived a fulfilled life and have made your piece with God then it is something that we have to learn to accept will happen. Why leave you mother alone and not have her surrounded by people she love, as long as you have a nurse coming to the house everyday, it is nothing like being able to step in the room to speak to your mother. When my was ill all I wanted was her close to me, when I knew she was dying it was soothing for me to sit by her beside and to just talk to her, I did not think it was horrible to have her be in the house around my children because it would scare them. My children understood what was happening and they knew that this is part of life, they also understand that she was going to be with God and although it was a sad moment, it was a moment to be celebrated as well. My mother told us she had know regrets and she made sure that I would take care of her babies, my children. I would not take back having had my mom live in our house at that time. I think Tammy and her daughters should reconsider having Tammy's mom at the house. Well I will wait on next week episode to see how Shaunie handles Tammy's popping off to Evelyn and too see what exactly happen to make them to go at it the first place. I notice that Shaunie was upset when Tammy stood up to get into Evelyn's face and for the world I do not know how Tammy think her attitude will continue to get her these acting parts, unless she is acting on the show.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Amish Mafia(9-11-13)
I watched the two episodes of Amish Mafia and as I predicted Ester will be possibly getting married. I was so glad to see Freeman get taken away because he was just plain crazy and he was not a significant part of the show. I have to say that I agree with Levi when he told Ester that John should join Freeman. John has always been a problem and he does not bring anything to the show either and I think he should go. I know Ester feels that Levi is just trying to get rid of her family but Ester has nothing to worry about, she is one tough cookie and she does the handle of all the family affairs and she does no need either brother. I still have to say that Ester is one of the toughest woman I have ever seen on television and she is going along with Levi because she want to have this high standard in the community to get this particular respect and with or without Levi I think Ester will get it. I still think Ester should get together with Jolin, I think Ester and Jolin would definitely make a power couple. I like that Alan went to the church on Levi taken of money and now Levi is in some real trouble, I wonder how the rest of Levi's crew will handle the demise of Levi, although personally I think his demise will be short lived. I think Levi will have to go to the Church and beg forgiveness and do what they ask to make up for it. Now as for Merlin, this fool has really gone of the deep in and going to South Dakota to get help with his illness from some Amish Rehab facility does not seem to me a facility that can help Merlin with his problems. Merlin too me is really crazy and weak, he has not backbone and anything that he did was back with others muscle and brains. So Merlin needs to go back home and just work on the farm, let someone else take the fore front, maybe say Wayne. Wayne is a little pistol and I like the way he takes charge, he worked for Merlin a long time without getting paid and he did what a man had to do, he went and collected Merlin money and kept it. I think Wayne has stepped up more than anyone I know and I think he deserve to be in more episodes. With that being said I wanted to know what happen to Merlin sister, she is the one who got Merlin back to trying to run things again and then she disappeared, I wonder why she disappeared. I thought that Merlin was going to be another tough woman on the show like Ester, I like to see when women run things, because we all know that women can run things and be fierce about it. I think a lot of women in the Amish community do run and handle some of the toughest situations but like in the English community, men will never let that be known. I find myself wanting more and more of this show, I just can not get enough. Now for me and my predictions this is how I think everything should go down. Levi should be in hiding from punishment of the church for about six months, I think Jolin should take over Levi's business with the blessing of Levi until his return and I think Jolin and Ester should actually get married. I think Merlin should go back to Ohio, where he belongs and be given some kind of job that keeps him there, I think Wayne should take over the business that Merlin have in PA and just start doing his own thing. As for Alan I know he has been sentenced to 23 months in prison, I am hoping he does the good behavior thing and only get a year and return for the following season, whenever that may be. I think Alvin should remain as he is and work under Jolin since Levi's departure and I think that new guy Caleb also should work under Jolin but he will have to step it up and get a little tougher. As a powerhouse couple I think Ester will add to the business for her and Jolin and upon Levi's return I am hoping he will finds some great surprises. I think this will all work out, maybe even later Merlin's sister could show up somewhere in the season, maybe her and Levi could get married, now want that make for a great show, Jolin and Ester against Levi and Merlin's sister. After watching the second half of Amish Mafia I must say this is turning out to be so intense. I do not know which way it will go because it can go anyway and Levi being shun by the Church is big in the Amish community, so what will he do and how will Ester end up. It is almost like I said, it looks as though Jolin may have to take charge and him and Ester hook up. Now as for Merlin he is still off the deep end, especially now since he has went to the Kentucky Amish community for help, I do not know how this will play out because this guys seems like what we call old school redneck people who are use to the old ways of doing things and they don't want it to change. I do not know why Merlin will still be a part of the Amish Mafia because if you ask me they should just write him off the show but I guess with Alan leaving to go to prison they feel the need to keep Merlin but I really do not know why. Merlin to us English people is weak and I think they are playing the angle when the weak nerd comes back and take over, but in this case for us English people who are watching the show, someone as weak as Merlin is not the person we cheer for but the person we laugh at as a baffling idiot. I guess we would not have mind as much if Merlin came as this person who just want to be a sensible part of the community and got treated like a dog but that was not the case, Merlin came from another Amish community in Ohio and tried to take over Levi business in Pennsylvania, who does that, handle your own community first. In a way I am looking forward to next week episode and in another way I am not because it is the season finale. I want more and more and more of the Amish Mafia because this has some of the best drama filled, action packed excitement I have yet to see in a long time.
R&B Divas LA (Reunion Part 2)
I watched the second half of the R&B Divas LA reunion an although it was not as grand as the first half to me, the women still had a lot to say. A lot of it was focused on mean girl Kelley and yes I do think Kelley is a big old bully. She tried making up to the girls and apologizing but it all seemed phony to me. I still like the way the ladies carried themselves and remained ladies as they were, they told their truths with dignity and I still like how Wendy Williams asked the tough questions that had to be asked. I have to say after watching both of these reunions my favorite is Michel'le, the woman has some went through a lot as most of the women did but she tells her true story in a funny fashion that makes you not only laugh but understand that you can go through something and come out strong. Michel'le has done what God teachings tell us to do, she has forgiven all people that has done her wrong and she do not blame them because she has learned so much from it and understand why part of it was her fault because there were steps she could have taken as well. God teaches us to forgive and as hard as it is for some of us to do and believe we should do, you will not understand until you actually forgive someone for doing you wrong how much of a burden you take off yourself. You carry around this ugly hate in your entire body and you wonder why you are so sick and ill a lot of time and it may be because this burden is weighing you down, try letting it go and see what happens. You will not only loose so problems but you may find that you gain so self esteem, a better look at life and all around brand new you. You may start walking in a path you never thought you would have walked in before and I believe that is what Michel'le is doing, I think she is a women with a great personality and not only that this woman can sing. With that being said I was stunned by the announcement Kelley made about her and some of the other girls going on singing tour. Now the problem I had with this is that Kelley said it will be her, Faith Evans and even Dawn and Chante. The other girls were like what and was wondering why they did not get asked but they let it roll of their backs but I was truly upset with Michel'le not being invited because she can really sing and the woman has some great songs to bring forth. Kelley said the Wiz had nothing to do with this tour and I think she is telling the truth on that part, I myself am thinking this is a Faith Evans promotion but I do not know why Faith would choose Dawn and not Michel'le. Dawn really did not bring anything to the show and I did not hear her sing much at all. Dawn did not prove to me any of her real singing ability and the only reason I can see that she was chosen was because she is good friends with Kelley and whomever this person that set up this tour asked Kelley for some advice and she threw Dawn name in. I really don't think Dawn is as great of a star of shine as much as Michel'le and if anyone should have been asked from the cast of R&B Divas LA is should have been Michel'le. I see that Lil Mo was of course hurt by it but she has other things going on and I have to agree with Lil Mo why were only some of the women chosen, why not make a tour with all these great women. Was it because of the arguments with Kelley, does Kelley have a lot to do with this tour and is she pulling the strings on why some of the women were not chosen. I did not like the way Kelley brought the subject on the reunion in front of the other women and I hope they do return for another season and maybe the real truth will come out about why some were chosen and some were not. This would make for a great season return of the show and I definitely would like to see the women again, all except for Dawn of course, I do not think they would have to add another woman, Dawn was so insignificant on the show she was not missed at all. Although I would have to say I would like to see the women get a chance to confront Dawn as she was a little scary mouse and ran out on the reunion like a spineless snake. I think that is why maybe Dawn has been kicked out of so many things and if I was the person who hired her for this singing tour, I may have think twice about making her part of this tour, she may just run out on it.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Hollywood Exes(9-08-13)
I watched Hollywood Exes last night and I have to say this show is one of the most entertaining for me. I just love it when women and I do mean women get together and have fun, just good old fashion fun and these women do know how to have fun. These women went to Missouri last night for a trip and I never thought there was fun to be had in Missouri until I watched these women last night, they even make me want to take a vacation there. I think women should without their other significant get together and just have fun, as well as men should do this with their friends as well. I miss having this relationship with my girlfriends and do not like the fact that I find myself sitting at home doing nothing. I have to find me some real girlfriends that I can have fun with like this, I really like my sister in-laws and I think we could all go on a trip together and do this. Well back to the show, the biggest disagreement among these women were the fight on wearing fur. There were half of the women who wanted to wear fur and the other half who are really against wearing animal and fight for the rights of animal and are against killing them. Now I can understand both side of the situation to this because I believe if you are someone who has fur and it was given to you as a gift, why not wear it and on the other hand I myself do not wearing any material made of animal because I can not dare think of what it took to make that material from that animal skin, although I do believe in eating animal product and I pray over my meal everyday thinking God for supplying me with this animal so that I may eat. So although I may not wear fur I do not agree with Mayte going off the deep edge with the girls wearing these fur material in front of her. Why should the women have to hide there items because they have fur or watch what they buy in the shop because Mayte does not agree with me. I am sorry but if I wanted to wear something and it happen to been made of some fur product and I really want to wear it, especially if it is cold outside, I would wear it and Mayte would have to just stay at the cabin. As for Jessica she is back and forth and can not make her mind when it comes to agree with the women right to wear their products or being a real advocate like Mayte about not wearing fur at all. Jessica sees as though if Mayte around she is agreeing that fur should not be worn but if Mayte is not around she hops on Nicole side and tell her it is no big deal, wear what you want girl. Jessica does all kinds of crazy things and should be the last person to judge anyone on what they do, so if I was Jessica I would stay neutral and do me. I think that if someone like Mayte has friends that believe in wearing fur than she should understand that she will on occasion see this fur items. Just fight your fight Mayte against animal cruelty and move on, do not pressure everyone to think like you because of what you believe. Some people believe that they have to kill animals to survive and this is how it has been for many years, although there has been new technology put forth to cut back on the use of animal product, there is also a lot of people who have come to realize this and are cutting back on animal products. Other than this crazy episode of the anti fur against the fur wearer, the women all talked it over and made up and the trip was unlike most of the women shows wear some people go home mad, these women went home hugging each other and really have a good time. That is why I really like this show so much because these women never forget what brought them together, was being exes of Hollywood stars and how public their break-up was in the public eye is why they become so close to get that strength and support they needed from each other to continue on. Keep up the good job women, remember that you are there to support one another not tear one another down. Now I do have one question and that is why did Ivory Kenan Wayan ex did not continue on the show, I really would like to have heard her story.
Breaking Amish LA(9-8-13)
Okay I watched the Breaking Amish LA last night and for me it was a bit on the confusing side. Now I am still not keen on these particular cast members, like Andrew was suppose to be this bad a** and yet he stayed at home while Betsy and two of the other guys decided to go to Mexico. This entire trip that they were going to Mexico if I am not mistaken was to try and locate Betsy relatives because she found out she was Mexican, but the entire trip was looking around and a trip in a bar. Sam who has been trying to get laid since being in California was trying to do so in Mexico as well and him being as naive as most of the Amish are did not realize that these so called women were transvestite. Well according to Sam he did not go there so I guess once he found out he backed out only to come back to Mexico and finally get laid by Betsy. Yes Betsy this so proclaimed, I love my husband Amish woman who was so mad at Iva that she is now going to put a root on her by getting a lock of her hair. Betsy said she did not do anything wrong and if she had it would have gotten back to her community but now she has slept with Sam and the way Betsy acts I do not believe Sam is the first guy she has ever slept with before. Betsy if you as me was the most promiscuous women in the house and for someone who s supposedly married, I am not sure what is wrong with this woman. She talks of how she hates Iva for lying but yet at the same time she was trying to throw herself at every guy in the house and she was not jealous of Iva because of her lying on her, I think she is really mad at Iva because she is beautiful and was getting all the attention from all the guys in the house. Betsy for me is very creepy and her ugly attitude towards getting payback on Iva makes her look like a demon. I know why Iva and of course Lizzie did not go on the trip to Mexico, but what was keeping Andrew back other than him panting over a girlfriend, this rough and so called tough guy Andrew is panting behind a girl, what happened. Now I listen to the cast talk over a bomb fire what they expected when they go back and from what I gather all of them are afraid of course of being shun but I still confused when it comes to Betsy because she is only worried about what her family will think of the lie said about her but she has slept with another Amish guy in the house and she was dancing and partying and getting drunk and she acts as if none of this will affect her family view of her. I see them showing so the cast going back facing their families but Betsy is still clueless to me, they still are not showing her husband and I am anxious to see him, Betsy is hiding a lot and I want to know what. Now looking at some of the Amish kids and their skills I think Iva should go to a cooking school because she is really excited about cooking and I think she would really make it in the English world. I also think Sam would make it as a construction worker although he showed no interest in working with the English community. As for Mat and his clothing design, I think Mat has a true love for sewing but I do not know if he would fit in the English community because he still have quirks about him, the way he judges certain things about the English community but if he really wants to make a career of it I think Mat could do it. Mat would have to really decide if he wants to leave the meonite community and I am not sure if he willing to do this although he has a English girlfriend, something I did not know. Well I am looking forward to next week to see Lizzie have her baby and I hope all the other cast members can be there to support her. I am also waiting to see Betsy family, especially her husband because if he saw what we saw or if he was told how this woman acted, I want to see what his reaction will be towards her. Betsy seems as though she has nothing to worry about and she is more focused on putting a root on Iva, what a little witch of the night. Betsy did not show any skills on the show, other than shaking a rear end that was not there, but I really think this woman could play a witch on Halloween or some wicked looking fortune teller, she sure would scare the crap out of me. I am looking forward to the reunion show in which some of those missing answers to some questions the viewers have will get answered. I have a few questions of my own and one big one is who is the father of Lizzie's baby and is he really Amish. I also want to know why the cast found it so important to kick Devon out of the house and why was Betsy stirring up the pot with Andrew and Devon to make them fight. I want to know what is lacking in this girls Betsy life for her to want to make other people as unhappy as she seems to be. I hope she understand that this witchcraft stuff will not get her out of every situation she hopes to get out of. Bring on next week I want to see what goes down. Someone clarified to me that Andrew is on probation and this is why he could not go to Mexico and I do remember something being said about Andrew and his trouble with the law. I wanted to thank the person who clarified this for me but now I am really confused about this group of Amish kids this season, most of the cast is useless, if they are not being kicked off, pregnant or on probation what good are they. I think the show could have left Andrew and Lizzie out this season, although Lizzie pregnancy brings a interesting point of view of the Amish side, I think maybe if she had actually had the baby during the time they were still in LA would have been a better angle and we would get to see her take the baby back home and explain it too her family. I think Lizzie might have still been shun but even the Amish would not turn a blind eye to a baby.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Teen Mom Shows
Okay I can not help myself because they are on television everywhere I turn, so what do I do, I stop the channel and I watch them. I may not watch the entire shows but I do stop to look at parts and what am I talking, the teen shows like Teen Mom 3, Being Maci, and 16 and Pregnant. Yes I do not care for these shows because to me they are an exploit and regardless of what Dr. Drew says about the show keeping other teens from ending up in this situation. This show, in my opinion makes teens want to get pregnant just so they can be on television. If Dr. Drew really study teenagers today he will see as most of us do that these teen today do not think like we did, they do not really care about anything but themselves and if they can make quick money, they will do it by any means. These kids see these pregnant teens on television as their heroes and want to be like them in their own sick minds, this is something to be proud about because if you ask a teenager, they will say that the show is great and these young people are getting paid. Like I said before one of the biggest mistake if you ask me about these shows is paying these teenagers before the show ends and they are buying things, like new cars and houses, which makes it hard for a lot of the teenagers to believe that these pregnant teens are really struggling. Now I was watching Maci show today and something that Maci did with her friend kind of made me gag, her friend had a drink and she told her did she want the remaining of the drink left in the cup and Maci drink out of the straw behind her friend. Friend or no friend I do not believe in drinking or eating on a piece of silverware behind another person. You do not know where that person mouth has been or been on and you do not know what another person may be carrying, as far as germs. Maci was talking over with her friend that she knew after five minutes of talking with someone rather or not they just wanted to be her friend because she is on television or they just wanted to be her friend because they like her. Now for me I am not believing this because you do not know everyone attention and some people will not always let you know what their real attention are. Maci immaturity is showing from her making this statement and having all these crazy parties in which she treats everyone, she really showed my her immaturity when she drink out of that straw behind another person and who knows how many people drink out it before she did, her friend could have been passing it around. Maci likes to acts as if she is mature enough to handle adult situation but I do not see it, she is making enough money to live in her own apartment and I think she is choosing not to because she is afraid of living alone. Now I watch them do and update on these 16 and pregnant teen moms and how them and the babies are doing now, needless to say that none of the girls are with the fathers of the baby, who would have thought it. They are all complaining that they are receiving no help from the fathers and do not know why these young fathers did not want to be fathers, you heard me right, these young girls do not understand why these young fathers did not want to be fathers and could not understand why their attempts to make them be fathers failed. These very immature young ladies are still trying to understand why the fathers are not in the picture, I was floored because I could not understand why they did not understand why and why these young girls at the time choose to have the babies when the fathers tell them they do not want to be a father. Why do these girls think that having the babies will hold on to these boys. I think Dr. Drew needs to investigate why these girls want to get pregnant and make these young boys stay with them, what is missing in their lives so much that they would want to do this to themselves. Now I have notice that most of the girls come from broken homes and these is a big part of it. So why not the court maybe get involved, like if parents divorce make it mandatory that the children of the parents have counseling and these counselors have to focus on the relationship for the girls. For the kids that parents were never together their should be some mandatory thing for the parent taking care of the children and the children as well in which they can counsel them on how to handle certain situations, like pregnancy and have the single parents talk to their children in counseling about it. As for teen mom 3, this is the most boring set of teens I have ever seen and none of them seem like they are worth even being together, because all of them are some whiny young people wondering why their life is the way it is and how they can make the father of their babies be more involved and on top of that most of them want to play house, they want the fathers to live with them. Why oh why are we watching are very sad future because that is what it is a very sad future if we are depending on these young people to run it. That is why half of the females walk around naked now and say it is my right to dress like this and why the boys pants are on the ground instead of their a**. It is a world of sadness and we can't understand that why these children future is doomed unless we can make them understand, that life is not just about having sex at an early age and being free to drink and party as you wish, this is a world where strange things are happening and we need are young people to have control of their wits. I will continue to pray that our world turns around but I do not see it and I am hoping that my children who are now young adults and none of them have babies will be part of the positive in this future of the world.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Honey Boo Boo (It's Almost That Time)
Yes I have been watching Honey Boo Boo, I just had to fit it among my other schedules of shows but tonight show is the final show before the big day. Yes June and Sugar Bear are making that commitment and this is what a lot of people have been waiting for. I have to admit last night episode was pretty good. I liked seeing June go out and actually have a real bridal shower, she did the dancing thing as well as the stripper in the bus entertainment and I have to say June really was dancing and having fun. I liked how the girls talked their mother into getting fitted into a new bra that was the actual proper size, good job girls, June girls look good. This episode really showed the preparation that is leading up to the wedding for next week and Sugar Bear and June really put a lot of effort into their big day and they really showed to me that they both are committed to making this a great day. I enjoyed watching them getting ready and truly telling of their feelings about this day, you could tell everything was from the heart, you could tell nerves were involved but that is only to be expected. What they did on this show makes me more anxious to see what the actual day will be like. I saw some clips from next episode and all of June daughters really cleaned up and they look great, I was amazed at looking at them, which again makes me more anxious of next week show. I want to see June coming down the aisle and Sugar Bear's reaction because I know he is ready to actually cry when he sees June walking down the aisle, it will be special. Congratulations to you both.
R&B Divas LA Reunion
I watched the R&B Divas LA and all I can say is, oh my God. This was the best reunion I have seen by far, this women held nothing back and they actually spoke what they were feeling. I have to say I was apprehensive about Wendy Williams as a host, but Wendy was all good in asking the real questions and not only that but telling those women what she thought their roles were. Wendy said as I sure many of us thought, that Kelly was a mean girl and yes Kelly was. As a matter of fact, Kelly was doing a lot of bullying of the other females trying to scare them into doing what she wanted and I am glad some of the women was like bunk that, we can do these monologues without her. Now back to this reunion, I was glad that the women got the chance to face Kelly without the shades on so she could not hide her reaction behind the glasses and everything was on the table about why Kelly kept quitting and then coming back. The biggest disappointment was Dawn not showing up at the reunion and from what I read it was because she said she did not sign up for that, when she signed up for the show, I am sure she show the other R&B Divas Atlanta and she knew exactly what to expect. Dawn to me was a true crowd, she knew that she would have to face the other women, like Kelly had to do and she knew it would all come out because apparently Little Moe has a lot to say on behalf of what Dawn did on the show and I for once would like to have heard it and I am hoping she will tell it on the next reunion half. Anyway I have to say this reunion had the best reaction and true feelings of any women I have seen do a reunion and I think in part it is because they did not mind telling Wendy Williams how they were feeling, why they had the reactions they did to certain situations on the show and their true feelings about Kelly and Dawn not doing the monologues. Well I watched the episodes of the women that did do the monologues and I have to say I did not miss Kelly or Dawn, the other women did a great job and they had me in tears and laughter as Michelle brought on a little humor with her version. I think it was selfish of Dawn and Kelly to back out because of their disagreement with some of the other women suggestions and I have to say I was really disappointed in Dawn because she seemed to be a women without a backbone, how do you refuse do something because another woman says she is not doing it. Maybe that is why Dawn is in the situation she is in when it comes to not being able to stay with a singing group. I have to say that I disagree with Moe and I think the other women should have let Dawn and Kelly come to the monologues just for the reason that I think Dawn and Kelly would have really enjoyed it and would have felt really guilty for not joining the other ladies. Now I am waiting for the next reunion to see if Wendy Williams will get the lady to dig deeper on what really happen on the show.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Basketball Wives (9-2-13)
Okay I watched basketball wives and all I can say what in the world is Tammy thinking or is she thinking. Tammy is back to no good, with that same old attitude of hers and I thought she was suppose to be trying to improve her imagine, so that she can get more television roles or jobs all together. Why is Tammy still rolling with this big mouth, hardcore, no holds barred exterior. I for one do not like Tammy's attitude and never have and thought she was really working hard to make a change but boy am I ever wrong. Tammy is still up to her no good ways by getting old scarred Suzie to ask the new lady Tasha private information about her relationship with her husband, who does that? Why would you inquire about a persons personnel life especially when they are going through something and Tasha is still newly dealing with her relationship with her husband and it is no ones business but hers and her husband to work out together. Why does Tammy want to hear about someone else issues, is this only to make herself look good or what? I do not think Tammy should have went there immediately on Tasha, I think she should have gotten to know Tasha first and then led into what was going on with her relationship. Tammy always want to meet a new person with an attack mode, a mode in which she attacks them about their situation and their relationships. What business is it of Tammy's what someone else is doing in their personnel life, why not get to know a person and maybe they will volunteer their information to you without asking. Tammy does not know how to tactfully address new people and needs to take some kind of elegance class. I for the world will not understand why she is actually getting these television roles she has been getting, maybe we should check into that because it is no doubt in my eyes that she is possibly sleeping with someone. I can understand why she can not keep a boyfriend. She mentioned she had a boyfriend last season, whom we never got to see and this season she claim they were no longer together, rather suspicious to me. Now as for Evelyn, this woman really trips me out, she is still crying those crocodile tears and she is professing to the world that she is now this very vulnerable, innocent woman who has been done wrong by every man she has ever been with, okay don't make me laugh because that is what I do every time I listen to her. It is hard for me to buy any of Evelyn's story, not even for a penny. Evelyn I am sure you all have heard has dropped the charges against Chad and from some sources I have heard is planning a get back together with him. Okay think about it, she was going to actually have her own show with this man, their own show, what is Evelyn and Chad are both about, yes you guessed it, money. They want to both be famous and they both want to have lots and lots of money. Yes a lot of us would love to have fame and money, but at what price? They too me are making fool of their fans, because these acts they put on goes on and on for the sake of them having their own television show and people watching it. I do not think Evelyn really misses Chad because this is her best friend, because if anyone watch how they got together it started off as a buddy call and started a relationship off as a buddy call is not a relationship at all. I think Evelyn knows she is getting older, wants to be married and as you of course, she had never been married and every woman wants to have that long term relationship and have someone they can call their husband. Evelyn is in her late thirties and has never been able to say she has been a wife, for a woman this is sad, we all want to be wanted in a way that makes a man want to take us to the alter and grow old with us.
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