Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Kate Gosselin On Dancing with the Stars!!!!!!!!

I am sure everyone has heard that Kate Gosselin will be on dancing with the stars. Are we that desperate to watch stars dancing that we have to go and dig out a mom of eight from a reality shoow to dance. I watched Kate and John plus 8 and the only thing I could get out that show was, Kate was this mother who had eight children than decided she wanted to enjoy a life outside of these children and would leave John home all the time with the children. I thought maybe they had some kind of business and that is why Kate had to go on these trips without John or the children and than my daughter Jasmine informed me that Kate was just traveling to go on short vacation and spas at different hotels. Now after catching up on the show from the beginning and as my daughter just admired the six kids that looked alike I was noticing Kate and John and how each of them reacted and handled their children. While watching I notice John was really good with his children and as for Kate she was no where to be found half of the time and the kids I guess were so use to her being gone they did not miss her. When they annonuce that John and Kate were divorcing everyone started in on John who had a young girlfriend but after watching the show I understand why John looked other places. Kate was not ther and John was with the children, it seemed as if once the show took off and the money started rolling in Kate began to roll out. I personally think the money went to Kates had, she began getting plastic surgery and when going to a place like the beach with the children you would see her in the background looking at herself in the bikini making sure she looked great for the cameras. It was never about the kids for her, it all became about her. I can understand why John became unhappy with and if you ask me all the trips she took without John looked as if she had a little secret of her own. Why not do a small get away with your husband every now and then, why always alone. The ones that really suffered in this divorce most people would say are the children but aftering watching what has been going on the children seem to be doing great and why is that. John has been taking the children regularly as always and doing just fun things with them. The children really seem to enjoy his company and when being with him they seem to not notice their mom is not there because she was not before. When Kate has the children she does not actually have the children she leaves the nannies to take the kids to the school bus, take them off the school bus and take them places like the park. Now if dancing with the stars wanted to really make the show great they would get John to also perform so that it would be like a head on head challenge for the two. Anyway I will not be voting for Kate and as far as I am concern the money dancing with the stars is using to build her studio in her home should go toward a scholarship for the children. I think everyone would do Kate a favor if they let her be the first to be kicked off the show so they can send a message letting her know she should spend more quality time With the Children and not in front of the cameras. Kate give us all a break and take more interest in your children.